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Everything posted by Life

  1. 1. Love your avatar. 2. These aren't efficiency. My goal is to S Rank all of the modes and if I do it faster than required, that's just a bonus.
  2. Karel should be a Berserker while Garret should be a Swordmaster. I'd actually use Garret more often if he was a SM.
  3. I'm BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! Gotta beat ENM and HNM quickly first. I'll then restart my EHM run from scratch with links to both runs on the first page.
  4. I LOVE your avatar. Guillo is the best RPG character I've ever played with. Love BKO.

    Also, don't post on your own profile, post on that person's in order to comment.

  5. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Oi, remember how I bitched about balance being the key to this game? Would I truly make Mafia members unlynchable?
  6. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    End of the day phase! And nobody was lynched... again! Surprise!
  7. Best: Clarine Worst: Renault Read it as Support like supports. Anyways, Clarine does not die in her game. She can't.
  8. FE4: Alec, Noish, Diadora, Dew FE6: Not really anyone FE7: Karel, Rebecca, Rath, Lyn (on ranking runs) FE8: Neimi FE9: Tormod, Janaff/Ulki (I'll pick one and use that one)
  9. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    You wake up and head downstairs on Day 3. The elevator has been cleared of that dead man and when you get to the party room, everyone is still present. A man nudges you as you walk in. "Check out the new rule that was posted on the wall." You glance over and see a piece of paper stuck to the wall via a very big and very sharp knife. Oh shit... This might get fun. Rip Van Winkle then walks into the room and yells, "Day 3 is underway!". Game on. Day 3 is now on. If you have questions about your person, contact me and I'll explain their personality to you as best as I can. The quote that I've provided with every role PM should come in handy to figure out their style of speech.
  10. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Night phase is now over. Flavour for Day 3 is coming soon.
  11. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Night 2 will end in about... an hour or less, depending on when I get one more order.
  13. UPDATE! Well, I'm done Ghasfarost on Judith's run. And you know what that means... LOW LEVEL CHALLENGER COMPLETE! Fuck, that man was hard, even with all my items and artes transferred over. Then again, I was on Hard so that might explain why, not to mention that Rita had like 700 HP.
  14. So we have Canas, the devoted husband and father who dabbles in elder magic, vs. Fiora, the failure Pegasus Knight commander from Ilia. Their description alone makes me think that Canas is the better one but some people are into failures, so who knows? Anyway, Canas is our lone Shaman in this game and quite a good one too. He joins at level 8 in Port of Badon, a full three chapters before Fiora's arrival in The Dread Isle at level 7. Now before we get into stat comparisons, I'd like to address a couple of things. 1. Canas' level lead over Fiora. Canas is perfectly capable of gaining 1.5 levels in his joining chapter (most of the pirates are about level 17) and another 1.5 by the end of The Dread Isle. Fiora will gain only 1.5 during The Dread Isle which is only 1 for our purposes. Sorry about that, sucks to be Fiora. 2. Weapon levels and Constitution. Fiora has that usual Female Peg Knight problem where her Con is stupidly low and she can't use most heavy weapons effectively. That's 5 Con in her case, meaning that she loses at least 3 AS from anything heavier than a Slim Lance. Including her starting Axereaver which weighs a whopping 11 Wt. Canas also suffers from AS penalties from his weapons but his penalty is only -1 AS with Flux, his main weapon. Luna and Nosferatu are both situational weapons while Eclipse and Fenrir probably never see the light of day. Looks like Canas has less problems in the AS department. Speaking about weapons, let's talk about weapon levels. Canas starts with B Dark, enough for him to wield Luna and Nosferatu at base level if he was ever going to be an Exp unit. Not only that but the least damage he can do with Luna is 10 damage at base level. Imagine doing that to a lategame boss like Sonia or Limstella. For Fiora to do at least 10 damage at that stage, she needs at least 29 Atk against Sonia and 34 Atk against Limstella. Even after equipping Fiora with a Killer Lance (best weapon that base Fiora can use), she's still missing 11 Atk to at least tie Canas' damage output against these bosses. In fact, even if Fiora gets a critical hit with the Killer Lance, she still needs 5 extra Atk to best Canas at his worst. Not to mention that Luna can critical too (it only has 20 Crit against the KL's 30 but it's a guaranteed 30 damage if it sticks while Fiora needs training to even scratch Sonia). In case the purpose of that last paragraph flew over your head, I'll summarize it for you. Canas doesn't need any training to still be effective in the end of the game when you're scraping for Exp to ensure the S Rank. Fiora does just to even the playing field. Advantage: Canas. 3. Utility. This is Canas' ability to heal after promotion against Fiora's flight. They're about even since Canas directly helps the Exp rank without even needing to fight, allowing another unit (possibly an unpromoted one) to take a kill if needed to maximize Exp while Fiora's flight indirectly helps the Tactics rating. If we were arguing efficiency, I'd say that Fiora's ability to fly is a huge obstacle that Canas cannot overcome. But this is in regard to S Ranking HHM. And when Canas can help a rank directly via utility while Fiora helps another one indirectly for longer, I'd say that they cancel each other out in the debate of which one is better. Based on the above points alone, I'd love to conclude that Canas > Fiora... What's this? It's not enough evidence?! Oh dear, what shall we do? Let's observe them in action, in that case. How about... Imprisoner of Magic (19x) as a comparison point? Canas - Level 11 Shaman - B Dark Flux: 18 Atk, 8 AS, 104 Hit, 5 Crit, 24 Avo, 8 CEva 23 HP, 6 Def, 9 Res Fiora - Level 8 Peg Knight - C Lance Iron Lance: 15 Atk, 10 AS, 107 Hit, 6 Crit, 26 Avo, 6 CEva Javelin: 14 Atk, 7 AS, 92 Hit, 6 Crit, 20 Avo, 6 CEva 22 HP, 6 Def, 7 Res This is a shitstomping right here for several reasons: 1. Canas attacks Res while Fiora attacks Def. While Fiora has 2 more AS with an Iron Lance, she also has 3 less Atk against a Def amount that is significantly higher than Res for most enemies. If a random generic enemy has 6 Def and 2 Res, Fiora does 18 damage if she doubles while Canas does 32 if he doubles. If that enemy has 5 or 6 AS, Fiora's in luck... if not for her next problem. 2. Canas has inherent 1~2 range while Fiora doesn't. If Fiora wants 1~2 range, she has to switch to the Javelin which not only knocks Fiora's Atk down by 1 but also takes her AS to below Canas'. Going back to that same enemy, Fiora can double from range for 16 damage while Canas does double that. A shitstomping indeed. In any case, Canas and Fiora fight and grow up in Hector's army. And then we arrive at Unfulfilled Heart (26) with these stats: Canas - Level 19 Shaman - A Dark Flux: 22 Atk, 11 AS, 111 Hit, 6 Crit, 32 Avo, 10 CEva Nosferatu: 25 Atk, 5 AS, 101 Hit, 6 Crit, 20 Avo, 10 CEva (Drains) Luna: 15 Atk, 7 AS, 126 Hit, 26 Crit, 24 Avo, 10 CEva (Attacks HP directly) 29 HP, 8 Def, 13 Res Fiora - Level 18 Peg Knight - B Lance Iron Lance: 19 Atk, 15 AS, 120 Hit, 9 Crit, 39 Avo, 9 CEva Killer Lance: 22 Atk, 14 AS, 110 Hit, 39 Crit, 37 Avo, 9 CEva Javelin: 18 Atk, 12 AS, 105 Hit, 9 Crit, 33 Avo, 9 CEva 29 HP, 8 Def, 12 Res Now, these numbers look impressive towards Fiora, but why don't we disect them to determine the real story? 1. Nosferatu and Luna. Canas' AS appears to take a nosedive upon equipping these tomes. 5 AS gets doubled by a lot of things and 7 isn't much better. However, remember what I said about both Luna and Nosferatu being situational? Nosferatu is fantastic for tanking an enemy phase if you need Canas to (since he'll heal back about 20 or so damage at a time) or healing Canas up and not having an available healer. By attacking and healing in the same action, Canas allows other units to proceed and do their thing instead of running back to protect a weakened Canas and not killing a certain enemy that needs to die for one reason or another. Luna is fantastic for bosses too. Canas sports 26 Crit against 0 Luck enemies and if he criticals, that's 45 damage right there. Fiora needs to be attacking a guy with 7 Def or less with the Killer Lance in order to replicate those numbers. 2. Defense. Looks even, right? They tie HP and Def while Canas leads by 1 in Res. But here's the thing. They're not even. Canas has inherent 1~2 range. He can hide behind his units and snipe away with his 22 Atk. If Fiora tries doing that, she's only got 18 Atk against Def while Canas attacks Res. So as a result, her best damage comes from 1 range... which means counters by enemies. Canas' defence numbers don't really matter since dondon has proved time and time again in his 0% growth videos that 2 range is key (check out his SoS videos for proof). Fiora's actually matter since to replicate Canas' damage, she needs to be face-to-face with her enemy. So, time goes on and both of our friends promote. They keep competing until they arrive at Victory or Death (32) with the intention of killing Nergal. Canas - Level 9 Druid - S Dark, D Staff Flux: 26 Atk, 18 AS, 120 Hit, 8 Crit, 48 Avo, 12 CEva Nosferatu: 29 Atk, 12 AS, 110 Hit, 8 Crit, 36 Avo, 12 CEva (Drains) Luna: 19 Atk, 14 AS, 135 Hit, 28 Crit, 40 Avo, 12 CEva (Attacks HP directly) 39 HP, 12 Def, 19 Res Fiora - Level 8 Falcoknight - S Lance, D Sword Silver Lance: 29 Atk, 19 AS, 127 Hit, 11 Crit, 50 Avo, 12 CEva Killer Lance: 25 Atk, 20 AS, 122 Hit, 41 Crit, 52 Avo, 12 CEva Short Spear: 24 Atk, 17 AS, 112 Hit, 11 Crit, 46 Avo, 12 CEva Steel Sword: 23 Atk, 18 AS, 127 Hit, 11 Crit, 48 Avo, 12 CEva 40 HP, 12 Def, 19 Res Well, these stats are almost identical. Canas loves the 4+ AS boost that he gets from promotion (3 Spd and 1 Con) while Fiora enjoys the boost in attacking power from the 2+ Str given to her. But that being said, Canas is still winning in combat. At 2 range, he beats Fiora by 2+ Atk (before the difference of Def and Res is added), 1+ AS, 8+ Hit and 2+ Avo. These might seem like marginal wins and they are... for the most part. The only important thing to note is that Canas is still beating Fiora in raw attack power. And I cannot help beating the drum about Res being lower than Def for most enemies but unfortunately, it's kinda true. So that's where we stand. If both Canas and Fiora are trained, Canas > Fiora overall. If neither of them are trained, Canas > Fiora for lategame Exp usage. Clearly our scholar of the dark arts is much better than that failure Peg Knight commander from Ilia.
  15. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Still waiting for orders.
  16. I'm alive. ##Vote: SlayerX When you're a townie, you at least try to scum hunt. When you've been scum, you do nothing that's productive.
  17. I'd love to hear you claim it. Anyways, I'm back. Any questions for me?
  18. I know why Darros died yesterday. He was hit with a posting restriction. I know this because I have the same one today. Can't say the sixth letter of the alphabet. So yeah. I'll be busy today so I'll chat later.
  19. Wow, I am so lost at this point. But in any case... ##Vote: Raymond Is there a reason why you're scared to divulge your Role PM? Is it truly because you think I'm leading the rest of the town to their doom or are you just not able to fake a believable one well?
  20. Well, this is new to me. And makes no logical sense. Shouldn't he be alive if he absorbs all night actions because I'd then save him due to absorbing that too?
  21. Also, if he's lying to me, we can just lynch him the next day since I'll just out his name during the night phase.
  22. Too late. Cop claimed to me with my full role PM.
  23. Cop shouldn't openly claim if the Doc gets killed or kidnapped like Bizz was. But I've already had a couple of people to claim to me with pretty reliable role PMs. Would you like to be our first casualty, Mr. Luckless?
  24. Ok, let's get this straight. I'd like every single person to claim to me in private. Every single one. I asked the Cop last night to search me and then PM me in the morning with my Role PM and that happened. So I have been cleared by the Cop. As a result, I'm going to dictate the lynches from now on. And I need you guys to trust me (all other 8 of you townies).
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