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nocturnal YL

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Everything posted by nocturnal YL

  1. He doesn't have a full-length song, but he's said to be a surprisingly good singer in-game. And yeah, it's a different CD. No reason to sell the CD that's already in Fortissimo Edition.
  2. I'm more interested in the potential full version of Tiki's second song, Maboroshi Janai Sekai. Given its in-game context, it's easily my favourite song. Looking forward to FIRE EMBLEM ~Hikari no Gikyoku~ too. The in-game version is slightly mixed with sound effects.
  3. I'm smelling download-only, like what they did with Fatal Frame. If this is the case, be prepared. ​♯FE takes 16.6GB of space, so Wii U versions with built-in games and 8GB models won't be able to host it.
  4. Nintendo has just released another financial report. (FYI, they're still making a profit, but the profit margin has dropped.) But it's the supplementary information that I'm interested in, because this means we get to take a look at their release schedule again. Please note that this list doesn't actually hold any more authority than the official announcements, and it's largely just based on that. See page 6 for the schedule. ​Japanese / English I think this is more about the worry that they may cancel this game's overseas release.
  5. So I went ahead and captured my own audio. You can find them here. ​ This, plus this user's uploads and the audio tracks of various cutscenes (spoiler), should make up the most complete soundtrack thus far. And that isn't even scratching the surface.
  6. Okay, so I did try Lunatic for a bit (up to the middle of Chapter 1 with my party at level 9), and I think it shouldn't be too difficult if you have already finished the game once (which has to be the case, since Lunatic is only available from the second playthrough onwards). If you think you really can't fight on in the later parts of the game, you can gather experience-granting items in the 4th dungeon. Those are very rare, though. Or you can just buy the DLC and collect those items like crazy, although that will take the challenge away from regular battles. I think Lunatic should be beatable. Comparing across genres doesn't make much sense, but Lunatic here requires less thinking than Nohr Lunatic in FE Fates. And now that I've started my second playthrough (I think I'll continue with that Lunatic playthrough, after all), here's a more complete list of what gets transferred or unlocked between playthroughs, not counting the optional transfers (since you don't get them in Lunatic): Enemy information (You no longer have to guess the enemies' weak points) Carnage and Radiant Unity information (the game will show the names and required Performa of the skills you have obtained in the last playthrough, but you still have to earn the Performa from the beginning) Carnage upgrade is available from the start instead of having to wait until after Chapter 4 Play record (challenges) and awards (trophies you get from completing certain categories of challenges) Outfits and posters Play time, and an indication on your save file that says "2nd playthrough" Two new requests that require levels 60~99 (so that if you transfer your level, you'll still find new challenges) The Legendary difficulty in the Arena (contains levels 70~99 enemies) Movie viewer (11 main story cutscenes, 11 side story cutscenes) I also heard that in the 3rd playthrough, a double experience mode can be unlocked, but I'm not anywhere close to being there
  7. He is in. You'll see him late in the game. No, and I'm a bit afraid to, since there's the possibility that I'll be stuck in the game. Maybe I'll just try the prologue and get a general impression. Haven't tried Hard, but Normal is quite easy except the sudden difficulty spike in the Excellus fight. (Battles after that are still easy.) Command skills use the Zio --> Ziodyne scheme. Session skills use FE names like Thunder --> Elthunder. There are only two levels of session skills, so you won't see Arctunder or Thoron. (EDIT: Thoron is available as a command skill, but not as a Session skill. Similarly, Fimbulvetr and Excalibur are available too. Those are one level above Ziodyne, Bufudyne and Zandyne.) Expel and Death are exception to this. You'll see command magic named Mir (dark) and Resire (light).
  8. - Yeah, the naming pattern of the spells can be easily worked out without prior knowledge. - You can easily learn the weapon triangle and weapon effectiveness anyway. Sometimes knowledge in the wrong FE can work against you too; just try attacking a wyvernback unit with a sword. - I haven't played anything from Atlus prior to this, but most non-Atlus RPGs I've tried don't have interactive elements after the final battle. - I didn't name those mirages because [spoiler=]they fall flatly under Chapter 6 (the final regular chapter), just not the final dungeon. It's not really a huge spoiler without context, though. Yes. There's a so-called true ending, and you simply earn it by completing all side stories and talking to all Fortuna members in the Epilogue. You can inherit certain elements after beating the game once (so yeah, New Game+): Optional - Level - Money, items, accessories - Carnage (weapons) - Stage rank and skills - Map (the auto-reveal status of the Wii U GamePad map) Automatic - Posters - Clothings - Shop lineup - Arena rank (but not the coins) - Play records (challenges) and awards - Analysis (enemy info log) You can pick any number of the Optional elements to inherit (except if you start a Lunatic playthrough), but the Automatic stuff will always be inherited (including Lunatic). You cannot switch to or from Lunatic mid-game.
  9. I can kind of read Japanese. Nowhere close to a "translator" level, but I can get the gist of Japanese text. I'm actually a bit worried about whether this game is hitting overseas, and especially Europe. Hopefully they'll still do it. They don't take back already-announced games frequently nowadays, but still...
  10. Yesterday, I've beaten this game, so I thought I'd talk a bit about it. First off, my general impressions: I absolutely love this game. This game doesn't look like a "first HD game attempt" at all. It looks great. I haven't investigated yet, but a glance at my computer monitor suggests this game runs in 720p. I could be wrong on this. The towns are a bit small, but the dungeons are large and lengthy, especially if you aim to reveal the entire maps. The main story is quite good. The later side stories are excellent and satisfying to complete. Tiki's side stories are the best thing I've ever seen in RPGs. Personal experience differ, but I find completing her last sidequest highly satisfying. ATLUS knowledge not required to play this game, but it would definitely help you get used to the magic system. Fire Emblem knowledge may help you understand a few references, but the only gameplay impacts are weapon effectiveness (Sword>Axe, Wind>Flier, and so on) and stats ("it's a General, so it probably has high Def and low Res"). It is Fire Emblem-centric, though. This should be obvious, since you face enemies like Gangrel and Aversa... It goes without saying that the music is great. It may not sound like Fire Emblem music until the end, but it's not bad at all. This game lets you explore the field after beating the final boss (and find out what's happened to the NPCs you've helped thus far), which is a huge advantage to me compared to most RPGs. It also gives very juicy incentive for players to continue playing. You get to inherit your level, money, consumable items and more between playthroughs, although this is disallowed on Lunatic (unlockable difficulty). This game isn't without flaws, though. I find it too hard to replenish EP (since EP-restoring items are rare), Expel and Death magic have limited usefulness (since the player party cannot form sessions out of it), and on a meta level there's the loading time issue and the lack of in-game cutscene viewer. (CORRECTION: Cutscenes are viewable from the second playthrough onward in Fortuna's office.) I'd recommend this to: ​Tiki fans. If you love Tiki, this game is a must-have. RPG lovers who also like Fire Emblem. RPG lovers who want a (mostly) lighthearted adventure. General Q&As for topics that I think is common: Who are in this game? Itsuki/Chrom, Tsubasa/Shiida, Toma/Cain, Kiria/Tharja, Ellie/Virion, Mamori/Draug and Yashiro/Nabarl are playable (although I'd consider Yashiro a mild spoiler and not put him in the main character list). Maiko, Barry and Tiki are important NPCs with their own side stories. The other characters listed in the website have varying roles and importance. NPCs with requests are not listed here. The enemies are listed here: Garrick, Gangrel, Aversa, Excellus, Abel, Lon'qu.[spoiler=Non-final bosses]There are also Lorenz, Pheros and Cervantes. Bord and Cord also appear, but they aren't what you remember them for. I'm not going to list the final chapter's bosses for now. Is a certain character in the game? If it's a character that isn't from Shadow Dragon or Awakening, no. The other Fire Emblem games contribute only to the weapon names. How long is this game? 6 chapters, 27 side stories, and various minor requests. A strategy guide I've read said 20 hours, while it took me 106 hours (coincidence much?), but I aimed to complete as many play records as I reasonably could. I also completed about 500 battles (which is one of the play records' challenge), if that's any indication. I am a slow player. To put it in a different way, you're expected to reach level 60 by the end. What is session? Session is a mechanism in which characters attack after each other in succession if the first strike is effective. To make this happen, the characters need to have the required skill. For example, Itsuki may start with Ziodyne+1, Kiria may follow with "thunder --> Elwind" and Mamori may then follow with "wind --> Strong Ice Hit". This, coupled with duo arts (which is itself an unlockable element), can lead to massive combos. Side stories and requests? Side stories are missions that involve interacting with a major character. It could consist of just dialogs, finding stuff, or boss battles. Completing these will unlock moves. The player can only take one side story at a time. Requests are mostly fetch quests. Multiple requests can be accepted at the same time. DLC? I haven't bought those. The game can be completed without that, there's no challenge that requres DLC, and nothing in the game other than the title screen menu reminds the player of the existence of DLCs. The DLCs are for getting levels and weapon ranks, but I don't think they are needed at all in the first playthrough. The eShop even warns that getting over-levelled will make the game less fun. Maybe they'll help for the second playthrough's extra requests or Lunatic, since the dungeons themselves don't have enemies above level 60 and relying on the arena or wild enemies can be slow and/or boring. I'll add one more thing: I really recommend against watching the cutscenes or even gameplay before playing the game. Especially for the final side stories of Tsubasa and Tiki. And the final cutscene too. I don't really know what else to say, so maybe you guys reading this can ask me stuff? Mostly spoiler-free guides (Japanese): (If you consider chapter titles and dialog choices spoilers, this isn't for you) http://ds-can.com/fe http://omoteura.com/sharpfe
  11. I've just beaten the game! [spoiler=Just answering those querstions, but maybe others will regard even this spoiler, so...]First: Yes. Second: Somewhere in-between. Third: Unambiguously good. The Marth outfit you mentioned is available, but Marth himself is not. Forth: No. Yeah, he feels rather Marth-like personality-wise, but none of the mirage masters are stated to be reincarnations or anything. Fifth: I'm not going to answer this directly. It's what it appears to be: Itsuki in Marth's outfit. Again, Marth is not playable. ​ Okay, if you really want to know what's happened to Marth... [spoiler=Actual spoilers]Marth, along with a few other heroes, are historical figures. They exist in their own realm as spirits, and Itsuki's company challenge them to obtain them. When it comes to Itsuki's turn, they found that they were too late since Garnef and his "master" are already at it, stealing Marth's spirit. Attempt to recover it failed, and Garnef's spirit kidnapped it to join it with Medeus. During the finale... [spoiler=Nested spoiler! You know what this means]Itsuki is struck, and the other spirits retrieve Marth's spirit from Medeus. Marth revives Itsuki, giving him the Marth outfit in the process. Marth doesn't become his mirage though, as his sword is still 100% Chrom at that point. Marth's spirit leaves after the final fight without leaving a word. I don't think he has many lines to start with. (He's still voiced by Midorigawa, in case you're wondering.) [spoiler=Setting]In case you noticed that "historical figure" thing, this game doesn't explain why Shiida is here but not Marth. The ending shows that they're from the same world, so either Shiida lived to be 2000+ or this world has nothing to do with FE canon. Probably the latter, since Tiki is a child. [spoiler=Tiki's ending]She is also said to hold concerts after returning with the help of Chrom and the others, which is a direct contradiction with FE cannon. Also, for your information: In terms of having presence in the game, they can be ordered thusly - Chrom, Shiida, Tharja, Tiki - Other playable mirages (Cain, Draug, Virion, Navarre) - Rival mirages (Abel, etc) - One-timers who don't have personal bonds with playable mirages
  12. Only between chapters, and you can't raise difficulty. Make sure you save to a separate location if you want to try this. I think yes, provided the art book is the same as the JP version. FE12 was acknowledged in Iwata Asks before.
  13. Just checked myself. I think I've mixed the customisation options with difficulty. I cannot confirm myself (who wants to go through Nohr endgame again? Not me), but I believe thisis the case. Kawaki Chatei says so. Also, here's a tip (from the same page): switch to Casual mode, make a save before you kill the final boss. Then kill the boss and register different units repeatedly. There is a limit of 99 units that you can register, so you may not have enough space if you take units from multiple save files or want to include recruited units from other saves.
  14. My own power as a creator is next to nonexistent, so probably no mirage will bother with me. It will also depend on what do I want to do with the mirage. Do I want someone to talk to (in which case someone like Kris or Silas will be great), or do I want someone to fight with (in which case an armour knight will be great, if Genei Ibunroku ♯FE is any indication)? Or should I ignore all these and just pick my favourite character (which would be Lugh and Raigh)? So many to pick...
  15. I think this issue can be easily solved by making singers not able to sing to other singers. You can only sing to one unit (I miss the four-unit version), so this shouldn't break the game too much. ​The enemies will be very confused as they watch the duet. Probably the allies too. You can pick the difficulty again when you start a new game from the decision point. It's not dependent on your previous save files.
  16. I'm wondering if anyone has more of the regular BGMs, like the dungeon themes and the level up theme. (I'm currently more interested in those regular BGMs because the character songs are spoilers to me. I'm only at the middle of Chapter 4...) EDIT Silly me, I forgot that I can just disable the sound effects and voices in this game and record the music myself. Don't think I'll bother with the dungeons, but here's the result music: ​ [spoiler=Result theme]
  17. You can pick however many you like if you keep replaying. The save file itself doesn't remember that you've played the endgame, only the "shared" part of the save does. Not sure what your question is exactly. The logbook is shared across all save files without restrictions. ​​ Copycat remains usable. There's a reason people are sharing Copycat units online. You'll need online capability for this one. You can visit other people's castles and buy regular (non-limited) weapons from them. You can also rely on DLC. You'll need to clear Chapter 13 for Level 2 armouries and vendors.
  18. My only major regret so far is picking the wrong hair colour for my last MU. I need to be careful picking my final playthrough's MU's appearance, although I'll also be fine with just the defaults.
  19. Is this freeze thing referring to the staff used by some enemies? Unless you're at the end of the game, the Freeze staff only has 4 uses.
  20. Reading all these comics feels so satisfying. Lazward is so lucky. I guess he should be proud of how much more successful Soleil is as a womanizer. Who doesn't want a sociable daugher?
  21. I completely agree. I also wish they would show characters in casual clothing in-game. 2D art in Fates (not just characters) is lacking overall.
  22. In Radiant Dawn, crossbows have high raw might (to make up for the fact that it ignores user strength), making the bonus against fliers incredibly high. They're useless against non-fliers, though. Generals are good, so by extension, Ignis is good. Personaliy-wise, he's like Benoit, but the focus is on his being easily scared more than his appearance. As with all children, there's no difference between Ignis in Nohr and IK.
  23. It's right there in Serenes Forest. It's chapter 8. The chapter number required to obtain buildings is the same in all three routes. She is treated like any other unit. She'll be gone if her HP ever reaches 0 (not dying in the plot notwithstanding), but it's not a game over.
  24. I just keep her as a Dragonmaster myself (because I have a no-reclass policy), but I suppose she'll benefit from being a General if she doesn't also get skills from My Castle. Decent Str and Def, extreme Skl for some reason, and awful Spd that will make her doubled a lot if she's unlucky. So... Hero may also work?
  25. Fire Emblem Cipher Album Book volume 2's cover is titled "雷神の後継者", presumably referring to Kamui. ​ Now, we know that Kanna and Kamui's names form カンナカムイ, or the ainu kamuy of thunder. I feel that the above cover pretty much confirms this name origin.
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