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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. mercedes cut her hair after the timeskip because the game's artist really hates her and wanted the players to hate her as well
  2. thank you! i studied french myself at middle school and more 2 years at high school, but stopped practicing after that, and i'm not confident enough to try and translate all of the french epithets (even if i actually understand a good chunk of them)
  3. i'd have already done that, if that captcha problem didn't stop me when i press "edit", the captcha page pops up and asks me to verify that i'm not a robot (always found this stupid), only to get redirected to the editing page, with no results
  4. i really just want legendary sigurd or seliph, that's all i ask for but since we got julia last month, i doubt they'll release another genealogy legendary hero so soon
  5. thank you! i've been quite busy these past few days, so i didn't really have the time to proceed with the compendium, but i should be able to add world of blazing (which i actually already did, but that captcha problem didn't allow me to edit the opening post to actually add it) this afternoon
  6. cool, but i have my issues with it for me, it makes mages feel so much more limited than the "equippable tomes" system, and in a game which offers so many options as 3H, i feel this "locked spells" system is so out of place i'd love to see tomes back, with genealogy's magic triangle
  7. i actually never heard RD's english voice acting, having always played the italian version, with italian voice acting is it really that bad? as much as PoR or even worse?
  8. if you think the fire emblem community as a divorced couple, then yes by the way, i'm sorry for what life has decided to put you through, and i can understand that you feel the story of the game very close to your personal experiences, but should this really make it better to everyone else's eyes, as you say in this topic's title? or maybe you just wanted to share your story, that would be fine, but i just can't see how that should make the story look better for everyone else
  9. among the 5*-only units i haven't (many) merges of, i'd say either nagi or caineghis i just love them both
  10. so... ...if this new hero is considered as "mythic", then what even are loki and thórr?
  11. i don't like shapeshifters, unless they have an actual reason to exist and a role to play in the world (laguz, manakete) i think 3H's story would've changed too much if shapeshifters were a thing and had reasons to be a thing, so for me it's a no
  12. well i wasn't specifically talking about natural extinction, but yeah, that would be the most logical turn of events
  13. mosquitoes and humans not sure which one i'd like to see disappear first though
  14. @NegativeExponents- @IGdood @Javi Blizz thank you all so much for your help, and of course @Ice Dragon a huge thank your for all you japanese translations! i went through every World of Mystery character a few hours ago, tomorrow i'll start World of Shadows and World of Holy War
  15. i'd like every armored unit to have aymr's effect, maybe limited to 1 or 2 uses per turn
  16. thanks for your cooperation! oh, ok, thank you! also yeah, i was kinda wondering about the same problem, so thanks for your tips
  17. well, i said i'm still studying japanese, i'm still a beginner, so i don't expect to be too reliable for that, nor too familiar with every kanji's possible meanings, and i also said that better translations are welcome anyway, thank you very much for your help! that's great, thank yo so much as well! also yes, i think the differences between european spanish and latin american spanish are more prominent in the game's dialogues than in the heroes's epithets i'll update as soon as i wake up tomorrow
  18. Have you ever wondered what your favorite hero's epithet means in other languages? If so, this is the place for you! Fire Emblem: Heroes is currently available in 9 languages: Japanese, English, German, Spanish (Europe), Spanish (Latin American), French, Italian, Traditional Chinese and Portuguese, each with its own epithets for every hero. Here on Serenes Forest the English language is a must, so here's my idea: I'd like to create a whole compendium of every epithet's meaning in each of the remaining 8 languages, in order to make it comprehensible by every english speaker, native or not. The task is not an easy one, and I surely can't do this on my own, so here's what you can do: if you know even just one of these 8 remaining languages, and if you have some time to kill, you can pick some epithets and translate them in english as faithfully as possible, but so that the epithet keeps its original meaning AND makes sense in English. I'll take care of the italian ones, since i'm italian, and also some of the japanese ones, given that i'm studying japanese at university, but new or updated interpretations or even better translation for one epithet is always welcome! I'll periodically update this topic following the Catalog's hero list since adding them all at once would be worse than committing suicide and, after that, I'll surely update whenever new units are added to the game, so I really hope this idea is well received, because I think something really cool and informative could come out of it. I can also accept requests about adding characters earlier than I would normally do, if you can't wait to know your favorite hero's epithets' meanings. There are only two rulea I'd like you to follow: 1) Don't use Google Translate: I'd like this topic to be as accurate as possible, and online translators aren't exaclty the most reliable thing in the world, so please post your translations ONLY if you made them yourself; 2) Don't suggest translations for languages you don't know because of apparent similarities; again, post a translation only if you know it's correct, please don't try and post one because an epithet looks very similar in two different languages and thus you think they must mean the same exact thing. This said, let's begin! World of Heroes World of Mystery World of Shadows World of Holy War World of Thracia World of Binding World of Blazing World of Sacred
  19. that skill that grants you evasion +30 if you move but don't do anything else that's just crazy, way more broken than canto imo
  20. oh don't worry, i know that much cough cough anyway, didn't farfetched/redux banners use to come out around november? also, now i REALLY hope the next banner is fates with rinkah so that she's 100% out of the farfetched/redux banner, allowing another character to have her potential space in the banner
  21. me too, but that's exactly why i always expect fates to be the next banner's theme: so that i don't end up disappointed yeah pretty much
  22. i always expect fates whenever there's a new banner (be it new heroes or special heroes) i'd say charlotte with firesweep axe, rinkah, reina and yukimura (i don't know, i'm just scraping the barrel) i'd like to see more genealogy, since its next banner should focus on the second generation i'd imagine altena with a new gae bolg, febail with yewfelle, arthur and, i don't know, some less popular guys like johan, johalba, lester or delmud Edit: why are there still people who expect TMS banners
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