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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Lies and slander People who say these things don't deserve Sharena! Forreal tho I'd be lying if I said I regret nothing by immediately sacrificing a 5*
  2. Sigh... Bought orbs again for a last shot at Bridelia, but no dice once again. I did get a 5* though: My second Lyn... This one's neutral nature, and my original is +Res -Atk. Hmmm. @Vaximillian Looks like I win this round with the redheads, though (and the last round with Celica lel!!!). I'm happy that I finally got her, but I have to admit, I was looking for a different redhead... She's +Spd -Def though, which is... I'm not sure about 16 Def. -Res probably would have been better.
  3. So, neutral Bride Lyn or +Res -Atk Bride Lyn? I'm leaning towards the former a bit, but +4 Res is tempting...
  4. Well, stick around and see for yourself, I guess. I think you'll be fine.
  5. Sanaki is still slow as bricks with the +4 Spd, so not much point imo. Eirika is a good choice, though it has to be weighted against Fury.
  6. Do you like Katarina? How would you feel if Celica devoured her?
  7. Apparently, this is what Legion's map looks like in New Mystery:
  8. Going all in for Swift Sparrow. My Celica will be complete. If I get a Wo Dao instead I might just hand it off to my Selena.
  9. Omg, Katarina's Japanese voice actress is the same person who did Nino lmao.
  10. List fully updated. Have to say Kira Buckland is amazing as Katarina.
  11. I haven't played New Mystery yet either, but all I see is fodder for my queen
  12. FINALLY SWIFT SPARROW @Arcanite @MaskedAmpharos
  13. 5* Jeorge came to see me when I was pulling for Bridelia >:E
  14. Though, there are other games that use stars, like Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
  16. I guess I'll do Fury + healing for Masked Marth? My regular Lucina is Darting Blow + Desperation (lel) so I'm not gonna make Masked Marth another Player Phase unit.
  17. True, that's a great nature for Bridelia too. I bought orbs and didn't get her too :(
  18. No, I'm asking you to get off the floor. come down to me bby
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