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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. ok fren, whatever you want i'm not gonna ask you why alm doesn't use his turnwheel after rudolf's death, or why he doesn't use it when ferdinand dies, or why celica doesn't use it not to get blocked by the landslide anyway, i highly doubt they're secretly working on a FEW2 behind the scenes, also because i don't want them to come up with FEW's "we were working on this game in the meanwhile so here you go 70% of the roster is from said game and they're absolutely not sword fighters except they are" bullshit ever again
  2. well yes but actually no it is contestualized when silque gives it to you, but it has 0 impact on the story, its exists only for you as a player these things don't have to be relevant to the plot, so in a hypothetical genealogy remake aidean could give the game's turnwheel-thing to sigurd, he could be like "ok thanks" and don't mention it ever again
  3. i mean, this is still an IntSys game, not a Koei Tecmo's one i doubt KT has the power to add more DLC contents if IntSys doesn't want it
  4. it comes out in january though, and 3H's season pass will continue until april echoes has it but purely as a gameplay mechanic well they were in desperate need for money back then, so no wonder they skipped gaiden's remske
  5. Other: the world implodes so no new FE game ok, seriously, i imagine another spin off is inevitable don't know what kind of spin off, nor when it'll come, but it will happen sooner or later if it ends up being a FE fighting game (hahaha smash brothers already exists ahahah memes xd lmao shut up no one asked for this many FE reps) i'd be super happy if they don't fuck its roster up as they did with warriors
  6. 3) allowig the player to organize a character's skillset should s/he learn a new one during a battle 2) allowing the player to select a looped version of mercedes saying "ara ara" as a background music 1) general difficulty improvements, mostly enemies with pretty much the same skill and weapon availability as the player (3H reminded me a lot of KH3, where you can do so many absurdly powerful things that enemies become dust in an istant) i'm generally against nerfs, because they don't fix problems, they simply create different ones instead of nerfing death blow or wyvern lords, why not making enemies as powerful as your units, who can use death blow and be wyvern lords because you can decide how to build your units? why not giving close counter to almost every enemy, since you only need to get bow rank c to get close counter? why should you be advantaged? where's the challenge? why not giving enemies skills they shouldn't even have? i mean, so many jrpgs break their own rules, even pokemon does it, just think about lance and his overlevelled dragonites this is not lunatic awakening, enemies don't have luna or other skills based on percentage, so the RNG from this point of view is not a problem, then why not giving an enemy wyvern lord every blow skill (minus fiendish blow), quick riposte and, i don't know, immunity to bows as a personal skill, because he's a miniboss and, if we want to contestualize it, he's a strong general who fought god knows how many battles, so he eventually managed to overcome his mount's weakness to bows and no, i'm not talking about higher difficulties, you can beat this game in hard mode even if blindfolded and without using hands because you're using one to nose pick and the other to jerk off thinking about dorothea's breasts by the way, i think i explained myself: i want a harder game which does not consider "more enemies" is "more difficulty" because in this case this equation doesn't work
  7. wow, they sure do like to fuck themselves up with their own hands
  8. i recently played fatal fury 1 and am currently playing fatal fury 2 is it just me, or terry is much worse than, say, andy or joe? anyway, i'm fine if terry's special moves keep their original imputs, i like them quite a lot i wished for him to have a faster projectile
  9. "incredibly well represented" if you're talking about pure quantity of characters, yes if you mean series overall representation, absolutely not they wouldn't fit into ike's movest, like, at all
  10. laughable metacritic is the place you MUST stay away from if you consider yourself a sane person, and i think even development teams know this, so i wouldn't really care about it too much for what concerns the other problems, they're just a bunch of braindead whiny 5 years old kids, their actions are as significative as the dust under my bed
  11. no one except those who already are bi honestly
  12. Premise: the game wants you to agree with edelgard and doubt about rhea they want you to watch out from her because she's apparently not very trust-worthy, to the point that even seteth at some point questions her actions on the other side, edelgard is the charismatic waifu with tragic background the game wants you to feel affection for, the only suspicious thing about her is that hubert 300% places his trust in her, which is not exactly the most normal thing in the world but i mean, many more people doubt about rhea this is true until edelgard reveals herself as the flame emperor and tries to steal all the crest stones in the holy tomb, where one COULD start doubting her objectives (and, i don't know, realizing that the flame emperor is the same guy who's working with the evil gang which happens to be your father's murderer and the cause of many more tragedies and calamities such as the duscur tragedy and ailell), while rhea COULD be seen as the "less questionable" character, since, well, she's doing her job as the archbishop, so it's only normal that she wants to punish those who don't respect the holy tomb's importance, whether or not they follow the church's teachings this said, the game has SO MANY characters who share edelgard's ideal about changing or even delete the crest-based society, heck most of these characters are nobles after noticing this, i started to think that edelgard is so blinded by her ideals and her view of fodlan's society to the point that she can't even speak with HER OWN CLASSMATES about this matter, which is so important to her, but not enough to discuss it with her own allies sure, rhea did some terrible things, no one can deny this, but i can't really say i blame her so my answer is "i thought edelgard was right but changed my mind", and the opposite for rhea
  13. i absolutely hate those stained glass windows FByleth has on her legs, so MByleth
  14. i doubt this will sell the game to those who haven't already bought it maybe a few hardcore censorship haters will be happy i guess
  15. i honestly don't want the fire emblem community to become undertale/fate fandom 2.0 i'll just say "play whatever you want first" this is what i did too, and i managed to enjoy every single route without any problem nor worries about getting spoiled for other routes
  16. did halloween banners really use to start in early september? wow, i completely forgot anyway, given the recent soiree seasonal, i doubt the new heroes banner will feature jugdral or valentia characters, i expect fates since they haven't added some alts characters from those games in a while, except for brave camilla as for the halloween banner, i don't know, maybe elibe? also now beast units are a thing, so maybe they'll shove some beast-cosplaying characters, just like halloween sakura, except actually having beast weapons
  17. I love Inazuma Eleven, Kingdom Hearts, Bravely, God of War, Castlevania (except for the action ones), Trails and Smash Bros. there are more which i like but not enough to say they're among my favorite series ever i also used to love pokemon, but with time i noticed how mediocre at best game freak is, as a development team, and the last Sw/Sh controversy only strengthens my idea
  18. what sakurai said is quite ambiguous while he said probably no other smash game could reach the amount of characters ultimate has, and that he wants to work hard to make this record even higher, and this is a fact, it's also true that he actually never openly said whether he wants to do so by adding characters from 1st party series or 3rd party ones i'm honestly leaning towards 1st parties, simply because it would make things overall easier for everyone, but no one can really say for sure until sakurai says otherwise this said, i'd love it to be another 3rd party-focused fighter pass
  19. i'd say FE7 Blazing Sword -> FE6 Binding Blade -> FE8 Sacred Stones, then whatever you want
  20. when i want to start playing a certain series, i usually try to start it with the first title, mostly if said series focuses a lot on the story aspect, but... Fire Emblem: SSB Brawl made me know the series, while an italian youtuber's Blazing Sword let's play made me want to actually get to play it Inazuma Eleven: A series I personally love, probably quite unknown in the US because soccer isn't very popular there and also because its english voice acting is pure garbage, and I can't wait for Ares to be released: it's actually been the anime what introduced me to the series, but i bought the first title immediately after Pokemon: when i was at elementary school, a friend of mine lend me its copy of fire red, and i absolutely fell in love with it, and well, i kept following the series ever since (don't know why honestly, maybe it's pure nostalgia), while also playing the gb/gbc games Trails Series: again, another friend of mine told me to play the series, but he forgot to tell me that it didn't start with Cold Steel (i doubt he knew that, at the time), but yeah, i started with Cold Steel and then CS2, and recently played Sky FC and SC, i have yet to play the 3rd and the crossbell arc before CS3
  21. i love glass cannons, and my +8 karla and +6 levin can confirm this
  22. i don't have many hopes, so i doubt i'll be disappointed except for a genealogy remake but that's pure fantasy after all, i long abandoned every hope for inazuma eleven go galaxy to get a western release i COULD still be disappointed if they talk for too long about games which imho don't need it
  23. i'm so happy rinea's coming, i might as well reinstall the game
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