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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Dock Hp from the character which should have died. Don't see the point in cheating rolls :/ Unless of course you're planning to take things into PvP later in the RP. In which case you probably need to be the strongest character if you're taking on several others. Would be an interesting finish. The CW's fought eachother and the world was lost... the end. :/ Though as we all know, the CW's aren't even essential to defeating the LoAF, so I don't see why you're merry group is still traveling. :P
  2. I still think that playing Russian roulette with countries is better then "trying" to not produce waste. It doesn't matter how much is recycled, how many people become more waste efficient. Doesn't change the drain on resources. :/
  3. Depends on what he's cheating on. -Is he not KO'ing his characters? -Is he damaging more then he should? -Is he just not letting attacks miss/hit when they should be? I'd probably be go with Phase 1: EXP Docking Phase 2: Perm stat decrease. Phase 3: Mod Kill, and restriction to one character Phase 4: Removal from RP. How much time you put in, in between is up to you really, but if he's still cheating in Phase 4 I think it's a clear indication that he no longer wants to be a part of this RP :/
  4. Are the toxins fatal? If so give them to my sister I see the issue, but I doubt that to be the case. And I'm also unsure about the level of effect. Hell city air is toxic during the peak hours. Yet people still wind their windows down since it's a "hot day." Furthermore environment/health issues are frequently exaggerated "This one man died!" doesn't really mean anything if it's a persisting problem it aided his dead but most likely isn't the sole cause. Humans live too long anyway I support a few environmental moves, but between non-recycling and the odd toxic bottle? I'll take the later.
  5. Very amusing. Firstly though I'd like to be semi-racist and say "It's not American? So what?" XD I've always had an issue with how being "American, British, Australian etcetc) should mean something. If it Un-Japanese of me to not like America, then I'll renounce my damn nation :/ (I've been told by a fellow class mate that we need to respect Americans, because..... of the events in WWII) Thank you for the A-bomb. That said though, I don't dislike Americans, I however don't like them either. (No opinion) I do however dislike idiots such as the writer who think "It's American" means something. I know an American who laughed out "Boom!" as the tv replayed the same damn scenes over and over again for 30 minutes before he got bored. Insensitive jerk? Maybe, American? yes. Completely agreeing with Sylvester regarding Canadians mourning the losses of the WTC. It's fine for them to think of it and mourn, but a day of mourning? Really? If it'd be a public holiday I can understand why they'd want it. But otherwise it's just stupid. It's been pointed out above. But I don't recall a day where American mourn the losses of Nagasaki or Hiroshima. And people are still dying today as a result of 1945. I admit, the WTC was a tragedy, but there's been a lot more recent tragedies, and looking through history, I'm sure there's plenty of bigger ones. As for the Mosque, I'd think it's rather insensitive. There's a difference between "can they" and "should they." And I firmly believe they shouldn't. For the sake of both parties. Unless there's a magical way to convince everyone that the mosque should be allowed. Sooner or later an unhappy unAmerican is going to do something to the Mosque or it's customers/followers/participants. With the ramblings it caused, it's bound to happen. So it's not very smart of the muslim man to build it on or near the site. That said, his loss not mine. Less religious people in the world, the better in my view, but that's another discussion.
  6. A change in style, maybe this will make things easier for you to comprehend. @Posts -I am a reactive poster, -My goal is to not to throw people under a bus -My goal is to make sense and destroy elements which breach that. -Speculation is accurate, early Kai, and apparently Psych are prime examples. @Experience (14 Year Olds) -Inferior, competitive, not matter. Essentially "Problematic" -"Cons" is false. Not exclusive to "14 year olds" or "Gamers" (Reactive) -Inaccurate, reactions can be ridiculous. -Detached is false, Cynthia/Myself reactive players that aren't detached from RP plot/discussion. -Kai, Ether not reactive, somewhat detached. -Situation can escalate "One thing leads to another" strain. Hence not reliant on situation, able to add more context each time, to which others can respond. (snowball effect) (Plotters) -If you're trying to classify me here, you'd also have to classify everyone as a plotter. -I had no overall goals or plans in the RP, beside keeping fluffy crap out. (Implausible rubbish meant to get the group of of a tight spot, this is a form of Godmoding) -Con is synonymous to inflexible, certain goal must be attained. Which is indeed pathetic dangerous. -Personality won't change for anyone, sarcasm when offer made. -Change in attitude is good or bad? Vague information, irrelevant. @Styles -Not asking you to join SQ -Original comment was made under "Experience" Having experience in RP near useless if different style/format. @Lecture -Appropriate important. Kanami lecturing Bal on not causing trouble = Inappropriate, doesn't make sense -Likewise Phoenix talking about plausibility not make sense -Former statement indicates willingness to sacrifice plausibility for personal desirable outcome. @Nerd Rage -Poor excuse otherwise; Selizara, Inn fire = Kanami "having a little fun with a bomb" -No need for Gae-Bolg II -Isotov exploding and still surviving made sense to that situation how? @Psych Section -Seek to improve RP + Respect other people's enjoyment + Cooperation = Improve other people, if can't do, stop preach. -Pointless and unproductive = Spam RP, Examples available upon request. -Poorly thought out "fixes" aren't fixes. Adding fire to fire does not put out fire. -Inability to come up with good solutions = Discuss, not ever done. LoAF'ers generally fail to acknowledge problem. @Productivity -Define Mismanagement? -Arguing (Between Helios and Chase, or anyone else) does not lead to trouble. Often after trouble has occurred, or after complication solved. -Interactions are always open, no reason for restriction to be placed on where people can't be hostile, same as no restriction for people getting along. -Rp'er think = less trouble. Experience here is irrelevant, common sense plays role in "think" -Criminal status > Drug lords Incubus's -Criminal status > Stupid rot dragon -Criminal status > Water tome -Criminal status was fueled by all. Started by Kanami and Phoenix's Stupidity. But fueled by Ether, Cynthia, Snowy, Phoenix, Lightning. Phoenix and Kanami. (Even Kiryn for encouraging Ilyphina route). (Exception Bal/Kai?) -Complainer is also adding fuel to the situation? Contradiction? I want to kill people but not get punished for it? -Incorrect Hate eachother result of plan snuffing, not snuff plans due to hate. -Kiryn, disagree, not good at noticing. -Cynthia often ignored as things speed along. -"hangged upside down from a basket ball hoop" for shitty plans, your own fault, same concept as Psych ignoring. @Ignoring -Issues with you, surprised you acknowledged them more so that you were aware of it. Didn't think you had the intelligence. @Indifference -What would Snowy do? Nothing. What should he do? Adapt. -If not adapt, stop give impression he is running an open plot RP. -Your RP, same issue. Doesn't look at all open in planning stages. -If powder keg summoned, needs to be plausible. If plausible LoAF'er idiocy. -If some ideas "good" then "contribution made. Accomplished submitting a "good idea" not just flaming/criticizing. -I'll find out about those when? Hasn't happened before. Not from you. -Past is important in making future. -Opinions changing, doesn't change past mistakes. -Don't care about your person. -No difference between GM'ing and Rper, don't change attitude regardless of position. -Scared people not worth my time, and I not theirs. @Fucking around -Contrary to Phoenix's Human nature, "lean toward making my last days as little a burden to someone else as possible" not beneficial short or long term. @Selizara -Point of run/fight = Capture results in execution or imprisonment. -LoAF's returning!, Wasting time in prison. Not work well together. -Helenos attacking, Fort blowing up, not much difference plot wise. Snowy did not offer solution. -Snowy incompetence mutual agreement, why raise "if's" which is uncontrollable. -Snowy "improvement" useless unless Snowy reads this. (Unlikely) -My objective is not to help, improve or make friends. -Incompetence of others not my fault, I provided warning, your choices not to listen. -Selizara unfixable, Point is to end, not fix. -Elysimma significant portion of RP, not important = 40% of this RP unimportant? -Flawed logic, why does nation have to like group? Because two idiots made characters from nation? -Solution to survive = GTFO, offered previous to Selizara, not taken. -Group split occured as early as Cobalt Caves, no reason it can't happen again. -Death Immunity acknowledged and abused as early as Ch1. "Turns out" = You slow, or wrong term. -Funny? At first, repetitive and quickly got boring. Same logic as Kanami explosions, Katies "Love me Iso!", Helios's "dreams" etcetc -Panic? Too deeply rooted in RP, get a life? -Example in future? Same concept as "I told you so" which I can do with several points. (Under the branch of heading to Ilyhina) -Your bad plan, you initiated it with Lightning, and lost control of. Seige situation collective responsibility of you and Lightning. Selizara: Infact my role in Selizara was to end the crap. After Istample I relinquished any control of the plot I'd driven since Iso caused the inn fire. Which apparently transferred to Lightning sending soldiers to Istample (Snowy established Ilyphina<->Border was one day) So to keep his ideas making sense, the soldiers had to arrive (My PM to you to notice soldiers). Celest attack, Cobalt caves. I did ask for something to happen in the cobalt caves and nothing did. (I was opposed to it's existence). I stopped complaining about heading to Ilyphina, and let Ether direct us to Selizara. Once we'd arrived you and Lightning decided to summon the Invincible Cavalry. If there's one person to blame for Selizara, it's not Snowy, you or myself. But Lightning. :/ At this stage I'd had enough, and figured keeping the plot in Lightning/your hands was hopeless and took back control. I might not have helped. But I didn't make the situation worse like others did. -Prison was an issue for you, you stated prior that you were "Panic"-sticken. -Back then the dominant idea was escape of court trial. Court trial obviously is a bad idea unless we have a lawyer in our midst. -Odd jobs for Conrad wouldn't work. -(Fuck I'm not putting the RP in Lightnings hands after Selizara <_< Conrads done enough damage thanks) -Slavery work = Chances to escape, Elysimma be stupid to let the group remain together. Some immediately sent away (Damian to Halton, Chase to the chopping block) -Work for crimes: Murder, Resisting arrest, arson, Killing Lieutenant(?) Celeste. Wasting military resources. We'll be in Elysimma paying our debt long after the LoAF has actually returned. -Work for crimes = Another poor plan by Phoenix. -Found a post, my third quote lists the same thing back then http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=19567&view=findpost&p=1033742 -Escape was done by Cynthia yes. However I raised the idea of Bandit raiding (Reika) the group before they arrived in Elysimma. Not sure if I raised it with Cynthia or Snowy. Most likely Cynthia cause I was appalled with Snowy. If not. I dreamed it and was going to have Dalton/Jones+Bandits attack the weary army. Since cynthia had her mage trio do it. Bandit army was shifted to attacking fortified Ilyphina. @Working together -Same shit is brought over, since a conclusion/answer is never attained. -You're the one that brings up the inn fire, I was happy with it. :/ -Wanted people to work together? Did you try to work with someone? -All bitching about being criminals? Who was? Why things didn't work out when we (supposedly) all wanted our criminal status revoked? Common goal, no solution. Reason is simple. Everyone didn't want the status revoked. Snowy: Didn't care, just wanted to get to TISME for the winged whore. Kiryn: Didn't care, just wanted the bickering/arguing to stop. Cynthia: Didn't care, She was speaking through Morgan and just trying to gather CW's. Ether: Didn't care, he probably thought Elysimma would treat him like royalty Phoenix: Wanted to mix in Viveka, and was supposedly working on a plan with Lightning. Lightning: Is an idiot. Thought Conrad could clear them of all crimes by waving his hand. Kanami: WANTED TO GTFO! Kai: ...... No idea, but I doubt he cared about criminal status either Bal: Can't remember Bals stance, think he was happy to have Tessa go where ever (Didn't care) as long as it was with the group. (Tessa was a lonely and had nowhere to go) Snike: Too new to matter. Do you understand why we weren't working towards clearing out names now? Also, I read this comment and felt I had to respond, regardless of how late it was. If this was fucking democracy, a retard like you wouldn't be in government, GTFO!@Answered Questions (Or do you think I was fighting with the people that I wasn't cooperating with?) -This.... however were you cooperating with the right people? Selizara -Were you cooperating at all? (or it was simply determined that I was better off cutting my losses and breaking away?) Elitist, and very damaging to the plot you were supposedly trying to make work. (My cooperating is never toward my own subplots) -Shanice, nuff said (Only cooperation?) -Cooperation isn't the fix, neither is pausing it and making people look at it. -Solution is to "Think" everyone's capable of it, even Psych/Kai -Granted time to "Think" was minimal, but it makes more sense to say "Think about what you're posting" (Takes time), rather then "Don't post for the next 30 minutes". -Issue was invincibility or character death protection. -Idiots (most of you) under-thought life threats, "We can do whatever we want, we can't die anyway" @Interactions -I can up the insults if that's what you're requesting? @Immaturity -Get a life, really <_< You need it more then I do. @Human Nature -If human nature looks at long term as well -People don't listen to you if they hate you and your constantly bitching at them" (Ignore) [Your ideology] -You do ignore them, and focus on the less important explanations that follow, hence this "Point" format. (I don't know what went wrong but it won't again because in the next Rp we'll work together to solve our problems!) -If you still think this, go back to hospital and get a brain transplant. -It's not limited to Psych and me either. Everyone in LoAF (Even Bal) has offended at one stage. Solution: Don't give idiots the plot, for any duration, if they want to be a Helios and have seizures on the side, fine. Just don't let them take the main plot. If you're one of the idiots. Scrap that RP now since you shouldn't be controlling the main plot. Restricting them to reactive posts isn't the end of the world. Same could be said for me in the plot control sense. However if I'm happy with the main plot I don't take a hold of it. One error is fine. A strain of errors makes me quit or do a "worlds end" act. In this case I opted for the later. I was under the impression Psych had already taught you this. (Snowy quitting) -It's not the first time he's claimed to quit apparently, if he does.... good riddance. @Conclusion -<_< Finally~ -I doubt anyone wanted to go to the Capitol, most of you were just too slow to acknowledge Snowy was a bad plotter. And had "faith" in the GM. -If we were at Bordertown now, I wonder how many would still opt to go to Ilyphina. -Other inns? Even Snowy would have stepped in there and solved it plausibly by saying criminal status didn't carry over between nations. Halton the conqueror wouldn't have. Doubt Septimus would have either. Though the two nations have been warped from the original layout :/ @Hate -Conclusion wasn't the last section T_T -Why be vague? And why not include yourself properly? -If you don't "fucking know" then you wouldn't have told me people were ignoring me out of "hate" -You forgot Kiryn -Esau actually makes more sense then....you :/ -Hate was obvious in Selizara, I don't need to be told who hated me to be honest, I know who, and to what degrees (to an extent). -You are a hypocrite. -Truce is a lie, no agreement was reached. Proof is infront of us, these posts. -Every time you mention cooperation it'll remind me. I offered cooperation, you're the one who rejected it citing untested beliefs. "You'll screw them up anyway" -Ignored from my last post so reposted @Politics Or be in the media as a disgraced minister/public servant for bankrupting the country with poorly thought out plans and projects.
  7. I didn't actually specify the captain moving at all really, I only said he decided to investigate and I'd have thought asking the others would come before walking off by himself. Either way, I doubt he'd stray too far from the others, and surely not alone. It'd probably be more realistic for him to make him order his men to go "search" for the missing soldiers. In particular made me think he wanted Kieru to be nearby but obstructed from view. Also made me think he'd entered the fort (remains).
  8. *fine, but easy tiger? Really? And the "Character remaining lies, I was supposed to be able to put all that into one comment and have two characters remaining. :/

  9. I probably would know since I work as both a translator and interpreter between Japanese and English. (Occupation) xD I can accept opting for making more sense, for one Japanese humor is very different to English/American humor. Using Howl as an example, I recall the translation "easy tiger" for (literal)That's a good girl, changing to "You're doing well" would have been...

  10. You'd think being the person who started this RP, I'd be somewhere on that list :/ Apparently Kieru's is as unimportant as Arc is and not worthy to be listed in the "characters" :P
  11. Thanks CATS, just thanks XD
  12. Okay, <_< I'm might be gone again for the next few days. Apparently I'm suddenly not an enrolled student at the University (college) I've attended for the last 3 years <_< Something about not being in the school registry/database. Money grubbers have been taking my money and not crediting me for completing my units. I'm hoping it's something that can be sorted immediately once I head over tomorrow, but clearly this is more important then any RP or project I may be partaking in at the moment. Not the best of times for them to tell me considering how exams are just around the corner <_<
  13. The captain turned, drawing his sword at the sight of the man. It didn't matter who the man was as long as he wasn't a Granf soldier, which he clearly wasn't. "Where we station ourselves isn't your business heretic" the man spat. "And I've got no idea what you're talking about, haven't got anything which doesn't belong to me yet" the captain stated not giving the papers that had fluttered away awhile ago a second thought. Looking the man up and down, he raised his weapon, not only was it his orders to kill Crestians but this man clearly hadn't approached for a friendly chat. Nor was he a typical civilian. Even civilians weren't stupid enough to approach armed soldiers and start making demands, moreso if the soldiers were from an invading nation. "Don't know what your game is, but surrender now and I'll promise you a quick, painless death" the man said confident is his own abilities, but also the dozen men who stood ready, trained and armed for the combat which was sure to follow. Several of his men had circled around to prevent the intruder from escaping. Not moving their eyes off Laterite who seemed to get more and more impatient with each passing moment. Likewise one of the soldiers had gotten impatient, he'd had no sleep and wasn't in the mood to deal with a cocky Crestian. With a cry that resembled a screech he jumped forward thrusting his sword towards the man who stood before him. But stopped just before striking when he heard a cry from nearby. "Captain?" a soldier asked uncertain, if the enemy had arrived from Crestia they didn't have the the manpower to fight back. The Captain shook his head "More bandits, It'll be a good few days before anything from the neighboring provinces make it here." he paused looking around to check for signs of an enemy "We'll slaughter this one first and then worry about the others later, but keep alert." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kieru groaned as she heard a warcry nearby, at first she thought it was one of the sisters screeching about what those religious nuts wailed about, but it sounded different, a mans voice. If it was father John he'd probably be spluttering on the ground right now. Deciding she wouldn't get any more sleep she finally decided to wake up. Only to find she couldn't move her arms or legs. Damn sisters, was there a compendium of punishments or somewhere that all sisters had to read before being accepted? Opening her weary eyes, it took a few moments for her to recognize that she wasn't in bed, or church for that matter, but some horrible wasteland. It took several moments before she recalled the events of the day prior, though why she was back in the fort bound wasn't something she could understand. She couldn't have been captured by people could she? She shivered at the thought as some garbled sound came from nearby, something about honor. Deciding she didn't want to stick around to find out she started wriggling along the ground like a worm. It was ungraceful, but life was more important at this stage. She hadn't even made three steps of distance when she heard a cry of pain which was cut short. "Crap, crap crap" she muttered wriggling away faster. She caught a glimpse of red armor on one her wriggles but thankfully, the soldier hadn't noticed her and seemed preoccupied with something else.
  14. Okay, blue cloth, red blood, purple stain. Make sense. Though I'm not sure if blood color and cloth meshes under normal color mixing rules. *Cocytus reptutation in Kanami's mind recovers to previous levels* Just to be clear, non-humans, whether they be PC's or enemy monsters should be run by me before being implemented. I don't want to see a legion of demons marching across the plains. (Unless I've approved it). Only exception is animals... normal ones. So damn busy >_< (No not important busy, little PM's and messages to reply here, there and everywhere) As for clothes, blue is fine, I don't see how it's important, but if you want blue that's fine. With battles, I expect you to write that up yourself at this point. Since my fighters (soldiers, bandits etc) are bound to lose. However will hopefully controlling them in more depth when the situation is turned. Though I doubt Laterite will fight his way out of 12 trained soldiers. @Camtech Pun... not funny XD
  15. @Purg Back now, will respond... sort of, @Cocytus ..... I really hope that "feminine purple" was a vial or something he had stashed away. Blood in this RP is red, not purple. And if you're going to be Alien vs Predator'ing I'd like to know before this develops into, "I'm a cool alien/I'm a demon/I'm badass/etcetc"
  16. Continuing from LoAF Suggestion P42, S843 @Posts So you're pointing out we have different RP styles why? To illustrate that I'm a wicked hag in it for her own entertainment, or to show that you're caring? XD I don't care either way really, you'll probably say neither and not offer a response anyway. That said, I don't see you point in the remainder of that paragraph, I've got cooperative results. Infact I think I even asked you to notice Lightning soldiers when you went flying with Aiya. Very small, and very insignificant, but cooperation nonetheless. Does that make you special? Not really. Cynthia, Bal and Sage have all cooperated in one way or another at some stage. And even Snike and Kiryn who I've kind of got a neutral-hate relationship with. Though whether they did it intentionally or not is unclear, it's not important. Since I've never been seeking cooperation. Why would I? I, like many others seem to put interactions in the forefront of priorities in an RP. And in my case, I react better then I make. In that sense, anyone who interacted with Reika or Kamilla under any circumstance no matter how small could be considered "cooperated." As for "opposite?" I don't have any idea what you're talking about. Cooperation isn't ..... wait, let me use your phrase In that sense I don't really recall anyone doing the "opposite."@Experience Frankly, experience doesn't mean anything to me. If you want to raise me up and say "You knew what you were doing, we didn't" Then I was the superior Rp'er and therefore you're fools for not following my infinite wisdom. That said, I don't really think experience counts for very much at all. It does help you develop your "style" of Rping I suppose. But using Cocytus (My RP), I personally think he Rp's better then a good portion of the LoAF'ers who have been around for nearly a year. Think he said he was new. Using an example you might understand, if you compare Cynthia (Was she new to RP's?) and say.... Lightning Both supposedly had no experience, but the "quality" of posts and methods were very different. Furthermore, you keep ranting about "styles" but have you considered RP's are run by different "styles" as well? Having participated in SQ before LoAF would not have changed my ability to accept and solve "problems." You've categorized people yourself the "14 year olds" you mentioned are the inferior Rp'ers. (Your words not mine). But they've been RP'ing just as long as you have. Common sense, and general intelligence plays a much bigger role then experience in RP's. If you're going to evaluate experience so highly, then I've probably participated in more RP's then all of you combined <_< Doesn't mean I'm a better RP'er then all of you combined or individually for that matter. I've learned very little from LoAF, if at all. The "ignore because I don't like you" isn't anything new to me, whether it be RP or discussion in general. But I don't have any intentions of changing my personality just so that I can get along with others, if this is the internet and it's not childish to ignore people and whinge behind their backs, then surely it's not childish to be a stubborn rockhead like you and continue claiming to be in the right. To continue, I do think it's stupid to ignore it though. If it was just a random post on the boards slandering you, then fine. But the words "Ignore" and "Cooperation" don't mingle very well. More on that later. However Why should I be around to comment? Because I can? Because I feel like it? And because I am? I don't give two cents about my right to speech, if I don't have a right, big deal, I'm still doing it but if I see something I can comment on, and am willing to comment on, then I most likely will comment on it. I really don't find you of all people lecturing me on "plausibility" to be very approporiate. How about getting your head out of your derriere and actually being consistent? I'm not here to make the RP better, I was here to make my own RP experience more enjoyable, not yours, not anyone elses. Hence I was here to make it plausible for myself. So telling me I'm not "helping" is getting nowhere, don't you think? Or do you lack the ability to think? In addition, I was waiting for you to fail? Really? I thought I was the one misinterpreting things? Nevermind you've yet to correct any of them :/ I generally destroyed the situation before "fail" could occur. From as early as Damians company on the outskirts of the first town. To Ilyphina, didn't do much destroying after that since things were finally settling down. Though there was the inccubi/succubi incident, you conviniently gave Isotov super powers and blew up the situation anyway. Hehe Nerd rage XD @Psych Section So what? You're trying to improve things, but not interested in improvement? Either way, those who don't seek to better themselves are useless "tools" to be abused anyway. @Sense Yes, I'm talking to you. However I'm "degrading" the entire RP, and all it's participants at one level or another. Regardless, "ignore" is what you claimed to do with people you "hate" and Psych and myself were apparently unwelcome at varying stages by you at least. So combining your ideas hate=Ignore, Hate=Kanami, Kanami=Ignore. Am I reading to things? Not really, I'm combining your flawed logic which doesn't make sense, so if this isn't what you meant, I wouldn't be surprised. Flawed information comes from flawed logic anyway. It's not that you're being unclear. It's that you're saying one thing, then doing/saying the exact opposite thing the next. It's a bit further down in your post but I'll compare your contradictions here. I want to work with others/I want to baby my plots away from others. Lets cooperate/ I don't want to listen to you cause I hate you. No one listens to you cause your rude/ I(Phoenix) listen to you I want to improve everyones RP experience/I don't care about improvement You're an experienced RP'er and were newbs/What you say doesn't work (Combined with next) You know what you were doing we didn't/We don't agree with what your ideas and don't care about them. People aren't going to read text which slanders them/.....Self explanatory you idiot? What are you doing now? @Producitivty It's not my fault, that your mind is limited to outperform, outangst, outgodmod, out"myhorriblepast", outflashback etc. Again you hint that the only interaction that's acceptable in an RP is friendly interaction. There are plenty of characters who don't get along and provide good interactions. If your argument is "players>characters" then the same applies there. Unless of course one adopt the "I'm not going to talk to you" approach, in which case the person at fault is the "Ignorer" who's cutting off interaction. If players hate eachother, then at least they'll look for flaws with eachothers plans. And try to null them (your logic) If it's a horrible plan, that'd be a good thing. @Indifference Tact? Why would I want to be tactful? As you've said yourself, I enjoy blowing things up in your face. So people not heeding my "experience" is not an issue for me. Put simply, it's a split in the plot I'm willing to let the RP'ers chose. If they choose one path, good for them I have an event planned. If they choose the other, then it makes for a sounder plot. Which I'm equally happy with. The fact that you're listing my points as "good" yet have failed to take in the "points" is quite frankly, pathetic. If we were talking about someone else it wouldn't matter so much, but you? Phoenix who wants people to work on a better plot, make things flow smoother, ignoring "good" points, just because of a little hatred? Or a lot, either works for me If I was the GM, then I might want people to "warm up" to me, I'd at least want them to "listen." But the thing is, I'm not GM of LoAF. And I don't recall (and outright refuse) to be the person who has to look after everyone. Hell, I'm not even going to do that in my own RP. It's every man for themselves. If working with people works in their favor, that's great and I encourage it. If not.... well what's their to complain about? In regards to "fuck around" Hmmmm that's a tough one to explain so I'll use an example. The world is ending: Am I going to sit around and watch the world end, or am I going to enjoy myself during the time that remains? Will I go out of my way to make people miserable? No. Will I worry that my actions will cause misery? Again no :/ So contrary to what you tell me I'm thinking. I'm not in this to burn everything to the ground, I'm didn't participate to fulfil my personal vendetta against your crappy plots. I signed up to enjoy an RP, and figured if this RP is going to the pits, might as well drain any enjoyment I can out of it. It'd be interesting to see a list of things I destroyed, and what would have happened otherwise. Selizara being my favorite, "We've killed your soldiers, but don't hurt us, we're going to go to court to weasel our way out?" Evidence? Doesn't work in the groups favor, witness? Not to defend the group no. Corruption? Yeah, Daddy Harold wants to save the group that (according to Percy) held his daughter hostage. And even without that incident, it's so likely that Harold will save the group. Alternatively you could be captured as prisoners, dragged to Illyphina, and we can break out of jail. That would have worked for me as well. However in that situation Lieutenant Viveka certainly didn't have the power to "excuse" the group of their crimes. I'm against Conrad having such power as well. And with an invincible army surrounding the fort, the only way to solve it was by weakening the invincible army via a third party. (or having Damian go into bezerk mode, and the escaping while he slaughters everyone with his lance). According to you, no one is willing to imprison or get their characters killed. In that case what made you think everyone would quitely surrender to Viveka? Damians diplomacy? He's a Halton soldier, (invading nation... or was at the time) killing Elysimman troops. The only interpretations there are "War" or "Drop out soldiers gone bandit" And I'm certain Hero Percy has more say then Hero's son Damian, especially in Elysimma. Now tell me, what crappy solution did you have in mind? What did I screw up which was so great and "plausible?" @Working together Drop it? Why? Cause it's a great example of your contradiction and sugar coating? You're preachy because people aren't working with you and you want to change that. Or what. When you say "Lets work together" did you mean something other then people working with you? @Work3 No, you haven't answered any questions :/ My stance is clearly stated above. I'm not a nice person, and have no intentions of sinking my intelligence to the "walnut" level, just because people don't like me. And personally I find acting nice when you don't mean it, to be worse then being honest and hostile. Fighting for your entertainment? Wasn't that what I was supposedly doing? "trying to get my way?" Either way, it once again contradicts "cooperation." You only need to fight your way because your inflexible, as was I when it came to plausibility. @Interactions How things would be for us interaction wise? I'd probably have Reika slitting Irina's throat and Kamilla pulling on Isotovs hair. Since all characters for me are tools, then don't have IC, they're pure OoC for what I want to do. And right now, my attitude towards you is hostile. Perhaps moreso then I have been in the last few years. @ Immaturity Using for excercises? Uh huh, Let's cooperate? I be the test subject and you'll be the personal lording over you? Sounds great to me. Cooperation all the way :/ Human Nature dictates we only do what immediately benefits us? On one hand you're telling me you wanted to improve the RP, and the other tells me you're ignoring my "good" points due to your petty hate. Guess that means your human nature is only interested in the short term benefits and lacks the inability to look at things in the long term, but of course it is your brain we're talking about. More instinct less logic all the way. @Blargh You don't think we should be trying to work out shit that already happened? And here's another contradiction, this time with improvement. Phoenix: Screw what we got wrong in the past, it's done and over with. I don't know what went wrong but it won't again because..... err..... Kanami: *waits* The fact is, Snowy didn't step in, and I think I don't need to whail about his incompetence. Most Rp'ers here have experienced it first hand. And you've said in a PM yourself that he's a crappy GM :/ So mentioning him is only indicating at LoAF's management potential, and doesn't work in your favor at all. As for pacing :/ I envy that thick head of yours. Of course RP's would require people to spend half their waking hours infront of a computer. Super active or not at all? I would expect better cognitive abilities from an 8 year old. I can go ask one if you want? Have one coming over in a few minutes. @Conclusion Not listening to me, and continuing on as if it never happened is ignoring. I've never asked for people to understand me, since frankly I doubt even Bal could, who probably the smartest person in this RP. I was "demanding" you people assess your own situation, and make the best judgement. Something the majority was unable to do. And while it didn't surprise me, it doesn't lessen the dismay that comes with such idiocy. You'd think human nature would kick in and tell them not to charge to Ilyphina. Apparently human nature was on break that day. @Hate Aww come on, I can list up a few myself, no need to be all hidey hide over it. I can take being hated. If not, well then you might want to dismiss your "People don't listen to people they hate" ramblings, since if you can't list up at least one person who hated me, then your argument holds no water. Though you're more welcome to change it to "I(Phoenix) don't listen to you because I hate you" @Kindhearted Don't worry, I call fake hearted, for all your petty pretty talk. Sure you don't want to join politics?
  17. Crestia is Celism/Atheism 50/50. I generally didn't want to make a religion for each nation since I have more then enough nation (politics) to play with without introducing another dimension (religion). So Garius, Tolmeaus and Menolka should be considered atheist with a few Celists mixed in. (In Menolka a few nature-worshipper, henceforth known as the Greens partyXD) Izuna likewise was supposed to be atheist but since Yoshimitsu has introduced some concept of buddhism, I figure it'd be better to incorporate that into the world then reject it and cause unnecessary problems.
  18. @Cocytus Well, regardless of where you are, just keep in mind that overpowering characters is seldom seen as a good thing. As the Duck (Animal Quartet now) pointed out and kindly labeled "nerd rages" aren't very good ways to compensate for power boosts. Saying they get weakened is all nice and well, but the thing is, you can control the "rages." Arias can't, but you Cocytus can. And temporary weakness afterwards has a tendency to recover instantaneously when a problem arises. I want to see how you handle the "Nerd rages" so I encourage to do what you've planned, but just keep the above in mind, every time you do one of these. @Yoshimitsu Nyeh, it's fine. Just preferring terms which lean towards "power and skill" for Izuna, opposed to "Morals, Holy etc" If you want, I can write up a paragraph or two regarding religion in Izuna? (Or you can do it if you want).
  19. Regarding "ash" that's fine. I've created two dozen soldiers, and don't care if you take out a chunk. However, to prevent you turning into Ether. It's important to be reasonable with your powers, and dumb them down when necessary. If Arias waltzes in and can kill two dozen men in the blink of an eye then we might as well just have him fight all battles for us. And while I did agree to Arias having Dean-level powers, I don't want him to be invincible in battle. Two things of importance. -Don't kill Kieru XD -Beatrice isn't with the other soldiers is she? According to rn7 she's picking out a few soldiers who wandered away from the main group. So obliterating the others in a fit of rage, would require Arias to have a temper that lasts him until Talgusta fort. If you want, I'll take a look at the post (PM) first if you're not sure about certain details. But if not. Feel free to post it and have me+others comment on it here. Don't really have anything planned for the kidnappers(?) other then death now. They've served their purpose. The fish is back. :/ Worship I guess is the wrong word. Respect?... Seems underrated a word. I know Buddhism is pretty much about becoming a Buddha, but I don't think it's going to far to say they also look upto and follow the teachings of the supposed "First Buddha" :/ ~~~~ I doubt anything big will happen, I'm currently locked in war with a featherbrained LoAF'er so if I disappear for awhile, it's because I'm writing up a wall of text.
  20. Nyeh, give me another hour :/ Need to eat first, and preparing a text wall in itself takes a good half hour. Will be posting response in feedback I suppose. I honestly don't care :/
  21. Errr.... nice recolor? Colors aren't too bad. But as you said the sword leaves alot to be desired. Haven't got much to say really. Giving the sword another dimension (it looks flat at the moment) would be nice.
  22. ^Tinypic does? I've always used it for my sprites (That and majhost)....... You sure? So, do we get to see this sprite? :P
  23. How do you know if they're good if you don't understand moonspeak? A good example is I was forced to go watch Howl's Moving Castle in Japanese (eng subs) as part of a school excursion years ago. And not wanting to be there, I constantly complained to my teacher who was sitting beside me each time an incorrect translation was made :P

  24. Ineligible? There's only one case where I've heard that happening, and it makes me wonder.... are you really 14? :P Anyway Photobuckets ToS says Seeing as how it's not A or B, and too early for D..... How old are you? XD That said.... eh screw it, Just up your age a bit and you should be able to register. I don't follow or even read the ToS before agreeing to most things anyway. Don't use gimp, deferring to someone else.
  25. Can't provide any ideas, unless you give details on what the problem is :/ What's the problem? Username taken? XD
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