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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Good. You skipping the cutscene just means you're less likely to see me snooping around your Summoning Altar.
  2. By default, you have to touch the battle prep button to enter battle prep mode, instead of starting in battle prep.
  3. Distant Counter is typically used to fight mages. Subaki's Res is a bit on the terrible side, so he'll like Iote's better. Effie and Armors in generally love Distant Counter to help with their 1 Mov. Distant Counter Effie gives up her insane Brave Lance+ Death Blow player phase, but gets really solid Enemy Phase combat. Why Iceberg though, and not Bonfire? Lukas' Res is too bad, and he's not really one-shotting many mages. Similar story for Ephraim. Could work, but wouldn't be my first choice. Spring Xander is pretty bad. Sure, he has good Def, but his base Atk is super low. Peri is too frail to be using Distant Counter. Also Brash Assault is kinda bad on her imo, since she's not bulky enough to make her second hit count once she's down past half health. None of your Pegs have good enough bulk and one-shotting capabilities to make Distant Counter worthwhile. So basically, Effie. Also don't use Iceberg.
  4. Do you happen to have a link to these? I don't think I've seen them before.
  5. Huh, they must have changed that in the localization. In JP, iirc, Clair just says he's not being serious about it, because he doesn't want to go all-in and get hurt from rejection.
  6. Yeah, you can't cheese that particular encounter. It's a bit rough, but once you remember the pattern it becomes routine.
  7. The Turnwheel has crashed my game once, too. I'm not sure what causes it honestly. Obviously something to do with 3DS memory, but I'm not sure if there are triggers.
  8. Ah, makes sense. Speaking of Robin, they should take out his cutscene already. Getting that cutscene for a 3* Robin is flat out disappointing lol.
  9. Interesting. The way you pronounced Mila is closer to what it is in Japanese, but it's the opposite for Archanea. Names are hard.
  10. I did kinda question why Kamui was so interested in Leon's preferences.
  11. I can never raise my 5* percentage... It keeps getting reset. What am I doing wrong?
  12. Huh, I also got silent convos, but I didn't pay attention to whether or not I got bonuses.... I should go check.
  13. Yeah, but I don't think we've had a father-daughter one yet. We're going deeper into the rabbit hole.
  14. True I guess. I think there's some level of integration, but with how Jesse and Kamui get nothing it's not perfect at all. Kibayashi wrote 500 pages for Faye. They cherry picked 10 pages. Some people give each other support bonuses despite having no conversation, like with Alm and Tobin etc. When you're in the battle forecast with Alm and Tobin is within range, you can see a small portrait of Tobin up on the top left, where talking support partners like Faye and Clair would also be.
  15. If Mila's blessing could make crops grow, surely it has something to do with water as well. If her blessing also supplies ground water and such, there wouldn't be much danger of drought. Also, iirc they still had enough water for moats and stuff in some places. Makes you really wonder if there was a drought.
  16. Are you that desperate for Celica? At this point you should just save for the brides lmao.
  17. When are we getting Rally Spectrum, Hone Spectrum and Goad Spectrum for infantry?
  18. I think supports are actually meaningful, especially with the passive supports. Lukas only has a convo with Clive, but he has passives with Clair, Forsyth and Python, so he does have some level of camaraderie with his fellow Deliverance members. Faye, on the other hand, is the only Ram Villager that doesn't have passives with Tobin, Gray and Kliff, even though that trio, Alm, Celica and Mycen all share a passive support network. These are intentionally handed out/not handed out, so I think it's some sort of an indicator. Well, you do you. Who knows. Maybe something got scrapped and they didn't flesh her out. Maybe all those Redditors had the right idea. Maybe there was executive meddling. Maybe I wrote Faye all along.
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