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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Wow, they went WAY hard on the volcano area's theme. Also, why the hell is there a volcano under the castle? Not complaining, I'm just wondering.
  2. Oh, shit, and now I'm fighting me... for some reason! Well, that was easy. Pfft! Barely took me four tries to beat her. And then she made the pose and died. Absolutely hilarious, I love this game. Oh, don't feel too bad. I've spent literal hours on some of the bosses in the game I'm playing right now.
  3. I love how Alfred teleporting every time at the first sign of trouble is acknowledged in the story. This game is officially better than Three Houses.
  4. All right, Red Herring man is beat. Only took me two tries this morning, it went super well. I just exploited his AI oversight to my advantage and stayed close to him so he wouldn't use the slowmo thing, and then he died. ...or not, because he pulled a Hubert. That fight was so pointless... But eh, I had fun, so it's all right.
  5. We'll come back to this in the future. Why does nobody ever tell him he looks like a frog? He has the best response to that! That he is, that he is. Uh oh... Well, hope you tell us more about that when you come back
  6. That doesn't even qualify as a puddle. One day you will see it. Hahahahaha... Using my own faces as anime reaction faces? Interesting maneuver. It's really easy if you just hold everyone else back. And give him the move ring. No, he's cuter than them.
  7. By saving it and them just leaving it there for him. I speak only the truth of truths! Someone pull her off the floor. It's my job to hate generic anime girls, not hers. I will not allow her to steal my job. She must love herself so I may hate her in peace.
  8. Your affinity for generic anime designs is incomprehensible to me. There is nothing more epic than an ugly.
  9. I'm gonna have to start benching people eventually but I can't decide between all the ugly people in my team. I want to use all the ugly people. All of them. Hah! ....Arden, goddamnit, Arden. Of course it was Arden.
  10. See? See?! I knew I could count on you, Benice!
  11. Guys, I'm amazing. I got hit by eclipse (22% displayed) and the lord was left at 1 HP. At the end of a long-ass map. Jesus. Eyyyy! Have fun!
  12. Well, no, not really. Maybe he was just RNG screwed. Who knows at this point.
  13. Well, this is it. I made it to where I quit in my last run. I gave up mighty quick that time, huh. Let's keep going a bit. It's not exactly wowing me or anything so far, but it's pleasant enough. Though they could've taken a page out of Sun God's Wrath's book and just give me no Jeigan, this woman is hopeless.
  14. Unfortunately, I do not have any means to go back and check his stats. But I swear to God, the man was not the overpowered monster everyone made him out to be. He was amazing and the best unit in the generation, don't get me wrong, but he was just a bit less amazing than the likes of Seth.
  15. Hahahahahahahahahahahah You asshole, there's already blood on your hands. Why must you keep slighting my man Arran? Don't ask me! I don't fucking know!
  16. No, seriously, this Jeigan is the worst. Francine kills everything, so I can't use her to soften anything up. She's basically dead weight. At least until enemies stop having so little speed they get doubled by a unit with 8. That... never really worked for me. Even after he got the Tyrfing, I had to make him canto in and out because he got murdered if too many enemies attacked him at once. Sure, that sounds reasonable, but I'd say it kinda knocks him out of the Seth competition. Okay, then maybe it was turn 2. I remember with absolute certainty he almost died on the first pack of enemies he fought in the game.
  17. Yeah. Happened to me. He got hit by two axes and only lived because he dodged the third one. I almost lost him in turn 1. Maybe I'm just talented. I swear he almost died right at the beginning in my run.
  18. To be honest, I kinda feel people overrate Sigurd. Don't get me wrong, he's super good, but people compare him to the likes of Titania, Seth, Frederick, etc. That's just not right when he has a chance to instantly die if you send him against the three brigands near the first castle. Those other dudes are outright invincible for like half their games.
  19. On the bright side, I'm about to get another mage, and it's not like I can get myself killed. ...I mean... All of my LPs notwithstanding. Yeah, well, Sherlock is epic, you just can't see it.
  20. Sherlock still has One-Two and Double Shot even early on. This Eli dude just had a big forehead and bad stats. ...He was also my only ranged unit aside from myself in a game where 1-2 range is rare. But I'm sure I won't regret my decision to carry on.
  21. God damnit, the scrubby archer died. ...Yeah, not resetting. This is another chill run, as it turns out. I'll probably reset for people I care about, but this dude was no Sherlock. More like fuckin' Wolt. Some people claim that it is easier to solo FE8 with Seth than to try to use other people.
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