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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Indeed, what the hell is pink? Technically Conrad should be red :/ Perhaps Viveka too. Kamilla's a blue?
  2. @Psych How did you get a shadow moving in an inn and crying children out of Lacuna's little song? O_o
  3. Lmao XD Today's Feedback award goes to Lacuna (Cynthia's been winning the last few days straight)
  4. We know that Conrad has one, (The military general in Ilyphina (the city we're in right now) and that Reika has one "Who just got eaten by darkness" :/ All the others are in the possession of the group XD So you'll probably be short on CW unless your a military man (no you're a mercenary) Or you somehow meet up with Reika.... wherever the hell she went :P Anyway if we're continuing this discussion, we better take it back to feedback.
  5. Mage this, mage that, here a mage, there a mage, everywhere a mage mage Just thought I'd mention that Nosferatu most likely won't have it's special side properties even if you do use it, and weapons don't break so it's pretty pointless having two weapons. I can see murmuring happening already Person: He wants to study the crimson weapons? Should we let him join? Morgan: No! We have enough people already, and the crimson weapons are all mine. Ixion: Correction, they're mine Cess: Make way for the new guy they're mine now. Kamilla: Tessa, Tessa, why are all shamans crazy? XD
  6. Two seconds too late XD I'm considering being mean to Snowy for disappearing on us so frequently today and making Reika's abduction to be someone else magic (Not Headmasters) :/ Ah well I have another twelve hours to make up my mind :/ EDIT @Snike: Sorry about that forced stabbing :P The alternative was I attack you and role dice, but I figure you wouldn't survive that, and I figured it went well with Erics misfortune thing you have going. (Go figure she goes for Eric instead of anyone else, though there was an actual reason for going after Eric, he was standing by himself, while the others I'm pretty sure are standing around in groups)
  7. Weapons don't really make a difference, so a Silver Blade isn't any different from an Iron sword. So choose whatever weapon you want, doesn't even need to be FE. Though I'm guessing they'd prefer you stuck to either a sword/lance/axe/bow, or a type of magic.
  8. Yeah, yesterday I was throwing a hissy in the middle of a hallway and everyone ignored me (though I guess the only difference this time around was Tessa being around and Arrin not wanting his special spot taken by Kamilla XD) Kamilla didn't respond to Eric's suggestion, she didn't even hear him due to her mind being lost in... well her mind. She felt like she knew how to heal and that watching Tessa would give her the skill as well. She watched as Tessa healed Morgan, but couldn't understand any of it, to her it just looked like Tessa had made contact with Morgan and she had gotten better. Frowning she jumped off the horse and walked up to Morgan staring at her for a ridiculously close distance. "Healed?" she asked Morgan stupidly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reika glared at the group, Dalton and Jones had both been taken down, and she assumed the cheer going up wasn't that of the bandit army. "Useless, every one of them" she muttered angrily, she noticed Eric standing by himself not looking too good and figured sh could at least take him down with her. Before anyone in the group could react she turned around and charged at Eric who drew his sword but a quick stab at his arm forced the man to drop his sword on the floor. Figuring she could kill the man now she aimed for the mans throat, when she felt her body disappearing, she looked down at herself and noticed that everything below her torso was covered in some black substance she didn't recognize, and while she could still feel her feet, they didn't seem to be there at all. She glared at the man hatefully before being engulfed by the darkness and disappearing from sight.
  9. Yes! Join! Phoenix will give you lots of kisses and hugs if you do XD Seriously though, there's a sign-up thread here http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=19561 Read the information on the first page to put in an application, and it should be accepted pretty quickly. We're dealing with dead bandits at the moment, so you might have to wait a day or two before actually joining, but it's never too late to join ;) New Rp'ers are better then one Rp'er having 3 characters
  10. Kamilla frowned, and wasn't sure how to answer Tessa's question, it didn't help that she couldn't remember anything before being waking up in an alley with a sexy shaman standing over her. And was quite happy to change the topic as she didn't have an answer to the question. "Morgan..." she said looking around and noticing the shaman looking down at some bear she'd just slaughtered. She wasn't too fond of riding on a horse, the creatures scared her, but she didn't want to be left standing alone in the field of bandit corpses and she had a sudden urge that made her want to see how the healing process worked, as if it had been a childhood dream she'd given up on sometime in her past. "I'll ride on the horse" she said a bit glumly losing her usual childlike cheer. Just then Arrin piped up and offered to take care of her. Kamilla looked up, at the boy and frowned, she could sense something unusual about the boy, something evil and mean. She'd noticed this earlier with the red haired man and the shaman as well, even the dumb looking wind mage had this creepy aura around him that interfered and frequently prevented her from casting her spells. Something weird, wrong, unholy. She shook her head "Don't wanna" she said to Arrin. OoC: Someone knock Reika out please.
  11. With the Esphyr/Damian I think it's developed, but I'd think the Aiya/Damian idea has developed more and listing them both as C's seem a bit awkward. According to the current system we might be facing the demon king at chapter 12, Damian and Aiya are probably around the half way mark on level 3, and I think Max level was 4? Anti-Ether's support coalition unite! XD
  12. God damn it Phoenix, stop referring everything to Vegas, we might be in the RP equivalent to Vegas, but we're not in Vegas >_< low moral'd scum!~:P I'm kind of irritated at the big event thing in general, some characters seem to slowly reveal themselves and develop a friendship while others just dump a post filled with interactions showing they got closer and cite it as a reason for support. Should have developed a relationship before the dump post. @Snike: I think there was one on 2HP still somewhere, nab it if you want.
  13. Permission rejected :P Revenge for all my chaos you nulled you evil retainer of peace and order you Actually I haven't decided, so Phoenix or someone else feel free to knock her out. I'll sleep on it and if I decide to keep her, I'll have her escape. If not, then I'm sure later today (RP time) isn't too late for the Headmaster to cast whatever hocus pocus he's planning. @Snowy: Any comment on the support issue? Edit: As Cynthia said disarming her really doesn't do anything. If you're going to take her weapon, might as well kill her off. Since there's no way Reika can remain in the Rp's plot without a CW.
  14. *Disregards Phoenix's cooperation* :P Fire? What three guys are you talking about? While we're discussing supports, if Reika were to somehow join the group who'd actually communicate with her? :/ Cause I'm looking at my list and thinking I'll just have another Kamilla that only Eric will interact with (Bal might be kind enough, but Tessa's anti-criminal mentality and Reika's occupation don't go well together) @Phoenix, we're pretty much waiting for your beloved Snowy to return, There's only one bandit left, and Reika of which the latter is either fleeing, getting knocked out, or having her CW severed from her due to the headmaster evil sorcery..... Actually it might be my indecisiveness that's stopping things.
  15. @Lacuna: Nice Pegasi article. @Phoenix, I'm sorry I apologized? XD I'm not sure how your fixes work. If we round 0.5 up (1) and then multiply by 1~4 C1 B2 A3 S4? That screws things up even more doesn't it? Other then that, it's just saying "no stacking" isn't it? EDIT: I didn't see the example, So if I support with a fire, (I'm Ice) then they get my bonus of 0.5Def, and they I get the Mt? Hmm not bad, would help in balancing
  16. A bit? XD Nady is going to wipe out an endangered species and admit she was wrong and apologize to Phoenix, Esphyr/Ether was too soon, Most characters are establishing their 1 support, and Ether's already established his second (excluding the two ones he started off with) And he's mid to lower-mid in terms of activity :/ Ah well, Still think that it should be B & S that give you stat points, not C&A. Funny how Snowy is at the center of Support disputes XD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cynthia XD Entertaining = everything. If you drop Aiya/Damian to a C expect a hissy fit. I don't think temporarily abolishing supports will work, if they're going to be removed then it's better to do it permanently then quarrel when they should return. And seeing as how most people would complain if they were abolished, the only clear way to go is dropping Aiya/Damian to a C, or at least a B.
  17. Problem with that though is most characters tend to be together, since they attack in the same post, and they seldom provide enough information to determine where everyone is. And due to Cynthia/Snowy posting one chunky battle even if they are apart, everyone comes together on the battlefield at one time or another anyway. @Bal They stack? *Is going to have to be more strict when agreeing with support requests then.
  18. Unseen plot events? Like her getting her memory wiped? Cause that's the only possibility I see XD Ah well, Snowy's fault for not being online *Reika flee's* What did we establish with supports in terms of stats upgrades? I was always under the impression .5+ counted a 0, but apparent it gets rounded up <_< No wonder everyones trying to whinge their way to a C -Is stacking allowed? Eg Damian using his Aiya support for extra stats, then using Esphyr for more stats? Doubt it but want to make sure beforehand) -Personally I'd say giving Esphyr/Damian an auto-B was one of the worst decisions made in this RP, imbalances too much, but I doubt anything can be done for that now anyway.
  19. We're going to be bombarded with archers soon XD Magic would make more sense as a 2range, but magic is already overpowered enough without it being given the bonus of "no counters" I'm assuming a bow attacking a bow would get countered though. Isn't exactly clear in the statement above.
  20. The only valid way for Reika to die and leave the Crimson daggers behind is by "spiritual intervention" something Snowy says the Headmaster is capable of, and I really don't think it appropriate for the headmaster to turn up out of nowhere in a few more chapters and suddenly cooperate. So making Reika run off and then killing her off later doesn't make much sense either. @Enemy strength That's what I was kind of getting at, I wouldn't mind having a character weaker then the group since unless we're doing PvP it's no big deal how strong my allies are. However having Ethers character OHKO half the enemies isn't helping shorten that gap, and if enemy strength increase, I'd rather not have a completely useless character who can't kill a generic enemy soldier. I think that's sort of the reason everyone started throwing in their 2nd and 3rd characters so suddenly. *Also doesn't have any idea for a second character* XD
  21. Hmm, there's a problem with Reika, Snowy wants to confiscate her Crimson Dagger XD The problem with that is a Reika without a CW isn't at all likely to join the group (under any circumstance, though the situation barely changes even with her CW) And with half the group openly hostile against her, they wouldn't want her in the group either. (They don't atm when she does have a CW but you get the point) I don't know everyone else thoughts but I'm pretty sure I can handle two characters, so that'll resort in Reika dying and me introducing a new character :/ But personally I feel like we've introduced enough characters in Elysimma, (We still have Halton and Septimus to go people <_<) But am reluctant to fall further behind in exp :/ With Ether's characters tanking everything at lvl2. Everyone will probably be level 3 or 4 by the time I introduce a second character in Halton or Septimus. :/ @Cynthia, feel free to kill Dalton, if you don't want to I guess Phoenix could be an Ether and kill him instead :/
  22. I wanted to avoid posting here, but Magic Sword/Throwing Axe/Throwing Knives/Javelin/Magic: Counters nonranged and ranged Should be exclusive to enemy units. Damian does not have a Javelin, and while I wouldn't mind him using one in plot combat, these shouldn't be available to PC characters. If you want your character to use javelins, it should not be able to use close combat stat weapons, and be treated as a bow class weapon Magic is the biggest issue since it needs to be available to PC's. And has a tremendous advantage due to pretty much all NPC's having higher DEF then RES. :/ Only semi solution here is to lump magic in with the sword/spear/axe 1range group. (AKA bows are the only exception.
  23. I'd resume Rp'ing but Snowy want kills Reika, so I'm waiting on his to get back from his "raid" :/
  24. Stop spamming the place you idiots, if you want to make stupid posts like that go get some IM program. After considering Kai's rolls, I'm still convinced he cheated, but have decided to keep his critical spree and convenient rolls pre-ICastle quiet for a bit longer. Since most of them should be rectified now that they're not as easy to flick&reroll. @Kai Henceforth if you lose a roll due to whatever reason, and you're too stupid to think of ways to solve the problem contact someone in this thread since you probably don't have the brains to work out how things work yourself. @Lacuna's post in feedback, I'll support that fully. But won't post there due to not wanting to spam that place up with "I agree's"
  25. Oh, you recognize the second one? Isn't that interesting, then I'm going to have to ask you why you used the first one as reference in your post?
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