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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Halton could be peaceful, if you're going to ally yourself with the RP's equivalent of Bern. I doubt the "Military nation" is just twiddling their thumbs and watching the other nations slowly rebuild. I also want to make Ether not use the "I am Hero son, CW wielding guy that commands the world" speech. So Halton becoming hostile is one of my main objectives actually :/
  2. A soldier who'd lead the charge lunged out and tried to skewer Eric, while another two rushed passed them and surrounded Eric on three sides, making sure he couldn't escape. The lead soldier grinned, "Die bandit!" he shouted as he thrusted his spear at Eric. Another soldier had caught up to the injured, it was unlikely that some would be able to outrun trained soldiers anyway, not in their current state. :P
  3. @Alch's post See? If I can't have my way with one thing, I'll screw you over with another method XD If you really want stats, that's up to Cynthia/Snowy to decide, I'm fine with you killing a few and then fleeing. I'm also fine with you killing them all and taking over Hamburg :/ @Rest of plot Hopefully you won't randomly start killing soldiers in Septimus, and you'll be fine from soldier attacks there. Though Halton probably will end up hostile regardless of Ethers intentions.
  4. Plot enemies, kill them, run, do whatever. I don't care. I just needed some way to identify the group still being alive. Sure I could of just made a civilian notice them and then have them report it to officials after the group leave, but that wouldn't solve the one inn roadside town idea. And it won't matter if there's 500 inns if you get chased out of town. @Cynthia Diplomatic resolutions can happen after you're all dead? Honestly though, Elysimma hates the group so much, I really doubt negotiations would get you anywhere even if I did allow it. Mainly due to idiots going "I'm a criminal don't kill me! And trying to reach a diplomatic solution after Kiev sort of attacked the inn, and a group known to have escaped a escort of heavily armored cavalry... not gonna happen IMO.
  5. As Kiev started using the inn as a scratching post, a heavily armored man called out "Oi, you lot, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Several more armored men came running on to the scene apparently some sort of patrol, As one of the men approached the group he recognized a face "Hey, that's that Veshkal kid!" he yelled loud enough for the others to hear. "Group must be those wanted arson bandits that were giving the troops at the capitol a hard time" another one added. The heavily armored man, smirked "Well well well, what do we have here, bunch of smelly bandits, the smell suits you" he said grinning. Captain: Kill the bandits, make sure to keep count of who killed who if you want your monthly bonus. Soldier: Sir? Kill? Shouldn't we capture- Captain: No you bloody fool, dangerous criminals don't deserve to live, you know what happened at Selizara. Soldier: Seli.... *An image of Hamburg going boom runs through the soldiers head* Captain: "Get'em!"
  6. A second? Hmm, depends on if I can assimilate it :/ Phoenix <3 Thank you :)
  7. Multiple horse traders due to it being a roadtown to the capitol, yet only one inn....... :/
  8. Go find another inn, I suppose, though I'd think the anti-mage sentiment could be spread throughout the town and not be exclusive to one inn. Otherwise the matron shooing you away wouldn't make much sense (just poor business). I can sort of see a anti-mage sentiment now, Mages=upper class, normal=lower class. So a town being unfriendly to mages make sense. yup, as much sense as everything else so far, but hey, it's been done.
  9. There is a sense of awkwardness when a innkeeper in a magi based nation acts hostile to mages :/ Can't be good for business :/ Though I don't see it being impossible. Plus, you people smell! XD Don't want no smelly travelers stinkin' up my inn XD
  10. Swamp also had flying leeches, and high mortality rate :/ Nevermind people not wanting to go through such a smelly place in the first place. Either way, it'd probably take 3~4 hours by foot, considering most of you couldn't ride and didn't ride full speed :/ Nyahaha XD
  11. @Snike Cleric=Religion Magic=Witchery, Makes sense to me.
  12. Hmmm, must have missed that, though I'd like to query how far Hamburg is from the swamp, since Charlotte recognized the swamp'ness of the group, I didn't think it was too far. And you really wouldn't want to be trading horses near swampland (useless). I'm fine with the bitchy trader theory though, just wanted to add an extra obstacle :P Thought if that's the case :) If it's large enough for traders, it's large enough for soldiers XD Again, I'm going to request a distance from Swamp->Hamburg. As well as time @Psych *Thumbs up*
  13. "High bred chargers? Tough meat, make it 15gold" he said not at all phased by the look on Kelas's face, "Yeah, take your horses elsewhere, closest dealer you'll find around here is old Joe in the village 5 hours that way" the man said indicating to his left. "Horses ain't exactly a boomin industry, and Hamburgs not exactly known for her horses" he finished. Kelas seemed to decide arguing was hopeless and turned to leave. "I'd be the only dealer dumb enough to set up business round here, say hi to Joe for me" and with that he returned to his ale.
  14. Why does it have to be a recruitable PC? Helios made me think Narshen/Something hybrid. Orson Wife XD
  15. "Not e'nuff to deal with yer kind" he replied, seemingly referring to Kelas's background, but actually referring to the way she'd tried to sell the horses. "10gold for each head you got" he said not even bothering to inspect the horses. He knew how under-priced his demand was, the army seldom probably wouldn't be interested in purchasing, after all there were not shortages of the things these days, and while Halton seemed to be gathering horses, trading with them would be a waste of time due to tariffs and taxes. Seeing Kelas's expression the man smirked "Yeah, thought so, go'on ya'll easily get triple that at the capitol" he paused, then shook his head "Nay, I've changed ma'mind I'll pay ya 20 gold a head, Ma's been complaining I never put meat on the table anymore lately"
  16. @Alch Would need permission for that, and thank you Bal for your cooperation XD @Phoenix, you could have your characters brush past and go into the inn? Cess ignored Char completely and went off to put his horse away, and the others will most likely end up not being around for the recruitment, and will just walk in after it's all done. ~Lalala, Nady likes it when things work XD~
  17. A bored looking man raised as he noticed a dark skinned man leading over a few horses over, his father had set up a business here, but it wasn't very often they'd get customers, by the looks of the horses behind him, the man was a seller not a buyer, sighing as he put his tankard down, he wandered over to the man, "I'spose you'll be wanting to sell those things" he said indicating the horses, clearly lacking interest in the horses. After all, he'd have joined the military and run off if his mother wasn't still around. He took a quick glance at the horses, "How much ye'be wanting for 'em?" he asked lazily.
  18. @Alch, No problem, will just grab a horse, or magically conjure one out of nowhere if I have to. Ah well, time to screw Alch over now I suppose, Not many people are interested in Char I see XD
  19. Ah right, Eric fears horses, well Cess just put his horse away so I can nab that, else I'll just Francis who seems to be running rampant. That said, I probably won't go for kidnapping, takes too long, and is boring. Might grab her as a hostage "Don't come near me bitches or the girl gets it." scene though. XD @Alch, Nyahahahaha XD
  20. Depends, I'm sure Eric would be up for being knocked off his horse, and having it stolen, I'd post now, but I think Cynthia/Snike have some sort of recruiting plan, so I'll wait until the exchange between Char/Group is over, before making a move.
  21. Who the hell would she kidnap? Probably wouldn't be able to do much with a male, Kelas would bite her head off, so I guess if she were to kidnap someone it'd be Tessa, or Char :/ Suppose Arrin fits the mold as well (despite being male, but magic users are bound to bite me when I least expect it. Choices, choices choices :/ Alternatively I could steal something valuable, like Cess's tarot cards XD
  22. Depends on the former, who's left that needs recruiting? I've Pm'ed Bigbang (Argon) but after saying he'd post something 2 days ago, hasn't done anything. And the new Darksage's pirate is the only one I can think of :/ And considering Reika's hatred towards Helios/Morgan and now Eric, I'll probably attack one of them first, (Lady luck decides XD)
  23. Kelas/Isotov aren't too far away from a C, still behind a Kelas/Arrin, but it's been indicated you don't want that :/ I'm contemplating if I should create a random npc and leak information on Reika's whereabouts (In the direction of other characters) or just have her randomly turn up and start attacking the group. :/
  24. I think that's Alch/Phoenix's post there, which means timeskip time? I can't really do anything until either Reika turns up, or until tomorrow morning/afternoon (RP time) ish :/
  25. *Arranged falling horse* In regards to the female thing though, Phoenix does have a point, it might just be my imagination but with the exception of Isotov. Damian = Ether which is restrictive in activity Chase= Only around earlier on in the activity period and usually busy doing his own little thing Kai... I mean Helios = Idiot Others = Meh Only people worth Isotov time I can think of are Cess, Arrin and perhaps Eric, Unlike Morgan who's outspoken and the brains of the group, Isotov is more a receive character then a initiate character, so unless the others interact with him, I really can't imagine him starting up a friendly conversation with someone.
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