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Everything posted by Busterman64

  1. Sooo...anyone asked off of work tomorrow to play Pokemon Sun /Moon? (And anyone going to the midnight release?)
  2. Chuggaconroy is gonna have a field day with these kinds of puns! ......you know, It's times like these that make me happy I mainly stick around this forum...(I love you guys, stay awesome...please! )
  3. Wow, realized that despite being in this thread since near it's beginning, I haven't voted in the poll yet! HERP DERP!!! WELL...to be fair, for a good while, I was pretty conflicted on what to get and which kinda made me forget to vote later...oh well... Anywho! Starter As time went on, I got more conflicted on which starter to get(Esspecially after seeing their final evolutions. Just...good job GameFreak!) But, in the end, I'm going with Rowlett. Whenever I replay the game, I'm gonna use Litten next, then Popplio last. And yes, despite what some may say, I LOVE Incineroar's design(although I won't lie, wouldn't have minded if it stayed on all 4's, but hey, I still like what we got)! Version While seeing Passimian made me kinda want Sun, I decided to stick with my original pick, Moon. Mostly because I'm a Night person. (......Still want Passimian though...) Guardian Does much need to be said about this adorable thing? (I will say though, I like all the guardians and I feel like Tapu Koko fits the "Guardian" description the best! Fini seems more serious(has some seniority), Bulu seems more power oriented, and Lele...seems...innocent). So...yeah, my last minute 2 cents. As for Midnight Releases......my Gamestop is having one(wel, the one I made my pre-order at). Question is......do I want to be out at that time(because staying up isn't an issue, driving there that late, kinda yeah)? Edit: Oh and, if you're not sure if your Gamestop is having a Midnight Release, check out the list in the link: http://www.nintendo.com/images/page/whats-new/article-assets/gamestop-midnight-event-locations.pdf
  4. A few tips(for Conquest): Chapters Chapter 10 is quite a challenge. Chapter 17, bring all the defense you can. Chapter 21, personally, is a pain. Characters (This might be a bit bias) Effie will keep you alive(Benny is a good alternative though). Nyx, personally, is good. A glass cannon though(Edit: I keep her paired up with Leo. It helps.) Mozu is good(She's not super great, but not super bad either. She's...Balanced pretty well. Depends on her class though). Arthur pretty good(for me anyway)! (Edit: Him and Charlotte paired up are quite a duo for me!) Beruka is Boss(Camillia...not sure,I hear she's good too, but I just used Beruka more)! She's so GOOOOD! On my file, she's almost as tanky(and Strong) as Effie, who's pretty tanky as is!(But again, that's my playthrough.) It's small tips, but hopefully it'll help you! Have fun experiencing the game!
  5. You know, I just wanna say...for those who voted for Trump...I don't hate you. I might (greatly) disagree with you, but not hate. They're so much hate going around...I rather not add on to that. All I'm do is pray to God we make it through the next 4 years ok and try to live life as bext as I can, no matter what may happen. Love ya all! ;3
  6. You know how some people complained a lot when Obama was in office(for whatever reason they could find)? I have a feeling its not gonna compare to the complaints with Trump! (Now people are REALLY gonna have a reason to complain!)
  7. If Trump can't do much while in the White House(good or bad) because of disagreements, that doesn't sound too bad...less power he has, the better!
  8. ...if you told me the race would be this close a few days ago, I would've called you crazy(most likely in my head)...just...wow.... (0_o)...
  9. So a lot a people are actually trying to move to canada...
  10. True, but seeing how GameFreak has been already making some intereting twists in this game...I'm not gonna count it out as a possibility(as low as it may be). :3
  11. Soooooo...who's been keeping up with the demo events? I've...been doing a bad job... I wanted to get all of them, but I either was busy or was having fun doing something else(both leading me to forget to do them). Even when I had a chance to do them...I forgot too... :P
  12. Wait...seriously?! Oh wow...that's...rather surprising. Gen 5 isn't my favorite Gen, that goes to Gen.4, but its honestly my second favorite! I honestly thought it got a sequel BECAUSE it was so popular! I...I learned something today...something sad... And here I thought Gen 4 had it bad sometimes... :'( Also, about Gen 7, I like the interesting twist on things and just how...different it feels...and its a good different feel! :3
  13. The ironic thing about that is that it seems like some kids feel like it's "for babies". I know because(and my memory is a little foggy on this, but...) a good friend of mine that I know who's around 12(known him since he was a toddler) had a birthday party and he invited me and a few of his friends. I brought my 3DS with me and while I just sitting down and playing, one of his friends comes over and asks me what I'm playing. I tell him Pokemon and then he (essentially) says, "Pokemon? Why are you playing that? That's for little kids!" I also believe it was the same kid that brought his PS3 with a copy of Assassinations Creed 3 and Call of Duty Ghosts, so...yeah...
  14. So from what I'm hearing, the games are easier now and we don't have certain optional features is because kids find this stuff too hard? ...*sigh*...that...saddens me... Not gonna lie, but X & Y's ...ahem..."difficulty" kinda made things not super fun. I actually had a major Pokemon Burnout afterwards...I skipped ORAS too. If they don't want it to be too hard, either have a difficulty setting(that changes Pokemon levels and maybe A.I.) or just make it difficult enough so people feel like they're overcoming a challenge! Wait...actually...screw part of that! Post game stuff is extra stuff you voluntarily go after! The main game is one thing, but post game is another! Also, don't they realize if you're in this to began with, you're gonna face a challenge sooner or later? Besides, what's the difference from a few years back to now? I get technology is evolving and all that, but people, no matter how young or old, want a challenge! Heck, that's kinda what makes us WANT to play a game! If we're invested in the game, we're gonna try to beat it! I mean, take the Dark Souls series or Bloodborne for example(I know that's kinda a different can of worms, but I'm gonna use it as a point anyway). Is it a difficult game(series)? Yes. Do people rage at it? Yes. Does it make people put it down? Yes. Is it fair? Yes(mostly). Do people like to beat the game despite its difficulty? Yes! Why would anyone want to keep trying to beat it? Because they know they can do it and they want to beat it! Look, I know Pokemon and Dark Souls/Bloodborne are two different things(and might be a little bit of a unfair comparison), but the point is that people like to be challenged. If things are too easy, people can lose interest...like me! I love pokemon, I really do, but it's become so easy that it kinda takes some of the fun out of battles(and I hear some people say Pokemon has always been easy...yeeeaahhh...no. Not exactly. It can be easy at times, but it has its difficult moments! X & Y barely had any...heck, I nearly breezed through the Elite 4 for goodness sake!) Give us a challenge. Give us something to fight towards. Give us a reason to want to keep playing on longer! And lets not forget that THEY OWN THE GAME NOW! It's not like years ago where you were limited to retrys based on your quarters in a arcade! You can try again as much as you want! ...*sigh*...I get they need to keep their consumers and all, but...people are gonna come and go from games, it happens. Technology will continue to advance and they're gonna choose whether they want your game or not. It's ok to want to bring in new people, but don't screw over/alienate veterans while doing so, darn it(that's an issue I had with FE:Fates, but that's another topic for discussion)! ......Sorry, sorry, I just wanted to get that out... If what I said seemed a bit inconsiderate, and it possibly may, my bad. I just...care a lot.
  15. My quick summary of my opinion of Fates...Artstyle-wise, its good, but part of me prefers the style of the older games(Tellius especially). For Fanservice: There is line when it comes to fanservice and Fates kinda went a bit too far. Especially considering when this series,minus the light hearted and sweet moments, takes itself a bit seriously. Armor likes Camillia's and Charlotte's would be life threatening in a normal battle. For Story: 5 words. Had potential, but screwed up! (Conquest especially.) For Writting: It's great in some places, good in some, and pretty bad in others. Somme potentially good story moments and characters kinda suffer(*coughcamilliacough*). For MyCastle: I'm...actually kinda 50/50 on MyCastle. On one hand, you have a base of operations that lets you buy items, view supports & extras, use the coloseum, and a lot of other stuff to do. On the other hand, I can't help, but feel like it's a bit too much. I honestly feel like The Bases from FE4 and the Tellius games were better and straight forward(not to ment had better stuff like better Blacksmiths/Forges). That's just me though. I will say though, I may be a bit bias considering I kinda prefer the older game, but that doesn't mean I don't like the newer ones. I think they're pretty good too, but I have my issues.
  16. I felt so bad as I saw his sanity slowly diminished as time went on(I believe it was 2+ hours straight)...I was so happy when he finally finished.
  17. Wow...that's pretty similar situation that a Youtuber I watch had! ;P
  18. To throw in my 2 cents on everything said so far... -A Gen 4 remake seems pretty likely, besides(I went and checked), games have been remade in about a ten year timespan(give or take a year). Pokemon Gold and Silver were realised in 1999(in Japan. 2000 in the US). Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver were released in 2009(in Japan. 2010 for the US). Ruby and Sapphire were released in 2002 in Japan(2003 in the US). OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire were released in 2014 worldwide. If that trend continues, we may see a remake of Gen 4(Diamond and Pearl were released in 2006 in Japan and 2007 in the US. Platinum releasing in 2008 in Japan and 2009 in the US). Check it yourself if you want to: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Pokémon_video_games -Gen 1 has had A LOT of love, especially since X & Y and the VC releases of the original games. I doubt another Gen 1 remake anytime soon. -Generation remakes seem kinda like a way to give Gamefreak more time to make a new game with new stuff. -Don't care wether it's on the 3DS or the NS, just give me a good Gen 4 remake! -Keep the games difficult. -Speed up the animations. Never had much issues with it, but hey, it would be nice. -Keep most of the stuff the same with a good couple of additions and improvements. -Make HMs into TMs. -While the post game was good, add a little bit more to it. -Make Cynthia awesome...oh wait...she already is. ;P -Whatever else I can't think of at the moment... ;3
  19. Now that you mention it......it's all strictly MALE fanservice isn't it? I never thought about how other girls feel about all the fanservice...(it even goes toward the writting and kinda ruins some character's character...*coughcamilliacough*) Also, there is a line with Fanservice and Fates kinda crossed it(heck, in the first trailer, Camilla was a selling point. Look at the trailer and tell me that wasn't what they were doing.) I like buying my games for gameplay, not Fanservice like what Fates gave us... ...Besides,This is Fire Emblem, not Dead or Alive... (Although I have heard it actually does have good fighting mechanics though ;P...makes sense why games are still being made for that series besides the...*ahem*..."physics")
  20. It would be a crazy move, but I'm pretty sure they know how much Fire Emblem would help out getting people to get the console!Although, personally, I want a game with a different style from Fates/Awakening(because while I like the style, I kinda want something a bit better) and/or a HD remake of PoR and RD(FE9 and FE10)(...I prefer these game's artstyle more ;P )! More so that second one... Partly because I WANT THAT SOOO BAD, but also because there are a lot of FE fans that want to play the Tellius games, but...they cost around $80-$100 on Amazon. With a re-release, not only will it make getting the games easier and probably fixing a few (major)issues that those games had(*glares at RD's Supports*), but it would give people another reason to get those HD remakes, but also a new console(if Square Enix can do with Kingdom Hearts, so can it)!
  21. I can see a FE game on the switch happening. Probably not for a while, but I do see it possible! Even if the 3DS successor hasn't come to exist yet, I doubt it will be revealed for a good 3-4 years or so. Nintendo wants the NX...oops, sorry(force of habit), the NS to succeed and do as well as it can for as long as it can. Now, and don't quote me on this, but if the rumor that was going around a few months ago about FE15 already being started on(more so in the planning stages), its either gonna be for the 3DS or NS. But if it is true, Nintendo is gonna want to get as many reasons for people to get an NS as possible and since Fire Emblem is now a major contender(and after Fates, they can experiment with the money from that), they're gonna need to go out guns ablazing for this console! Besides, I doubt they'll jump the 3DS ship anytime in the next year or so. It's been too good source of a revenue for them! They need to keep it around for a good while before taking a risk with a successor.
  22. I made a short rap for Ganondorf that's been brewing in my head for a while. Decided to see what others think about it(kinda can thank Epic Rap Battles of History for inspiration)! "I am the Ganondorf, you cannot hope to possibly beat me! I am the Ganondorf, You can try as much as you please! I am the Ganondorf, but I will still beat you with ease! I am the Ganondorf, I will bring you down to your knees! I am a Warlock, a powerful king, hits so hard, it'll leave more then a sting! Your power can't match, you barely have a chance, try to tango with me, it'll be a short dance! And if you anger me, all H*** will break loose, and you'll be reduced, to a stain on my boots! So go ahead, set in the ring, It will most certainty, entertain your King!" I hope it was good! ;3
  23. !!!Oh my Gosh! Someone else that knows that series exists! Thank God!!! :3 ...*ahem*...anywho... ...in a way...I can see it. I see more T-Bone than razor though(but then again, T-Bone would be more fitting ;3 ) ......I'm in the mood for some "SWAT Kats now... ;3
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