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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. I hate you so much. Do what you want. Either way I know we won't agree on anything. We never do.
  2. Money. I mean, you can try, and then you miss out on the character with the most character development, plus a good character gameplay-wise. Your loss, not mine, Armagon.
  3. Yeah, I despise Heroes. It's a hodgepodge of everything bad about Fire Emblem, with none of the positives, and it's a gacha on top of everything else. Sure, it's not as horrid a gacha as all the other gachas, but that doesn't make it good. Far from it. Damnit, you. I did say it's par-for-the-course. It's not too bad, for Heroes's standards. She's not showing as much skin as, say, the summer alts of the Fates lolis. Just... well, "for Heroes's standards" is not my definition of "okay." Kinda difficult to make that mess of a design look good, even with a cape. Heck, if anything, I'd say it looks completely out of place. But, well, I have said it before and I'll say it again, I know I have far less patience for these things than most people in this thread. I just don't get why they needed to keep her belly exposed. The design would look 1000% better if they put a mail undershirt on her. They can even keep the short skirt and no pants if they absolutely have to, that doesn't look too bad. Just cover her damn belly. It looks fucking atrocious and impractical for no better reason than "we need eye candy for the otakus to give us moneys for this JPEG".
  4. Armagon, you weren't supposed to look in the spoiler boxes. Hah! We'll see. Eh. The exposed belly on the 13 year old is iffy, and I think in their desperation to show as much skin as possible they made the outfit look absolutely hideous, but... really, nothing more than par-for-the-course when it comes to Heroes. Nothing to be too outraged about, unless you're going to be outraged about Heroes in general. Which... honestly, more people should be. Gachas deserve to burn. I mean, there's a chain, but I don't see her straight up tossing the axe at the enemy. Far as I'm concerned, this is still Heroes/10. Agreed.
  5. Well. I cannot deny it. I can't wait for Sergey to forget a semi colon and crash the entirety of CrossWorlds. I mean, she could flip 'em the finger. There are ways, she's just not awesome enough for it. ...that's okay, though. Next time I'll murder him, and then we'll be even. They were doing so well. Merric actually looked great. Then they did that. Being a woman in a gacha is suffering.
  6. They make acronyms for the most random things, I swear... Excellent. It is original, at least. Still not entirely sold on it, but I like all the self-aware jokes they've made with it. Completely unrelated, but can I just say Sergey rocks that turtleneck? Cause he really does. He kinda looks like an older version of one of the main characters of my childhood show, a fact which I appreciate. Still don't trust him, though. I know absolutely nothing about him, his motivations or his goals. And he's awful at his job. When will I get to cuss at that shitstain Apollo?
  7. What? Eh, it depends, I suppose. There's definitely some slower stories that I quite love. It's probably the super lighthearted tone that rubs me the wrong way. Although there are also some lighthearted stories I enjoy... Ah, who the fuck knows. It's too early to tell, anyway. I'm having fun with the story, at any rate. It has plenty of funny moments, at least. I'm just hoping the MS Solar crew will show up again. Carla and the Cap'n were both awesome. Heck, more awesome than anyone in the actual CrossWorlds! Oh no, I know I'll probably progress if I follow the path. I'm just abit onfused about my overarching goal. Like, beyond just "recover memories by playing a MMORPG" and this quest of the ancients thing, I didn't quite get where the game (the game in the game, not the game itself) is supposed to be headed. Maybe I just didn't listen enough.
  8. That's two people that have changed their profile picture to Rook. Maybe I should join in and change to my favorite Banner Saga character, Onef. Anyway, good luck and don't make too many bad choices.
  9. Well, it's getting a bit late, so I think I'll leave it there. I have explored some of the snowy mountains. I have no idea what I'm looking for or what I'm supposed to be doing, but so far Emilie doesn't seem to mind me using her as a meatshield when fighting snowmen, so I'll just keep going as I have. Little qualms so far, though I do hope the plot starts picking up sooner than later. The lighthearted anime MMORPG self-aware nonsense, riveting as it is, doesn't interest me nearly as much as the two vague snippets of something more sinister going on underneath.
  10. I like how CrossCode makes a big fuss about the generic NPCs not having very advanced AI, and then most of the alleged players act the same, with set bits of dialogue that they keep repeating ad nauseam while standing in the same spot forever. I mean, I probably should just exercise some suspension of disbelief and accept that the devs weren't going to code human-like behavior for every mook on the game. ...Oooooor I can start suspecting Sergey of foul play for absolutely no reason. I think I'll do that. You stink, Sergey, and not just because you don't shower! Not necessarily.
  11. I have to give this hack props for this unit called Parvati. She's a Runeseeker, which is a really interesting concept. Basically, she can't use any regular weapons, but she has exclusive access to runes, which act as tomes of all kinds (nosferatu, extended range, effective damage, you name it) but with very few uses. She must explore the maps to find more runes to keep going, which means you have to use her with some moderation so she doesn't run out, but at the same time she won't cost you any money to use, since she produces her own equipment. The areas where she can find runes are like desert item areas, but very big, so it's likely she'll find some just by advancing on the map. Pretty creative concept. I dig it. I just wish her magic was a bit higher, poor girl's damage leaves something to be desired. Also, I imagine hoarders would suffer greatly using her. So far each rune has only had 6 uses...
  12. I'm gonna fucking tear him apart, limb by limb, and then leave him to watch as the blood pours out of his veins and into the cold ground. And then when he respawns, I'll break his neck. How dare he fucking beat me!? He was set up as a joke! 0/10 not enough beards. Cap'n and Deutschmann don't even have staches! I didn't find Bloodstained's item drop rates to be that bad. But to be fair, I rarely went out of my way to get any items, and I focused luck as much as I could. Also, no. I'm gonna play the game as it is, and then complain about it. In any case, I've already let myself be overwhelmedby like, 10 quests, of which I'll probably do 4 before I get another 10 and forget about half of those too. And then I'll quit the game after 60 hours of getting sidetracked. At least that's what happened with every other open-ended game I've played... Though I imagine this isn't quite so open-ended. Ah, who knows. We'll see.
  13. Wow... Man, I think this game was made for me. Even if I don't think I'll get that particular beard on my team. He's a bit too possessed, as can be obviously discerned from his first (and so far only) two lines. But that's all right, I'm still counting on the guy from before. ...Mostly because in one of the trailers the creator of the hack posted in the FEUniverse thread, he can be seen as a playable character. He's a male pegasus knight, and his beard was incorporated to his combat sprite as well. How amazing is that? I don't usually like peggie knights, but I think this calls for an exception.
  14. Actually, now that you mention it, he really does look really similar to my pfp. ...Except his stache actually reaches his beard. I'm jealous.
  15. I want that in my team. I don't care when, how or why. I want that in my team. You can guess which one.
  16. Oh, no. Why did you have to say something so horrible to me, game!?
  17. Okay, that's enough CrossCode for now. Remember that hack I said I found? Well, I found another one. This one has a timeskip, and half the males grow a beard after it, which means I simply must play it. It's called The Lonely Mirror, I'll let you know how it goes if you guys want.
  18. Damnit! Fuck! Fuck a thousand times! I'm going to kill that prick next time I see him.
  19. I do have to say, I'm running into some minor problems because I disabled tutorials hoping it'd let me skip the demo portion of the game (it didn't), and then I forgot to re-enable them for like, ever, so now I have no idea what I'm doing. But that's okay, I'll manage.
  20. The leader of the Fruits of Autumn is called Apple in Spanish. Great. At least it's not a brigand this time. Hush, you two.
  21. Oh, I forgot to mention it, but I played some Game That Armagon Recommended To Me earlier. I made it to the Rookie Harbor, which I find insulting, because I'm not a rookie. I hated it, I really hated it. I could not find any flaws, the gameplay was really fun and while I'm not entirely sold on the anime MMORPG setting yet, the characters were endearing. Except that idiot with the spikey green hair, but I can tell I'm going to love him by the end of this, even if it's for all the wrong reasons. So yeah, I hate that I'm liking it. I will now try again, hopefully I will find reasons to get back at Armagon this time.
  22. My copies are legal. They're so legal, they could become a lawyer. I have done nothing wrong!
  23. I suppose so, yes. Except the only Mario Party I own is Super, but shhhhhhh
  24. ...Hmph... Well, it'll be good for a day or two, hopefully. And if not, I've got a couple Mario Parties set up in my completely legal, entirely regular Gamecube.
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