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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. With Us!/Stalwarts Unite from PoR/RD two of my favorite videogame OSTs ever
  2. the fire started where they were restoring the cathedral, so the most likely scenario is that someone started the fire by accident (nothing 100% official though) but man, if someone actually did all of this mess by accident, he'd better kill himself right now, 'cause if they find him he's SO dead EDIT: it looks as though they managed to save every art piece inside the cathedral, so that's already something
  3. she kinda annoyed me in BD, i felt like she was a bit too much of a stereotype, even though her interactions with her father were really, really good, but i liked her a lot in BS, as i really felt her maturation, and her goal is really engaging; the "tanky" unit basically every jrpg has: 8/10 Shawn Froste/Fubuki Shirou (Inazuma Eleven series)
  4. i'm amazed, this forging bonds events' conversations are really good, caineghis and mordecai in particular i hope for FEH's writing to always be this good
  5. looks like IntSys has no intention of cutting off FEH's service in those countries though, and i think that's why outdated 5*-only units are never gonna drop to 4* i'll be happy if i'll be proved wrong, of course
  6. last year, in belgium and the netherlands, lootboxes and the likes became illegal that's why ff brave exvius, mobius ff, dissidia ff oo and khux became inaccessible in belgium ok, one could say belgium and the netherlands are not as important as the USA, but apparently their law is important enough to make developers stop their games' services in those countries
  7. i'm ok with them, as long as they give me swift impact or whatever the name'll be i need it for my levin
  8. they can't, due to different states (japan included, if i recall correctly) considering gacha games the same as gambling if they demoted 5* units, they could be legally sued i'm surprised people still believe they can demote 5*-only units, since this topic's been so discussed lately
  9. as much as i'd love to see the 3*/4* pool constantly replenished with new characters (namely makalov, so that i won't have to spend money to +10 him), i hust don't think that's ever gonna happen it would cost a huge load of money, but they'd earn nothing by doing that what i THINK they could do is adding one or two new heroes in skills banners (just like the odd wave banner we have right now) as focus units, who then would drop to 5*/4* and get in the normal pool, and eventually drop again one year later that would be pretty stupid/scummy, yet more likely to me than a bunch of new 3/4* units added to the pool once in a while
  10. i would actually love a "Revived Heroes" series of banners, featuring characters like
  11. hardcore predictions what if this new seasonal banner's theme is "april, sweet sleep", and characters wear pajamas and undies? i can definitely see a mommy-like character such as lingerie camilla and, a loli bait, nowi wearing an oversized pajama to name one obviously, this nowi would be a armored dragon, because everyone knows pajamas are actually chain mails, and because i'm sure we all need another 180 bst loli dragon on a serious note, i don't know what this new seasonal's theme could be, i just hope it's nothing deserving my orbs (and seasonal banners aren't that appealing to me to begin with)
  12. NieR: Automata is the game who made me see videogames from a completely different, unexpected point of view; its characters are tragic, their dialogues are powerful and emotional, you can really feel that behind this game there's someone who actually has something to communicate, and when you get it, you start questioning about yourself as a person and, most of all, about what really differentiates machines from human beings, in a world where the formers are slowly starting to replace humans, and the latters replace parts of their bodies with mechanical devices in order to love longer.
  13. oh boi, can't wait to get pitybroken by luke while trying to get the last 2 karla i need to make her +10 also, new seasonal, pretty sure it will feature more fates alts because we just can't get enough of them, most likely camilla or leo i can already hear that new heroes banner screaming "AWAKENING", so that would be perfect for me since i'll have to start saving up orbs for yune and caineghis pretty excited to see if my predictions are right EDIT: wow, that tempest trial starts before the laguz banner's end, so i guess i'll have to rush it and spend all of my orbs for another caineghis, a lethe or a ranulf
  14. so i got my second caineghis (+res -atk), and finally my first 4* reyson less than 60 orbs spent + 2 tickets merged the first caineghis into the new one, and oh god he's a monster (or... a beast, you could say), even better than i expected i did some AR battles, and he solo-ed them all (he tanked a summer micaiah, a yune and a sothe in a single turn) now he's my 2nd 5*-only merge project, in terms of priority (levin's 1st)
  15. 15 orbs, +spd -atk but i don't care, i wanted him so bad also i think i'm giving him special fighter, since he can reach 53 spd with my arena team's buffs, arena bonuses and summoner support
  16. pretty sure jill is coming... ...eventually whether in this year's brave redux banner or in another tellius banner (maybe along with zihark and tauroneo), that i can't say but she'll most likely be added in the game
  17. talking about Fire Emblem, i generally prefer mature and serious atmospheres, dialogues and characters. this doesn't mean that i don't like funny moments, such as makalov running away from marcia, or lighter interactions, such as soren talking to aimee instead of ike i just don't like when comical characters and interactions are more numerous than the serious and mature ones: Fire Emblem is about war (... right?), and war is not something to laugh about or something that should make you feel at your ease as i already said, funny and light interactions are ok, especially when characters interact with each other while not on the battlefield (base conversations and supports), but i don't want them to exceed and become the main focus of the game that's just how i feel about this topic
  18. Bride Deirdre, Groom Sigurd and Bride Elena (similarly to how Bride Ninian came right after LA Eliwood) i desperately want them, but deep inside i already know they're not gonna happen intsys please don't let me down i know you can do it even though you're just a tsundere but PLEASE
  19. so i guess my house is sold all of their artworks look gorgeous, and they're not exaggerately good (except for caineghis of course) i have like 12 orbs, so i hope this banner lasts for a whole month definitely pulling for ranulf and deghinsea also mordecai's probably demoting (that's what i'm hoping for, at least)
  20. doesn't really mean much, he's not the one who has to decide which game's gonna be remade next, since he's just SoV's director just wanted to specify this, don't mean to sound arrogant
  21. i feel like they could make a TH banner before the game releases and another one coinciding with the game's release date, in order to tease us and introduce every kind of FEH's players to this brand new fire emblem title
  22. i'm pretty sure they skipped gaiden at the time simply because the series was about to die, so i think they made a safe bet and remade the "face of fire emblem"'s games now the situation's completely different, so it's possible that they felt quite confident, even with a remake of the series's black sheep just my opinion, though, i might as well be completely wrong
  23. i honestly can't understand why my mere presence bothers you so much, since i don't think i ever did anything to earn your grudge towards me (if i did, please tell me, i really want to know) and sorry if even just the announcement of a FEH direct isn't enough to make me super hyped, that's just not how i work; if others do, that doesn't mean i should as well also i think i'm free to say how i feel about something, regardless of what i feel like saying (with due common sense), if that's a thread's subject, but appearently i'm not welcome here so yeah, i guess i should definitely start ignoring serenes forest, because... you can't stand me... i guess? by the way, to say something on-topic i'm overall happy with how they handled outdated 5*-only units, that means i'm not gonna be pity-broken by a random luke while summoning red, and this can't but make me feel a bit relieved and that arena 2.0 thing seems interesting, but i have to know more about it
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