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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. I haven't made an entry in a while, why not?
  2. Unlike her FE10 counterpart, Lethe has lots of Earlygame utility. She insta-transforms on the first PP, and can immediately run around and kill things. The gauge in this game is a little nicer to Lethe, so she can actually fight for a little while longer. She dodgetanks and doubles forever, making her a very important asset in earlygame. Once Beorc units catch up, Lethe falls behind, and she's not good enough to last long in Endgame, even with instant transformation. 6/10
  3. Comments from the test monkey in bold. Read them. EDIT: THIS ISN'T A BALANCE PATCH. IT WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE A BALANCE PATCH. It's Shin's FE4 version of Super Thracia, in a sense, with a little less trolling.
  4. Ethlin, Fury, and Ayra for the ladies. Lex, Fin, and Sety for the gents.
  5. I really have no desire for a Magvel badge but I will nominate only one character for this round: NATASHA. In bold and Allcaps.
  6. Best: Sigurd Honorable Mentions: Greil, Eleanora, Elena, Vylon Worst: Ethlin Dishonorable Mentions: Eliwood, Fado, Rudolf
  7. Reference other chin shading. The fourth shade should just be where the head meets the neck and a few other pixels going south. The second shade should be the most prevalent shade.
  8. There's a 100% Complete patch Blazer made for FE7 on his site. I don't know how do do it for FE8 or FE6, though.
  9. That's debatable. Jill has the better weapons and the better stats, iirc.
  10. http://gyazo.com/faf7c6ddb0a6d83d60aee79deb12ef71 Red: Random bits of skin color in the clothes. Green: Bad under-chin shading. There's too much of the 4th skin shade. Also, you have a lot of awkward skin tones all over. I think you have too many. Make sure you're using five. The neck is a bit too long and skinny. Lower the head a pixel or two and widen the neck a pixel or two. The necklace looks good, but it's off-angle with the head and body.
  11. Marcia is awesome. She flies, comes in early, and dodgetanks the shit out of everything. Besides Mist she's the other candidate for BEXP. Once she promotes she's immortal. She'll fly everywhere and kill everything. Problem is? She's not Jill, who comes three chapters later. But hey. Titania, Flying Titania, and Flying Titania Lite in the same party? That's enough for me. 9.25/10
  12. Not using him is signing a death warrant in Part I and Part III. Part IV... well... not so much. He's useless in Part IV because that point you have all of your third tiers and he's still second tier. Plus, he uses the worst weapon type, ever. lolknives. 8.5/10, this includes a +.5 bias for putting up with Micaiah's shit.
  13. Squishier than Micaiah? Really? Ugh. Atleast she heals and doesn't lose HP to do it. 2/10, includes a -1 bias.
  14. Earlygame Est with the worst weapon type in the game? Uh, not even bothering. Also why the fuck do I need you to recruit Shinon that's bullshit. -1 for that bias. 0/10
  15. Jill. You need someone who's consistently good in both games. And, you know, I always vouch for her anyway~
  16. Rules (Borrowed from whomever made them first with modifications) - Ratings to be assumed from when a unit is first available. - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning. - Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Sigurd/10", etc. - Personality / Appearance may be taken into account, but only +/- 1 point at the most. - Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it, please! - Make votes easily visible, please and thank you! - Every ranking phase will end on the next day at approximately 10:00 PM (or 22:00), EST. -Second Generation Note: Assume that Substitutes are done on a Subs-only run. Any "not ________" will not be accepted. Units and Ranking (Least to Greatest): First Generation Diadora: 1.19 Ardan: 1.39 Tiltyu: 2.00 Briggid: 3.71 Claude: 4.42 Azel: 4.63 Jamka: 5.25 Midir: 5.47 Dew: 5.68 Holyn: 5.90 Lachesis: 6.13 Noish: 6.15 Alec: 6.17 Beowulf: 6.40 Aideen: 6.57 Ayra: 6.79 Levin: 7.87 Fin (First Generation): 7.88 Fury: 8.25 Cuan: 8.41 Lex: 8.83 Ethlin: 9.15 Sylvia: 9.50 Sigurd: 9.96 Second Generation Roddlevan: 3.33 Radney: 3.44 Amid: 4.85 Dimna: 4.89 Mana: 4.98 Tristan: 5.00 Skasaher: 6.00 Lakche: 6.35 Femina: 6.50 Lester: 6.59 Julia: 7.12 Lana: 8.24 Delmud: 8.45 Oifaye: 8.58 Arthur: 8.67 Fee: 8.86 Celice: 9.54 DAY 42: JOHALVA _ Johalva's one of two axe users throughout the Second Generation, considering if you get him you don't get the hotter and better personality Johan. Anyway. Johalva's kind of better to recruit because then it's easier to net Julia's Resire. He has Charge, aka the better skill, and can use every Axe that's available. Same as Leaf, but he can do it earlier~ Statwise he outclasses his brother in almost everything except lolskill, and he doesn't really need that much hit in FE4. His Speed difference is the best difference by far, and his Strength helps him with more Attack Speed. This in turn gives him better chances to activate Charge. But goddamn that speed growth. 10% compared to Johan's 50%. He'll catch up much easier, by far. Despite being a footie, he's pretty good for a footie. He's going to hit harder than most of your allies, but, of course, he falls behind easily. He does get credit for being the only playable Warrior. -1 because I dislike him... 3.25/10
  17. 7 votes. really? Record low. 6.50 for our dear Femina.
  18. Hey, you know Nightmare and know how to patch. That's something more than some people. And you have a video. That shows you've done something. Now, you haven't done anything beyond Nightmare edits, so I can't say much. As for the issues, I can at least point you in the right direction. Depending on your spriting ability, you can do these yourself or get others to do them for you. You, unlike most hackers who beg for portraits, have made some progress. This is good. Keep it up. But for now I suggest making basic splices. There's lots of great tutorials in the Sprites board here. Someone compiled all of the GBAFE mugs somewhere, so you have those. I'm not going to give spriting advice here also because I'd get crucified by the "gods" but if you make a few pieces that you plan to insert I wouldn't mind helping out with critiques. I assume you have FEditor because you changed names. FEditor also inserts portraits. There's multiple tutorials on inserting them properly. It can get tedious, trust me, I've been there, but once you know how to do it you're going to move even more forward. I assume you're looking to do more than reskin this hack, so you'll need Event Assembler for that. Events take more time to learn shut up you event gods but if you commit to the time and effort you'll understand them. You'll also need custom maps which can be done with either Mappy or Tiled. Once again, they're around here somewhere, and there's great tutorials on proper map making. Having a plan is the first step, though. Write out a basic outline of the story, and then let the tools do the rest. Good luck!
  19. Luffy, it's Easter weekend, most college kids, myself included, are home for the weekend to spend with family and see friends. I wouldn't put it past Arch to take a weekend off from this project.
  20. He's the best of the Dawn Brigade. Not only does Nolan have the best weapon type, he has the best Support affinity. He's crucial to SURVIVING in the earlygame, and once he promotes he proceeds to wreck house. Easily in the top three Axe users. 8.75/10
  21. She needs a lot of BEXP and babying in the beginning, and also a lot of Arms Scrolls if you want her to be any good. The thing is, she is good. She's an offensive healer, can use Magic Swords like a boss, and is a mounted staffbot--something you don't get until Elincia. Mist rocks my socks. +1 for being a Valkyrie. 7/10
  22. Lucretia Lucretia awoke, feeling arms around her naked stomach. They were warm and welcoming--two things that she tended to not feel from many people. Remembering the events from the night prior, Lucretia looked to Aurelio, still asleep, a smile on his face. She gently took his arms off of her, slightly regretting the fact that she couldn't be held more by him. She stood, looking at the beautiful colors of the sunrise. The feelings she felt last night came back to her, and she was awash with a brilliant ecstasy that made her shiver. She stood there, allowing herself to bask in the glory of it all. She had never experienced such positive feelings. The fact that someone like Aurelio could love her like that... it was refreshing; she felt like a new person. Usually Lucretia would have gotten ready to leave by that point, but she instead took her time. She washed herself carefully, with hot water. She allowed herself to feel clean and beautiful. She had even paid for the inn manager to bring her refreshing herbs that she then ground and used to make herself smell even better. She saved a few of them and packed them away in her jacket once she'd finished washing herself and returned to the room. Instead of dressing immediately, she allowed herself to stay undressed. Aurelio was still asleep when Lucretia returned. She sat on the bed, straddling his leg, and kissed him on the cheek and lips. She ran a finger down his chest to his stomach and beyond, using both hands to feel his legs. After tracing the contours of his body, she kissed him again, her hands on his face and then running to his hair. Despite him being asleep, Lucretia whispered to him. "Last night was everything I could have asked for. Thank you," she kissed him again, "I love you, Aurelio."
  23. 9.5/10 for both because they're standard kickass refreshers.
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