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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. If I even make it that far. I've been having some trouble in the dungeon, and I'd sooner quit than go back and grind. ...That, and to be absolutely honest with you, I've been noticing a problem with the combat. Namely, it has no depth and it's extremely repetitive, so I'm finding myself bored of it 4 hours in. That's... very bad, not gonna lie, but I'll try to keep going for at least a little while longer, and hopefully it'll get better.
  2. Ooohhh, fuck. CrossCode wants me to pay attention to the lore. I never pay attention to the lore. Any time games offer books or notes or whatever I pick it up, think "I'll read it at some point" and then I never do. I'm going to fail this quiz, big time...
  3. I always knew you were a disappointment, Armagon. I suppose in that particular area, you do not disappoint.
  4. People bought Mario All Stars 3D, which was literally just three ROMs prepackaged with emulators. People paid full price for splenda Dolphin and Project 64. I really wouldn't be so surprised about the bag of shit. I'll "get with the times" when Nintendo does. Until then, I'll keep on wearing my tricorn, thank you very much. Do have fun!
  5. They don't if you have an uncle at Nintendo like me Brand names go a long way. Which is extremely unfair, but it is what it is.
  6. 1 had issues. It's often lumped with its N64 peers as one of the best Mario Parties, but... let's be real. It isn't. Of course, it's quite obvious why they're releasing this "greatest hits" compilation instead of re-releasing the full games. It's because they couldn't get away with charging 60 bucks for ports of these older games, but they can get away with charging 60 bucks for tiny portions of them as long as they spruce up the graphics. Because the world is funny like that. ...Then again, they got away with Mario All-Stars 3D, so I suppose it really isn't so far-fetched that they'd demand 60 bucks just for the original three Mario Parties without any modifications. But, frankly, I'd rather have that than this. Anyway, sorry for the rant. You know me, I'm not Nintendo's biggest fan... even if I really would like to be. Their games are great.
  7. Oh yeah, that's true. Except you need to fork over bucks to Nintendo's horrible online system on top of the 60 bucks for Superstars, and the online's going to be just as laggy as in emulators because Nintendo are great at their jobs. Yeah, exactly. ...Nintendo fucking sucks. I suppose it does, but it's still just a tiny portion of the best games. I don't even mean to remaster them all, just re-release them, ugly graphics and all. It'd be the best option, in my humble opinion.
  8. Eh. For people who refuse to / can't emulate, perhaps, but for everyone else, it's really just plain better to play the old games instead of this watered down rehash. Honestly, they should just re-release the old games already. Superstars is already kinda that, except instead of the full games it's just 20% of each, because Nintendo are adamantly against true game preservation, it seems.
  9. Yes! Yes! Fat brigand! Fat brigand! This kind of shit is why I love hacks.
  10. So I just played a defense map in Lonely Mirror. It was going really well, until it stopped going really well and the cavalier and fighter I'm not using suffered tragic accidents. Thankfully, the game immediately handed me a prepromote horse rider, and I'll get a brigand soon enough too, so who cares about them.
  11. Hahahahaha... That's a very Mario Party moment too, yeah. Honestly, after playing a ton of Super, playing this has been refreshing for both of us. We liked Super well enough, but the board gameplay got boring really fast, and playing an older title has made us realize why. The boards in Super are... well, super awful lol. Considering how my Awakening run was like, watching this would be like reliving my own experience with the game.
  12. I guess. I suppose the journey of Trails simply didn't catch my interest all that much. Really a shame, I would've liked to see more of Olivier, but everything that wasn't Olivier started to make me feel drowsy even when I was just reading a LP. I answer to joke comments with serious diatribes far too often, don't I... I suppose, but that was a bit too slow for my liking, I guess. Again, I feel it just wasn't my kind of story.
  13. Yeah. Exactly. A story that takes 30 hours to get anywhere interesting is not a story for me, I'm afraid. Maybe I'm just too impatient, but well, that's just my honest opinion. I mean, it's just my personal opinion, but "go travel around and collect the gym badges guild recommendations" actually feels less riveting than "finish your dad's leftover tasks" to me. It really isn't the kind of story I enjoy.
  14. Omori starts good, gets better and ends spectacularly in half the time it takes Trails to stop feeling like a prologue.
  15. Right. Well, good luck and have fun. Well said.
  16. I can't remember which one that was. I'm bad with chapter numbers. True enough. Yeah, sidequests! Can you believe it? They reward you with good music.
  17. There are also sidequests in Omori for you to Sooks%.
  18. Excellent. You won't regret it. Well, I hope, anyway! The people who made Awakening liked FE more than the people who made Three Houses, because at least in Awakening you're playing FE instead of a trite school simulator 80% of the time. BrightBow isn't fond of Awakening, and that's a bit of an understatement. Surprised me, as well. The game came out december 25th last year, three months after the 3DS's discontinuation. Strange that it's on 3DS. Maybe they promised that and then development took longer than expected. Never. You can expect it to never happen. Trails can make you cry, but it will never best Berwick Saga. It is simply... inferior. No, you have to play Omori. It is only 20 hours, Sooks!
  19. Ah, so you DID hear of it the last 17 times I brought it up! According to a quick google search, it's on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Xbox One, Nintendo 3DS, Microsoft Windows. So yeah, if you got one of those... 20 bucks is all it should take, in Steam at least. Hey, no rush. The game's not going anywhere. Eventually could mean anything. I demand immediate attention! I said 17, not 170. And it did make me feel a bit misty-eyed at one point. Kinda like you with Trails, actually.
  20. Well, I am a FE fan. That's to be expected, isn't it? You aren't a real FE fan until you start giving the title of "best FE" to games that aren't even FE. Incidentally, you must play B. Saga. Hey, I have a game for you, you probably haven't heard of it the last 17 times I brought it up--
  21. One thing I forgot to mention yesterday is that the bastard who made Lonely Mirror managed to sneak a Reunion at Dawn-like map past me. Two units alone on a map, reinforced by allies from previous maps after some turns pass. ...except the random person who made this hack is, embarrassingly enough, way better at it than IntSys, so the map isn't a horrible pile of softlocking shit, and is instead a rather fun, if slightly RNG-reliant, take on the concept. Oh, and you break out thieves from a prison to serve as fodder only for them to steal the boss's dracoshield. That was hilarious. What I'm trying to say is, FE bad, fangames good.
  22. I felt like I was reading my own words there. Now I'm looking forward to you playing Omori even more.
  23. Against my better judgment, considering my track record, I've spent the afternoon playing Mario Party 6 with my friend. I spent most of the game leading in stars and coins both, while my friend got pounded repeatedly and ended up with 1 star. Then I landed on chance time and we swapped stars. Then I landed on chance time again in the final turn and he swapped stars with an AI. The result is that I went from consistently first for 20 turns to last and we were both defeated by two normal difficulty AIs. Thanks, Kaga.
  24. Pffffffffffhahahahahaahhaah... I don't know, man. I'm not quite sure how to say it nicely...
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