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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Day 1: You walk back into the casino after a good night's rest, wondering what will become of your fellow players. 12 other people look around, scared to lose their lives. Rip Van Winkle is still sleeping on the ground. You decide not to wake him and discuss who should bite the bullet for the good of the town. Day 1 is now underway.
  2. We had one with Tables, myself, General Spoon and Balcerzak all sitting in Top Tier.
  3. So what, Tables and I are now the guinea pigs since we think outside of the box and stuff? Coolio.
  4. 1. Repede doesn't have an A in his name. 2. Don Whitehorse's name is two words, not three. 3. I want Karol Capel.
  5. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Night phase is now over! I'll post the day stuff later tonight, I'm busy right now.
  6. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    At this point, I'm waiting on a couple of people to reply back that they're still alive but only 1 actual order. I'll be out most of tomorrow though.
  7. Life

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    I need in on this shit. End of story.
  8. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    *leans back in his recliner* I am quite amused. Oh and I'm still waiting on a shitload of night actions. And remember to invite me to conversations that you have on SF just so I can watch for the hell of it. And if you have a conversation off of SF, send me a log of it, please?
  9. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Wrong with the reasoning even though they could exist. Night 0 is so that everyone can use their action at least once and not feel left out by being randomly killed that night.
  10. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Just checked through my sent messages. You actually did.
  11. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Bump. Guys, I actually took a lot of time trying to figure out the perfect balance of this game and none of you are going to post? Way to go...
  12. Since I just got ninja'd on the co-modding stuff, I'll sign-up since I quit the last game I was in. Sucks that there's no PMs and other stuff but I guess I need to brush up on my scum-hunting skills. Life Admiral
  13. Life

    Mafia HQ

    Reverse Mafia has ended with a Mason win and Screw The Rules Mafia (my game) is now in action.
  14. You must really hate every Fire Emblem game, in that case.
  15. You enter the Luxor Casino, a giant pyramid that is located deep in the heart of Las Vegas. Looking around, you see 12 other people, all as mystified as you are. Suddenly, the lights go out and a booming voice can be heard over some loudspeakers. "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to a night at the Luxor! We shall play a little game now. Most folks call it Mafia but I prefer to name it... Tactics. I'm sure you're all familiar with the game. Well consider tonight as the first night and prepare for the future!" The lights suddenly turn back on. You blink a couple times, trying to get your eyes adjusted to the light. Suddenly there is a scream since a body is lying on the ground. You rush over quickly to the body and grab the little piece of paper that is lying over the man's head. The man suddenly blinks and looks at you. "I've fallen asleep again? Whoops! Anyway, you heard the voice! Night 0 begins now!" He then settles back down to sleep while you collapse into a nearby chair. The next few days are going to be crazy... Welcome to Screw The Rules Mafia! Ok, lemme get some rules down. Please read these carefully since they may change any time. If a rule is in bold, it cannot be changed no matter what. 1. Whilst you are alive you can talk to anyone about the game. Once you are dead you cannot talk to anyone about the game, unless you are mafia and on the same team, in which case you may talk with members of your team only, and only for strategy purposes. Knowledge acquired after death cannot be transferred from a dead player to a living player. 2. Every user has a role PM. Role PMs may not be shown to other users on Night 0, but starting from Day 1 onwards they may be freely distributed. Screenshotting of all forms is banned. If anyone finds a person encouraging others to take screenshots or taking screenshots and showing other people, please be sure to report it. 3. You can paste things told to you by the host. You may fake logs. Do not take pasting of a host conversation as definite proof, these can be faked. If you want to fake a log, feel free to PM one of the hosts for assistance. Impersonation of a host or another user however, is banned at all points. Please do not attempt to impersonate in any way. 4. Each day will have a deadline of 48 hours. You may vote to lynch users during the day by posting "##Vote USER" in bold, or "##Vote No lynch" if you don't want to lynch anyone (lynch votes will not count if they're not in the correct format!), and if you change your vote, you may not edit the bolded text out of the old post if you post with a new vote. Once there is a majority as determined by the host, there will be a grace period of 5 hours, and if the majority is still in place after said grace period, the day will end. Please don't ask about when a majority is reached - once it's time for the day to end, it'll end (provided a host is there to update). The game will start on Night 0, but deaths cannot happen on Night 0 because it is passive. 4.5. If there's a tie, both users with the highest amount of votes will be lynched, but no lynch will take place the next day. 5. Each night will have a deadline of 48 hours. This gives you 48 hours to send your night action. Please state what you are doing in the PM title, it makes it MUCH easier to handle. Remember that PMs are to be sent to Life Admiral. 5.5. If you're not going to do anything at night, send a PM titled "Night X - idling". This makes keeping track of things easier and informs me that you're still playing the game. 6. Priorities have been decided beforehand and will not be revealed. 7. This game features items. Items can be used at the same time as regular night actions, unless stated otherwise. You can give an item away during either the day or night, by sending a PM to Life Admiral stating "Night/Day X - Give ITEM to USER." You cannot use an item during the same night you give it away, however you can use an unrelated ability whilst giving away an item. Giving away an item has the lowest priority, and if you are killed/lynched the same night/day you attempt to give away an item, it won't be moved. Item transfers are anonymous. 8. If a person dies with an item on them, you may pick the item up off of their dead body. However, you must forfit your night action to do so since you may only steal off of a dead body at night. 9. If you have a conversation with another player, please add me. I want to write a full proper postgame report and I'd love to see the way that you guys think, especially in my game that I created to get rid off balance issues. 10. The mafia may not communicate with one another privately, by any means, during the day phase. 11. Every day, you must make at least one post in the style of your character. Failure to obey will result in the loss of night actions. I think that covers all of it for right now. I advise you to keep rereading the rules in case they change. Players: SlayerX Snike Levity Core Yossarian Dracohon WeaponsOfMassConstructioin I Eat Tables Lightning Kleine Raymond - Night 2 - Taught about chemical burn JB25 - Night 2 - Mind lost in Limbo Ninji - Night 2 - Torch'd Subs: Psychout50 Night 0 is passive. GO!
  16. Does that extend to other games too?
  17. Sign-ups are now over. The game will start in about 14 hours or so and some shit is gonna go DOWNNNNNNNN! Most of the role PMs will be sent now but I'll save some for later. Please don't talk about anything until the game starts. Thanks.
  18. Sign-ups are now over. The game will start in about 14 hours or so and some shit is gonna go DOWNNNNNNNN! Most of the role PMs will be sent now but I'll save some for later. Please don't talk about anything until the game starts. Thanks.
  19. 2.5 hours left to sign up!
  20. Are you purposely not listening? Up to Chapter 11, the battles are piss easy if you know how to be smart. And then shit like the Sentinel role exists (hi there Steelguard, I'll just take 12 damage instead of 75 from a hit!) which trivializes the defense game. It's probably harder to get your party leader to die first before your allies do if you understand the game. Neither do I. Your point?
  21. It doesn't but that's not the point. You don't lose progress if you get a game over, FYI. You lose out on maybe 30 seconds of your life since you go back to a bit before that fight. Not to the last save point. Think of it like a Vita Chamber in Bioshock. Well, I can tell you from experience that it feels less like a static FF game and more like a fast moving Tales game when it comes to the battles since timing is usually everything.
  22. Last bump. If you haven't joined yet and you wish to play, sign up now. Sign-ups close at 12 PM tomorrow (EST) since I'm working the late shift at work. The game will start about 12-14 hours after that.
  23. You clearly haven't played FFXIII (I know that you said that you haven't but this is like me bashing FFVII without ever trying it even though I have and played up to Junor before my computer crashed). 1. The whole watching the action rather than playing is a myth. How do I know? Because I play the game and I try to 5* every battle (for more TP in future battles to Libra the shit out of stuff). Every second I'm doing something because I'm trying to figure out the best way to knock 24k off of a giant beast within a minute when I'm doing about 300 or so a hit. I'm switching between paradigms every 5 seconds and choosing my attacks all the time. Pretty sure I'm playing more than watching. 2. Menu based? Hypocritical much? If FFXIII is going to slammed for that, you must absolutely hate FFVI, V and IV. The entire SERIES is based on using the menu. 3. While it's annoying that your party leader has to stay alive in order to not get a Game Over, it's stupidly easy to keep that person alive. For the first 2/3 of the game, Potions plus a Doctor's Code will take you out of the red zone instantly. Not to mention that Lightning, Hope and Vanille all have access to the Medic job for FREE healing within 2 seconds. Plus, switching to a Double Dose style set-up (2 Medics at one time) will basically make your party invincible. If you're smart enough to keep your guys alive while facing decently hard enemies (you face stupidly high HP counts starting from Palumpolum onwards), then you won't be that bothered by the Game Over mechanic since your party leader is usually the last person to die. And if you think it's hard to keep FF characters alive, you suck at these games. That being said, FFXIII is easily closer to... say Tales of Vesperia then it is to FFVI for example. It shares item names and a similar menu system with FFVI. That's it. The linearity, the fact that your characters aren't cardboard cutouts once their original entrance scene ends, how fast the action is on the screen... Much closer to ToV than FFVI. And I use FFVI as my Final Fantasy example simply because FFVI is one of the most well known and best games in the series.
  24. I still don't understand why XIII gets shit on so much. I really liked it but I enjoy Tales games a lot where I'm also only controlling one person at a time. XIII seemed more like a Tales game than a FF game even with the title of XIII. That being said, I dislike IV, VI and VII all for different reasons so I guess I'm just special.
  25. Sign-ups end in 24 hours and I'm starting the game in about 30-36 hours, due to work and stuff.
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