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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Unfortunately I'm aware. Male and female socialknights don't necessarily have the same armor requirements. That's going to be the next change after I do something about the goddamn hair and neck.
  2. In an attempt to fix derpiness I said fuck it and spliced on different armor. I'll try to make it less splicey later. Minor hairfixes as well. Little stuff, mostly where the hair meets the armor. I really don't like the neck.
  3. Agreed about eyes and nose. The trim is really pillow-shaded. That's what's bugging me about it.
  4. My one critique is that you're mixing colors on the mug for the female merc. The sheet's pretty good, though. Just remember that FE6/7 colors need an FE6/7 outline, and FE8 colors need an FE8 outline. Right now she's got an FE8 outline from the looks of it.
  5. It ended beneath her ear before, but the jaw near the end was a little derpy, so I made a quick adjustment. The last line of the jaw is covered by her earring.
  6. Both, specifically her left. The shading on her right doesn't need as many fixes, but a few are needed. EDIT: http://gyazo.com/08a3871b10b078da426124da39ed5112 Here's a hairfix reference for you. The hairflow's incredibly derpy. It goes in many directions. There's a little bit of chunkiness left. I tried to work on that hair strand that goes to her chest and then realized that it's shaped horribly. It needs to follow the curve of her body, right now it's just straight and awkward. Also it's just a blob at this point. Use this to reference the short haired version's shading. It's basically the same, just slightly different near the bottom where the ponytail is.
  7. I feel like Astra's damage output > Luna's damage output. As said before, even in Ayra's hands Astra does more damage than Holyn. Astra's great in both generations but Luna's mediocre in the first and either very good or not even worth it in the second.
  8. I'd love to see another game like FE4; 12 chapters long but multiple parts to each chapter.
  9. There shouldn't be that huge of a splotch of no shading on the left side of her hair. I hope that's temporary.
  10. I've decided to make a few changes to the list: Charge above Ambush Sol above Nihil Reformatting the High/Mid Tiers
  11. Part of me thinks the reason Ambush > Charge at the moment is because of Ambush/Wrath combo, which is good but is only if you do LexTiltyu (Semi-Likely) or ArdanTiltyu (lolno). Someone also mentioned the hilariously broken Ambush/Wrath/Prayer combo (using the prayer ring of course) once... Ambush is a great stacker skill but not necessarily good on its own unless it's on Lex, but he's never in danger anyway. Charge on its own is pretty decent. And yeah, it's neither good nor bad. But it shouldn't be penalized for that. As said by Anouleth, Charge's activation rate drops as HP drops. Very few enemies have Charge anyway. Luna > Charge is something I'd rather not do only because Luna and Sol are both bad. Yeah they have good effects, but they're on mediocre units who can't really keep up. Dew only heals minimal HP and Holyn doesn't really have the power to do significant damage with Luna until lategame when enemies have better defenses anyway. Even on Ayra, Astra will usually do more damage than a trained Luna!Holyn. Not to mention unless you do Holyn!Swordtwins (which is certainly possible but I'd do Lex or Noish over Holyn) Luna's on no one good in Gen 2. Patty sucks, and Leen probably never sees combat. Same thing with Dew and Sol Sword. Mind you, it's getting passed down because of Bargain. In fact, it's possible to do Sol > Luna because Sol goes from pretty useless to possibly decent, whereas Luna goes from mediocre to possibly nonexistent. As for Bargain/Steal in their own tier, Steal is related to battle since only Thieves have it. Thieves have shit combat, and Steal only nabs around 2-3000 gold each time. It adds up if there's decent combat to be had, but that means using Dew/Patty/Daisy semi-frequently. They're better off just going village hunting and using that gold for Give. I think Bargain at the lowest point in High is where it should stay, no higher, and no individual tier. Especially since it gets inherited. Anyway, here's what's on the table. Charge > Ambush (Incredibly likely) Wrath and Bargain > Critical Rearranging High and Mid Tiers Sol > Luna (?) PLEASE LEND YOUR OPINIONS TO THESE TOPICS! IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING NEW TO PROPOSE THAT'S FINE BUT DISCUSSION SHOULD BE FOCUSED ON THESE TOPICS.
  12. Rings aren't taken into account. Yet. Hence why Life is the bottom because no one has it as a skill. I was thinking about a possibility for the end of High/Beginning of Mid Tiers. High Tier is kind of large right now, with five skills, whereas Mid Tier has Four. High Tier can possibly be more exclusive than Mid Tier, with skills that have incredible benefits. (i.e. Elite, Prayer, Charisma). Continue and Critical don't have those, and neither does Wrath. Bargain, maybe. I don't know if jumping Bargain that high is the best notion, especially since it's stuck on a poor unit in Gen 1 and the only way to pass it is to pair Dew. Especially since Fin and Lex are more likely to be fathers (Lex is the best physical father and Fin has Pursuit and Prayer for his kids). Nonetheless, I have a few possible solutions that may be taken into account. Solution One: -Move Bargain below Continue, switch Critical and Wrath, move Continue and its crew to Mid. High Elite Prayer Charisma Mid Continue Bargain Wrath Critical Astra Steal Solution Two: -Move Bargain above Continue and keep the aformentioned changes. Bargain can be in either the bottom of High or the top of Mid. 2A: High Elite Prayer Charisma Bargain Mid Continue Wrath Critical Astra Steal
  13. You do raise a valid point on Wrath > Continue/Critical but having it jump a whole tier seems excessive, and Continue and Critical are too good to go down a tier. I also don't see Bargain right beneath Charisma, personally. The problem with Wrath is that it opens you to more enemies because a LOT of them get OHKOed after the critical (See: Tron!Tiltyu). Your Wrathbots, Tiltyu and her kids, are squishy and can't take more than a few hits at best, and if they're not dodging, they're going down. I'm more inclined to put Bargain in High but not Wrath just yet. Also, Charge on Jamka/Midir is amazing, but Charge on the others may lead to trouble if facing tougher enemies. The big debate previously was between Charge and Ambush so I don't know if I want to change them just yet. I will move Luna down, though, because it isn't better than those two.
  14. Honestly I feel that way and I didn't miss any years of school. Maturity speaking, the people in the class below me are much more immature; two classes below? I honestly don't associate with enough to make a judgement.
  15. If I do that, I'd be most likely moving Ambush with it because of previous arguments. Unless you can justify Charge > Ambush. Personally I'm fine with Ambush>Charge>Luna.
  16. I just feel like the second and third shades aren't contrasting enough, even for FE7 standards. Maybe it's just my eyes. You could always just, yanno, make the darkest shade darker yourself instead of finding someone else's hair.
  17. FE taught me that Ambush Spawning is just for trolling me near the end of a long-ass map. FE taught me that women are usually the best and worst units I could possibly use. FE taught me that if she's a tiny little thing that can barely survive one hit, she's gonna wreck shit in a few levels.
  18. I don't like the hair contrast... I think the second and third shades could stand to have some more contrast between them.
  19. I decided to revive this just for funsies, and to see if people's opinions may have differed. Changes I made that are significant: 1) Dance moved to Pursuit tier. Despite only one unit having it per generation, it's hilariously broken in FE4, and a Leg/Knight Ring!Sylvia/Leen/Laylea (which is almost always assumed in most play unless Leg Ring!Sigurd/Celice) can keep up with Mounties easier. Plus, there's the foot units who benefit as well. 2) Elite moved to top of High because it's just that good. 3) Steal dropped to bottom of Mid tier because it's not as useful as first imagined. Bargain is more useful and using Steal means we have to use Thieves in regular combat. 4) Astra moved to Mid right above Steal because it's, as described before, "Continue on Steroids". 5) Awareness insanely dropped because it's not that useful. 6) Sol dropped considering not many units have it, and it's not that useful in Gen 1. Gen 2, maybe. I'm willing to discuss a few things, specifically the placement of the three C's in High, the placement of Bargain/Wrath (they have different uses but are both useful in different ways), and the placement of Sol.
  20. There's some splotches where it can still be improved, specifically on her left side near the shoulder and the top of her head. Her right side is still messy, and that random hair strand that's longer than the rest bugs me... was that intentional? EDIT: http://gyazo.com/4a0da4de55dacf177f39fd022d5b5562 Have an example on how to fix it. I tried with the right side then gave up because it's kind of a mess. I'll play with it more and see what I can come up with.
  21. Why does his non-throwing arm tense up like that?
  22. I really like it! Dorothy still looks "plain" but not horribly plain like FE6 made her out to be.
  23. Hair shading on her left side is very.. chunky. Trent gave me a critique once that the hair I did was like Play-doh. That's what it looks like now. It needs flow. Not to mention it's just very messy in general. There are definitely some characters you can reference.
  24. Spliced the jaw back and played with cloak positioning. I think it looks better now. I don't know what to do with the shirt just yet, so I'll leave that for next. I also started working on a newer one... it's incredibly basic and needs lots of touch-ups but I figured I'd show off what I have to see where I should go next. Syrene's hair, Wendy's armor, and Marisa's neck can all go choke on a dick.
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