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Posts posted by SageOfAnys

  1. Just now, Zeo said:

    If Corrin doesn't get enough points to give Ninian the multiplier then she's done. Hm, wonder what the last hour's gonna look like.

    4 minutes ago, kcirrot said:

    Well Corrin is down by 300 million, he needs to earn about 500-700 million to trigger a bonus.  But it's possible he won't overshoot.  I swear if he wins, the memes will be too much to handle.

    The difference here is that the multiplier is only 1%. Even if Corrin doesn't give Ninian the bonus, the scores will be close enough where there is a high chance that Ninian can win through sheer numbers alone. Not a guarantee, but it's incredibly likely.

    Besides, even people who don't pay attention to mechanics know that losing in the last hour = spam flags like crazy.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

    I just want her to lose. 

    Well if you want to see that, there's a 99.99% chance you'll have to wait for finals for that.

    2 minutes ago, Christactics said:

    Did FCorrin win? I can't check in right now.

    what are the current standings?

    FCorrin is in the lead, and ATiki currently has multiplier.

  3. 1 minute ago, Book Bro said:

    What to do?? Ninian has a slight lead again. Do we spam flags or hold off? I'm pretty sure Corrin is gonna get the multiplier last hour either way so I'm torn. I'm sure we have more people and flags but I dunno when to spend them.

    Tracker currently says Ninian'll get the last hour bonus. However, the tracker doesn't always show stuff correctly this soon after the hourly reset, learned that after the minor heartattack I had when it said Camilla would beat Ike for a bit in the previous gauntlet.

  4. 1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Don't forget that Awakening had Naga's and Tiki's Tears as the ultimate permanent stat boosters and tonics respectively. No doubt the salt in those tears must contribute to their efficacy! No wonder Anna is consoling Fae right now. 

    If all this salt actually made Naga's Tears in-game, I would be rooting for every single upset.

    Julia wants to be a juggernaut, dammit.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

    Sigh, I never said "very". The whole thing, including the multipliers, is entirely controlled by the players. 

    They overshot at the "worst" time. Plain and simple. What could they have done? Determine if burning flags at that specific point was the right thing to do or not. From what I've seen so far, most people get their timing wrong due to how the "hours" are set up and that's how some of the "upsets" happened. 

    @VaximillianSo you choose to remain salty. Okay then. 

    Honestly, a lot of casuals actually just burn their flags as soon as they get them because like mentioned earlier, they don't know anything about multipliers and how they work, so they don't save.

    And guess who makes up the majority of players?


    There is literally no way to prevent this without mass coordination, and mass coordination is currently impossible.

  6. 1 minute ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

    Bwahaha.. You know if the devs really wanted to have fun, they could do this like the Hunger Games. Everyone tries to get as many votes as possible for their character, and if they drop below a certain threshold, they get eliminated, and everyone gets a super loud push notification about it. (Firing canons could be optional.) No one knows how many votes that character has until they're eliminated. It's just a panic-induced race to keep your character's head above water.

    That actually sounds fun in a really twisted way... except for the bandwagoning that would ensue. Why must everything we love be ruined by bandwagoning?!?!

  7. Okay, it at least Ninian has a good, fighting chance now. Even if we win though, my opinion of the multiplier stays the same.

    It ruins any form of fun that can be derived from VG, which is actually kind of sad. Either make the multiplier apply only for team score to eliminate the feather complaints/skews, or cut/heavily modify the mechanic entirely.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

    If anything, it rewards players for playing often. The whole "get the last multiplier" thing is completely affected by the players themselves. It's more of a strategic battle now instead of "popularity cruise control". 

    I would hardly call the multiplier strategic when the majority of players are casual and don't know anything about multiplier mechanics. There is no way to mass coordinate, and forums like these and the Reddit only represent a small portion of Heroes players.

    Unless they add a global chat or something (which is still limited in usefulness, but an improvement), this is not strategy. It's like a game of soccer/football where only two players are working together and everyone else is just kicking the ball at random if it's within 2 feet of them.

  9. 1 minute ago, Silent shifter said:

    Why not make it like Splatoon's Splatfest, where it is heavily based to skills then number of supporters.

    I may be wrong too.

    There is a chance of the issue with Splatoon's Splatfest would carry over here too: that more popular teams suffer more in terms of skills because they have the higher proportion of unskilled players.

    Admittedly, it will be alleviated in the VG because there are 8 teams instead of 2, but really this is all just conjecture. There's no way to know unless it's implemented. It'll be better than the multiplier though.


    It will also cause more mono-team rages, that's for sure. But those are kind of funny to see so I don't mind.

  10. 2 minutes ago, BlazingMage said:

    I'll never understand the community, I agree with @Anacybele the multipliers were added to make the matches more like Chrom and Ephraim's battle back in the first gauntlet. And it's working

    I would like to argue against this.

    The main draw of Chrom v. Ephraim was from two main reasons:

    1. Children were playing with a brand new toy. Of course it would be exciting, we weren't sure what to expect, and no one expected anything along the likes of this. Who would think that an SS character could stand toe-to-toe with the lord of the of the biggest games in the 3DS era?

    2. The fight was fair. The loser got no benefits for being behind, and the leader was never punished for being ahead. The team sizes were relatively equivalent, and there were no waiting games that are common in the multiplier matches (Team Ninian is in a waiting game right now, which is the definition of fun -_-). It was just massive flag spam as soon as the other overtook your own team, and the constant tide turning in only small amounts meant no one had substantial leads. It was up to the final hour, but no one minded, because we all knew that the other side put up a good fight without the aid of an outside force.

    After the first VG, point 1 is out. And the multiplier completely invalidates point 2, because the multiplier isn't fair.

    People don't mind losing that much if they lose to the more popular character or if they felt the fight was fair.

    People don't like losing if they feel like they were robbed of their trophy because, like I said before, "they were winning too hard".

  11. Honestly, I actually wouldn't even mind a multiplier if the multiplier didn't multiply individual rankings. Like, if you participated during a 4.0x  multiplier, the team score rose by 400/440 and your own personal score only rose by 100/110.

    It prevents this horrible skew we see in scores and the punishment of people that don't play literally almost every hour.

  12. Honestly, as much as I joked about the Lucina and Camilla juggernauts in the first two gauntlets, I didn't mind when they won, because they were the more popular characters. It was just interesting to see how others matched up and realize that so-and-so was more popular than we could've imagined. And even when you sided with them, you still had the chance of a decent ranking/feather winnings as long as you played often enough.

    The multiplier punishes people on popular teams by not only making ranking infinitely harder for them as they get few multipliers (meaning less chances for higher scores/more opportunities to miss it), but now it is getting increasingly more likely for the more popular to lose because they "were winning too hard". There is no benefit in siding with the winning side anymore, and that just pisses me off.



    Sorry for rants, I'm pretty sure this forum has seen enough of these, especially regarding VG. But this is the 4th time a major upset has happened (and the 2nd time it happened to me) and I'm only going to be walking away with 500 pity feathers at this point.

    I feel like I have the right to vent a little.

  13. Honestly if Ninian loses to the multiplier, I'm just doing VG for feathers at this point. Elise nearly lost to it, Leo got screwed over, Ike v. Lyn never got to happen... the multiplier has just been getting worse and worse for me.

    Not to mention if Ninian loses I'm only leaving this round with 500 feathers because I didn't have the chance to play during ANY multiplier we had. That's just rubbing salt in the wound at this point.

    And besides,  I have like 20 people I want to 5* eventually, more feathers would be much appreciated.

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