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Everything posted by Life

  1. This is wrong on two different occasions. 1) Brom and Boyd don't even have a 2 move difference and you didn't even catch that (my bad for mixing Boyd up with Tormod but shame on you for not realizing that). 2) Boyd without a weapon has 0 MT. Not 35. Nice try.
  2. Why does Snowy do this?

  3. Oh dear. Uh... Snowy, you do realize that Brom and Boyd have a 2 Move difference and Boyd loses that support by the time that he, you know, reaches anything to kill.
  4. Snowy, I hate to do this but you're asking for it with analyses of the characters. But I'm only going to attack one point which I feel describes why a lot of people tend to say "Snowy is being stupid". Ok. Nephenee has great Spd. Assuming that she holds the KW for all of her levels (I'm not even going to attack the absurdity of that point), Nephenee has an 85% Spd growth. WOW. In addition, Nephenee now caps her Spd at 18/0 before promotion, gains 2+ Spd at promotion and caps at 26 at about... 20/5. THAT'S INCREDIBLE! But... there's one question we all need to ask ourselves. I'll even put it in spoilers in case you want to guess for yourself.
  5. I think a Tekken list would be more interesting. But that's my opinion. Side note: I know that the MK films sucked (I've watched the first two) but is the Tekken film from last year any good? It seems to be a movie about Tekken 3.
  6. Life

    Which one

    But it doesn't DO anything for her. She loses her AS but what exactly does she gain? Does she go from 2RKOing anything to ORKOing anything because of it? Isadora certainly does since she can at least wield powerful weapons.
  7. This seals the deal unless you've been stupid with money. You should have plenty of money to use nicer weapons like Braves or Silvers so don't worry about that.
  8. Trolling but Jax has always been one of my favourite MK guys. Him and Kabal. You forgot the part where Sub-Zero's got not 1 but 2 story segments about him in MK9. Sure, he's a cyborg in the second one (spoilers, whoops) but it's still the same guy. The only person who comes close to that is Liu Kang who has a single fight with Shao Kang after Kung Lao loses his head (almost literally). And that's only a single fight. Scorpion will never reach Sub-Zero's level of awesomeness. Sorry. EDIT: I came up with a great comparison to show why Sub-Zero should be on top of any MK list. It's the same reason that King should be on top of any Tekken list. Shows up in every game, has a deep and involved story and is pretty iconic.
  9. Life

    Which one

    Stop being stupid. Donny-boy already proved that 22 AS is pointless at that part of the game because about 18 AS is sufficient to double everything around you. Oh, big deal, Nino doubles a couple more endgame bosses (she still does shit damage, mind you). Whoopie. This means something because...?
  10. Life

    Which one

    I wouldn't have nailed you on it if you didn't refer to your videos as your proof. If they showed an efficiency run under normal circumstances, then fine.
  11. Jax needs to go higher. Obligatory black man with bionic arms? C'mon, you see Jax and you think Mortal Combat.
  12. Life

    Which one

    dondon, you know that's not a fair comment. Your videos show growth units as useless because they aren't allowed to gain the stats needed for them to be on par or better than prepromotes. Sure, your FE6 videos show Percival as a god but that's because Alan and Lance aren't allowed to achieve their full potential. Yes, prepromotes are adequate. Are they optimal? In your runs when you handicap half your team, yes. In an average ranking or efficiency run? Not always and sometimes never.
  13. Here's one that will kill you all quickly. 51) Take a drink every time I insult someone's intelligence.
  14. Life

    Which one

    Use the fliers and Lyn.
  15. Life

    Which one

    General Horace explained my point perfectly. Nino just seems like she's great for the Exp rank because her getting to about 16/0 in a couple of chapters is more pronounced than Raven doing the same thing over 3x as many chapters. But both affect the Exp rank equally since both start at level 5. The difference is that Raven has been useful all throughout the game so by the time Nino appears at 5/0, Raven's at 20/6 and murdering everything in his path on top of doing the same job as Nino for the Exp rank. Ninis' Grace was the only thing that let Nino tank promoted units prior to her hitting 17/0. Sure, she can dodge Silver Sword Heroes while on trees... but her Avo wasn't great (they had on the lower side of 50 Hit) and a hit basically brought her down to "sneeze on her and she dies" mode. And I failed Exp, in case you wanted to know. I was trying to squeeze it out of my units without promoting many when I should have bit a bullet in Funds and just promoted another 2 more units (can't remember if I promoted Prissy in that run). EDIT: In case anyone is wondering why KoT is claiming that Nino can go from 5/0 to 20/2 by the end of CoD... it's because I did it back in my EHM run. 13/0 by the end of Night of Farewells but I did also mention that I putzed around a lot in that chapter simply for the Exp.
  16. Life

    Which one

    I can't wait for this kid to realize that Cog o' Destiny in HHM is all magic based. And to realize how fucked his argument is.
  17. Life

    Which one

    Hate to break it to you but Nino is less of a godsend in the Exp department than... let's look at the list. Eliwood Lowen Rebecca Dorcas (when not trained via Lyn Mode) Bartre Hector Serra (same as Dorcas) Matthew (same as Dorcas) Guy Priscilla Lyn (same as Dorcas) Wil (same as Dorcas) Sain (same...) Kent (same...) Florina (same...) Raven Lucius (same...) So essentially half of the earlygame characters have the same effect as Nino on the Exp rank. Less depending on who gets levels in Lyn Mode. As for Nino in Ranking runs, I've tried. She's... well, she has to eat up a lot of kills and you have to be patient with her and by the time CoD rolls around... yeah, Erk's still better than her, never mind Pent. I didn't have to worry about draining Exp and protecting them very carefully for the majority of the game. And Erk is never better than Pent. So what if Erk may statically match Pent at 20/20. Are you Snowy's new alt or something? Pent's got freaking A Staves. End of argument.
  18. I'll take one. Kefka, Ghoul (Ghouls are awesome in Fallout 3), 22. Tag Small Guns, Lockpick and Repair. For SPECIAL, go like this: 6 Str 8 Per 3 End 1 Chr 7 Int 7 Agl 8 Luc Traits: Chem Reliant and Fear The Reaper If Fallout 3 has taught me anything, it's that chems are pretty awesome and Chr means next to nothing.
  19. These two statements show severe retardation. Seems like you fucks STILL haven't learned anything. He's not anti-town. He's just not pro-town. He's indifferent. That's a complete waste of a lynch. "But... but... but Life... he wasn't SAYING anything!" But it's Psych. He talks all the time even when his mouth makes trouble for him and especially then. Don't you think that him NOT talking means that... he might be silenced or something?
  20. Quick question (not playing obviously). Why does everyone think that Psych's role is bad? He had the power to end Day 3 at any point that he wanted. As in if the lynch looks like it's going to go a different way, he can be like "lolwut" and just end the day. Pretty freaking awesome of a role but needs a little more beefing up. EDIT: Take out the auto-win and change it to a continuous thing throughout the game. Really good role in my opinion.
  21. You don't get it. I know a troll when I see one and this kid isn't a troll. He actually believes the garbage he spews. Which is a problem.
  22. Just so you know, SOWD is the same kid that said that it was OK death on a person because that person wasn't a nice guy on the internet and stole someone's code or web page or something like that? Whatever, the point is that this kid is a complete retard and this is another one of his inane topics where nobody cares about his opinion because it's flat out wrong and uneducated. What grinds my gears about OWS is that nobody from that supposed "99%" has offered up a solution how to fix the problem. They just sit there bitching about how the "1%" gets all the money because they trade stock commodities and make a shitton from it. I just can't help but think "well, if you studied economics in grade school and maybe decided to pursue it, you'd be on the opposite side of the glass".
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