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Everything posted by Life

  1. So I'm back and I'm here to lead. For those of you who are suspicious of me to the point that you'd rather hinder the town, shame on you. If we lose because of your pettiness, I hope you feel stupid since that's what you are. Now, down to today's vote. As of right now, we have 6/12 claims for Vanilla villager. Myself and five others. Unfortunately, I can't clear myself to you all without exposing the Cop on Day 2 (something I would really like to avoid doing entirely) but I'm asking for trust since I completely expect to die N1 if the BG doesn't protect me. Back to these claims. 6/12 claims are in for N/A. I could out the other five people but that's pretty much giving the mafia a lot more info about where our power roles sit. So rather than that, I'm going to show my two suspects and why I don't trust them. Polydeuces is pretty much the idiot of this game. He's prone to having lose lips (essentially passing around Baldrick's claim of Survivor the first second he got) and enough people think he's suspicious. Then again, we can always chalk this up to him having an IQ similar to a gibbon. Bearclaw is my other suspect. He gave me his role and ran off just like that. No talking, no suspicion. Just straight up sheep. It's far too easy to claim Vanilla as a mafia member and not do anything. It's like flying under the radar. I don't like it whatsoever. Those are my two suspects. Feel free to lynch either of them since neither are doing anything positive for the town and I'm 100% certain that at least one of them is Mafia. My own personal vote will be ##Vote: Polydeuces. 7 votes to hammer, people.
  2. So I currently have an idea for a lynch on D1 but I'm still holding off since I'm waiting for a little more info. On a side note, if I catch anyone lying to me, even someone who IS innocent, they will be lynched immediately. I don't give a shit if you're hiding a more important role so that you don't get killed ASAP. Lying to me tells me that I can't trust you and that anything you say may also be a lie.
  3. In addition, I have yet to speak to Blitz, Refa and Polydeuces. Kindly contact me.
  4. I said before that the town needs to get organized and the single best way of doing that is centralizing information in a single person (or a couple) while still speaking to others to get info and sniff out mafia. It's really simple. You guys are even more important than I am.
  5. Everyone should claim to me. I've deduced an almost 100% townie (I'd technically need a role check to be 100% and I'd prefer not to divulge his name) and that person will be playing back-up leader and has access to my spreadsheets upon my death. I trust this person completely so that when I go down, at least we'll still all be in good hands. Also, don't lynch Kirsche yet. Not all of the information is in.
  6. I find you scummy for not swapping info, to be perfectly honest. We need a town web. This place has got to be organized.
  7. I want to hear from more people. Thank you very much.
  8. I'm going to set the ball rolling here. First off, I'm back from my hiatus. Which means that I totally expect being killed N1. I'm Life and you all fear me. It just happens. Now because I'm town (and I'll still be offed ASAP), I propose that we get this village in order. The voting system allows for nice sneak hammers by the mafia (assuming two mafias but there may only be one here) and we cannot afford to lose the game ASAP. My proposition is such. I will give out my role (pretty worthless so I don't mind) to everyone that I speak to on the condition that they do the same (with or without the role, their choice). I believe that the mafia(s) will not be able to fake the flavour and/or figure out the true name of the town. And such, we can trap them. Of course, the mafia(s) will see this message and instantly try to fake something but if everyone co-operates, we should catch the scum. And it doesn't need to be said that publicly disagreeing with this idea looks suspicious. Thank you.
  9. Link vs. Batman. Master of gadgets battle. You gotta make these interesting.
  10. Confirming. I'm totally getting nightkilled asap. EDIT: I don't like rule 19. At all.
  11. Life

    Favourite Villain?

    Pan is seriously fucked up. More than Regina or Gold. Or even Cora.At least Cora was upfront about being evil. Pan's sly and makes you want to hit him.
  12. Actually, I can attest to this. I'm holding back a lot of bile for the IP Chat clique of retarded kids right about now. Especially against one person in general (he knows who he is and is completely unlikable).
  13. i wanna hire you so i can teach you but ill have to charge
  14. then i can say that my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
  15. people are so unoriginal they think they know what im gonna say and how im gonna say it but i bet they surised when i change it penis
  16. Alright. I can do that.It's not that difficult to work up confident for day-to-day living. I was also in a similar state to both of you. I failed out of university in first year citing effort issues (better explained as not giving a fuck) and spent the next year trying to figure out what to do. I ended up starting over in Israel and I'm happy about that. It stems from one thing. Being able to look yourself in the mirror and be proud of what you see. Two years ago, I couldn't do that. Now I can. Put your failings to one side and look at your successes in life. It doesn't matter how big or small the achievement is. It's still an achievement. Concentrate on that and being able to rank up more achievements.
  17. Life


    30 warnings man is a god
  18. i remember when fftf used to be quality it reminds me of 4chan before it started dying
  19. Life


    welcome to the club have a bagel
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