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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Forum Graveyard, Serious Discussion, FE GC and Wii Era are ones I rarely visit.
  2. Banned for being too much of a large ham! I mean, what? A God-slaying sword??? Don't be so ridiculous!
  3. Congrats, you two above me are banned for loving FE games which have unlimited grinding.
  4. Banned for not settling the (un)ban question earlier.
  5. Banned for insinuating that Greninja is overrated and needs to be shot down with a well-timed "Ten Thousand Volt".
  6. Banned for not only getting the Pokémon type wrong, but also committing an oxymoron.
  7. So the idea is to find out what you get in the top page of your results in Google Images when you type your username as the keyword. For extra fun, use quotation mark brackets. Mine is below:
  8. Banned for not appreciating Froakie.
  9. Banned for not looking healthy haha.
  10. So it looks like the biggest point is whether we have/need an honest percentage or otherwise. As an update my original point, I don't care too much about whether the percentages are honest of otherwise. When I first played FE (Binding Blade), I had no idea about the RNG mechanism, and it wasn't really something that I could care either. It was only until when I started playing Awakening that I found out that 2RN was such a thing. If it works in actual practice - which I think it mostly did, again considering how long that lasted - then I question whether the percentage honesty really matters at all. The other problem I just thought of now is, dodge-oriented units in 1RN/honest percentage would have to have a resultant 0-10/15% chance of being hit by the enemy, to have the same dodgetank viability as 2RN games. I think, from a game programmer's perspective, that's a smaller margin of window for in making such units reasonably viable (and balanced), and it will require more fine-tuning by the game programmers in relevant stats (Speed, Luck, Skill etc) for both player and enemy units and their weapons. Actually, do anyone know how useful Swordmasters are in Thracia 776?
  11. To be honest I also am wondering about this; I'm actually thinking about giving this a miss...
  12. At least over at GameFAQs, I've noticed some people do not like the 2RN that has been the staple of the series since FE6, or most of the game that saw international releases. And to be honest, I am at a loss at why some people do not like them. I'd like to ask the question to everyone here (who I think would have a better understanding) for why do you (not) favour 2RN. I generally favour the 2RN as they would make units that focuses of dodging more viable. Unlike defense-oriented units where their defense stats are generally what they are, dodging still requires some risk no matter what, so some form of modification that makes the percentage gamble less of a luck-based mission is a good idea. FE6 was the most fitting example, which featured the likes of Rutger, Sue, and Clarine who would absolutely dodge everything like no one else's business. On the other hand, this also had the defense-oriented units at their worst, where their defense stats were not as useful due to how doubling enemy units were everywhere. Of course, this would be greatly detrimental for balance, but I think this can all be fixed with good skills, higher WTA bonuses (like the one in Fates), and effective weapons seen in later entries. I think, in the case for Binding Blade Echoes, we can rebalance Armour Knights can do with better defense, and skills like Wary Fighter. Lances and Axes can have better hit rates in general, and Axes in particular have hit modification bonuses as WTA. For the overpowered Swordmasters, bring in Swordslayer-carrying units in, and bring more of them (and other effective weapon-carrying units) in Hard/Lunatic. I can understand the 1.5RN used in Fates, as 2RN in Birthright can make some of the allied Hoshidan units (especially Ryoma) too game-breaking. (I'm under the impression that the Hoshidan units focus more on Speed/Skill and the like. Correct me if I am wrong.) But in other settings, I just find it a case of unnecessary meddling when a) we survived over a decade of 2RNGs without the games being unplayable; and b) we could fix through other means. Anyway, what is everyone's opinion?
  13. bin Suparman was quite awesome. Even better, the first name was Batman. Oh, I didn't know Mario was all supposed to be gameplay with flat, one-dimensional characters! (sarcasm) Explain to me why Super Mario Galaxy won the BAFTA Award. For that note, the creation staff decided to actually grow a brain, gave a slightly different twist to the standard "Bowser-kidnaps-Peach-omg-what-do-we-do" plot, give a more detailed story for Rosalina, in defiance to that stupid dinosaur who thinks that gameplay absolutely trumps over any storyline. If that stupid dinosaur didn't get stubborn with his mindset, then we would have had Rosalina and Peach's long lost relationship plot in Galaxy 2. That retard should resign for being out of touch. In fact, if he dies, the first thing I'm definitely going to play "Ding Dong, the (son of a) Bitch is Dead.", and I'd definitely like to dance on his grave, that's for sure. Also, storyline or no storyline, it does not change the fact that Luigi is a sissy coward, and Peach is the worst female in Nintendo's history, for being a brainless blonde for being completely and inexplicably helpless against Bowser when it turns out she can defend just fine in Smash Melee. Or are you saying that I can't have my opinions, Comrade Stalin?
  14. I'm flirting with the idea of a modern-day Pokémon XY (both games and anime) adaptation of Fire Emblem Binding Blade's story, also with some inspirations from World War 2 battles and recent European politics. (I've written my proposal here.) Naturally this will come with Binding Blade characters from the respective nations, but I am also thinking about bringing in characters from other FE games. I've written a brief description of each country in the above link, which includes those from Binding Blade, and the main Pokémon universe. For Kalos, the only Pokéverse region/nation in this Pkmn/FE!Elibe, I have the idea of having Virion, Inigo/Laslow, and Olivia from Awakening form a family with Saul (from Binding Blade) as their cousin, and Cherche as their retainer/attaché soldier. For Columbia (basically Poke-USA), I will definitely have Harold (Arthur) from Fates as the high-ranking general. Not only that, but he'll even be a great-grandson of Douglas MacArthur from WWII. (This FE!Pokeverse will have alternate versions of real-life historical figures up to the 1950-60s.) For Shoyo (Poke-Japan), they will be heavy with Hoshidans. I'm even thinking about having Mikoto (or a modified version of her) be the eventual heir apparent after Emperor Akihito. There are lots more I can and should think of, but I'll have to leave it here...
  15. Haven't heard of it in tv shows. Only in classical music, and that would be a "three movements" rule. (Mainly for Sonatas and Concertos.)
  16. Thanks everyone! I see that there's not as much that matters (at least not with the sheer price tag). I'm going to get a (backwards-compatible) Wii anyway as I can't play F-Zero and Pokémon Colosseum 1/2 without it anyway. As for the Tellius games, I guess I'll wait and see for a possible VC release, then.
  17. Hey, I've just finished reading Chapter 11 of your A Minute Before Dawn, and I love how you give so much detail to the characters and the setting. It's very obvious that you've thought long and hard for this story.

    One question: Did/do you actually play chess, in regards the chess games between Teresa vs Gunter/Iago?

    1. Mox


      Hey, it means a lot that you've read my story (so far) actually!  Thank you so much for taking the time to read it and comment back to me here.  I am very glad that you enjoyed the detail I gave to the characters and the process is still ongoing for me even though I haven't posted anything in ages.  

      No, I have never played chess before, however I did use videos on YouTube of pro chess players to help guide me.  

      I'm still writing the story and planning it (actually I was just drawing some anatomy to base Teresa and Garon's body shapes when I saw this) however I have been so busy down with university I have not been able to continue sitting down and writing/editing chapters for a long time.  I'm really hoping to get some writing done soon so that I can either post the newest chapter (which has been written, it just needs editing) and continue toward finishing this arc in the story. :) 

      Once again, thanks so much for the comment!

      (Also apologies for any grammar or spelling errors in this, just got back from completing an essay exam).

  18. That's what I thought too. Perhaps there's just not much reason to use her had my Rutger survived my playthrough? But then again, considering how FE6 is Swordmaster Emblem and especially Avoid-tank Emblem, what would stop me from using both?
  19. Gender unknown. Maybe a genderless Porygon?
  20. I used Fir, but is she really that bad? Granted, my Rutger died in my Chapter 7 playthrough so that could be the difference but... I used Arthur, and apparently he's also not worth using either? Okay, well, his Luck is horrendous, but just collect the 2-3 Goddess Statues, equip a Bronze weapon, and you should be golden. (The statues don't help much in general anyway, unless you're either Fates!Arthur, SS!Knoll, or anyone from Binding Blade.)
  21. Actually, Gen 2 and 6. I love regions that geographically resembles more of the real-life counterpart - when I play Pokémon, that generally goes before anything else. Back on topic: Most likely have an irrational hatred of Nohrians.
  22. There's going to be a lot of backlash from the fans and even more shipping wars than there already probably is. What if all of the Awakening kids went to the Fates Continent with the number equally divided between Nohr and Hoshido? (Assume Inigo/Owain/Severa are with Nohr as per canon.) What would their subplot be like?
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