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Everything posted by Life

  1. I know I'm dead but... You can't honestly believe that people are that stupid, Core.
  2. Innes can drop on Ephraim's list to under Syrene. Even though he has 2 chapters on her, 1 of them is in the desert (he starts near the palace when he'd probably prefer to be with Ephraim's team to rip through Valter's army) while the other one is a Seize map with our mounted units rushing. After that, Syrene exists and can fly while Innes has gotten maybe 2 or so levels if he's lucky. I can do a stat comparison later, if you want.
  3. Just looked at my Funds and I'm glad that I pulled off that steal. Rescue is 600G a pop. The Earth Seal is 20000G. No brainer.
  4. Tactician is still alive and kicking?
  5. Chapter 26 - Battle Before Dawn Team: Eliwood, Marcus, Priscilla, Lucius, Fiora, Legault, Ninian, Heath, Geitz, Karel, Nino (Turn 6) Notes: This chapter took days. I almost completed it about last weekend but on Turn 14, Nino died from a couple of Shamans while trying to get to Jaffar. Then I had numerous restarts for a number of reasons (not the right team, not right positioning, Legault couldn't ORKO the north-eastern fighters with a Steel Sword because they had too much HP/Def, everyone died multiple times...) which made this chapter hell. A couple of things before I get into what actually happened. I fielded a LOT more prepromotes than I wanted to (3/6 contested spots since Prissy, Legault and Ninian were a lock for this chapter) which made life hell when I wanted to give kills away to my unpromoted units but still beat the chapter. Also, I used the Rescue Staff for the first time ever (after getting it this chapter, of course). I'm not kidding. So what if Prissy only has 6 Range with it? Saves an entire turn of Legault walking. Anyway, the entire chapter was a rush. Geitz, Legault, Eliwood and Ninian took the eastern route while Marcus, Karel and Heath frontlined the west. The party on the right was to get to Nino ASAP and protect Zephiel's room from a couple of Heroes. Or at least that was supposed to happen. However, the Delphi Shield and Rescue thieves decided to south and around instead of across to the western thieves. Because of that, Eliwood and Nino kept going to the throne room while Geitz went south to take out the DS thief and Bishop sitting there while Legault flanked the other thief in order to steal a Lockpick and snag the Rescue. Oh and Nino got boosted by Ninis' Grace which actually allowed her to tank a Steel Sword Hero, even after getting doubled. Nuts. Especially because she had to. On the left side, shit got real very quickly. The first Hero went down quickly to a combo of Wo Dao Karel, Marcus and Heath while the rest of the crew went as south ASAP. However, the two thieves beat me easily to Brave Lance and Boots, meaning that I had to trap them in the treasure room to keep them from running away. Marcus did that while Priscilla started spamming Barrier in order to have Heath survive Bolting shots from Ursula. After a couple of turns of standing my ground, I moved the troops south and killed Ursula with Brave Axe Marcus and Heath, allowing Heath to promote at 20/0. And then came the fun. Since Ursula died on Turn 11, I didn't have to worry about reinforcements anymore. However, there's a Druid with an Earth Seal who sits at the bottom left hand corner of the map. And just so you know, Legault was basically where Nino was + an extra turn away from the guy. Plus he had the Rescue staff and not Merlinus or Priscilla. So I basically chain rescued Priscilla across the map using Fiora and Ninian in order to get the Rescue staff. Then, I rushed Prissy back to the other side (quicker than rushing Legault) and had her Rescue Legault to bring him an extra 5 spaces closer. And it worked. Legault stole the Earth Seal on Turn 15 (the last possible turn) and that ended the chapter. YAY! Eliwood 20.00 |36|13|20|13|13|14| 8| Marcus 6.06 |35|18|16|11|10|10| 9| Priscilla 19.08 |21|12|14|17|18| 4| 9| Lucius 15.26 |26|14|13|14| 3| 2|14| Fiora 18.15 |29|11|18|19| 8| 9|13| Legault 18.70 |30|12|15|20|14|11| 6| Ninian 15.05 |24| 0| 1|22|24|11|16| Heath 1.00 |44|18|17|14|10|12| 4| Geitz 4.54 |41|18|12|14|10|11| 3| Karol Capel 8.77 Base Nino 6.95 |20| 7| 9|12|11| 4| 8| Chapter stats: Tactics - 16/15 Exp - 1801/1800 Run stats: Tactics - 210/247 (5 stars) Exp - 26186/23350 (5 stars) Changed it again because I screwed up the levels. And how about that? In the past 2 chapters, I've gained a 2 Exp surplus. I guess I'm playing them how they were supposed to be played?
  6. *sigh* You guys should stop lynching people based on "who's the least help for the town because they're not smart enough". I've always thought it was a dumb idea. If we don't start using our brains, the mafias are going to destroy us.
  7. When I tried loading up Emerald into my VBA (new copy of Emerald), it said that "the internal battery has run dry" and "clock-based events will no longer happen". However, I have Real Time Clock turned on for my emulator. Is there something I can do or is there another emulator that actually can have the clock based events going?
  8. Lynch: Lekain No Lynch for the time being. I'm sorry guys, I still think that whoever is Lekain (the Stalker or Chancellor as Ether calls it) is the single most dangerous member here. If we lose our Doctor within the next couple of days, I doubt it was luck. Same thing with the Tactician if he doesn't roleclaim. I'll change my vote if I feel I need to. But I'm not getting much on the negative mafioso vibe. EDIT: The Stalker is the Councilman, not the Chancellor. My bad.
  9. I'm tempted to vote Dragonslayer just because he supports Coach while I'm a Russell fan but eh... However, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you, Bal. The Serial Killer might be the biggest threat but he also has the least amount of information to work with. Most of his kills are going to be coming from blind luck. To me, the two Mafias are more dangerous since the senate has a Stalker while the Rebels have a Hooker. In fact, the Senate could be the most dangerous of the three because of the Stalker. If you ask me, that's the person we should be looking for to lynch immediately. Bizz showed us in Spoon's last big game how effective that role can be (she found the Doctor and the Nurse one night after another which was probably the single biggest thing that gave us the win). Also, I've been playing on EpicMafia recently and I've realized that sometimes it's good to rolecall early if a doctor still exists. In fact, most games would have the cop roleclaiming on the first day if the doctor was still alive (a yakked Doctor would fuck up the town, though). Since Bizz is dead, we really only have one true cop left, the Tactician. I personally feel that it's better if the Tactician roleclaims now so that the Doctor can save him until the Doctor bites the dust. In return, we get the contents of his report rather than him just hiding it and showing it to a select few if he's smart about doing it. Anyone disagree with me here? If not, I think it's best that the Tactician claims now and tells us his report from last night.
  10. That's OK, we all make mistakes. Mind you, Core's probably going to lynch you for it, accusing you of Mafia because you messed up on the first day by pointing a finger at the smarter people. Apparently, it's a foolproof scumtell that never works.
  11. Damn it Spoon, you ninja'd me!
  12. I lol'd. When Tables wrote that, he hadn't gotten his role PM yet. So as a joke, he claimed that him, I and Spoon (generally considered the smarter players) were all on the mafia, thereby screwing the town since we are usually revered. His comment actually doesn't mean anything.
  13. Went from the beginning of Zaude to right before Tarqaron in Tales of Vesperia while doing multiple sidequests along the way (completionist run). Also got the achievement "The Hit That Keeps On Hitting" (100+ hits in a combo) and beat the 100 Man Melee with 4/7 of my characters (Yuri, Estelle, Repede and Judith). Only 18 more achivements to go!
  14. Bumping just to keep this from being lost to the oblivion of space AKA down the page. Ether, we gonna start soon?
  15. King Russell is slowly losing his grip on sanity but will still play.
  16. I love my fires. Fire- Ninetales Grass- Victreebell Water- Vaporeon Electric- Magneton Normal- Linoone Flying- Fearow Fighting- Hitmonchan Psychic- Alakazam Bug- Butterfree Ground- Dugtrio Poison- Muk Dark- Houndour Rock- Golem Ghost- Gengar Ice- Seal Steel- Skarmory Dragon- Kingdra
  17. My god, you do everything!

  18. Seth officially breaks this game. In any case, I'm trying to do an efficiency run right now which goes against everything that I hold dear in FE (training noobs). Should I be 4 turning or 3 turning Chapter 1? Oh and why is Lute in the Don't Use tier instead of D?
  19. Life

    FE lords H/H

    Arum - 28 Cellica - 28 Sigurd - 32 Celice - 25 Leaf - 30 Eliwood - 25 Hector - 31 Lyn - 29 Eirika - 24 Ephraim - 29 Micaiah - 16
  20. My bad for both of them. Those are then good positives for Isadora. But how does she counter Jaffar's combat and Exp wins? With utility and movement? Is that all she has that's better than him?
  21. Life

    FE lords H/H

    Marth - 10 Arum - 25 Cellica - 25 Sigurd - 31 Celice - 25 Leaf - 25 Roy - 15 Eliwood - 25 Hector - 25 Lyn - 28 Eirika - 25 Ephraim - 26 Ike - 21 Micaiah - 28
  22. Having 2 Paladins on the field is good. However, having 2 Paladins on the field instead of 1 Paladin and 1 non promoted unit that is sitting around level 12 is much more of a strain on Exp. Unless I need that extra firepower that only Isadora can bring with a Silver Sword because Sain, Kent and Lowen all can't do whatever job, I'm usually going to bring Sain/Kent/Lowen over Isadora since they can do the same job (most of the time) and reap a better reward for the team. That 4 level difference means almost nothing in terms of Exp gain in Isadora's joining chapter. Observe. I'll toss in a level 12 Sain just to show why it means almost nothing. Vs. Level 7 Wyvern Riders Exp for damaging: Exp for killing: Marcus 4 8 Isadora 5 15 Sain 8 31 Vs. Level 8 Mages Exp for damaging: Exp for killing: Marcus 4 8 Isadora 6 19 Sain 9 35 It looks like Isadora's gains are huge when compared to Marcus, right? But we have a map where we need 1700 Exp to S Rank that map (which of course becomes our target Exp). Aside from Hector, Lyn and Eliwood, there are 9 deployment spots + Isadora, Rath and Heath. We're looking at 15 people in that map. To hit the target by evenly sharing out the Exp, you need to get about Exp per character 113.3 or 114 (round up to ensure hitting the target Exp) if you want to be technical about it. Marcus will take 15 kills to hit it, Isadora will take 7 kills on average and Sain will top it in 4 on average. Now in my EHM S Rank run, I waited until Turn 11, killed every reinforcement and I still lost out on Exp (1660/1700). It's not HHM but it gives me a good understanding of what happens in HHM. We can see that Marcus has no chance of getting those 15 kills for enough Exp. But we can also see that Isadora will need almost double as many kills as Sain to hit that target Exp. If we were to give Sain the same number of kills, he'd gain another extra 100 extra plus change. So it doesn't make much sense to use Isadora in order to get kills for Exp because the gap between her and the next best person performance-wise(Sain in this case) is huge. If we start limiting Isadora to only chip stuff (AKA give her an Iron Sword at the beginning of the chapter), she's holding 18 Atk in her hands. To escape a ORKO, an enemy needs about 27 HP and 5 Def, figures that the more durable enemies like Wyverns, Fighters, Cavaliers and Archers have in Isadora's joining chapter. And once we've reduced Isadora down to weakening enemies for others, it's a job that Marcus also does and both gain incredibly similar amounts of Exp. By the way, why didn't anyone correct me about my calculations being wrong for Exp in my first post? Isadora has 8 Move vs. Jaffar's 7. She's winning in that but not by much since Jaffar can basically keep up. I did neglect to mention the WTC that Isa has but since Jaffar's offense concentrates so much on crits and activating Silencer, I felt that Isa's WTC was a rather weak point considering that Jaffar pretty much bypasses it with a critical hit, especially when Silencer activates. I also neglected range and that's possibly Isa's saving grace. I can see her toting Short Spears (only 900G for an 18 use weapon is a nice deal) which gives her 24 Atk but it also lowers her AS down by 6 down to 13. Javelins are possibly worse for her (-3 Atk for +1 AS over the SS) and Hand-axes are a cheaper SS that does 2 less damage per hit. Jaffar's only real answer to that is the Light Brand or Runesword and I highly doubt that he gets his hands on either. Maybe the Light Brand because Guy and Karel are his only real competition for that weapon that I can properly think of (mono swords would like it but since it targets Res at 2 range instead of Def, technically everyone wants it). As for ferrying, I hate putting a quantitative value on rescuing. To me, it's like arguing a thief's value because he sees extra squares in FoW. Yes it's useful but to what purpose? Will it save me turns? It might save me a turn here or there but I'm only talking about 1 specific unit who does ferrying, not every unit involved in the rescue chain. If Jaffar and Isadora were dead even but Isadora could rescue more people, I'd say Isadora's better. But that's not the case since they're not dead even.
  23. She doesn't need to beat our xth string player. She needs to beat our xth string promoted character, which is pretty much just Marcus and possibly Oswin if Oswin is promoted by now. However, her move difference of 8 vs. 5 is enough to beat Oswin for certain chapters (Genesis, FFO). So she's basically going up against only Marcus, which validates at least some of that argument. Since Exp is pretty much moot at that point, she can only be compared to Marcus via combat. And while he doesn't exact rape her right across the board, he's still the preferred promoted unit choice over Isadora meaning that Isa sees much less combat than what she possibly could if Marcus was dropped during the period between Kinship's Bond and Night of Farewells
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