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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Well you two can have a spat about that I guess.
  2. It's okay, Sharena still thinks you're the best thing ever.
  3. Almost reached 18k, but I think I'll stop here for now. I've used 3 stamina potions so far, but one of them was really just to do the Zephiel missions. One came in the login bonus anyway.
  4. Well, Garuda, Guardian and Balor do drop the relic weapons. You also need to dual wield Falchions first :P
  5. I take an Arcanite, cut em up with the ninja sword, take some of the robot juices with the syringe, use it to lubricate my door hinge, then wrap the extension cord around it. I then put the hinge into the Ford engine, and it explodes.
  6. That's pretty much my team, except I use Julia instead of Celica. It works pretty well, doesn't it?
  7. No, sometimes I just randomly let go too early when dragging.
  8. LOL double misclick for a double death. Fuck me.
  9. @MaskedAmpharos You make a deal with him or something I guess. But why would you ever want to use 4* Lissa or 4* Wrys over the 5* Sacaen beauty? The only time they'd be useful would be like.... Rarity restriction challenges.
  10. Just tell Amphy that she went out to find him. Well Lyn already comes with Rehabilitate, so it's not like you have to do any work regarding that.
  11. FEED HER TO LYN YES Well now you have an offensive staffer and a support staffer, I guess? Lyn for debuffs and Rehabilitate with Dazzling Staff, while Genny lays on the hurt with Wrathful Staff and Martyr. There's two projects for ya. Don't sweat the details. Don't let your dreams be dreams.
  12. Don't worry, when I get out of the tempest, I'll get you some rope...
  13. It's a 5* healer, might as well dump the 3*s and 4*s, and make her the best healer you have available. I have every offensive and support staff (except Physic) inherited onto Lyn right now. This is clearly a lesson in life that you can't wait forever for Miss Perfect, and should settle with someone by your side I was mostly talking about in Echoes. If Boey dies, Mae obviously won't marry him lel.
  14. 6. Yeah, just backwards so I can redo things. 7. Just fooling around with friends in general, nothing particularly specific. When I was alone I read often. 8. Honey all day. Sugar can be a bit too powerful sometimes, even though I have a sweet tooth, while honey is great on barbequed stuff. 9. Gotta go with Zeus. 10. I'd hold the guavas over the gopher and squeeze them hard with the nutcracker, so all the juices pour over the poor thing. Maybe.
  15. Okay, this is weird. Now my post that appeared twice has only one copy. Thanks Serenes. Quick Reposte
  16. Gaaaah why do you have Quick Riposte Well I edited my above post
  17. Well, it's really just a joke with my friend. He married Sumia in Awakening, and thought Genny looked cute. Both Sumia and Genny are voiced by Eden Riegel, so I just said "lol what if". Now it's canon. @MaskedAmpharos tfw Galeforce I play with JP voices too, so my friend had to tell me who Eden Riegel was too. But now there you have it. All the people who waifu'd Sumia (including Chrom!) are now after your daughter.
  18. Well, it's really just a joke with my friend. He married Sumia in Awakening, and thought Genny looked cute. Both Sumia and Genny are voiced by Eden Riegel, so I just said "lol what if". Now it's canon.
  19. Well she hasn't come to my castle yet, so rest easy, man. Though, I am sniping Colorless for Bride Cordelia, and I've had two random 5*s, Jeorge and Jakob, wander into my altar already. I can't guarantee anything... Speaking of Genny, I've had so much fun making headcanons for her. There's the one about her being Saber's daughter, then the one that she's actually Sumia's previous life...
  20. Hey, I'm not laying my fingers on your sheep daughter. Not my type. Bride Lyn might be But my Lyn would appreciate the staff lessons.
  21. But I want my Lyn to eat a sheep daughter and make things explode... She has excellent Spd, so she can double I guess.
  22. Welp just had a shit run. Got bodied by AI Azura, which really made my Speed take a hit.
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