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Everything posted by Life

  1. Fuck, I was actually going to take Leo. Ok, how about... Kyza?
  2. Doesn't work like that. Nobody refuted it because nobody NOTICED it.
  3. You destroy jokes worse than a giant black dick destroys assholes.
  4. Alec should be in Upper Mid under Fin. Look at the facts. Alec, despite having less than stellar Str and weapon levels, has Pursuit, a horse and nuts availability. He's got B Swords which is good for the Hero Sword, Armour Cutter, Wing Clipper, Thunder Sword... he's going to get at least one of these. Maybe not the Hero Sword (works a lot better on Noish) but let's take the Armour Cutter. Assuming that Alec is level 15 going into Chapter 3, he's got 38 effective Att on Armours. That's what, a perfect ORKO on the Armours? C'mon, that's not Low Mid performance. Like, he's not bad. He's just not amazing. But his horse has to count for something. Oh and Noish > Beowulf in my opinion but it's harder for me to prove.
  5. EDIT: Just realized that it's not my turn. :P
  6. Cassi and Shelley are now on the block after Dom got smart and decided not to throw the PoV. I think we're going to have a "America, you choose who you want to return to the BB house" twist this season. Happened in Season 3/6/9 but not 12. And Keith hasn't been seen in the real world which makes me think that he's in sequester. Hopefully we see Cassi back since Cassi/Dom/Dani when the game gets individual will be VERY bad for Brendan and Rachel and I can't wait for both of them to be picked off. EDIT: I'm not watching the live feeds but I'm not going to be ignorant. You can't really spoil BB since it goes on as the summer goes. And the evictions are live so... yeah.
  7. Every enemy but when I say dondon style, I mean break the game into fucking oblivion. Like kill the Trickmaster before ever having to reload (Potions don't count).
  8. Floor 5 - Wonderland Enemies: Red Nocturne Large Body Crescendo Soldier Creeper Plant Shadow Decks: Mook: Boss: 1 Gravity 2 Blizzard (P) 4 Gravity 7 Lady Luck 5 Gravity 6 Kingdom Key 8 Blizzard (P) 7 Blizzard (P) 8 Kingdom Key 8 Three Wishes 6 Kingdom Key 7 Kingdom Key 6 Fire (P) 5 Blizzard 7 Kingdom Key 8 Kingdom Key 7 Kingdom Key 9 Olympia 7 Blizzard (P) 8 Blizzard (P) 7 Kingdom Key 9 Lady Luck 8 Kingdom Key 8 Kingdom Key 6 Kingdom Key 5 Blizzard 7 Three Wishes 7 Three Wishes 8 Olympia 8 Lady Luck 8 Kingdom Key 3 Blizzard 8 Kingdom Key 9 Kingdom Key 8 Three Wishes 8 Three Wishes 8 Wishing Star 8 Wishing Star 8 Kingdom Key 8 Kingdom Key 9 Olympia 8 Olympia 8 Cure (P) 8 Kingdom Key 9 Cure 7 Lady Luck 8 Cure 6 Olympia 5 Hi-Potion 8 Kingdom Key Hades 6 Wishing Star 8 Cure (P) 5 Cure 7 Potion Blue Rhapsody Card Soldier Map: [8] [ ] [5] [6] [ ] [4] [3] [ ] [1] [2] [7] [ ] [ ] Room Synthesis: 1 - Tranquil Darkness, Moogle Room 2 - Calm Bounty, Teeming Darkness 3 - Strong Initiative 4 - Teaming Darkness 5 - Strong Initiative 6 - Martial Waking 7 - Sleeping Darkness 8 - Moment's Reprieve (Automatic) New Cards: - Lady Luck - Stop - Red Nocturne - Card Soldier - Trickmaster New Sleights: None Level Ups: 26 - CP Boost (650) 27 - Sleight (Zantetsuken) 28 - CP Boost (675) 29 - HP Boost (170) Bosses: Card Soldiers - These guys are pretty pathetic. Think of them as a regular mook battle and bring your mook deck to deal with them. Sticking Blizzard Boost onto Blizzard Raids will OHKO any Card Soldier and Dumbo's Splash will do a lot of damage at the start of the battle. You'll receive the Card Soldier card as your prize. Trickmaster - There's lots of good things to use against this guy but the best would be a Blizzard Boosted Blizzard Raid deck. Just stack the deck with about 6 Blizzard Raids, let them fly, pull out a Potion, turn on Card Soldier and go to town. If the Trickmaster's Fires are giving you a hard time, use Hades to nullify them completely. The Trick card will bring out a table since you are fighting in the Bizarre Room. Notes on Floor 5: Ice Attacks - Yeah, I know that I covered it when I first got it but Blizzard Raid is incredible here. Nothing immune to Ice shows up on this floor and it just about OHKOs the entire floor with the exception of Large Bodies. If that's not overpowered, I don't know what is. Dumbo is another (if not pricier) way to deal out the Ice hurt. Stocking up a Splash may destroy everything on the field ASAP. And Blue Rhapsody powers both cards/sleights up so feel free to add that to your deck if you want. Dumbo - Ok, time to evaluate the elephant. Splash is... well, it's better than Pride Roar and Showtime because you at least know the element that you're using (Ice). But the duration of the attack is pretty poor (even when sleighting three Dumbos) and he costs as much as Simba and Genie. I'd use him only if you're trying to hit weaknesses (like Wonderland or Agrabah). Mushu is probably going to be a similar story too. Stop - Stop finally shows up on this floor. Enjoy some Stoppage goodness. It's probably better in lategame sleights though. Hades - I would suggest turning Hades' Berserk on for the majority of the floor if you don't play like me (and destroy everything in sight). A little perk of Hades is that he grants Fire resistance which should make you immune to the Red Nocturnes and part of the Trickmaster's arsenal. Zantetsuken - For either 0 CP or 27 CP, go ahead and break an opponent's card permanently. There's only one battle where I would even consider bringing it along and that would be Riku IV. Who knows, maybe I will? Card Soldier - Guard Armour was pretty terrible since it increased your range of keyblades. But Card Soldier is pretty good because he ups the speed of your swings. Any beatdown deck will gladly accept this card, especially ones with slow cards like Olympia and Three Wishes since they'll start working like greased lightning. Trickmaster - Value Break is worthless UNLESS you are fighting against someone and their deck is full of 9s. Then you can have fun.
  9. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    You wake up and run to the bulletin board like usual. Only one death, people are starting to bite the dust seriously. BUT SUDDENLY! The sun immediately goes down again and night falls. Shit. Better get running. It is now Night 7. Night 7 will end in 24 hours, not 48. Phases at this point shall be only 24 hours long.
  10. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    Sorry about the delay, update coming like... now.
  11. I'm not Christian. So... couldn't give a fuck about him.
  12. Can I volunteer people? If so, I volunteer Snowy and someonewhodied.
  13. Base Guy arrives in Chapter 13. Base Isadora arrives in Chapter 22. See the problem? Oh and that 15/1 Kent exists long before Isadora arrives. Like probably chapter 19x or 20.
  14. I don't considering that I could have shoved another kill down Soren's throat in Chapter 6 if I was better at this game.
  15. Your mother broke the multiple accounts rule.
  16. In that chapter? Yes. Highest Myrm AS I saw was 5 AS.
  17. With the Fighter Band equipped from Level 1? Level 11. But it depends who he fights.
  18. Ok. Soren will be sitting at around 5~6 after Chapter 7 so why don't we say 6/0? 400 BExp takes him up to to 10/0 exactly (assuming that Soren was at level 6.00). So what does Soren do when he's now sitting at level 10? Rather than 8~9 Mag, he's now got 11~12. 14 Mt with Fire along with 9 AS means that he now ORKOs stuff like Archers and Myrmidons (aside from the Iron Bow archer but a Str proc includes that guy) and is just shy of ORKOing the Knights. If Soren's got 12 Mag, he also 2HKOs every Cav minus the Level 10 one. He's also 2RKOing the Mages due to now doubling them and his performance doesn't change when facing the Fighters and Soldiers (2RKO with the double). So yeah. That 400 BExp actually does do quite a number on Soren.
  19. After 10 years AKA 6 months... I'M BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! I dropped the Enemy Formation section, that thing pissed me off too much. Floor 4 - Monstro Enemies: Large Body Tornado Step Yellow Opera Green Requiem Shadow Search Ghost Air Soldier Decks: Mook: Boss: 1 Gravity 8 Kingdom Key 4 Gravity 5 Kingdom Key 5 Gravity 7 Three Wishes 2 Blizzard (P) 6 Kingdom Key 6 Kingdom Key 5 Kingdom Key 4 Kingdom Key 9 Olympia 8 Blizzard (P) 7 Kingdom Key 5 Kingdom Key 6 Kingdom Key 7 Kingdom Key 5 Olympia 7 Blizzard (P) 6 Kingdom Key 4 Kingdom Key 6 Kingdom Key 5 Kingdom Key 6 Three Wishes 6 Kingdom Key 7 Kingdom Key 4 Kingdom Key 5 Kingdom Key 9 Olympia 5 Three Wishes 4 Cloud 8 Kingdom Key 8 Cure (P) 6 Kingdom Key 9 Cure 5 Three Wishes 8 Cure 8 Cure (P) 5 Hi-Potion 8 Cure Hades 9 Cure 8 Potion 5 Potion Shadow Barrel Spider Map: [5] [ ] [ ] [4] [ ] [2] [3] [6] [1] [ ] [7] Room Synthesis: 1 - Tranquil Darkness, Moogle Room 2 - Calm Bounty, Teeming Darkness 3 - Sorcerous Waking 4 - Alchemic Waking 5 - None 6 - Calm Bounty, Moogle Room, Alchemic Waking 7 - Moment's Reprieve (Automatic) New Cards: - Wishing Star - Dumbo - Air Soldier - Parasite Cage New Sleights: - Fire Raid Level Ups: 21 - HP Boost (140) 22 - Sleight (Sonic Blade) 23 - HP Boost (155) 24 - CP Boost (600) 25 - CP Boost (625) Bosses: Parasite Cage - Parasite Cage is actually one of the more fun fights. He'll sit at the right side of the screen and try to beam you with his arms. You'll be on 4 rotating platorms which occasionally sink into some sort of goop. And... yeah, exactly like the Kingdom Hearts fight, just a lot easier. This is another pure beatdown fight so bring a beatdown deck. If you're going to bring in some magic, make it Omnislash (3 Clouds) or Blizzard/Fire Raid. Nailing him with his mouth open will nab you the trick card to get rid of the platforms and allow Sora to walk on the goop, making your life a lot easier. Don't even bother with sleights, the only decent ones are the Raids and Omnislash. Just beat his ass down and use a couple of Potions to restock without charging. You'll get the Parasite Cage card for your troubles. Shadow Mob - I don't know why I'm including this as a boss. Just use large area clearing sleights like the Raids, Sonic Blade and Graviga to deal some serious hurt here. Notes on Floor 4: Deck Setup - I mentioned for Floor 3 that I was going to use Graviga and I have it sleighted first in my deck. It covers a good portion of the screen and takes off 3/4s of an enemy's HP bar. Pretty nice. 3 Blizzard Raids follow it, ensuring that everything dies. I don't even need to include Blue Rhapsody anymore since the quantity of sleights that I'm using overrides the quality of them. Everything else (keyblades, Cloud) simply exist to finish off any Green Requiems that remain on the field. 10 Graviga - The point of having a sleight add up to 10 is to limit the CP in my deck. There isn't a single enemy in the game that wields a 0 card which means that if I make a sleight of 10 or more, it's not getting broken. Sonic Blade - Sonic Blade is actually quite a good sleight but the earlygame problem comes with the card set-up. You need three different types of Keyblades that total up to 20~23. A 7-7-6 works nicely but that's asking for a 7 and a 6 of Olympia/Three Wishes at this point. I managed to pull it off with an 8-7-5 (Kingdom Key - Three Wishes - Olympia) but considering that I got the sleight at level 22, it's unlikely that a regular run will see Sonic Blade before Floor 5 or 6. Air Soldier - Good card, shitty CP cost. 30 CP in return for reloading in motion 3 times. This card will obviously be wonderful in the lategame (specifically against Riku IV) but regular battles shouldn't have reload problems and boss battles at this stage should give you a bit of a rest. 30 CP is a little too pricey right now. Parasite Cage - Tired of Riku IV's constant Dark Auras that never seem to end? Is Vexen's Auto-Life getting you down? Are you sick of not knowing when Ansem is stocking a sleight? Say hi to your new best friend, Parasite Cage's Dispel. For a measly 60 CP, you will break your opponent's enemy card without fail. Riku IV loses his Sleightlock, Ansem loses his Sleightblind, Vexen no longer gets revived... These Enemy Cards are usually the things that make the endgame so tricky in this game and you have a sure-fire way of dealing with them. Of course, Parasite Cage is useless against mooks but against bosses? They'll be saying their prayers. Dumbo - Dumbo is decent but I've never used him before. I'll give you my thoughts on the next floor.
  20. Toy Story, Cars and Up aren't Disney. They're Pixar.
  21. You can't ruin a shit song from a bad artist.
  22. Plot is decent, characters are decent for the most part but Vanille and Hope will grind on you. Which sucks because there's a portion of the Pulse Vestige where they're together and they both suck at the time. But then again, Sazh exists and Sazh is one of the best fleshed out FF characters of all time. Seriously. The only ones that come close to matching his depth in personality are Cecil (4), Celes (6), Barret (7), Vivi (9) and Wakka (10). Those 5 characters all undergo complete mindset changes due to personal events that happen (I'm talking on a level deeper than "let's go save the world") and Sazh is all that and more. Not to mention that Sazh has one of the coolest weapons in all of FF history (Lulu's dolls and Wakka's Blitzballs do come close though). Oh and gameplay is quite underrated.
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