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Great Geargia Gateway

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Everything posted by Great Geargia Gateway

  1. Didn't think you utilized Luigi's grab combo's enough. When I thought you were going to DThrow and Air combo, you BThrowed. Even the Dthrow to DownB surprised me. Cause Luigi is good at bringing that % up even when they're 70% and just ending with a surprise smash or BThrow. Of DownB used when getting beck to the floor cause it's hard to read and completely loony and fast. Though NAir is great, but it can definitely get blocked and the DownB is a great optional use if you're scared. Luigi's moves are also supposed to flow together. DThrow > UAir > B. Both very nice KO's and stopped Diddy getting a massive gap between stocks on you.
  2. I get input lag, but the game speed problem? I dunno. I played with my friends locally, save a replay and realize how fast it actually was. I thought it because I was in deep focus and concentration. I personally hate the Rage Effect. Got a Bowser on 230+ online and just couldn't get the ko off, but then he one-shot my Falco. Was pretty butthurt. I don't like how someone still won and didn't work for it. The other player even left thinking he was tops. Getting pluses for getting punished? I think it needs to be removed. Heavies, and Lucario benefit to much if they can't kill. For when someone get's a KO, when they look over why, the Rage Effect reason is always looked on last.
  3. Not really. It's quite easy, Dente from DMC, Superman I believe and I find Marth quite a bit sexualized. I think sexualized is different to the person. If it has butts and boobs, or biceps and no shirt or just a feminine, strong, important, sexy, perfect guy (Marth) then that's my consideration. Characters like Vaike are a turn off for me, but accepted for some. I feel it's weird for Kozaki to create women of what he sees, but he won't make many males like it either.
  4. What is that Roy doing? He countered and KO'ed and I'm like. "He's getting somewhere." Apparently not. As we all know. Ike Vs. Mario is pretty scary. A pretty hard counter tbh. I never knew how much of a bad matchup Ike was with Mario until he FLUDD me and I was a stocks down. All my Ike matches flashed before my eyes. After that, I just had to time the Aether just right so FLUDD couldn't touch Ike but Ike could still reach the edge.
  5. Holy crap! I could cosplay him if my fringe wasn't long.
  6. Revolutionary as in, revived the series that was apparently dead and even got some newer things FE never did, heaps of skills, mechanics and a newer art style like ones today.
  7. Why FE: Awakening sold so well: 1. Timing when their was no other games to play. 2. Revolutionary new FE game that has been completely advertised more than any other FE. 3. The Waifu's and Fan service. Yay, or nay?
  8. They literally make sex sell. I don't think honor is still a thing anymore. That "You bring shame to family" crap is basically just used for control. What's the point in this game being called 'Fates' if you can't control it and you're stuck with people who let you down.
  9. I feel like this is the "Don't go there." department. Buuuut... you don't question Kids joining a small army to take on a force dominating the lands? Final Fantasy games proved that fantasy armor isn't in everything. Lightning is a good example. If she can join the army and not be sexualized and get a fanbase for it and still kick butt, then stuff like Camilla's and Charlotte's design is all in the designers head. And realism is a fantasy game is great. Dark Souls is a great example.
  10. I rather give it accurate sweet and sour spots. All on 120% Palutena's Feet to Head - Best Launch. Right above her head to half way - Decent launch. Half way to end of white area - Pop like launch. Blue top area - Give not flinch. I thought I heard Sakurai saying something like this in Miiverse where the top would do basically nothing, but nerfing this would kinda be pointless since she's really bad and no other character does something like this. It gives her variety.
  11. I do think adding some spike designs on your elbow when the devs are going to model them down into chibi less detailed versions, is a bit redundant.
  12. Isn't Roy's Up-Smash true-damage weather their in the air or from the ground? I also think Roy's Flare Blade is a little broken. Next to no frame lag and great range and ko potential compared Ike's Eruption all round.
  13. that I didn't know. Seems like Megamans DashThrowJumpCancel from one end to the other all over again,
  14. I've had enough of people in FG today and a while. The stereotypes just annoy me. They win one match and they just up right leave. I win one and go for another round, then my opponent wins and they leave thinking they're top shit with so much ego. Taunting me even with stupid names, flashing on and off, waiting for me to go 'OK' then they leave the lobby. Smash community is just unbearable. Most of them Japanese players. FG in a nutshell.
  15. A multiple choice poll. Choose Fighters that you think needs Nerfs or Buffs and why? First off. Buff Ike and Nerf Greninja. Nerf - Next, make Roy's sour spot a little larger. Nerf - Greninja Buff - Give Marth a grab combo. Just a little. Buff - Mii Sword Fighter just needs one. Nerf - Sanic just needs to stop being so boring. Buff - Samus needs better ground game and projectile game. Buff - Ike Nerf - Luigi's grab game... juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust a little. A tad. You get the point.
  16. Gooooood. Let the butthurt flow through you. Honestly, I don't get why. I do find Sonic annoying, but I just suck versing him with any character. Did Sonic really need to get nerfed?
  17. Whoa.... Why couldn't he use these designs? :''(
  18. Just played my 'Blk Knight' and I never realized the Sword Fighter to be this strong. (Sword Flurry B, Sword Flip >B, Sword Dash slash thingy ^B and reflect wind vB) It's a shame, you can't combo or string into anything. DThrow to Air attacks works a little, but barely. This needs a buff, I want to use the Mii's more.
  19. Actually I can kinda agree. Though Yuri/Yaoi is also thought of well in Japan's anime cultures, but Tamodachi Life in the west debated wanting gay relationships and it's not anime. But I don't think Sakurai panders Japan more actually. Nintendo though, yes definitely loves too. But not Sakurai though, remember he crated that Smash Ballot for everyone who's a fan in the world.
  20. Right. Make it for the east. Get bags of money from the west. WE exist and Awakenings sales would never have gotten so high without selling it overseas. If Sakurai can make a game for all the Smash fans, why can't IS stop being ignorant then?
  21. I do feel sorry for the the amount of hate this guy gets, but as one of them I can see why. He decides to do these and then IS says "Yes" and then he goes to make more. I like the anime art design but it doesn't help this. It's also the main reason why this argument gets so far but mainly on female characters. There's no moral design to them. I see an easy objectified little girl when I look at look at Nyx despite the fact that she's supposed to be freggin old. Characters like Meg in RD don't exist anymore, and even Draj can be a good example of what a girl really looks like. I praised Draj's design when I first saw it. Thinking maybe he's thought about this. Rinkah at least makes sense. She at least lifts and fits to her role, but there's no strong females or any females that represent what a girl really looks or feels like since Awakening. All females wear almost nothing somewhere on a part of the body, just don't look fit for the roll they're supposed to playing or just over sexualized. Cherche has no armor on the back (go ahead and abuse you spine with chest armor and breasts) and Cordelia (A skirt, and leg straps, centered and clearly showing in the official art). If you going to design soldiers like these, then make a soldier. They can still be called sexy material. TL;DR - I rather more realistic and moralized female designs like Minerva's, Draj's, Astrid's and Meg's.
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