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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. chrom, and consequently lucina they wouldn't have advertised fates' avatar as the main character if they thought robin was awakeing's protagonist
  2. i don't exactly know what you mean by "gameplay system" do you mean that all the mechanics (adjusted duo, skills, supports an so on) mixed together work well? because if this is the case, i could say i partially agree that at least Conquest has a gameplay, differently from awakening, but this alone doesn't instantly make it the best proceeding through a map should be engaging, fun and challenging, so that when you come up with a strategy and you see it working, you feel great, because you're the one who managed to do it: i like thinking about FE as a sort of puzzle game with potentially limitless combinations (units, stats, weapons, classes, RNG etc. to get it solved conquest has really too many chapters filled with unengaging """challenges""" that i felt no real reason to keep playing it, except the thought that, if i stopped playing it, i'd have wasted money on a game i didn't like (which happened anyway so eh)
  3. answers to the title 1) spoiler alert: it isn't 2) probably PoR and RD, and maybe New Mystery
  4. my dream alts would probably be no alts performing levin (possibly with a banjo) and performing soren (this is kind of an italian(swiss actually) youtuber's joke, basically a subscriber told him to forge a wind tome for soren, called Bad Romance, and everytime soren attacked with that tome, the youtuber edited Bad Romance's refrain to play)
  5. oh boy, i couldn't have chosen a better moment to finally quit FEH btw, at least i'm happy fiora managed to get in heroes, somehow
  6. i really have no clue about who those two might be but since i have no orbs anyway, that's a complete skip for me (who would've guessed)
  7. i think pretty much everyone, with due exceptions, expected sothis as july's mythic hero i personally see no real reasons to make a whole topic purely about this, but hey, points of view i guess
  8. i hope for some mixed classes, with both magic and physical weapons, such as master knights, mage fighters and mage knights it appears that magic is locked to magic classes (duh), but i don't know if such classes can wield physical weapons as well, so i don't really know what to think
  9. probably yes, but i hope not in fact, i hope they completely ditch avatars, since they add nothing to the game, and most of all, i don't want to be the main character, i want to live a medieval-like story with magic, pegasi and more which is not determinated by a complete stranger to the world and the characters, and surely i don't need the game to tell me which character i should identify myself as if the game's writing is good enough, that is
  10. nothing i didn't already expect now i just have to wait and see if i can get a physical copy of 3H at a lower price usually my supermarket does some promotions for non-food products during weekends
  11. now, would you look at the latest addition to my barracks, the super cool Summer Helbindi, and the amazingly good Legendary Lyn i got from that incredible anniversary event! i love them both so much i could never leave the-
  12. so the Sigurd/Seliph dream slowly fades away because of course, Hrìd deserved the title of Legendary Hero much more than them, right I$? that aside, eliwood looks pretty good, and his art is amazing kinda funny that I$ still doesn't want to canonize Eliwood's wife, yet they made him as a Pair Up Legendary Hero; maybe Roy and Lilina are actually brothers, somehow... as for the banner itself, that's a big skip for me also, i'm 100% sure that next month's mythic hero's gonna be Sothis, along with a 3H banner
  13. maybe they learned that the more isn't always the better, and tried to take a different approach compared to fates
  14. i expect a 3H banner to happen near the release of the game featuring M/FByleth, Dimithri, Claude and Edelgard, with the other Byleth as a GHB, but i imagine them both being sword infantry units, but with slightly different stats, and maybe skills and most likely FByleth's gonna have at least 5 bst points more than MByleth just for being female
  15. i would make a character's luck growth rate also work as a sort of "in-game value" who allows said character to raise every other stat's growths by a set amout, depending on how much "luck growth" you spent to raise them it wouldn't be a 1:1 lose-gain thing, of course, or it would be way too OP, but i would make it a 5:1 ratio let's say you want to raise felix's growths: he has (hypothetically) 60% luck growth, so you could spend 50% of that 60% total to raise every other stat's growths by 50/5=10% it would be a reversible action, of course as for skill, i'd do quite the same thing, but for random skills such as sol, luna, aether and the likes you could spend some of a character's skill growth rate to raise his skills' activation chances this would be reversible too i'm no game designer, so i don't know if my ideas are terrible, too unbalanced or whatever
  16. nice, that's what i'm hoping for, too i expect there being reruns: i just don't think it would make much sense not to, since they're the only way to get gen1 units except getting pitybroken by the gen1 units you want in skills banners and the likes or hoping that they come back as focus units in said banners, which imho will be less likely as time passes @BoaFerox "If they decide to rerun them they probably would give one free pull just like every other banner. I don't think a banner, rerun or otherwise, has shown up without a free pull ever since free pulls were introduced." yeah that's true, now that i think about it
  17. do you guys think weekly banners, when rerunning will occur, will be treated as new banners, thus with a new free sumnon each?
  18. i think i'll play quite safe for the first 3 playthoughs, so i'll probably do basic stuff like bishop mercedes, sage dorothea and sniper ignatz then i'll start mixing things up to fully comprehend the depth of the customizable aspect of the game
  19. spent 165 orbs in the most baiting banner i've ever seen WT Rein, Swift Sparrow 3 Fodder and Rally Up Atk+ Fodder now that i have SS3 for my Levin, i'd like to get R Duel Infantry for base Marth as well
  20. can't wait to see my girls dorothea and mercedes getting their breasts even bigger
  21. Fates since i just don't think of it as a Fire Emblem gam- cough cough anyway, i must say Binding Blade
  22. pretty much the whole damn Tales of series i bought abyss, symphonia chronicles (the collection with both symphonia games for ps3), xillia and zestiria i dropped them all in a few hours
  23. mmmh, my sexy little ylgr in bikini ok where's the puke bucket, i need it
  24. even though i find many golden deers to be REALLY umpleasant to look at, i'll still play the game the way i decided some months ago 1) black eagles 2) blue lions 3) golden deers from least interesting to most interesting
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