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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. not particularly interested, i don't intend to change my Pyra avatar anytime soon
  2. great purchase! incidentally, i also bought a physical copy of Mystery in the last months, along with the Official Guidebook, for a total of 40€ (around 44$) they both were in very good conditions, and the guidebook is really lovely, it contains hand drawings for every map, with arrows suggesting the best moves and everything you might need (i have no intention of reading it before i have finished the game) there's also a really cool list of all the weapons contained in the game in the guidebook's last pages one day i'll actually play Mystery, i just have to find some free time anyway, have fun!
  3. Premise: all the units i'll be naming are +10 with their appropriate Duel skills (except for the Bonus unit of course) my Arena team has been "BIke-Paula-Marth-Bonus unit" since at least 2 years i've used Soren for quite some time as a Chill bot, but later on my tastes changed and i went for Tactic bots: Marth has Spd Tactic in C, Res Tactic as Sacred Seal and Rally Atk/Def+ as Assist, for a total of +6 to all stats (+8 with Falchion's refine)) Paula's main purpose is to take on strong and tanky green enemy units such as Surtr, but she also grants support with Distant Guard 3 (Sacred Seal), Chill Def 3 and Drive Spd 3 (also i love her artwork) BIke is my beloved beast, as he can take basically everyone (yes, even a +10 Lysithea wouldn't oneround him), and his main purpose is to tank BLyn, LLeif, LChrom and basically any other cancerous ranged units the enemy team has at its disposal; he also has Close Guard 3 as Sacred Seal to support the Bonus unit my latest addition to my Arena team is Reyson, who's a substitute Tactic bot for when the Bonus unit is an Infantry unit: he trades Sing for Rally Def/Res+ (Atk Tactic and Spd Tactic in C and Sacred Seal, my playstile doesn't require any refresher anyway), and he provides an extremely useful passive healing support for the whole team thanks to his weapon, but he obviously doesn't fight my favorite playstile in Arena is to place the Bonus unit on a defensive tile (if present) and let him/her solo the whole enemy team thanks to all the active and passive buffs (or at least one unit in order to get the +12 points bonus, and then deal with the other enemies depending on who they are) i usually try to stay in Tier 21/20/19, but this requires me to build/summon a new unit every 2/3 week, since i have ZERO interest in building sharena, alfonse or anna
  4. iirc ike actually visits his comrades' tents whenever he has the time, he says this during an info/support conversation (can't remember) during PoR's second part but yeah, i don't think he does so to give lost items back, that would be dumb of him
  5. the only thing i feel you should know, just like for every other game, is that you should have fun, anything else beyond that is irrelevant if you don't, there's no need to force yourself to finish it as for the game itself, it's pretty easy and you can save at the beginning of every turn, just enjoy building your characters the way you want and you probably won't regret it; also, if you make some mistakes and don't play "optimally", that's perfectly fine
  6. finally reached 40 summons on the fallen heroes banner thanks to this TT's orbs, and now my ike is +1 also hinata provided me some juicy 40 infantry dragonflowers and 300 feathers, which is still more than i gave him credit for
  7. so can intsys start making more genealogy banners and alts now? on a serious note, i'd like to know what kind of demographics took part in this survey, and how big it was Echoes is a really faithful and sober remake, so i'm pretty confident they know what they would have to do in order to make a good genealogy remake at the very least, i'm pretty sure they wouldn't be stupid enough to add an avatar
  8. NieR:Automata: great action rpg with memorable characters and incredible OST, but what i will always remember it for, is how effectively a game can convey messages and emotions, and a game where the main cast is composed of androids and machines at that it's no understatement to say that the way i looked at and perceived videogames completely changed due to Automata Trails Series: simply the best JRPG series i've ever got to play, and i think i'm doing a pretty good job spreading love for this series (i already managed to get around 10 friends of mine into this series); tons of memorable soundtracks, characters, places, events and more, you can really feel how much Falcom loves what they've been doing with this series, and i can't but repay them with my love in return Bravely Series; Octopath Traveler; Xenoblade 1 and 2; Final Fantasy VI, VII and X; Kingdom Hearts Series: i don't think i really need to explain what these games are, let's just say that they are other JRPGs i really really loved (FFX, KH1 and Xenoblade 2 in particular) Smash Bros. Series: Smash doesn't need any introduction either, it's just what instantly comes to my mind when i think what miracles are (for videogames, of course)
  9. i love Castlevania-ish atmospheres in videogames, so i'd be down for a FE game with the same horror feeling although i don't like when in FE your main opposing force is an army of brainless beasts or whatever, it just feels boring to me
  10. do "Smash X Trails of Cold Steel/NieR:Automata/Final Fantasy X" count as crossovers? because i'd love to see Rean, 2B and Tidus/Yuna/Wakka in smash
  11. menu-base is simple, easier to make and effective (and classier imo) they should just stick with that, but i'd love to see many more info convos
  12. an image of Duo Elena + Greil suddenly popped up in my mind imagine Greil standing behind with a puzzled expression, holding one kid in each arm (or maybe kid Ike sitting on his shoulder cheering for his mother) while Elena goes around healing/attacking everyone (depending on her weapon) and having a good time
  13. the fact that the TT banner features no fates character at all makes hinata and oboro feel even more out of place to me eh, at least i'll be able to get the free summon from the fallen banner with this seasonal's orbs
  14. can't wait to celebrate this RD-focused seasonal, featuring bride nailah, groom rafiel and bride micaiah + groom sothe, with a perfectly fitting free groom hinata at any rate, my orbs are safe, although i'd like to get micaiah
  15. nice to see my hopes for bride rhea or bride mercedes being crushed in a second i'm pretty sure my orbs are safe, i not that fond of these themes
  16. yeah i noticed, i'm gonna fix that later anyway thanks, glad you liked my list
  17. it took longer than i expected here's my list: 1) Shadow Dragon: Hardin (Lance Cavalry), Lena (Staff Infantry, Demote), Julian (Green Dagger Infantry), Wolf (Red Bow Cavalry, Banner Star), Gazzak (Axe Infantry, GHB (very first FE boss, he deserves it)), Nyna (Blue Tome Infantry, TT) 2) Echoes: Tatiana (Staff Infantry), Luthier (Red Tome Infantry, Demote), Noah (Green Tome Infantry), Mycen (Lance Cavalry, Banner Star), Desaix (Lance Armor, GHB), Atlas (Colorless Bow Cavalry; TT) 3) New Mystery of the Emblem: Etzel (Green Tome Infantry), Horace (Lance Armor, Demote), Ymir (Axe Infantry), Malice (Sword Infantry, Banner Star), Eremiya (Red Tome Infantry, GHB), Frey (Sword Cavalry) 4) Genealogy of the Holy War: Azel (Red Tome Infantry), Lex (Axe Cavalry, Demote), Fury (Lance Flier), Brigid (Colorless Bow Infantry, Banner Star), Reptor (Blue Tome Armor WITH THORON+ BECAUSE TRAVANT-TREATMENT, GHB), Aideen (Staff Infantry, TT) 5) Thracia 776: Fergus (Sword Infantry), Ronan (Blue Bow Infantry, Demote), Linoan (Green Tome Infantry), Sara (Staff Infantry, Banner Star), Veld (Colorless Tome Infantry, GHB), Galzus (Sword Infantry, TT) 6) Binding Blade: Juno (Sword Flier), Elphin (Blue Tome Infantry + "Play" Assist skill), Geese (Axe Infantry, Demote), Guinivere (Colorless Tome Infantry, Banner Star), Murdock (Axe Armor, GHB), Miledy (Lance Flier, TT) 7) Blazing Blade: Erk (Blue Tome Infantry Demote), Farina (Sword Flier), Louise, (Colorless Bow Infantry), Pent (Green Tome Infantry, Banner Star), Nergal (Green Tome Infantry, GHB), Vaida (Lance Flier, TT) 8 ) Sacred Stones: Natasha (Staff Infantry), Duessel (Axe Cavalry) Colm (Blue Dagger Infatry, Demote), Neimi (Red Bow Cavalry, Banner Star), Caellach (Sword Infantry, GHB), Selene (Blue Tome Cavalry, TT) 9) Path of Radiance: Boyd (Axe Infantry, Demote), Gatrie (Lance Armor), Shinon (Colorless Bow Infantry), Elena + Greil (Staff Infantry, Duo, Banner Star) Petrine (Lance Cavalry, GHB), Brom (Sword Armor, TT) 10) Radiant Dawn: Kieran (Axe Cavalry), Makalov (Sword Cavalry, Banner Star Demote), Astrid (Colorless Bow Cavalry), Geoffrey + Lucia (Lance Cavalry, Duo, Banner Star), Jarod (Lance Infantry, GHB), Calill (Red Tome Infantry, TT) 11) Awakening: Vaike (Axe Infantry, Demote), Miriel (Blue Tome Flier), Gregor (Sword Infantry), Noire (Colorless Bow Cavalry, Banner Star), Validar (Red Tome Infantry, GHB), Kellam (Lance Armor) 12) Fates: Orochi (Green Tome Infantry, Demote), Nyx (Red Tome Infantry), Reina (Blue Bow Flier), Dwyer (Staff Cavalry, Banner Star), Sumeragi (Sword Infantry, GHB), Scarlet (Lance Flier, TT) (basically scraping the bottom of the barrel) 13) Three Houses: Marianne (Green Tome Flier), Sylvain (Lance Cavalry, Demote), Felix (Sword Infantry), Dorothea (Red Tome Infantry + "Dance" Assist skill, Banner Star), Thales (Blue Tome Infantry, GHB), Ignatz (Colorless Cavalry, TT) 14) Three Houses 2nd banner: Seteth (Lance Flier), Hanneman (Green Tome Cavalry, Demote), Catherine (Sword Infantry), Rhea (Colorless Tome Infantry), Cyril (Axe Flier, GHB (you fight him in CF, so yeah)), Flayn (Staff Flier, TT) 15) Thracia 776 2nd banner: Homer (Bluer Tome Infantry), Selfina (Colorless Bow Cavalry), Dagdar (Axe Infantry, Demote), Salem (Red Tome Infantry, Banner Star), Raydrick (Sword Armor, GHB), Eda (Lance Flier, TT) 16) Heroes: Whatever 17) Cipher: Whatever 18) Choose Your Legends 4: Brave Edelgard (Blue Bow Armor), Brave Claude (Axe Cavalry), Brave Lysithea (Staff Infantry), Brave Dimitri (Sword Armor), Brave Loki (Green Tome Infantry, GHB), Brave Sigurd (Lance Infantry, TT) 19) Blazing Blade 2nd banner: Kent (Sword Cavalry), Sain (Lance Cavalry, Demote), Isadora (Lance Cavalry), Guy (Sword Infantry, Banner Star), Limstella (Colorless Tome Infantry, GHB), Geitz (Axe Infantry, TT) 20) Genealogy of the Holy War 2nd banner: Arthur (Green Tome Cavalry, Demote), Febail (Colorless Bow Infantry), Patty (Blue Dagger Infantry), Tine (Sword Infantry, Banner Star), Ishtore (Blue Tome Infantry, GHB), Hannibal (Sword Armor, TT) 21) Echoes 2nd banner: Ferdinand (Lance Cavalry), Nuibaba (Green Tome Flier), Deen (Sword Infantry, Demote), Rudolf (Lance Armor, Banner Star), (Slayde (Lance Cavalry, GHB), Jedah (Red Tome Infantry, TT) 22) Radiant Dawn 2nd banner: Ena (Green Breath Infantry), Skrimir (Red Beast Armor), Nasir (Blue Breath Infantry, Demote), Kurthnaga (Colorless Breath Flier, Banner Star), Sephiran (Colorless Tome Infantry, GHB), Pelleas (Blue Tome Infantry, TT) 23) Path of Radiance 2nd banner: Jill (Lance Flier), Tormod (Red Tome Infantry, Demote), Volke (Colorless Dagger Infantry), Zihark (Sword Infantry, Banner Star), Shiharam (Axe Flier, GHB), Muarim (Red Beast Infantry, TT) 24) Three Houses 3rd banner: Raphael (Axe Infantry, Demote), Ingrid (Sword Flier), Caspar (Axe Infantry), Leonie (Colorless Bow Cavalry, Banner Star), Cornelia (Red Tome Infantry, GHB), Linhardt (Staff Infantry, TT) Legendaries/Mythics: 1) Legendary Dimitri: Lance Infantry 2) Legendary Sigurd; Sword Cavalry 3) Legendary Guinivere: Blue Tome Flier 4) Legendary Claude: Flying Colorless Bow 5) Legendary Xander: Axe Armor 6) Legendary Myrrh: Colorless Breath Armor 7) Mythic Seiros: Sword Infantry 8 ) Mythic Forseti: Green Breath Flier 9) Mythic Shadow Dragon Medeus: Red Breath Armor 10) Mythic Ashera: Blue Tome Armor 11) Mythic Athos: Green Tome Infantry 12) Mythic Ashunera: Colorless Tome Infantry i think i respected all your conditions, but there may be some mistakes, i'll read it once more tomorrow morning
  18. how dare you, i'll have you know Makalov will hit 1st AND 2nd spot for both male and female sides when CYL5 happens so can i break this rule too? anyway what i like of Heroes is when game representation is somewhat balanced and original, so i'm happy you took seasonals and alts out of the window, and i'm ready to make my list, as soon as i get the permission to make 3 Legendary/Mythic heroes for 3H or if not, i'll just axe Claude, i don't mind at all EDIT: whatever, i'm stupid, you said "two or three Mythics/Legendaries"
  19. Ike: He's one of my mains, but the problem i have with his Smash incarnation is that they made him so slow, while in PoR and RD he was actually a more than decently fast unit; i know, character balance and all that, but i still can't get over it, also because Brawl started this trend of Ike being the "slow but powerful" stereotype which he really isn't in his games Anyway, about his moveset, I'd change his neutral B's properties and visuals, but it would still be a very powerful, chargeable attack: basically Ike's charging pose would be that of when he's accepting Yune's power in RD, with blue flames enveloping both his body and sword, and when releasing the B button, or when the move is fully charged, he'd land a heavy, very powerful strike with Eruption's same properties (long-lasting hitbox which is also active behind Ike, and a bigger hitbox depending on the charge level), but it would not create flame pillars: it would instead cast a projectile similar to Cloud's normal Blade Beam (it would be very weak but fast if uncharged, while bigger, stronger, slower and wider the more you charge it) Also, as others have already mentioned, Aether should heal Ike, even just a little bit Cloud: For the love of god, bring his old neutral air attack back, that's the only thing i could ask for
  20. i mean you're right, but can you really see IntSys releasing 2 genealogy banners in like 4 months?
  21. i think you guys forgot about the banner with seti, shannan, larcei and altena anyway yes, i absolutely agree that genealogy needs more representation
  22. 1) Sakurai does 2) Sakurai does 3) Sakurai does i'm not replying another one of your comments, so have a good day and bye
  23. simply impossible for a number of reasons 1) their hurtboxes can't match, like at all 2) i doubt anyone could see at a hypothetical Edelgard with Ike's animations and say "yeah, they fit perfectly" 3) Ragnell and the Sword of Seiros are too different, making attacks with both these swords with the same properties would not only feel inappropriate (Ragnell is heavy, and in Smash this means higher lag, the Sword of Seiros simply wouldn't match this criteria), but also kinda insulting for the swords themselves
  24. i'd say Marth, Ike, Robin and Byleth, as much as i hate the fact that he's in Edelgard is probably not gonna happen, i don't think they're making a second completely original character from a game another FE fighter already comes from: Awakening has 3 reps, yet 2 of them are clones because reasons for these reasons, i'll stick with byleth, and not even "student-trainer byleth", that is absolutely out of question as for Marth, Ike and Robin, many others already said what i would say
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