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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Great, and now a shaman has joined us who not only has better numbers than me in every stat, he also has a truly splendid beard. I can't justify my own presence in my team. I notice a distinct lack of shaman lady and her spider friend. Though I am happy you picked the staff armor. In my run, the biggest susprise was... The bald city guard. Yeah, remember that rando from the first cutscene? His growths are sky-high, and he ended up becoming my MVP. It was hilarious.
  2. Great, the thief got hit by a 22%. All right, then. No problem, I'm getting another thief in this map. I'll just keep g-- Never mind, I can't let this man die. I'm resetting. Nah, it's just a basic-ass GBA support system. ...TOO basic-ass, I'd say. It's the same "wait 100 turns at the end of map" nonsense. This entire hack feels like that, actually. It's just another GBAFE. Better than all three of the GBA games, but that isn't so difficult, and it doesn't really feel like much more. Still, I'm one of those people who doesn't think these games are the worst thing to have happened to the series, so... eh, I'm enjoying it for what it's worth. For now, at least.
  3. The game just did an anime moment with me. And it's not even the first one, in the previous chapter I tripped and fell on the Jeigan's boobs. For fuck's sake, and here I thought I couldn't hate me more. Bwahahaha... Oh yeah, the units in Storge are absolutely wonderful. I need to replay it one of these days.
  4. Once again Serenes is giving me trouble with the images So here, have some links This girl. This girl is a character, all right. Also, I'd just like to mention that I am currently the worst unit I have. I am unable to grow speed, magic, defense or... really, any worthwhile stat at all. Magic access is the only reason I'm not complete dead weight, 'cause I swear the fucking thief has grown better than me. Well, I'll do it again. How's that for an interesting maneuver? I had fun with it, and I think you'll enjoy the story.
  5. There's the hack I mentioned a while back, Storge. It's five chapters, and the gimmick is that you pick out your equipment and characters at the very beginning, with a set amount of gold that you get. It's fun, and the story is surprisingly nice. Cute and wholesome. Check it out, it fits your request like a glove.
  6. I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that this game has thrown one of my own lines to myself.
  7. Oho! Well, I'll be damned. That's pretty amazing. As Sooks said, this is not eqsy to accomplish! Way to go! Hah! Damn right it does. Not gonna lie, the way you were talking before I was hoping this would happen. Oddleif doesn't seem so bad now, does she? Jokes aside though, yeah. That moment is rough. Also the most impactful choice in the series. So yeah. Too bad. Accept your choices like the rest of us. Unless you want me to call you a chicken? Cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep!
  8. The bad times didn't happen. The series ended when it was at its high point. Unfortunate that it couldn't go on, but it's better for great series to end well. You know, like Fire Emblem. Fates was a controversial title, but I believe it was a good way to end the series forever and ever.
  9. Remember the good times, Shrimperor. Remember the good times.
  10. I see. Well, just sayin'. Oddleif is way cool too. If Alette ever gets wrecked on the battlefield, consider giving her a shot, eh?
  11. Hwahahahahahahah... Always look in the bright side. What about the other archers, though? You using Oddleif?
  12. Yeah, but it's good anime. What other anime lets me play as... whatever that abomination I created is?
  13. I can summon digimons with some of my regular-ass spells, AND I can do it while not looking like forgettable anime!
  14. Poor Gremory's gonna piss her pants when she sees that charging straight towards her with the only weapon in existence that can harm her. Seriously though, I love this game's customization feature. It's completely useless, but I'm glad it's there. Look at that. Is that the coolest thing you've seen in your lives, or what? She is pretty cool, I agree.
  15. Okay, so uh... I was just looking around the castle for things I'd missed, and I noticed a weird icon in the train. This resulted in me finding an 8-bit looking area, a random-ass boss that didn't drop a medal and a familiar I'll never use. What an experience that was. Damn right.
  16. All right! Redstream Zan has been defeated for the second time. I... am not entirely proud of how I did that fight. I used the aqua stream's absurd power and basically forced him from phase to phase before he could unleash the extremely difficult to dodge moves. In particular, the attack where he freezes the entire room was one I simply couldn't figure out. If I touch the gruond, I die; if I hop on his head, he does that upwards slash and hits me; if I spam Invert, he just does whatever and hits me. So I just killed him before he could unleash it. And now that I have proven myself, he's given me Starlight, because that's the only weapon that can harm Gharnef-- Sorry, he's given me Zangetsuto because that's the only weapon that can harm Gremory. Hell yeah, that's what I was waiting for - the "good ending" moment! Time to go back to Gebel and tell him what's what. Again.
  17. Oof... That's a rough one. Mogr is one of the best tanks in the series. Oh well. He's not the only one. You've still got Griss. Oh... Hah! Well, turns out a bunch of cakes can do the job just as well. "Your bad movies are very impressive, you must be very proud."
  18. It's gonna happen. Question is when... But yeah, this isn't a kind series. Be wary. Incidentally, if you're curious...
  19. Ah, well, relatively minor stuff. Don't sweat it. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahah... Forgive me, but every time someone falls for that, I look back with pride on how I avoided the trap. ...I mean, then I proceeded to fall for a different five or six traps, but hey. I dodged the one everyone and their mom falls for. I'm proud of me. Anyway, yeah. There's no shame in falling for that, most people do. It's the moment where everyone realizes "oh shit, this ain't no Telltale!"
  20. Are you kidding me? That was my go-to weapon in the earlygame! Obtained super early from a really common enemy, has great damage for that point of the game and range at a time when your only other option is the extremely weak gun and the water blast that cannot be aimed. Bad example, Armagon. A better one would be something like, one of those passive shards that just slightly increases your defense. Who the hell needs that? That much is true. They definitely should've done that to begin with. No, actually. Miriam 2 was the next boss I fought after Alfred. That being said, I did get all the way to Gebel without even hopping on the train, and I'm fairly certain I've skipped something again, because I really doubt the intended approach to get to the Oriental Lab is to scarf down 12 sponge cakes in order to tank the damage from the spikes. So yeah, I've been deviating from the usual route a bit. Well, I don't know for sure, I'm just imagining that's probably it, given the amount of references in the game. Of course, Bloodstained's invert mechanic goes way beyond being mere pandering. It's fuckin' wonderful. Well, to be fair, I've not played Symphony, so it's not like I can criticize it, myself. Though the idea of half the game just being... the same game but upside down sounds kinda eehhh to me.
  21. Yeah, well, you're wrong and I disagree. Meanwhile Rooben: How about I play it on the hardest difficulty and do all the bosses without taking damage in my first run? Yeah, see, I expected this. It's why I went ahead and did the hardest difficulty at first. These games are generally not that hard on the easiest mode, and after more or less becoming an Ecclesia expert over the years, I knew normal would probably bore me to death. As much of a blow to my pride as it was, I took having to downgrade to hard as a good sign that the game wouldn't be quite so easy. And, well, it wasn't! Yes, very much. Usually, if you've a weapon of any sort, touching enemies is a no-no. If you don't, jumping on them is the way to go. I disagree with this as well. For me, the only iffy part was the random shard drop to go underwater. Everything else was perfectly self-explanatory by just thinking a bit, exploring further or retreading your steps. Mostly agreed. Though I will say, even if they're not as good as others, most shards are plenty usable, which serves to improve replayability. That's always cool. I hate him already.
  22. That's enough for now. I'll leave it at the rematch with Redstream Sam. Hopefully this time, he'll finally stop being an edgelord and become besties with me. Only "good"? I'm loving the shit out of it. Ecclesia was already my favorite platformer, and this is like, Ecclesia but ten times better.
  23. Well, I don't care how it came to be, I got the ability to flip the world there. They wanted to make a cute little nod to Symphony of the Night and accidentally made a mechanic that's just plain better than its original equivalent. I love this game.
  24. I can flip over the world any time I please. Okay, that is so fucking cool. This game is too fucking cool.
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