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Everything posted by Busterman64

  1. I actually saw that one on Twitter. It's cute(and rather sweet too)! ;3 The Mimikyu feels train continue! :'3 (Still wondering if it evolves with happiness...)
  2. When it comes to nicknaming my pokemon,I do one of four things: 1.)Leave the name as is(because their names are just better then what I come up with and/or their names are just more fitting). 2.)Give them a bad nickname or one I use to death(I used to call all my Fire Starters "Blaze". Creative, ain't it? ;P ) 3.) Give them a joke name(I like calling my Whooper "Herp Derp"...EVERY ...TIME! I love the little guy too much! ;P ) Or 4.)I actually give my pokemon a (somewhat) cool name(in SoulSilver, I called my Heracross "Hercule"! ;3 ) This one can take more time though(or not. Depends on what I think of in a short span of time. The "Hercule" nickname didn't take too long for me surprisingly.)
  3. I see you guys are talking about Pokeballs...... ...just gonna leave this here... ;3
  4. That's kinda my mentality now......wish I had that as a kid/teenager... (I kept trading in a lot games at Gamestop and sold a couple of my games......I didn't learn that was a bad idea until I was about 16......darn younger me...)
  5. That's...kinda how I got mine a few years ago too...I found it at a Gamestop, begged my mom for it for about a month, and I had it for about a year(beat it about 3+ times) and sold it because I needed some money(and because I didn't really know back then that selling/trading in games that I play to death can be a really bad idea)......*sigh*... Oh well... I did get lucky again and found FFVII in good condition at a thrift store about a year ago(not making the same mistake twice)!
  6. Yeah, then I could finally stop kicking myself for selling my copy of FE9 a few years back(before Awakening was released)...for such a low price...*sigh*...
  7. Yeah. Besides, hope I'm remembering this right, despite the Tellius games being so popular, they didn't sell very well(partly because of bad advertising)... I feel like now they know what to do to sell what they need to! ;3
  8. I'm hoping we get VC Gamecube games! The NS has 2 usb ports...that's all you need for the adapter! Also, that's more money for Nintendo and more smiles on our faces(and more joy from our wallets because games like FE:PoR(FE9) and Skies of Arcadia Legends, while really fun games, sell mighty high on amazon)! Yes, yes, and more yes! ;3
  9. With Red and Blue, this proves time(or years) actually passes in the world of pokemon! So Ash, what the heck? Eh...either way... You're looking good guys!
  10. So other than The Tapu being able to summon the yellow devil(from Megaman) and the final evolutions are pretty cool...... one thing made me shout for joy.... Nov.18, get here already!
  11. Pretty much what Hardin said. GameXplain already on this! Video title: "Nintendo Switch Presentation Coming Jan 12th - Price, Launch Date, & Games to be Revealed" (Also, darn it Hardin, you beat me to the punch )
  12. I pray that the 32GB thing doesn't hold up. I hope they increase that number by at least X2(because there isn't much reason to keep the space so small).
  13. OW! I know it happened to you, but......I can feel that pain man...I'm so sorry... I broke like 2 DS's as a kid....3rd one, I was being really bad at one point and my Mom took it and hid it...hid it so well she forgot where she hid it( we found it a few years later though). When I got a 3DS...yeah, I protected that thing! (My Mom was REALLY nice considering we didn't really have the money to keep getting new consoles...)
  14. Jeez...everyone has been getting sick lately(me included)! Also, yeah, might send off the Wii U with BotW... *sad trumpets*
  15. I guess $300+ might be much, but a console like that is gonna most likely be $300 or so. Also...for your rap...
  16. To throw in my 2 cents... I'm sure the 3DS will be fine. Console Prices N.Switch: Probably $300+ 3DS: Around $200 Games N.Switch: Probably $60 (and up) 3DS: $30-$40(with a few $50's) The 3DS will be fine. Nintendo wouldn't want to COMPLETELY kill their other strong source of revenue!
  17. Took some pictures from the video(specifically of Splatoon and Mario Kart). See anything interesting?
  18. Thank you for finding this! Rumor it may be, but with some of the NX...I mean, Nintendo Switch rumors being true so far...we can only hope this one is right too!
  19. GameXplain already hard at work! Still looking for a source for that "Region Free" thing...
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