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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. It's called "people moving on", or "games evolving over time". I sold most of my games once I'm done with it as I've already experienced the game and there's no point in playing them again. Unless if they have NG+, or a story from a differerent viewpoint (like Persona Q). I only have a Wii as I didn't play one before.
  2. Just played part of Chapter 2 in P4D's Story Mode. And I have to say, Yosuke's dance is glorious!
  3. All right, I've finished P4G, and I can say that I enjoyed almost every moment of it. A lot of feels to the game, and the first game in ages that I nearly cried, especially with Nanako. I'm just going to put my verdict here. Spoilers ahoy! Conclusion If you want to get into the Persona series, I strongly suggest starting this one before moving to any other. While it is comparatively lighthearted story ending on a high note (provided that you make the correct decisions during two crucial points - the game will tell you when), it has a lot of substance that made me cry and think as well. I found P4G a good story on it's own, and I think it made me emotionally prepared to take on P3 and P5, which I am looking forward to.
  4. Update to mine: Finished P4G, with the Ultimate True Ending! Started Story Mode of P4 Dancing All Night - and it's glorious!
  5. I'm really conflicted about the cutrent state. Sure, its great that we've got FE Heroes to celebrate the franchise and the characters, amd to help publicise the series more. And I have to agree that past titles like Binding Blade had their own problems. However, I have to agree with the dissenting people here who said that the story/character -writing in particular hasn't been up to scratch. The well-detailed characters (at least by Nintendo standards) and backstory was what brought me to FE with Binding Blade, even if the actual story was basic. The huge focus on politics is the reason why I'm getting a GC-compatible Wii to play the Tellius games, and why I want the Jugdral games to be localised. Where was all of that in Awakening or Fates? At least the earlier entries and their inadequacies are more excusable because they were just starting out. Awakening/Fates have no such excuses.
  6. @Thane: The artist of the below picture of the link recasted 4 Awakening children as the Persona 4 cast. The only objection I have is Inigo being Teddie; I say Inigo should have been Yosuke - trying to play cool, but fails to? http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/761/639/214.jpg
  7. FE may really be the only thing remotely interesting, but even that I'm skeptical considering just how unengaging Awakening story and gameplay was, and how Fates story was even worse - to say nothing of their lacking worldbuilding. Not even bothering to comment on Smash. Still no word on FF7 remake?
  8. So, again, I'm asking everyone's backlog for 2018, in continuation of last year's backlog thread. What's everyone's list of games? Mine is the following:
  9. Atlus: Atlus is starting to become my favorite with Persona 4. While I merely heard good things about the other Persona stories, playing P4G proves that you don't need a dark story for a deep one, and it really highlighted the value of friendship, which is comparatively underrated to romantic relationships or family - something I heard from church service just yesterday. I'm excited to play P3P, P5, and Radiant Historia eventually, and with some of the spin-offs, as I heard that Atlus similarly gave good consideration to the story and characters. I've already decided to ditch Nintendo games that are not the main Pokemon/FE/big-ticket Zelda games in favour of Atlus (and maybe Square-Enix), and maybe even ditch Pokemon/FE too as I'm not quite enjoying Pokemon Sun as much, and Fates/Awakening's (and depending on info from some of the members here, Echoes too) story has been subpar as of late. Even TMSFE arguably qualifies; even though the end result may not have been as successful, it still shows an interesting interpretation of the FE lore with J-Pop, and it was certainly an ambitious attempt on Atlus's part.
  10. A dirty bourgeoise. Must be exterminated. Long live the revolution.
  11. A pegasus Pokemon. Just so that we could use that for any FE x Pokemon crossover.
  12. In that case, it might be better either as a separate game (though it can be within the same universe like Persona 3-5) or as a prequel/sequel. I think a dlc would be too short for either themes.
  13. @ElectiveToast: I'd like to add to your proposition, a Meiji-era "Hoshido" or another Asian/African themed country that is more successful than in real-life and discuss themes and issues on colonialism and race relations as well. I think it would be refreshing if the fantasy factor was downplayed for once to only feature basic magic and basic dragon units, and even that is on the verge of dying down. The final "boss" should not be a supernatural chosen villain, but an elite unit platoon that is being led by a charismatic general as the ultimate test of your skills in teamwork and tactics - similar to, say, how Napoleon took his final stand against the Duke of Wellington.
  14. Fite Emblem Shadow Dragon and Awakening: The former was only good for, you know, actually experiencing Marth's actual story instead of superficially fanboying/fangirling him in Smash Bros. I looked forward to it as a possible remaster, but it's dissapointing that they didn't even put Canto in, to say nothing of other standard features or even new dialogues. The latter I was a bit excited about, as it was my first FE that I could immediately buy in ages, but both the story and the game were unappealing. Pokemon Black 1: This one's not entirely the fault of the game itself, but I would be lying if the Wi-Fi shutdown did not sour my experience with it. I picked this up right after finishing the main story of XY in December 2013, in order to experience the region and complete the regional dex - which became much more stressful after a real-life time limit was imposed. Who in their right mind would expect bloody Nintendo to throw me umder the bus when past external services/features were kept for much longer after the console's lifetime??? There may be other things that Nintendo dropped the ball, but this would possibly be the most infuriating.
  15. While was already excited for Pokemon XY and the French-looking Kalos region, I was surprised with the amount of backstory put in that built the culture as an alternate universe of France. I only found out much later that Lysandre and Team Flare referenced what far-right businessman Francois Coty could have been in a possible alternate scenario for French far-right politics in the 1930-40s. It may have been unintentional, but now I love XY's backstory even more for its headcanon potential.
  16. Any Pokemon game that interprets the real-life region in a realistic yet interesting way would be the best. Not just the apparent look of the region, but the overall history and culture should also reflect the region in real life. Kalos was great in that regard not least because of, amongst other bits and pieces of the region's history, how Lysandre was a reference to Francois Coty and the far-right in 1930-40s France/Europe. I want an Orre seqyel that talks more about the Wild West, the Great Depression, the Bible Belt, and maybe even War on Drugs. And I would have liked to have seen a Poke-California with backstories of gold rushes, hippies and counterculture, or even race relations as early as Gen 3 instead if what ended up with RSE with a fake-Kyushu and a story that could gave been used for Poke-Guam/Sapian or even Alola.
  17. All I'll probably care at this stage would be FE 16. Though even FE gas become "meh" to me in recent months with the subpar story of Fates and Awakening. I guess I'll have to see if there's something from Atlus or the FF7 remake.
  18. There are many potential crossovers that are yet to be explored by the actual creators. Out of the ones yet to be unrealised, what crossovers would you like to see? As long as it is something not yet made official/canon, anything is fair game. EDIT: I'll also allow members to talk about whatever crossover fanfics they are currently working on, or worked on. I'd like to see more crossovers of TMS#FE with other Atlus titles. TMS#FE: Dancing Sunny Day with Rise, Kanami, and Yukari (who is also a part-time actor) as guests would be hilariously awesome. Actually no, bring the entire Persona 3-5 crew dancing with the Fortuna Entertainment Crew and all the FE characters who previously starred in FE Heroes as the mirage/persona/performa dancers in a bigger and better LMB Festival, and I'd buy that game on launch night, no questions asked. On another note, FE x Pokemon would have been a good way to explore possibilities of using Pokemon for warfare. And possibilities to explore narratives of animal welfare vs war, the use of animals for war in addition to the FE's usual tales. And the final boss should be something may or may not be a mix between Ghetsis and Ashnard in terms of philosophy. A call for Pokemon to be liberated from slavery under humans, and a call for humans to accept the laws of the natural order.
  19. A double bill from Atlus: First: Persona Q's theme song Second: Tokyo Mirage Session #FE - Fly: You're My Wind
  20. I too remember hearing that the War Dragons are mass produced dragons that aren't as strong as the plot-relevant ones. They also could be for show; to intimidate enemy troops without having to risk losing Jahn or Idenn. Except that they ended up failing to intimidate Roy's army. Basically V2 rockets fired onto London, compared to an actual nuke missile.
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