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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Now that you mention, most of the Nohrian kids aren’t morally ambiguous at all, compared. Actually, most of them seem to have a great relationship with their parent. The interesting thing is this is the opposite in Hoshido. Many Hoshidans kids actually have a pretty bad relationship with their parents, suchs Shiro, Mitama, Asugi, Hisame, Rhajat and while Caeldori gets along with her father, you can tell that there’s still a problem in their relationship.
  2. I think Arthur is sorta meant to be like Elise is to the Nohr Royals, an exception. And yes, I know Nohr is meant to be the agressive country and all, but it’s still interesting to see characters who would most definitely be villains in other games, be “heroes” for a lack of better term. They don’t even bother to the hide their flaws.
  3. I was replaying Conquest, when I realized something: A lot of the playabe Nohrian characters’ personalities are actually very similar, if not th same, to many villainous archetypes. For example, we Peri, a serial killer with a trauma, Beruka, an orphan assassin, Niles, a spiteful man who resents the happiness of other(it wouldn’t suprise me if Niles killed innocent people out spite and jealousy before metting Leo), Charlotte, a gold digger, Nyx, who once killed killed many innocents(possibly hundreds) for her own amusement and the Royals and neutral characters fit this as well. Leo and Camilla definitely have villian-like personalities, Gunter is a man motivated by revenge, and if Corrin ever turned evil I’m pretty sure Jakob would still be loyal to them, making him a potential villain. As you can see, many of these characters have committed unforgivable crimes and even may have crossed the so-called Moral Event Horizon, but even then, they’re still on your side. What do you guys think of this? Do you think it was intentional that many nohrian characters have villainous personalities?
  4. Well, you’re in for wild ride, and this advice may sound meaningless but...don’t get attached. For the love of god don’t get attached to the characters. Also, this series deals with themes and criticize things that other anime/manga and game hardly ever touch on. Which makes it really interesting in my opinion.
  5. Oh, I’m not saying she’s a bad unit, only that for a “legendary” she seems less impressive that the non-legendary one.
  6. Does anyone else think that female Grima will actually be less impressive than male Grima? I mean, Dragonskin doesn’t really seem that impressive, she lacks the ability to have Vengeful Fighter, being Colorless isn’t really that good and most importantly, she seems lacks male Grima’s massive attack which was his strongest point.
  7. Yeah, it’s not the obscure entries that are the problem, it’s the popular ones. You see a lot fanon being treated as fact, as the site even lost that sense of comedy that it had before.
  8. I get the feeling that some sites that were famous back in the day, really fell from grace in recent years. To me TvTropes is one them. I used to think it actually has reliable information, but a recent visit disappointed me immensely. It’s so full of misinformation, and they exaggerated facts a lot. They tend to make sympathetic villains less sympathetic by exaggerating their crimes, when some them haven’t still be cleared up, and the opposite also holds true, make unsympathetic villains more sympathetic based on fan theories. And TvTropes had this fun role-playing kind of thing called the Trope Pantheons, where characters from various form of media interact together, and it was fun, and I even used some of them for headcannons. But now it’s a utter mess of exaggerated facts and outright lies. But enough of my rant, what about you guys? Any sites that fell from grace in your opinion? Do you guys agree with me about TvTropes?
  9. I definitely agree with this. When I mean not holding grudge, I didn’t mean forgiving instantly. I mean trying to understand each other, it makes it much more interesting, especially if the villain has committed a crime such as killing innocents when they could have a choice of not to, especially if one of the innocents killed was someone dear to the heroes. It makes it much harder for the hero and the villain to understand each other, but at the same time, much more interesting. Besides, if the villain has useful powers and is willing to help, it’s not a bad idea to accept their help, again, even if they did unforgivable things such as killing innocents. Yup,
  10. This discussion about forgiving villains is always very interesting. A lot of people complain about villains being forgiven to easily, but I always think “What the point of not forgiven them?” and “Why hold a grudge?”, the heroes realize that they gain nothing by gain nothing by holding grudge, and if the villain is willing to make amends, all the better. After all, why kill of a villain, when you can make them work for the greater good? That’s not to say they forget all of the atrocities that the villains committed, such as say killing innocents, but making the villain realize why their unforgivable actions were wrong is always fascinating. And having trying tinmake amends with the person they hurt is always very interesting. Besides, it’s a work of fiction. The sense of morality of our world shouldn’t always aply to a world of fiction. Again, take Nyx from Fire Emblem Fates, again while not a villain, she killed a lot of innocents people in the past for own amusement, so by all means the army should treat with scorn right? But since she’s remorseful, the army treats her, which I find fascinating.
  11. Sympathetic villains because I love redemption arcs. Particularly if said Sympathetic villans had done something unforgivable like murder. It makes the redemption arc all the more interesting. This is why Nyx is one of my favorite characters in Fates. While not really a villain, she has crossed line and committed many terrible acts with no justification, and yet now, she’s very human. I find it fascinating how a ruthless murderer can learn to become better.
  12. Does anyone knows what the story of this game is about? It’s because I just how different a lot of these characters are when it comes to morality. I mean, the classic heroic characters such as Ruby Rose and then there’s Ragna, who is considered sort of an heroic character, but he’s also a wanted mass murderer who killed lots of people in NOL facilities, including innocents who were just doing their jobs. I wonder it the difference in morality between the characters will be brought up, or it will be just “I don’t know who you are, let’s fight!”. I get the feeling that it will be latter.
  13. Definitely, and one of my biggest wishes is characters fighting bosses from other series, for example, I loved seeing Fox and Diddy fighting Rayquaza, Kirby fighting Petey Piranha, Pikachu fighting Ridley, and Pikachu saving Samus from Ridley was pretty badass. I would love to see more of than in Smash 5. That’s what crossovers are about.
  14. Thing is, there might be a kernel of truth in that, because there were some interesting hints, for example when Atlus registered domain names for P5 spin-offs, one of them was P5ag, which are Akechi’s initials, granted the “a” could be Arena, but there aren’t a lot of words that starts with G that fits arena, plus there’s a domain registered P5u, which is very likely to mean Ultimax. Back on subject, another hint according to the guys who told me, is in a magazine interview, the developers were talking about the final events of the game, and when it seems that they were going to continue, they cut it off with an image of Akechi’s cut in, and I did se the magazine’s picture, so I know they’re telling the truth. So perhaps those haters are onto something. Changing the subject back to the domains, there were lot of P5 domain name registered, so you might be onto something when you said that milking is becoming a recent trend.
  15. Unlikely until an upgrade version Persona 5 is released. Persona 5 is way too popular for them not to milk it for years. For example, just yesterday they announced DLC characters for the dancing games, which include fan favorites such as Akechi and Shinjiro, but it also odd choices such as Sho and Labrys. It shows they’re still planning to milk P3 and P4. There’s also the anime, the Persona Q2, possibly an Arena game, they still haven’t made any Drama CDs yet, which they most certainly will, there’s the Mobile App game that was recently released, I’ve been hearing rumors they’re planning to something with Akechi as well, which considering how ridiculously popular he is, only losing to Joker in popularity, and with Akechi being the fandom’s current problem child, which always bring a lot of money, it’s very likely that Atlus has plans for Akechi. They won’t leave a potential cash cow like him alone. The odd things was, I’ve heard this rumors from his haters rather than his fans. Either way, there’s still a lot of milking, and I do mean a lot, before they move to P6. I would say we will have to about 3 to 4 years to get a new Persona game. If I were to guess, Persona 6 will be released in 2021 or 2022.
  16. I agree as well. When did the Fire Emblem become so...prudish? I mean, the Fire Emblem fandom get bad reputation because of people like this.
  17. I don’t really see a problem in that, especially considering this a very common thing in FE4. A lot of villains in Judgral, like Arvis, Ishtar, Hilda, Travant and Langobalt are descendants of heroes.
  18. But aren’t they being made by different groups? And do you think Sega is still trying to do something with Forces? I mean, the best they could for Forces is to make DLC content as long as the actual Forces game, considering how lacking the game was, but would the waste resources on that, knowing that Forces’ reception wasn’t great?
  19. Perhaps we are being spoiled, but as I said before the DLC feels small. The game is almost year, so they had plenty of time to make more new zones. You would be suprised at how fast game development can be when you already have resources and a studio dedicated to it.
  20. Alfonse is the most interesting one here as we are lacking Axe horses. And I love Catria’s voice “Please don’t ask why I’m dressed like this”, the delivery was perfect.
  21. Actually that’s wrong. The Valentines Banner pushed Roy and Lillina pretty word, with theirs and Eliwood’s voice clips. It’s very likely that they try to make some pairings canon. And considering Heroes is a gacha game, whose bread and butter is what currently popular in the fandom, putting Ike and Soren together romantically is a very high possibility. I mean, IS already wants you to put Ike and Soren in the same team, with Soren’s new refinement and all.
  22. I would like the see more GHB of playable characters that were initially villains. For example Ena, Vaida and Shura.(I know it sounds weird to call Shura a villain, but when you usually first meet him, you are probably meant to think of him as a villain.)
  23. Speaking of this DLC I wonder why they didn’t do more, I mean, they have resources and it’s almost anyear old. I feel like they could have some new stages and such. Perhaps I’m asking to much, I mean, they did create two whole new characters, but still, this DLC feels...small.
  24. Looking at it more, I think the one on the left is Nina. Actually, it looks a lot like her. And she is one of Fates’s most popular children.
  25. Fire Emblem always had quirky characters that felt out place. That wasn’t something exclusive to Fates. For example, do you think characters like Makalov, Illyana, Gatrie, Mia, that are very quirky doesn’t break the immersion of the serious tone of the Tellius series? Do you think L’arachel and Rennac dancing in the middle of the battlefield seem out of place? Or Gonzales getting drunk in the middle of battle? Or Bartre bashing his head against a rock and saying “big words make my head hurt” doesn’t seem out of place? Fire Emblem has always been a serious series, but with quirky moments. It’s nothing new to the series.
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