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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Helios isn't the only one, (no I'm not talking about Kamilla) Poor Rein, if he had been around he might be able to convince us, but inactivity is a sin when you leave us hanging on your plot idea. If we do split, then suggest people try to consider splitting their second character with the other group (Eg Arrin/Tessa land, Kelas tunnel or the other way around, though clearly characters like Damian/Aiya and Iso/Irina won't part) Just saying for the sake of mis-matching, (Being left out of the RP as no one in your group is online, and there are 4 others in the other group.) Whatever we do, we might want to make it fast, or I'm going to sick more soldiers on you, they're only a quarter-mile away last we checked you know.
  2. Supporting the idea of a split up, I've been against using these caves since they were suggested XD
  3. Kamilla surprised by the Eric she frowned "Aren't you that wandering mercenary from yesterday?" she asked "That aside, we? You're willingly joining this crazed group?" Kamilla shook her head to clear her mind, "Actually nevermind, guess now isn't the time for that, do you know of any small settlements nearby? Possibly somewhere we could hide?" she asked, They really weren't making any progress here, and she didn't trust the criminal Chase to wander into a cave with him, especially since he seemed to be overestimating his own importance and knowledge with the comments he had made earlier. @Snike: Feel free to make one up @Kai: Helios is no longer "silly children"ing everyone anymore? :(
  4. Someone, quick! Go make a Germany XD
  5. Yeah, sorry, Septimus (I have to keep writing Septimian reform, so I got the nation name wrong). You'll need to run it by Snowy, but it might be possible to adopt a "Septimus invades other nations sentiment considering we'd equate it to Japan. I'm gonna chaos in Septimus(Nadesico is Japanese) And could somewhat put a WW2 like segment in their actions as of late. Do dey haz a Shogun? XD
  6. @Kai, Fallen nations could attack it I suppose, they'd be weak, but so would their enemies, and hence an opportune time to increase their lands. Either that or Septimia, Either way, as Snike says if it wasn't ages ago, (it can't be for Helios to have had sat in a noble life) it could have been a nation that had reconstructed faster then Tora. For plot purposes I'd like it to be related to another characters nation, (I control a corrupt nation city (forget the name, but the one Reika grew up in, Snike seems to have some sort of kingdom in the works. Can't think of other kingdoms atm) If you insist on it being a big nation then as I said earlier, Septimia Halton: Your attitude to Damian so far makes this unlikely Elyissma: You haven't commented on it yet, and it's something you would have brought up. Septimia: No interaction with this nation barring Kamilla being a member of a church which is part of an idea headed by a Septimian church (Septimian reform) @Snowy, that's the thing with Helios though, from what I've read so far, Helios willingly bound himself (Like Damian and Gae) opposed to the rest of us which had it hidden in us.
  7. Wouldn't be too big an issue, just have another nation invade instead of demons. And pass Reika's ranting off as false (You didn't have time to correct her since she was stabbing you XD) I find it highly unlikely that kingdoms with Crimson weapons would be left alone by it's neighbours anyway. Though as Snike pointed out, only survivors was the 3 kingdoms, so I don't see the logic in a CW being given to a destroyed nation, and if demons stole it, I don't see the logic in demons giving it to a royal house (has access to army) and then swarming to take it back. As for demons destroying nations afterwards, Morgans comments up until now have indicated Demon appearances to be rare/recent. And someone even contested if Demons existed. Due to having never seen one/heard of one. And with the exception of the Mesh, only demons mentioned so far are Ivanko fighting them off. I really doubt they'd be forming armies and besieging castle either way. But again, need to wait for Snowy on this one.
  8. Uh huh, depends on your definition of "worshippers" -Demons haven't amassed and attacked a nation since the demon king fell 25 years ago. Or at least that is the impression Snowy's given me so far in PM's. @Snowy, Confirmation/Correction please?
  9. @Kai, So err, what, Tora went boom in a civil war? Or did they get invaded by another kingdom? Kai online = Active Feedback, dead RP. Though today, it's more Rein's fault :/
  10. What you mean this little thing here? Did you forget the beginning of this part? This brings me to the question or rather argument from 24 hours ago, how is Helios aged 21 have access to the funds of Tora, when Tora was destroyed 25 years ago, I can accept reconstruction, but if it's being reconstructed, Helios not being there doesn't make sense, and there's nor reason for him to turn to assassination work :/
  11. Hmm revenge scale, definitely not, hatred scale though possibly (It's not like Reika wanted Aiya XD) Bandit buddies don't really count cause she was just using them to get at the group. Nothing to prove that Helios was a noble, and that would still only net him the same status as Aiya due to her hatred for soldiers and nobles pretty much being equal. Either way, no plans on Helios vs Reika, if you want to work one out, we can over PM if you have a certain scenario in mind. And no matter how hard Helios or anyone tries, It'll probably still be Morgan vs Reika (haven't discussed since Cynthia's stated Morgan dislikes Reika, and she doesn't really get a say in who I decide to attack XD)
  12. She wants revenge, just not on Helios specifically. :/ Her contempt is directed at the whole group (Remember she dislikes Halton soldiers as default, one captured her, and Morgan did just as much as Helios. Well maybe more, she robbed her XD So if I were to pinpoint Reika's hatred at an individual it'd probably be the shamaness first, Aiya second, then Helios :/
  13. Kamilla shrugged at Esphyr's question and looked around, she hadn't noticed anyone carrying an extra sword around. But she found the Cobalt Caves to be more important at the moment. "So you're not going to say how long it takes? I don't mean to point out the obvious but I doubt we have enough provisions for a long underground trek and the back of a horse is no place to recover from such serious injuries" Kamilla stated flickering her eyes towards Aiya. "I had my doubts but I'm starting to think a overland trip would be safer, even with soldiers following us"
  14. Uh, kay, For future reference, when you plan to make some sort of plot/history with one of my characters please let me know beforehand. Firstly, I never said Reika wanted revenge Secondly, if she did she wants just as much revenge on Morgan and Aiya Thirdly, I haven't been told anything about a Helios v Reika and it isn't part of my plans, while my plans are adaptable, I'm not going to make changes once they're set in motion (Fortunately Reika's return is still a fair while away)
  15. Good for you, I don't exactly know "Why" Reika needs to fight you :/ And I won't guarantee it either, I'll try to convince Snowy to make Reika+D/J give out "basic' enemy exp if they do appear as enemy units. But at present PvP yields no EXP. But my main point here is, why do I need to make Reika fight Helios? :/ @Lacuna: I'm happy as long as they're not as "safe" as Rein explained them to be, (think he said something like 99% safe or something before.)
  16. @Lacuna: Again, if they were adapted, by who? And why do they no longer know about it (According to Chase). Expect to find enemies of some sort in there unless I get a valid reason as to why they're so well hidden, and without monsters. @Rein: If you want to keep it secret, I guess you could, but I'm still going to make something happen while we're in there, unless "I" get a reason as to why it's not possible @Kai: Nyahahaha! Now you know how everyone else felt when you spammed an attack every few minutes and killed everything off before others had a chance to respond :P
  17. You're crazy Bal XD I think the issue of why it shouldn't be taken to court is covered heavily enough now. Though I will make the remark "Stupid Americans, they'll sue for anything" (Would like to note, that's just an external (Non-American sentiment that exists where I live, and while I can't say I disagree with it, I am fully aware it doesn't apply to most/large portion of Americans) I went to (what I assume to be) a Christian Highschool (Not in the US) and while they were rather lax on the forced prayer part, (didn't have to turn up) it was highly recommended, and there were constant rumors about it being beneficial to your appearance which would be unfairly transferred to the teachers opinion of you. (Must be Christian to become a teacher there). Whether these rumors were true of not were never confirmed, but there were definitely traces of it from my experience. We did however sacrifice what is usually know as 'Career Education' for 'Christian Education.' The former was what most other non-religious based school taught and it was mainly about how to apply for jobs, and finding what sort of course you'd take in future if you went to College, or what sort of apprenticeship people were looking for in the workplace. Christian Ed however told us how god was great, study on the bible, and all this other stuff "I" don't care for. And essentially was a waste of time (No it was not an elective, but a core class to ones graduation) Though I guess that's what you get for going to a private school XD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anyway personal experiences aside, I doubt it's possible for anyone to say "You can't pray here" while obviously, a Mosque wouldn't be ideal to confess your sins to the Holy Father, They can't exactly punish you for thinking/closing your eyes in prayer. On the other hand though, compulsory classes like the one I explained above, the door knockings, invitations by strangers to come to their sunday session, really are an annoyance, and while I don't 'hate' Christians or any religious folk, I don't exactly like them either. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Going back to my personal experiences, one teacher in particular tried to force strongly encourage my participation in a Sunday session (School on a Sunday? Bleh). And after awhile I told him I was Buddhist (I'm not, and he'd implied I was an atheist before hand) I quote his exact words "That's fine, you should still come. Then you'll see that Buddhism is rubbish." Honestly though, religion is like politics, one party wants you to follow them, and the other wants to pull you away. As if politics wasn't bad enough. While I agree that religion is used more as a medium to validate the actions of war, I still don't think that equates to Religion not having anything to do with war. As for me, I switched to a different school, after 2 years, and for the last 6 months, some of the teachers were so persistent that I started calling myself an Anti-Christian to make them go away. Though I received a fair share of hatred from my peers XD
  18. Also, if we're thinking "Tunnels" and not natural "Caves" You better have a good reason as to why the tunnels were made (if made by human hands, as seems to be the case). And why the creators (clearly not a single individual) no longer know about these caves. (Such a a vital network would have been passed on from generation to generation)
  19. Once they'd arrive Kamilla frowned, it was alot smaller then Chase had explained, and there was no was Ulfhrahn was fitting in there, the other wyvern didn't look like it'd be an easy fit either. While the size of the entrance did slightly placate her suspicions on it being a well known bandit hideout, wild animals (includes non-demon monsters) would most likely be in their either way. And frankly she didn't think the group was in any condition to go for an underground trek for however long. She turned to Chase still angry due to her body hurting all over, but mainly due to the nibbling feeling she kept plaguing her mind. "How long from here to the next exit?" she snapped rudely at Chase.
  20. Kamilla slowly opened her eyes, she thought she could hear shouting, but she hadn't fully woken up yet, "Urgh, okay who clubbed me" she asked quietly as she looked around, not immediately recognizing where she was, she saw Damian and Aiya nearby protected by a wary to looking Ulfhrahn. She considered going over but figured it wasn't the best time, she slowly picked herself up and started plodding along with the rest of the group who had started heading to the supposed Cobalt Caves. She'd seen the wyverns yesterday, and even they didn't seem to attack as viciously as the Pegasi had today, chances were that they were now fighting elite soldiers from the capitol and not some outback city guards. Hearing Chase's apology she made an unpleasant face "These caves better be worth it" she muttered angrily clearly in a foul mood.
  21. *Blames Cynthia's enemy turn for Aiya's death* Shhh, she can be dead until Ether says otherwise I know she can't technically die, but I kind of expect a few more people to fall before the end of this battle by the looks of things. And I'm not sure how advanced Bal plans Tessa's healing skills to be, but closer to death=More effort to heal IMO. Don't really care either way, my plans for the next chapter is already set into motion XD Though it's not really a plan, just a reason to screw with the plans of others. I doubt much else can happen from here, so I really will get some shut eye now, (need it so I can wake up early tomorrow XD) again if you log on Ether, I apologize for taking control of Ulfie :P
  22. "I'm fine" Kamilla managed to mutter before Ulfhrahn took another sudden turn, "Don't worry about me, worry about not getting hit" she shouted as Celeste flew past nearly beheading Aiya's head with her attack. Seeing Aiya injured she started chanting something but Celeste was faster as her spear pierced Aiya's torso, If that wasn't bad enough Aiya fell lifelessly from the back of the wyvern and plummeted towards the ground. "What the?" she managed before Ulfhrahn took a violent dive towards the ground. Barely managing to hold on Kamilla screamed loudly afraid that Ulfhrahn too had suffered a critical injury. It only took a few seconds before she realised that the wyvern was well and was diving to catch Aiya. "Demon be damned" she shouted at the sky as Aiya's lifeless form was a arms length away from where she was, "If I die, I'll come back and haunt you till you die" she said to the wyvern before reaching out and grabbing Aiya by the arm. Unfortunately Celeste seemed to have noticed that it was an opportune time to attack, and as she approached them, Kamilla lost her balance and ended up plummenting with Aiya. She sighed as she sky dived to the ground, she'd given up on life before entering Istample, but this wasn't how she planned to die, "Ah well, at least it's a thrilling way to die" she said before closing her eyes. But just as she was about to give up, she heard the flap of a wing beside her and to her surprise Ulfrahn was flying once again only an arms length away. "Guess you didn't want me haunting you after all" she said sourly before grabbing hold of the reins and pulling herself and Aiya back on the Wyvern, unfortunately though they weren't too far from the ground and Ulfrahn was forced to make a ungraceful landing. Throwing both Aiya and Kamilla off as he landed. Groaning in pain, she looked around moving her body slowly, fortunately nothing seemed broken but her body hurt all over. Kamilla slowly picked herself off the ground, telling herself she should have swallowed her hatred and settled with riding with Mark. "Umm Urgh" she said stupidly not being able to recall the healers name, deciding it wasn't the time for thinking she instead called out "Healer!" several times hoping that it would grab Tessa's attention. She regreted not being able to heal for the first time in her life, and hobbled over to a tree nearby. Slumping herself against the tree not willing to move another muscle. She thought she could hear someone coming, and she smiled weakly "Benevolent Goddess protect these poor souls, Sanctuary Protect" and with that she fell unconcious. *Next Battle post, Allied unit gets +3 Defense* OoC: Think Bal should be allowed to heal, Aiya (not revive) for plot purposes here, since waiting till after the battle will most likely be to late XD Obviously it'd be a no exp/no battle turn post though.
  23. I forgot you existed XD I thought it was just Kai, Rein and Snowy who hadn't posted XD Nyeh, I need to catch up in exp anyway (and I can never get more then 5exp T_T) *Is going to powerplay Ulf before heading to sleep* *Kamilla promotes to Wyvern Master!* XD Apologies on the god-modding, but I'm going to pass it off as Ulf being extremely intelligent, and luck being on their side sort of Can't exactly have Aiya and Kamilla plummeting to their deaths just yet, Morgan would disagree since they don't have CW's XD and I doubt Kiev can carry an extra two people (5 total). I considered, making someone catch the falling Aiya, but.... well if it was a tree, chances are she'd die (injured enough without thick branch whacking her) and if a PC tried then.... well they'd most likely be put out of commission. I'm thinking that the battle was actually well timed despite the fact I pretty much forced it on everyone XD 21 pages atm, and after this we can't start fresh on the next chapter being about these caves. Better hope Kamilla stays knocked out, since she'll most like refuse going in XD
  24. Shut up Feenyx, just finished eating dinner and reading the religion topics, and god are you people funny. @Cynthia, Does an enemy phase null the battle post count limit? Or do we have to wait the 5 battle posts still anyway?
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