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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Able, or used to be able to live with permadeath mode
  2. Yeah, I got ninja'd. My bad. (-4 stats ensue) EDIT: Has a Fates character that is featured on my LP.
  3. Is not a character in my LP, but may be so in a future fanfic I am planning. Edit: Ninjae'd
  4. Acknowledges that I have an LP with the Nohrians as the defenders of our radiant democracy, and the Hoshidans are bloodthirsty dictators lol.
  5. Not a fan of Jeigans, and may not be a fan for Oifeys either.
  6. Another Nohrian scum fellow proud defender of Nohrian truth, ideal, and justice!
  7. What about Gayle from Binding Blade, though? As someone said earlier, I doubt Gayle knew the full extent of what Zephiel's has been planning (yet he's shown in the above polls...).
  8. Just out of curiosity, I actually wonder how RL!Feldmarschall Rommel would fall into this. Nazi Germany's regime would be one of the closest to being completely evil, yet we have a Field Marshall who (is at least said to have) acted much more humanely towards soldiers and civilians - and if the rumors from Wikipedia are correct, this included Jews. And while he did start to have resentment against Hitler, he didn't actively take part in the rebellion against Hitler (though he was forced to commit suicide for his complicit behaviour towards said rebellion).
  9. #PraiseTakumi, and yet a Nohrian scum fellow gallant defender of Nohrian democracy at the same time
  10. I was able to bring my old Harry Potter Books (1-3) to my former middle school. Learning English was encouraged in that school, so the more opportunities, the better, they thought.
  11. Wait, so we still don't know that the victim was Jong Nam??? I thought they already confirmed that days ago - at least that's the impression what I get from read from English (Australian and British) and Japanese articles.
  12. She'll...probably be right, mate. If not, then here's my Siegfried.
  13. A fan of some kind of anime that I probably haven't heard about.
  14. I don't even know what kind of in-joke this is.
  15. That's a bit of a shame. I would have liked to see how Japan would have come differently in your run. On the other hand, I see you've got a new batch of Corrins to brainwash. Maybe I should call your leader King Garon II, and your son (Mark-Ale)Xander I. (LOL)
  16. Just out of curiosity, I wonder what's happening over in East Asia. Are you able to check?
  17. Thank you. That really helped for reference. I've also obtained another map from the 1940s by the US Army, which I included in my current LP entry.
  18. So what's the story in inserting pictures? I've been inserting them via source code as they are easy to copy/paste via Word, but since the new forum came, some of them automatically turn into hyperlinks. Is there any way to remove said hyperlinks apart from re-typing over the linked section?
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