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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life

    Mafia HQ

    Actually... fuck it. Resign me up for Rage Mafia. Won't start for a WHILE if it does, though. Also put Diplomacy up on the game list. Will be nice if I can pull that one off.
  2. Wind Seer wasn't bad, just weak defensively. But it means that Stella might get some of the more exotic classes like Ninja or Samurai.
  3. Life

    Mafia HQ

    Take down my game. My life is about to get... crazy.
  4. Levin has dibs on First Gen Pursuit Ring since it makes him consistently kill stuff. Stands to reason that Arthur gets it if Arthur is going to be better than Levin could ever be. Also, Arthur can just south in Chapter 6 and get to Dannan before Celice can even capture Isaac. Underrated: Fuck, NoishxAyra is actually amazing. It just gets overshadowed by Lex and Holyn. Overrated: LachesisxBeowulf. Seriously. Delmud still sucks balls.
  5. Well, you could always...
  6. Popo 38 Wist 85 I'm a bit upset that you guys knocked out Thunderman...
  7. Did nobody here comment on the fact that I said that Garet and Jenna end up having Tyrell as their kid? Either that or Garet is Crown's father (Garet will either hook up with Jenna or Mia and Crown looks like he's from Imil) since Jenna is probably Tyrell's mother (would make sense if Matthew and Tyrell are pretty tight). I mean, what are your thoughts on the pairings of Golden Sun? Pretty sure every assumes IsaacxJenna (once again, a disgrace to Garet's character if that's true) but what about the rest now that we know that kids are involved? There's also this: Notice the lack of Jenna in the Isaac section. Not to mention that Felix was actually the leader, not Isaac (Isaac still had doubts about going up against the Wise One). It's nice how even though Isaac and Felix are both silent protagonists, you can understand their character from the game that they don't star in.
  8. Took me about that long. And mind you, I need to fly from Halifax to Connecticut and back.
  9. 1. It's directed to more than half the people in the thread. 2. My best friend in Connecticut is a girl that I fell in love with over the internet. Eventually, I flew down there to see her and we're still in pretty close contact.
  10. Why are you even trying to get cute, Lightning? The fact of the matter is that you haven't proved that you can run a competent Mafia game and clearly need someone to hold your hand through the whole thing. So stop pretending that the one game that you managed to get right means that you're good enough to mod. Mostly since you've had 2/3 games CANCELED. Sure I had a game that was canceled too. But my game was canceled while it was ongoing and barring losing computer access (since I lost my spreadsheet of the game), it wouldn't have been. There were no other hitches.
  11. You just won the interwebz. Seriously this.
  12. TRIFORCE... wait, this isn't Zelda, right?
  13. Ok, I know that I'm a lot older than most of you and I don't mean to be rude but... You know, being a geek doesn't mean that you can't kiss girls. I'm a pretty huge geek and I've had quite a few relationships. Like my first kiss came when I was 14 years old. Haven't you guys ever heard of "sweet 16 and never been kissed"?
  14. Weren't you crying to the rest of Fftf about meeting a girl not too long ago?
  15. Are you kidding me? You're going to make excuses now? Maybe we should follow Ninji's advice... Lightning, the next time you put up a game, I'm going to walk you through hosting hand in hand. You're not hosting another game without having someone who at least knows what they're doing alongside you to hold your hand every step of the way since this is the 2nd game in a row that you've managed to fuck up.
  16. Stop acting like we all hate you for some random reason and that you're a victim. The fact of the matter is that you had 3 weeks to write Role PMs, didn't and you're now asking for sympathy because you have real life issues. Now let me quote the first post. Distributing and writing are two different things. If you have them all written out in Word or something, it should take no more than half an hour to distribute up to 30 PMs.
  17. Saving for right now but I'm still iffy on 15. Every else I know for a fact.
  18. Life

    Mafia HQ

    I also have Smogon Mafia (much more intense) and Diplomacy to worry about.
  19. Life

    Mafia HQ

    Are you actually that stupid? Why don't you ever use your brain? Obviously, you can only have one game in the queue. If you have an ongoing game (like one that is being played at the time), then it's fine to sign up for your next game. But something like having 4 or 5 games in the queue is stupid as hell (notice that I have only 1 against Psych's 4).
  20. Life

    OTP HnH

    Tangerine X Red Fox of Fire 140 Nightmare x Narga 22 Pahn x Karina 14 Integrity x Kiryn 12
  21. Oh yeah. Forgot to mention. There also is a crossdresser in Final Fantasy. And nobody's gone after that person for being... I don't know, different? Not the greatest picture but yeah, this is a girl dressing up as a guy. As her character.
  22. Life

    OTP HnH

    Tangerine X Red Fox of Fire 106 Nightmare x Narga 41 Proto x Rhythm 59 Pahn x Karina 50 Integrity x Kiryn 25
  23. Life

    Mafia HQ

    What Tables said. Honestly, while Tables and I aren't trying to declare ourselves as "Gods of Mafia" (when I do it in games, I do it as a joke), what this is going to do is to weed out poorly designed games. Lightning's current game is truly the straw that broke the camel's back since he decided to start the game before writing any of the role PMs. While real life is clearly allowed to get in the way of hosting games, it's OK to wait until you're set up before starting the game. Same with worrying about balance issues.
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