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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. i'd like to see radiant dawn's medical herbs coming back (if the game is long enough to allow it) also, i LOVE accessories and growth-influencing items, such as PoR's rings and bands and thracia's scrolls i might die happy if they ever come back
  2. Total (excluding merges and multiple copies) = 121 Total (including merges and multiple copies) = 302
  3. can't wait to see a total of 5 minutes filled with feh's squeals and bullshit comments about literally everything
  4. Lord Favorite) Ike Runner Up) SIgurd Least Favorite) Chrom Avatar Favorite) Mark Runner Up) No one Least Favorite) Literally every other avatar Villager/Trainee Favorite) Gray Runner Up) Ewan Least Favorite) Donnel Cavalier Favorite) Makalov Runner Up) Eldigan Least Favorite) Peri Knight Favorite) Gatrie Runner Up) Arden Least Favorite) Kellam Myrmidon Favorite) Zihark Runner Up) Ayra Least Favorite) Athena Mercenary Favorite) Raven Runner Up) Gerik Least Favorite) Soleil Fighter/Oni Savage Favorite) Boyd Runner Up) Vaike Least Favorite) FE14 Arthur Pirate/Bandit Favorite) Nedata Runner Up) Havetti Least Favorite) Brigand Boss Soldier Favorite) Nephenee Runner Up) Forsyth Least Favorite) No one Archer Favorite) Leon Runner Up) Rolf Least Favorite) Takumi Nomad/Bow Knight Favorite) Astrid Runner Up) Rath Least Favorite) No one Mage/Diviner Favorite) Levin (if considered as a mage, Soren if not) Runner Up) Soren (Erk if levin's not considered as a mage) Least Favorite) Miriel Dark Mage/Shaman Favorite) Knoll Runner Up) Canas Least Favorite) Ophelia Monk Favorite) Lucius Runner Up) Artur Least Favorite) / Priest/Cleric Favorite) Mist Runner Up) Natasha Least Favorite) Sakura Troubador Favorite) Priscilla Runner Up) L'Arachel Least Favorite) Elise Thief (includes rogues, ninjas, butlers, and maids) Favorite) Sothe Runner Up) Volke Least Favorite) Nina Pegasus Knight Favorite) Erinys Runner Up) Paula Least Favorite) Hinoka Wyvern Rider Favorite) Haar Runner Up) Altena Least Favorite) Percy Manakete (also includes Xane) Favorite) Mila Runner Up) Ninian Least Favorite) Kana Beast/Laguz (Royal) Favorite) Reyson Runner Up) Caineghis Least Favorite) No one Beast/Laguz (Non-Royal) Favorite) Lehran Runner Up) Ranulf Least Favorite) Kyza Dancer (includes Bards, Singers, and Herons) Favorite) Reyson Runner Up) Leanne Least Favorite) Azura
  5. 1) it would be hilarious if naga doesn't show up as a mythic hero anyway, despite what she says, i consider her, as well as other divine dragons, as gods that's what intelligent systems does too, after all, otherwise duma wouldn't have been a mythic hero 2) well, we sure disagre on this topic we'll just have to wait and see, i guess
  6. FE7 (simply called Fire Emblem) for gba if you can emulate the most complete FE title for beginners, imho
  7. i'm not including altina, deghinsea, soan and lehran since they're not gods (as far as i know, i could be wrong), i would expect to see them as legendary heroes (because that's what they are in tellius), but intsys fucked legendary heroes up, so no tellius legends for us i guess (unless a legendary heroes round 2 happens, that is) 5) Loki (colorless beast or dragon, flying) 4) Loptyr (colorless dragon, armored) 3) Ashera (blue tome, infantry) 2) Ashunera (red tome, infantry/armored) 1) Forseti (green dragon, infantry)
  8. pretty sure those who didn't know the "tap and vote" map was scrollable took this video seriously
  9. thanks, spring banner i just needed a nice B skill and aether for my spring loki
  10. Megami Tensei Persona Metal Gear Solid basically every shooter game (i just don't like them) Mass Effect Dragon Age Dragon Quest GTA Animal Crossing Yoshi Metroid StarFox battle royale games in general The Elder Scrolls and many, many more
  11. an actually innovative pokemon game a trails of cold steel port for nintendo switch genealogy's canceled third generation tellius's canceled third game a fire emblem spin-off which represents every game of the series equally a xenosaga remake collection FFVI Remake and these (except for echoes, which i liked a lot)
  12. the way i understand it is that it's basically a "sabotage higher stat" for every enemy within its range (which is skadi's effect's range basically), but without the "adjacent" condition sabotage skills have
  13. i'm so happy yune got in! and exactly how i imagined her, too! (green tome flying unit) i have literally 0 orbs though, so i think i'll skip this banner i'll try to save some orbs and try to get her as soon as she returns
  14. i generally don't buy games i could dislike, so there are very few games which disappointed me, but these are some of those games (the ones i can remember, at least) Assassin's Creed 3: i played it a long time ago, but i remember it bored me so much i even stopped playing if for several months, and it made abandon the series Fire Emblem: Awakening and Fire Emblem: Fates: no Inazuma Eleven GO: its matches have WAAAAY too many imposed objectives, you basically can't play a match the way you want because the game forces you to do stupidly specific things in order to proceed with the story. Inazuma Eleven games never did such a thing before (and after neither) Final Fantasy XV: it just felt like a huge jumble of random things, even though i dont find it that bad after all. music's amazing though (thanks mommy yoko) can't really add tokyo mirage sessions to the list because i expected nothing from that game, and nothing is what i got, so i can't say it disappointed me
  15. Summonable: Makalov, Erynis, FE4 Arthur, Astrid GHB: Ashnard TT: Erk just a bunch of characters i love, nothing more than this
  16. my heart says thracia my brain says awakening (vaike pls) it's been just too long since its last banner, there's no way awakening doesn't get a banner in almost one year it's a whole different case compared to radiant dawn and thracia after all
  17. well, can't really say i didn't expect something similar, sooner or later due to FEH's popularity, it only makes sense for dragalia to make a collaboration with nintendo's most profitable mobile game , in order to gain more audience is the moment right? ... yeah, i think it is... watch out, i'm saying it... InTeReStInG mAnEuVeR i don't expect FEH to get some dragalia characters though, it doesn't really need it
  18. very interesting, at least the overall male-female ratio is quite balanced honestly, i personally don't care about new heroes' gender, i only care about characters i like, and if intsys doesn't stop adding new ones, that's more than fine by me if more female characters are added now, this just means that more male characters are gonna be added later on, even though... yes, that's surely quite unfortunate i just hope we all can get what we want
  19. so i got my g duel flying fodder for reyson, but now i want paula too hope i can get her with those tt orbs
  20. am i dumb or battalion units' animations look better? quite a shame that the footage stops right before byleth's army actually hits the enemy, i want to know if generic units still fly away like bowling pins when hit by a gambit
  21. last year the banner was called "brave redux", so that doesn't matter that much i guess btw i expect haar (axe), ranulf (blue cavalry beast), louise (colorless bow) and awakening anna (sword) it would be strange not to have haar and jill in the same banner, that's true, but i'd prefer jill to be in a radiant dawn daein-themed banner along with, for example, tauroneo, zihark and ilyana
  22. got mage eirika on my free summon, then spring veronica immediately after the former i already liked paula a lot, but after seeing her stats now i really want to get her also i really like loki's spread, even though i'll probably change her whole skillset
  23. Ashnard, Mad King (banner unit) Sigurd, Holy Groom (Brides banner unit) Deirdre, Bride of the Forest (Brides banner unit) Elena, Together till the End (Brides banner unit) this is what i came up with at the moment
  24. i honestly don't know, but i'd check the materials and all of the printings
  25. i bought one for like 50€ because i wanted to be sure, and i nailed it you can buy it if you feel bold enough, but i feel like iwould lie if i told you it's real
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