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Everything posted by Life

  1. I play League of Legends. So essentially, a computer that can handle decent quality MMOs.
  2. No time to build. Just want to buy. Alienware? Ok. What about Lenovo?
  3. I need a new computer. A gaming one. One that isn't going to overheat. Any suggestions? Price range would be... less than $2000. Preferably.
  4. That was well done. And stabbing the ground with a dull knife and hoping that you don't blow off your arm is kinda... well, it's not exactly boring but not primetime TV either.
  5. just lost the game. In related news, I'm still alive and have all of my fingers but that will probably change this week. And only 2 more months until silver beret. Sick.
  6. And suddenly, Blue Mage just got relevant.
  7. I restarted my run. Couple of things different this time. - I took the Gauntlet instead of the Genji Glove from Banon. My reasoning is that I'll have Edgar jump during the Crane battle. We'll see how that works out. - Managed to shave off a level somewhere which lead to a lower Zozo and onwards score. Nice job. - Got my 15 AP at the rats in the Opera House. Allows Sabin to equip Cait Sith for +1 Magic when he levels (doesn't do too much but does add a wee bit more damage). - Grabbing a Black Belt from the General fight saves 5k when you get to Vector. Make sure it drops. Same idea with Green Berets (somehow I have 3 and I don't remember grinding on the Veldt at all). - Number 024 is still trashed by Sleep. - Shame that Edgar can't get 1 more AP with Ramuh on before the cart ride to learn Poison. Doesn't really matter since Number 128 and Cranes are immune to it but still.
  8. Imma do my own quick run to see if I can justify your findings.
  9. Couple notes about the early classes: !Mug is actually pretty good lategame and earlygame point put into the Thief class aren't really wasted. A Ninja using !Mug and 2 weapons steals and still does good damage. Sure, you're gonna drop it for obviously better stuff (!Animals, !Gaia and later !Rapid Fire) but in battles where you also want to steal, you don't have to sacrifice attacking to do so. I wouldn't neglect !Time but !Time's problem is that it's near useless until Level 4 skills come into play (I believe that would be... end of World 1). AKA Comet. !Blue is fun but not efficient in this game. It's only saving grace early game is Goblin Punch and you weren't trying to grab it. Berserker is a class made for boss battles, in my opinion. Everything else, you've already covered or haven't gotten there yet.
  10. After two games with this build, I find that unless you're playing against a lot of CC or AP casters, BV is pointless because the power jump on Spell Flux and especially Rune Prison is retarded, considering that Overload's damage output doesn't really go down with a 0.4 AP ratio. Might as well pump a RoA on there for extra overkill.
  11. Basically, I feel that a slightly tanky build on Ryze works like this (of course, you can change it around). Tear + Sorc Boots Frozen Heart (20% DPS cooldown) AA Hextech Revolver NLR WotA RD Rest is option. It's a pretty costly build but Ryze should be building CS pretty easily.
  12. Ryze just got changed. Majorly. Can I now build him AP and still retain damage? If so, I have a build idea for him. Based on Will of the Ages, that is.
  13. Normal human beings call them steroids. Speaking of which, if the boosters aren't being ground into a fine powder and snorted or blended into a milkshake and injected along with a bit of china white, you're doing it wrong.
  14. Gonna expound on this one. I haven't beaten these FF/FE games. FF1/2/4/5/7/8/10/13 FE3/4/5/6/10/11/12 Sad, huh?
  15. 1. Madden NFL 2000 2. Madden NFL 2000 3. Madden NFL 2000 4. Madden NFL 2000 5. Madden NFL 2000 6. Madden NFL 2000 7. Madden NFL 2000 8. Madden NFL 2000 9. Madden NFL 2000 10. Madden NFL 2000 That game WAS my childhood.
  16. Got a bunch. FFVI draft. Restarted it but haven't been playing. At Zozo I think. Can't play Riviera without savestates. Can't beat the second chapter either. Never finished EHM S Rank. That's all I got off the top of my head.
  17. Exactly this. Except with Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean replacing FF:CC.
  18. You say this like he's a decent unit for those tasks. He's not. He'll never reach the gangplanks because the enemies will have already suicided on Lethe/Titania/Keiran/Jill/Marcia/Oscar/any footunit I'm forgetting). 11 has the most pathetic enemies known to man on the bottom route (pretty sure Lv12 Mia can solo them though I can't see her being that low of a level with all the BExp) and 12 has the Ravens doubling him for more damage than he would like to take (18 Atk x2 against 28 HP and 13 Def means that he's 3RKOd). AKA, not a good unit for even those purposes.
  19. You are a retard. Let me explain what FPS means. First Person - You see the game through the eyes of the main character. Shooter - You shoot shit. There may be no game that better explains this than Metroid where you can freeze/shock/plasma enemies to death with your GUN for an arm. Hence First Person Shooter. In fact, Fallout 3 is even LESS than an FPS than Metroid Prime because of its ability to be in 3rd person. And it's considered a Western RPG FPS.
  20. FPS = First Person Shooter. Yes they are. That is if you're referring to Metroid Prime. Anyway, here's my list: 1. Portal 2. Bioshock 3. Borderlands 4. Fallout 3 5. Call of Duty 3: World at War Honerable Mentions: CoD Modern Warfare (the first one), Halo 2, 007 Nightfire.
  21. So they might be gay. So? What exactly are you trying to get at? That we should treat gay people differently? That's called discrimination, if I'm not mistaken.
  22. Well fuck you all, don't make fun of my holiday where we raped them Egyptians with blood and lice and hail.
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