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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. There scramble maps are still coming. However, after that, the DLC is pretty much done. It's even hinted in Heirs of Fates, with Shigure's song. One part of the lyrics is "Sing with me one last time." And it's "The End" screen is different, with Azura's pendant breaking. It all implies to be that Heirs of Fates was the very last chapter of Fates's story. However, I'm rather fine with it, the DLC was good in my opinion, and we really don't need another Apotheosis map.
  2. I would advise doing all of them now, espcially Shiro's. They get much harder later. Seriously, do Shiro's paralogue now. You will regret doing it later.
  3. So many places... But not Brazil. Sigh. That being said, it's a good thing that more coutries get to play this game.
  4. I know, and you can do that in ALTTP too, but even in those games, there was an order you had to follow, but in this game, it could be any order. That's really interesting!
  5. Now that I think about it, that means we will be able to tackle the dungeons in any order we want. In Zelda games, normally the Forest, Fire and Water dungeons are earlygame, and Desert, Ice and Haunted dungeons are mid to late-game, but maybe we can make any order in this game. We could go to an icy mountain or haunted mansion first, and the forest area could the last area in the game. That's actually kinda cool, having the Forest dungeon as the last one.
  6. If it helps, it's also going to be released for the PS3.
  7. It's unlikely to be a prequel to Wind Waker, One of the major reasons as to why Hyrule was flooded was because Link didn't appear to defeat Ganon.
  8. Actually, Ophelia can A+ Rhajat, and thus Ophelia can have Tomefaire without having to be Orochi's daughter.
  9. A bit of news: http://www.siliconera.com/2016/06/14/persona-5-wont-feature-dual-audio-gets-morganas-english-voiceover-sample-e3-2016/ People are already throwing a fit because there will be no dual audio. Some people really don't understand licensing... EDIT: Also the last party member was revealed, his name is Goro Akechi and he is a young detective. Seeing another young detective as a party member after Naoto may seem like they a trying to make another "Naoto" character, since she was so popular. But this game is based on the phantom thief genre, and there's usually a police or inspector character that is the thief's rival, and they usually have a mutual respect for each other. Since the game take inspiration form Lupin, Goro might a reference to Inspector Ganimard from the books, who had a bit of respect for Lupin, and it was implied that the respect was mutual, as Lupin also seemed to respect him. There's also Inspector Zenigata from the Lupin manga and anime. Goro might be a reference to him as well.
  10. I second that. It's an incredibly good pairing, and the pair-up bonus from Sakura and the Onmyoji class compliment Leo quite well. To be honest, the only people Elise should marry are Odin, Niles and maybe Jakob. And that's a big maybe. Any other pairing with her is pretty bad. And if you want a magic user with good physical defense, try Sakura or Hayato.
  11. So the mongoose thing is true? That's really awesome! Makes me wonder how many real things from Hawaii Game Freak is gonna put in the game. I've heard a Hawaiian say on another site that is actually schocking how accurate this game is when it comes to Hawaii. Funny you should mention that Grubbin reminds you of a real life bug because it might be based on these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asiatic_rhinoceros_beetle And the larva: http://lh4.ggpht.com/GSUW8zBokcRloTI10QEd6r_g1w2bxz1boUaGu5ARYZqD_hterSRxR4BkLZiP9lECxDmaY4jo_olHmtqBArKc=s580
  12. Looking foward to see your new avatar! Also, remember that in the Gen 1 games Lickitung couldn't learn Lick, so there is still a big chance for Pikpek not learning Bullet Seed.
  13. A bit off-topic, but I think you may want to hear, that a Daisy amiibo was announced.
  14. Here's Watchog's Pokedex entry: "When they see an enemy, their tails stand high, and they spit the seeds of berries stored in their cheek pouches." And yet Watchog can't learn Bullet Seed.
  15. Not sure if it was said here already, but there is a hunger meter for Link. If Link gets hungry, his hearts will start to deplete. Also, the weather will have different effect, such rain making it hard to cook food on a fire, and thunderstorms affecting metal objects in some way, I think. Also, I think they said that there will be no companion this time.
  16. Speaking of gun problems, apparently the gun the shooter used was an outlawed type, that even the biggest gun nut wouldn't want normal people wielding it. So if it is true, this incident is not really related to gun laws.
  17. Something interesting about Yungoos's bio: "Yungoos is a big eater that is never satisfied. The majority of its long body is given over to its stomach, and its digestion is swift, so its always hungry. It has strong fangs, so it can crush and consume the hardest of objects. Each Yungoos chooses its own particular route for searching out prey. It stalks along this route searching for food until its exhausted, at which point it drops and sleeps wherever it may be. Its thought that these Pokémon decide their routes based on safety, so that theres no risk in falling asleep at any time. Yungoos is not a Pokémon that is native to the Alola region. It was brought to the region to help deal with the explosive population of a certain other Pokémon, and now Yungoos are commonly seen around the Alola region." That particular past bit is interesting because I've heard Hawaii tried to solve a rat problem by importing mongooses, but then they had a mongoose problem on the 1800, I think? Not sure if it is completely true though. Or if there's still many mongooses in Hawaii. Because if it is true, it's amazing and I'll say it again, Game Freak really did their research in Hawaii.
  18. Actually, it's seems to work the opposite way. It deals more damage to the pokemon that's arriving, not to the one that's leaving the battlefield.
  19. Wait, their skills can stack?Also, my vote goes for Vow of Friendship. It can be risky, but it makes Silas so strong!
  20. I was watching the trailer again, and it looks like you can customize Link this time! You can see him wearing different clothes, such as a green shirt or an armor! You're joking, right? Ever heard of survival?
  21. So you can't find hearts anymore, but rather you recover health from eating resources... That's very interesting! And the game's plot show promise. Apparently the Kingdom of Hyrule has fallen into decay. Maybe the castle is in ruins?
  22. I also apologize for going off-topic, doesn't Disney Parks choose people at random to go through the metal detector? That strikes me as unsafe and even silly. Like they're making a gamble. Which they actually are, when you think about.
  23. Oh, I agree that it's not a reliable source, but it's a frightening possibility. Especially considering that Downtown Disney's security is rather lax compared to the main parks.
  24. Rather interesting that you used Disney as an example, because apparently there is evidence that Omar, the shooter, was also targeting Disney World, and the police is currently investigating the shooter's computer for further proof.
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