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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. so was it really THAT necessary to add chrom? i mean, now FE has 7 characters (8 if we count lyn in), and all of them are damn swordfighters, also 2 of them are clones it's pretty laughable, if you ask me, and i'm starting to think that FE deserves the image other people have about the series, because they did nothing to make them change idea also, chrom's up smash is multihit, just like roy's, but it's super cringe since chrom's falchion doesn't have any visual effect that would suggest a multihit move same thing for the neutral b: he charges an attack with extreme power, and falchion gains like... dust and wind visual effects? seriously? simon and richter are super hype tho (and please, "Simon" is pronounced "C-Mon", not "Cy-Mon": he's french, not english)
  2. Following the limitations they delined (no lance cavaliers, no armored units, no knives, no different shapeshifters, etc): 1st Case: All Clones Fates Pack: Shigure (Lance PegKnt) Shadow Dragon: Midia (clone of Xander, maybe without "dark" visual effects) or Merric (clone of Robin, maybe with more wind effects) Awakening: Nowi (clone of TIki) 2nd Case: All Original movesets Fates: Charlotte Shadow Dragon: Astram or Merric Awakening: Vaike
  3. I call Sword Reinhardt "Neinhardt" (New Reinhardt, also "nein" mean "no" in german so i fount it funny) Legendary Lyn for me is GLyn (Green Lyn, very easy, also because i hate "LLyn") the christmas guys for me are 1) Charja, Christmas Tharja, which casually happens to be a reference to the pokemon charjabug 2) ChRobin, Christmas Robin, with a reference to the pseudo-homosexual relation some people believe he has with chrom (chro-bin) 3) CHrom, because "CHChom" would be stupid af, so the first "ch" is enhanced 4) ChLissa, Christmas Lissa, which almost sounds like "Eclissi", "Eclipse" in italian, because she's an armor unit, just like zelgius and the BK, the only two characters with black luna ("eclipse" in radiant dawn)
  4. SCordelia (Summer Cordelia, obviously) SNoire (Spineless Noire) SwInnes (Swimmer Innes) STana (Sex-Machine Tana) fight me
  5. mmmh, this is though the guy on the right reminds me of either eliwood, ephraim or sigurd, but i'm not sure at all i mean, eliwood's hair is more straight, ephraim's one's shorter, and sigurd...i just don't know the girl on the left is almost unrecognizable, to me
  6. i'll have so much fun playing shulk, ike, snake, cloud and marth can't wait!
  7. i'm not reading 29 pages, so i may accidentally repeat someone else's thought btw, i liked the trailer (and the music is amazing, even though that "techno" (don't kill me if that's not techno, i'm not an expert) track reminded me of tms#fe and this scares me a lot, not to mention that strange doll that appeared at a certain point, i think it has nothing to do with the general aesthetics of the game, that reminds me of a late renaissance) honestly, the only things i actually disliked are those "formations", they looked to me like discount Z moves, and i fear that they could make the game easier, even though they could balance it by making the enemy able to make formations as well (maybe it's already possible and we just don't know yet) but it's too soon to judge, i'll have to wait and see more i want to distance myself from this trailer: i loved the very first fates trailer, then i ended up really disappointed after playing the game, so i don't want this to happen again
  8. they're NOT going to make us pay 70€/$ x 3 just to live the same story from a different point of view the "multiple armies" structure of radiant dawn seems to me the most plausible option
  9. my ideal lord would be a criminal that raises from the shit where he's always been to the point when he gains respect, but that keeps being judged by others without even knowing him i'd love him to be an archer, able to wields another weapon type after promotion, maybe lances, but staying as an infantry unit, just gaining stats points and +1 in movement being a criminal, he would threaten enemies, causing some maluses, for example less evasion and hit rate
  10. long story short 1) the art style to me is... strange: it reminds me a lot of persona (and i don't like persona's art style), but it's not bat, i think i'll eventually end up liking it 2) i really like edelgard atm, claude looks nice (also devdan was too much of a stereotype i guess) and dimitri should take a shower, i mean look at that hair, looks like they covered it with glue 3) i don't like the fact that the characters, in their portraits, look directly towards the player: i mean, it's like talking to someone while looking at a completely different direction that's it for now
  11. the new banner comes out tomorrow tomorrow i have a japanese exam at the university life is amazing btw, i'd really like to get karla i hate unjustified alts and l don't like knives, so karla's the only one i hope to get
  12. i think levin, pent and louise, gharnef and some laguz like tibarn or ranulf deserve to be in heroes with priority heck, neither ashnard is in the game yet rather, there's no reason why they haven't added them yet (laguz aside) but since the more time passes, the more broken new characters get, i'm ok with it: i want my super duper powercreep levin :)
  13. yayyyyy we like recycling so much! recycling makes the world better! btw, i hope the banner's other units are people like pent, louise or erk
  14. that "itallic font" made me laugh so hard
  15. well, it's just that i have a bad feeling about it
  16. the subtitle "memories" fits the modern trend with FE subtitles, being them just one word (awakening and fates) i think it's plausible, but i'm also shitting my pants if i even dare to think about what that "memories" may refer to
  17. so, E3 is just a bunch of days ahead, and we still got nothing oh well, we're all going to survive after all but yeah, now it's time to reveal something juicy i mean, E3 is the time, not now NOW P-:
  18. That's also one more reason why i'd prefer the characters themselves, even though i actually lean towards the cosplay thing.
  19. Perfect, thanks for your clarification. I thought it was pretty obvious, but characters with very different art styles like Mario or Inklings wouldn't even be considered, if they were to make crossover banners. They're just too different to match the general atmosphere. On the other hand, i have no problem imagining Àgnes (or someone cosplaying her, maybe Azura) walking in your castle.
  20. As i previously stated, i don't think hiring 3/4 more artists, voice actors and programmers would be that much of a problem. Sadly, my knowledge about that is basically null: all i can do is logically assume that they have the money to do it (as i'm sure they do) and i don't think it would take investments from the main banners instead. If i'm wrong, please tell me. Basically my exact thought. I imagine they could do some of them to celebrate special events like Xeno2's anniversary or things like that. But yeah, more than two every year would be too much even for me. Nice idea! This as well. If i remember correctly, Bravely Default: Fairy's Effect, a mobile game, had a NieR Automata themed event, and i personally appreciated it a lot (even though you could only get equipments based on the ones that appeared in Automata, like the YoRHa uniform). BD and NieR are both Square Enix's properties, so what's the problem if FEH does the same? Ok, maybe the characters themselves would be a bit too much (even though i'd still love to see Rex with Pyra at his side, maybe even with a peculiar animation when the special triggers), but the idea of FE characters cosplaying other Nintendo characters, or just matching the game's style, would be really nice for me.
  21. I carefully clarified that imo they would be an extra, the thing with the least priority. After all, if you don't them, you could still ignore them, nobody would force you.
  22. I don't think a topic like this already exists, but if that's the case, i'm sorry. So, as the title says, i usually think about crossover banner: things like a limited Zelda banner or a limited Xenoblade banner. Talking directly with my friends or with strangers on some discord channels, many dislike the idea (some also deeply hated it), claiming that it would ruin the whole game, since it's called "Fire Emblem", and not "Super Smash Bros." and that a huge lot of FEH players would abandon the game; very few liked it (some also proposed the idea of Fire Emblem characters with crossover costumes, for example Marth dressed up like Link or Ike dressed up like Zeke from Xeno2). The fact is that no one can know for sure what such an idea would cause until the actually do it (and i honestly think they won't). As far as i'm concerned, i'd love to see characters from different games in FEH (and i think i'd pay to get them): Link (Sword or (Colored) Bow), Zelda (Staff/Tome), Sheik (Dagger), Pit ((Colored) Bow), Shulk (Sword), Rex (Sword, maybe with Pyra at his side, just like GRobin does with the head of Grima), Zeke (Axe), Cloud (Sword), Àgnes (Staff/Various), Tiz (Dagger/Various), Ringabel (Tome/Various), Edea (Lance/Various) are just a few examples. In my best scenario, they wouldn't replace "New Heroes" Banners nor anything, they would just be some extra, with a paralogue chapter, just like every other limited banner. After all, i think they can afford it, thinking about all the money they made with Heroes. So, my question for you all is: Would you like or dislike the idea? If you like it, why? Which crossover would you like to see? Would you prefer the characters themselves or FE characters dressed up like them? If you don't like it, why? Do you think it's a terrible idea that would make many FEH players to abandon the game? I'm really curious about your opinions!
  23. yeah, basically this is what i'd like to see as well i'd love to see a villain who shares a particular bond with the protagonist my villain would be very shaman king-like: he would often wonder whether the villain is necessarily the "bad guy that must be defeated because the story says so" and the protagonis the "good guy that has to win because he thinks he is good" (thus the villain sometime would steal the role of main character) i' d like the player to actually doubt if what he is doing is the right thing or not, and i think a good way to do it is to make him face a very complexed and insecure villain, who would also sometime talk directly with the player, brealing the fourth wall sadly, this is never gonna happen, so i'm ok with everything unless they make another garon or validar
  24. i'd love to see kita working for fe16 as the main character designer, but it's very unlikely since they hired a lot of "famous" artist for xenoblade 2, i can see it happen for fe16: i mean, they could call a famous artist (like, i don't know, roberto ferrari) and make him the main character designer of the game i honestly don't want kozaki back, i'm tired of him; i'd like to see an artist who's completely new for the series
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