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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I think Tiki has some potential, but idk. Of course, she's Green. She and Robin both need the HP Seal glued to them though.
  2. So it looks like max level stats are already out. Tiki is 35/36/30/32/24. That's a pretty bonkers Attack stat, but of course Cherche's is higher blah blah blah. 32 Def though... With the Melon Crusher and a +Spd nature, Tiki gets 38 Atk, 35 Spd, 34 Def and 26 Res. Maybe slap Fury or L&D on that? With Fury, the recoil is 8 HP at full health, which isn't as painful as the 11 from Ragnarok. Close Def wtih +Atk/+Def and Quick Riposte would also work. Robin is 35/32/34/28/29. That's a pretty balanced spread. Compared to Camus, she trades 7 HP and 3 Def for 12 Res, and also has 1 more point of Spd. Unfortunately she doesn't have a Gradivus to carry her, though her weapon does bring her stats up to 34/36/30/31. Mhmmmm. Gaius' Atk/Spd is 31/37, which is what +Atk Setsuna reaches... So with +Atk, Gaius is 33/37, so Clarisse and Setsuna are already dead. Not much to write home about though. Def Ploy might be great on Kagerou though, if I bother pulling Colorless. Though it'd mean giving up the Hone Spd for Celica. Fred is...Matthew? 40/32/31/28/18. A lot more Atk than Matthew, that's for sure, but traded some Spd and Def. A bit disappointed. He's not going to run Poison Dagger better than Kagerou any day of the week, and I'm not sure what else is worthwhile with Daggers. At least his Seashell might be better than Silver Dagger kinda.
  3. More copy-paste calendars! When they announced it I thought they were gonna have Kozaki draw all the top characters...
  4. I'm more interested in what Rowan and Lianna have to say to each other than those cross game supports, honestly.
  5. I mean, if you get hit by a Lance, surely it doesn't use Res...
  6. I did this, hoping to use him for the low budget clear of Zephiel's GHB. It didn't work.
  7. The only one I have is -Spd or something. I'm gonna 5* her so I can get Gronnblade+ on someone else lol.
  8. I mean, you're still just gonna have Nino clear the new stuff.
  9. Perhaps it's still possible for new character banners to come out while this summer thing is going on? Just maybe. In any case, at least there'll be more banners from the July vortex and whatnot.
  10. I actually got most of my 5*s summoning at that time. I got all three of my Celicas at 1 am. It works.
  11. Back when I was in America, I always summoned at 1 am Pacific Time. Now that I'm in Hong Kong, I haven't figured out whether it's 1 am wherever I am or 1 am Pacific Time always yet. Also for some reason, mashing a certain doll on my dad's phone makes him get insta 5 stars. It's happened twice now, but it's never the focus 5*s.
  12. Ah... There's a limit for those under 20. It seems to be 100 USD per month. Now I feel bad.
  13. So when are we getting the 11 might dagger that has the Poison Dagger effect
  14. Wtf it won't let me buy more orbs for some reason. When I choose an orb plan it just stops me and says exactly that, with no reasoning. @Ice Dragon hlep
  15. Oh wow, she actually does sound like a 15 year old. It's better to look mature. But you like Sanaki so you wouldn't understand!!11!
  16. symbolism! I actually don't even know how she sounds like in English.
  17. She's been through a lot meng... But inside she just wants to be a normal little girl. High tier Arena battles are really really random in merge levels, so a Nino that survives Reinhardt with 1 HP in one fight could die to Rein in the next one. Not to mention Quickened Moonbow just shits on Nino.
  18. Just the usual +Atk DB3 +6/+6 Reinhardt with Atk +1 Seal. I think even Fury Nino dies to the Quickened Moonbow one, but I can't remember right now.
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