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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. I... I'm alive... I LIIIIIIIIVE. ...thanks, got any Neir blood on you, I need it for... hellish swathing reasons. Because she cute despite currently being coated in enemy blood while stabbing one in the eye... repeatedly. Or wait is that Henry? Anyways, I do like Peri, both in and out of Heroes. She was a contender for marriage in Fates til I realized I'd be missing out on a child unit, and she is scary with a Brave Lance+ and LnD3. I also like her character quite a bit, again once you get past the whole "murder everything" bit. ...am I the only person who likes Peri in this game?
  2. Some more ideas... Passive skills: Special Skills:
  3. It's ironic, I pulled a 4* Hana a long time ago and thought "great, LnD3 fodder whenever I need it!", but then I learned that she can pull off a powerful speedy Brave Sword+ build, and then it turns out that the nature I needed to pull it off best, +Spd -Res, was exactly what that 4* Hana had. Basically, so much for LnD3 fodder...
  4. Perhaps, though it does mean that you have to forego the -Spd nature to trigger Sweep skills on as many enemy units as possible, hell maybe even go for a +Spd nature to have as high speed as possible. On Rein, who has 23 speed at base... 23- 5 from Dire Thunder = 18 18 + 5 from LnD3 = 23 23 + 6 from Hone Cavalry = 29 29 + 5 from Phantom Speed bonus = 34 Add 3 to any of the above final values if you go for +Spd, subtract 3 from any of the above values if -Spd. TBH, it seems only useful on Flier Emblem or Horse Emblem, where you get the highest boost to speed possible, but then again the best Brave users in the game are already Cavs or Fliers. Man... there really aren't that many applicable uses of Windsweep or Watersweep are there... Firesweep weapons probably only get a pass because you can still use any B skill while using a weapon with the power of a Silver+ weapon and doesn't require having more Speed than the enemy... Of course he does, because Reinhardt can make using anything look good. I'd make a joke how he can't use a Hammer, but I made that one already...
  5. Don't know if that's entirely true or not, as the speed is essentially wasted on a unit who is already slow to begin with, and 5 less Defense/Resistance doesn't seem worth it when you could just go Death Blow (which is cheaper technically thanks Klein) and only suffer a weakened Enemy Phase, which Brave units are already weak on enemy phase to begin with. You might have meant the FAST Brave units, like Peri, Hana, Legion, Raven, or Cordelia/Bride Cordelia, who retain their high speed while still getting a power boost.
  6. Well that's better than the answer I was expecting, which was "it's impossible without Horse Emblem". I mean you did say that, but I did enter your set into the calculator with only +4 Attack/Speed and the results were only slightly worse than +6 Attack/Speed, with +6 being 138 - 6 - 8 compared to +4 being 132 - 6 - 14. ... still a shame that Rein is still better in just about every scenario because he doesn't need to hover around his team to get the best results...
  7. I've been staring at KageroChart Calculator for the past hour trying to figure something out for this +Def -HP Olwen I pulled, and I've still got nothing, She is numerically inferior to Reinhardt in every way when she is using Dire Thunder (which, if I'm trying to remain under budget I'd probably wanna do), with all she really has going for her being Speed, which means crap when you have a Brave weapon. I don't have the resources or desires to even want to try and make a good Olwen, not with this nature anyways, but I figure that since I have her I may as well try to use her (even though I've said in the past that Olwen has no reason to even be a 5* exclusive, let alone be a Dire Thunder user). The most I can figure is, assuming I want to keep Dire Thunder, try to find the time to get her Life and Death 3, Watersweep 3, and Phantom Speed (Life and Death brings her up to 34 Spd, Phantom Speed to 39, and Watersweep lets her attack any distant attacking units with less than 38/42 Spd. Darting Blow 3 would be cheaper, but then she is losing effectively 10 attack for one more point in speed, and Death Blow 3 wouldn't give her the speed needed to trigger Watersweep 3), then just bide my time til I can get an Olwen with a better nature, but I don't even have Phantom Speed or the feathers/orbs to 5* Hana/Soren or try to summon a 5* Jaffar/Soren. Windsweep 3 might be another option to let her deal with Ryoma, Xander, and Ike safely, but I don't think they even have the Res to survive Dire Thunder in the first place, so... Also Blarblade+ is off the table. Nothing against it, but I am strictly talking "Dire Thunder only" I guess I'm just talking a hypothetical "one day maybe probably not really TBH" scenario, but assuming I'd want to let Olwen keep Dire Thunder, is there anything I could possibly do to make her even slightly effective with it, or am I listing the best set she could possibly run with DT? Maybe one day I just wanna be the rebel that can say "yeah, I decided against using Reinhardt in favor of Dire Thunder Olwen and I've yet to be disappointed", even though-- We apologize for the inconvenience, but this user has laughed himself out of the room.
  8. ...man I really hope when I die the one thing I'm remembered for isn't saying "Boobies are just fleshy Magical Orbs!"...
  9. NFSW: wearing a construction helmet made of broken glass and the blood of my enemies children. NSFW: boobs. ...yeah it does.
  10. Yes in fact, usually I think I just swapped to the "much ado about nothing" section.
  11. Wait hold on, did I switch over to the Shadows of Valentia forum section on accident?
  12. I remember I never gave my Palla any cheeses, and when advancing to Falcon Knight she and Est (both level 2 Pegasus Knights) both had about the same speed, maybe one or two points off. Of course that could have just been a really unlucky Est...
  13. Just because the same build works better on the same unit, does that actually mean you are going to apply that unit to the battles that the other fails at? If Takumi can ORKO Hector, great. But SHOULD he be ORKOing Hector when the Ryoma over there is prime to checkmate your entire team, or when your Nino's only possible action is to take out that Hector or Reposition/Draw Back a unit elsewhere where Takumi has 3 possible target candidates from where he is standing, Hector and Ryoma included. And if Hector is his only matchup? Great, go kill him. Setsuna can still run away and let someone more capable handle it. It's 4 on 4 strategy elimination no matter how hard you squint. Setsuna is worse than Takumi because Takumi has better matchups, great, we established that, Bridelia, goodnight. Also jesus when did you guys start posting so fast.
  14. Okay, hold up. You had me at "Hector", which is to say "A low-speed and low-RES unit". TA3 Rauorraven+ +4 attack boost Sophia. Bam, Hector is gone, and +4 attack Setsuna can go tear Ryoma two new ones. Oh, he survived because he had a few RES boosts? Well, instead I'll just use the unit I actually have, +4 all stat Gronnblade Fury Nino. Boom, dead, next.
  15. Yeah, most battles go by fast enough that you don't notice, but it REALLY hurts when you want to give them all the EXP and you can't because they get like half a level and they're done. It really only hurts when you are forced to put a healer in a situation where they have a chance to be in combat though. Cause, you know, they're probably much slower and brittler than the enemy.
  16. Maybe they did, but we could have just as easily gotten a few more male Wyvern Riders than we did in Heroes, same for Male Mages. Also, what do you mean 0x4. What are you throwing a LnD3 BB+ +Att 43 attack Setsuna at, not even including stat boosts, that does less damage than a pea shooter firing spit. Not even comparing to Takumi or Bridelia or anything. Setsuna should be doing at least 20 damage before the enemy gets to attack, not factoring Vantage or Desperation.
  17. Wait what, this is the first time I heard of a meme.
  18. If you go +Att on Takumi, he only has 33 speed so he can't outspeed crap, making the speed basically serve as Slow unit killing and avoiding being outsped. Of course he will have 48 attack, but you may as well run -Spd and Death Blow 3, and at that point you may as well run with Gordin or Leon if your speed isn't going to matter anyways. Go +Speed, and Takumi is only one point stronger than +Att Setsuna and still only sitting at 36 speed, one point slower than Setsuna, effectively making them the same unit if only looking at offensive stats. So basically yeah +Attack Takumi is better than +Attack Setsuna, but they use Brave bow differently, Setsuna attacking 4 times weakly and Takumi 2 times strongly, and other units do 2 times strongly better. Besides, I was talking about when the game had only barely released skill inheritance and people were still using Fujin Yumi Takumi, but slapping Vantage on him.
  19. You guys respond way too fast sometimes, but that's okay. Compared to game release, we only had one Female archer, two if you look at Niles the wrong way. Setsuna, who basically predeceased the now classic Bridelia LnD3 Brave Bow build. She wasn't as good as Bridelia, but still. We only get Faye, Clarissa, and Rebecca later, and only after Klein, Leon, and Bridelia were released. Of course if we're going by the game on release, Takumi was a piece of crap who deserves to die a slow and painful death at the hands of his own shortcomings (spoilers), but my point is that the archers didn't even have that many good contenders until later on. And it's always the ones added later on that do well, so... Anyways, I know the units heavily inspire from how they function in their original appearance and the gender assignments in each game (Dancer? Female! Flying horse/dragon? Usually the future wife of the main character! Mages? Boobies are just fleshy Magical Orbs! God I can't believe I thought it was a good idea to type all this out...), but it can't be that heavy a coincidence when they still must be picking out units from each game to feature. I mean, pick any one unit in the game right now, and I bet anything there's at least one unit across ALL of Fire Emblem who could function the same as them, save a stat alteration or two. If it boils down to a popularity contest, then yeah it all makes sense why they would give us the more likable and fleshed out characters as some of the best characters in the game, and later put them in fetish outfits and bikinis, and it just so happens they are mostly female. ...I sound really critical, but I swear I'm not.
  20. I deserved to have this coming for insulting her, but the other day I pulled a -HP +Def 5* Olwen on my last possible pull for Ylissian Summer. I'm still trying to figure out what to do with her... her nature couldn't be more usless if it were -Att, none of her skills are desireable for my needs, until Dire Thunder gets changed to an inheritable weapon anyways, and I don't have the tools needed to make her a Blarblade user, especially considering I already made my Bridal Caeda a perfectly good Blarblader already. I'd send her home, but that'd be wasteful. She could pass down Ward Cavalry, but I don't have a proper cavalry team yet. Man, what do you do when life gives you lemons after you insulted the lemon tree they came from...
  21. Is it just me or does it kinda feel like all the "good" units are female? I know Reinhardt, Hector, and Ryoma are all male, but then you look at all the other units. All the dragons, good or bad, are female. most A+ tier units are female, save for Xander, Eldigan, Ephraim, and Ike. The "best" Colorless units, regardless of weapon type, are all female. Many of the "best" mages are female, which okay, but many of the Male mages are B tier. All the C tier units are male. Almost every Staff user is female, which okay most staff users are female, but one of the males barely counts as a male in the first place. Most of the time, new units, especially Event units, have the female be the "best" of the bunch, regardless of how the whole group stacks up as a whole. Mathilda and Clair are probably the worst new females we've gotten so far, but it's okay because Clair's new units gave us Faye the unit with the Firesweep Bow, and Mathilda's banner gave us Delthea. It shouldn't matter. In fact, it doesn't. It usually doesn't matter to me the gender as long as they are a good unit/character to use. And maybe I'm focusing too hard on nothing. But no matter what I do, none of the unit sets I make can ever escape from being either a harem or all females. Even though I have perfectly fine Male units (Alm, Brave Frederick, Hector, Xander, hell I have TA3 Brave Cain for some reason), the majority is always Female, and as someone who likes having an even amount of males and females to pick from at any given moment, it bothers me a lot. Hell, my next planned training projects are all female (Cordelia, Brave Hana, TA3 Raven Sophia). Just... something that crossed my mind earlier. Ignore me if you please, I needed to rant a little.
  22. So... you like Fate's crafting system, or do you like it as NOT Fate's crafting system? Cause it sounds exactly likes Fates crafting.
  23. That... seems mean, even considering they rerun some GHBs, though on the other hand the last GHB bonus unit, FemRobin, was only 20%, the same as whatever Askr unit was a bonus unit, so...
  24. So if there's a GHB unit that I don't use, don't think I'll ever use, doesn't have that many useful SI fodder skills, and is generally considered "eh", is there any real issue with sending them home over letting them rot, never seeing any use?
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