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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. A) Ashnard (sorry, Astrid and FE4 Arthur) B) Boyd C) Caineghis D) Deghinsea E) Erynis F) Febail G) Gatrie H) Haar I) Ilyana J) Jarod K) Kieran L) Luthier M) Makalov N) Nagi O) Orson P) Pent Q) DOES NOT COMPUTE R) Rinea (sorry, Rajaion and Ranulf) S) Sigrun T) Tatiana U) Ulster V) Volke W) Wolf X) Xane Y) Yune Z) Zihark
  2. levin ftw if he ends up losing, i'll go with soren, or cecilia if they both lose
  3. i liked FEW a lot though, i spent like 300 hours playing it (i liked it even more since i bought it for 20€ on day 1) sorry i quoted you once more, just wanted to clarify this
  4. they "can't just move on and look forward to the future", as you said, but that doesn't mean you can't ignore them also, as comprehensible as IntSys's reason have been about FEW's roster were, i don't think they're a justification, and that's why i, personally, REALLY that they understood their mistake and won't repeat it, because that would be simply stupid i'm sure you'll get over it
  5. i made my own fire emblem bingo for the last direct, and one of the things i bet on was "FE Warriors 2 is teased, ike is the very first character teased", but on a second thought, i don't think we're gonna get a few2 announcement that soon, MAYBE with a direct towards the end of the year if i remember correctly, they said they're very happy about FEW's sales, and since they said that if FEW sold well they woul've been open to a potential FEW2, i personally expect it shouldn't we?
  6. super happy about this banner, really good artworks (my god look at titania) and not-too-op skills also no prf weapons this time, kinda strange it lasts for a whole month, so i'm not in a hurry it's quite sad they put greil but not elena though definitely going for greil and ike btw
  7. inb4 brave camilla gets a FEH original weapon, just like brave lucina and brave veronica am i recalling it wrong, or fates' regalia can be equipped only by their respective owners?
  8. lmao this is so crazy i can see IntSys actually doing it
  9. SD hardin and NM hardin are the same person as well, but they act very differently, thus the separation the same goes for bk and zelgius: the former is greil's murderer and his son's nemesis, while the latter is one of begnion's greatest generals they're indeed the same person, but they act so differently that they couldn't but separate their votes
  10. my opinions about farfetched heroes 3 or whatever name it'll get since we recently got laguz units with a rd banner, i expect a kitsune/wolfskin-featuring banner, with selkie, velouria and their respecvive fathers, is already in developement, and i think we'll get it somewhere around june or july due to this feeling i have, i don't expect intsys to release another laguz banner anytime soon, and that's why i think ranulf will be in farfetched 3, along with haar, whose reason is pretty obvious since we got 2 heroes from the same game in redux banner (owain and aversa), i don't see why we couldn't get ranulf along with haar yeah, there's the problem of who'll be the tt/ghb reward unit, and while my heart says "haar'll be summonable while ranulf'll be a tt reward", my brain says "ranulf'll be summonable while haar'll be a ghb unit" i think it's pretty safe to assume awakening anna and louise could be the two female characters of the banner, since they're both in top 15 i don't expect jill to come along with haar, i think she would fit a "daein's defenders" banner, with guys like zihark and tauroneo, much better about bruno and líf, i don't see them coming in near future neither: 2 years have passed, and we still don't have a playable bruno, so probably they have their own reasons, while for líf it's just too soon, and his situation is not exactly comparable to loki's, we'll probably be getting him along with thrasir and maybe other book 3 villains, just like we got laegjarn, laevatein and helbindi together
  11. i was about to ask why someone made a camilla-dedicated thread, while people were talking about anime then i realized this is fire emblem after all
  12. and that's why i think tharja is a better character than camilla (talk about great achievements) imho how exactly is that loki is more fanservicey than camilla? i mean, camilla's outfit doesn't even try to hide her ass and pubes loki only has big breasts and only one exposed leg iirc that's why i like "enemy loki" more than "ally loki" i think the latter completely annihilates her whole character, but that's probably just me still, i'd like to see a brave loki
  13. yeah... let's be honest, she has literally 0 valid reasons to dress up like that at her age ok ok, childhood traumas, abuses, whatever, i don't think they make that good reasons btw no place to argue about camilla's outfit and backstory, since i think they're both pretty obvious i'm done
  14. as long as a character has a reason to be so sexualized (and loki, differently from camilla, does) and IntSys doesn't shove her ass and boobs down our throats, i'm fine with that i also like loki a lot, so yeah @Drakhis "Think about the scenario where your favorite character gets many alts, and you want him to win." i wouldn't vote for that character in the first place, if i knew his/her alts were already that numerous i love ike, he's my favorite FE character, yet i'd hate to see him getting a frickin' 5th version but that's probably just me
  15. that would be too amazing which means we won't get anything like that
  16. lmao if they atually do it i don't understand all this recent anna love i mean sure, she's the series' mascot, but... what else is she except this? i personally never liked anna that much even though her recurrence was quite funny, but since awakening she's become a greedy ass merchant, basically an 200% more extreme version of past annas, and i don't like this
  17. quite perfect results for me, considering the previous situation i love micaiah 1st and camilla 2nd: micaiah gets her 300/350 sp skill and her fans are happy, while camilla's out for next CYLs' votations but her fans are happy nonetheless as always, the male side is the more interesting to me, and i'm super happy with alm getting 1st place and eliwood 2nd i'm quite sorry for marth, but i think he's already fine with his gorgeous legendary version i expect cyl 4 to be veeeery boring, with a higly possible edelgard and anna or frobin in top 2, but we don't even know if the game's actually gonna make it to have a cyl 4 in the first place so who knows definitely going for sigurd and soren next year btw, i'm repeating my brave heroes suggestions Alm - Lance Cavalry (Rudolf) with Angel Ring as his personal skill (i expect something like renewal 3 + cooldown count -1 every turn) Eliwood - Sword Armor (Elbert) or Red Tome Infantry (Eleanora) Micaiah - Staff Infantry (Sephiran) with a Mantle as her personal skill or Infantry Dagger (Sothe) Camilla - Axe Armor (Garon)
  18. i find it quite disappointing that they made beast weapons a thing, but almost no one's gonna be able to use them aside from actual beasts i think it would've been cool if halloween sakura was a beast unit, yet not visually transformable
  19. assuming midterm results end up being the final ones, my bets are: > Lance Cavalier Alm (resembling Rudolf) > Sword infantry Marth (Pantless version)/Sword Armor (resembling his father Cornelius)/Infantry Staff (resembling Elice lmao) > Axe Armor Camilla (resembling Garon) > Staff Infantry Micaiah (resembling Sephiran)/Sword Infantry
  20. when they ask me about fanservice characters, i usually answer like this: "i ask myself two questions: 1) does the character fit the definition of the word "fanservice"? 2) if said character does, is his/her fanservicey aspect well made and does he/she have a valid reason to be like that, or is he/she there just to show random wet muscles or oversized boobs?" my two examples are, predictably, sonya and camilla, no males because main line FE titles appearently have no space for it they both have big breasts, thick thighs, and lots of exposed skin, so imho they're both exaples of well made fanservice (if we take them out of their respective contests and consider them just as "women who are meant to be sexy") the difference between these two examples are the reasons behind their designs sonya is sexy and she knows it; she does nothing to hide her beauty because she was deprived of that (and of her femininity as a whole) when she was younger, so she wants to fully express this long restrained side of herself now that she can this is what i call good fanservice camilla on the other hand has a major problem: she had a very troubled childhood as well, which results in her overprotective behavior towards corrin, and this is fine then what's the point with her outfit? is it her way to relieve corrin's presumed pain by letting him look at her voluptuous, almost naked body? if so, why does she never mention this? it's so out of context that it makes me think that they wanted to make her dress like that just because it would've paired well with her obsessed yandere personality, making her the ultimate milf (and that's probably the only logical reason behind her outfit) also, conquest's final cutscene and that one birthright's cutscene, where the camera focuses on camilla's boobs, ass and pubes, make literally no sense at all, they exist because they wanted them to, with no proper reason this is what i call "bad fanservice" there are also other cases: sonia, petrine and ishtar to name a few they're sexy women as well: big boobs, quite revealing outfits and "femme fatale" traits, but the game never focuses on these sides of them, they're not presented as just sexy dolls whose only purpose is to make male players horny, because it wouldn't make sense, that's not their reason to be, and that's why we don't see julius groping ishtar's ass, for example
  21. of course it's difficult, if they try to do that so rarely btw, i think i'll wait and see what the anniversary has in store for us (inb4 they'll throwjust a buncha orbs at us just and call it a day), but i really hope to get a duma sooner or later sadly, i don't think the game deserves my money anymore (implying it ever did), so i'm pulling only for characters i REALLY want ...so yeah, i might as well end up saving 5000 orbs for erinys and/or arthur
  22. pretty much my exact feeling >we never got the chance to control him in his game >completely new hero for the game, no alts nor anything >he looks freakin' awesome (i love his roman-like armor) people's reaction: "who is he" sure, we all have different tastes and opinions, but geez, can't we all be happy when a completely new hero is added to the game, since this is its point?
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