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Everything posted by Eltoshen

  1. I didn't expect somebody to actually play along with something that was obviously a fail troll attempt. Guess I thought wrong.
  2. /watches too many scifi movies err, just because I feel productive!
  3. lol@all you who took that part of the post seriously. I applaud you. ^^ fyi, I was a member of FESS. what. do i have to be eaichu to post something without embedding a "j/k" into my post for people to not take it srsly?
  4. I find the whole topic about removing post count to be the mosh childish thing I've heard in a long time. There are plenty of other things that are deserve more attention than the post count system. Nobody here even gives two shits for their post count anymore, so either do away with them or don't. I seriously do not understand why this topic dragged on for 4 pages. thumbs up if you're still reading *insert obligatory speech here* AKA, THE BEST SOLUTION WOULD BE TO MAKE A POLL AND SEE WHAT THE MAJORITY VOTE IS And quality points? No thank you. I don't need somebody's reputation to get in the way of calling somebody out when I see an elitist post (dejavu?). Can't say the same for others, though. Basically, it's a horrible idea, one that's even worse than the post count system. And in case anybody was wondering, I've seen it implemented on other forums. Don't expect me to believe it'll be any different here.
  5. Thank god. ^^ IIRC, Jyosua talked to a lot of people when the site blew up including me, here i thought i was special ;-; Why did I mention this? Just in case people wanted to hear more testimonies. But anyways, I don't see how SF benefits with the unbanning of certain members. Truthfully, I wouldn't care if they stayed banned, but whatever... EDIT: You actually know what the worst thing that happened to this site was? Merging with FESS. I can say that the place that existed before, a lair free from elitist pricks and full of n00bie posters was a lot better than the way it is now.
  6. And...you want something in our profiles to list if we're respected or not? Or if we make quality posts? I believe that's up to the people who read the posts to determine. If I disagree with the opinions of another, I'm not going to let how well they're respected get in the way of me telling them so. btw, the last part of my post was a generalization. There's always going to be exceptions. Maybe you didn't get what I was trying to hint at.
  7. Eltoshen


    hello. i just noticed there were three topic. my pee is yellow...!
  8. I find the comments in this topic to be more amusing than the promotions, to be honest. 8D Nonetheless, congrats to Tino and Fireman!
  9. Exactly. Like at another forum I go to, people began to become member number elitist. Why don't we kill those as well? Hell, why don't we get rid of everything in our profiles? We can be labeled as numbers! AKA, it's a stupid idea to kill something that defines a member. If somebody has a really high post count, you learn a lot about them.
  10. Eltoshen

    Seisen maps~

    Wheee. Quick question though, who will be the playable characters? Will they remain the same?
  11. If things get abused, they can easily be taken away. I don't think there are that many people who abuse special features, here, despite what you may think. I do agree that this "Edited by:" line is really annoying, though.
  12. Except for the fact that your logic makes little sense because, A) I have it written in the description that it's the "Translation" project BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY B) It's in the ROM Hacking forums. Besides, I was okay with you making a simple mistake, but don't go and blame me for not giving you enough details when you're the one who decided not to look where you were posting.
  13. Well, here's the first group, . I know some of them, but I'm busy compiling a bunch of stuff, and it's good to cross reference, :P. Characters Mechs
  14. I've started playing the game today, but if you want to help list some characters and their names, please feel free to do so. By tomorrow, I'll have screenshots up for checking. :3 As a matter of fact, you can check out my progress here: http://lastsr.net/srtk/translations.htm I'm working on making a new site, so I'm not going to bother setting it up in the current format
  15. lol@being compared to Carrie. That girl freaked the shit out of me. o-O I...hmm... Imagine an asian person with a square jaw and medium-narrow face and you have me.
  16. Well, unless you were comparing actors who played the role of the same character (in different movies), it's hard to draw an exact line on what/who is and isn't comparable. :/
  17. I believe it does. Especially when you use photobucket and links to pictures in subalbums.
  18. There's a lot of things that can't be understood from a sane person's perspective. Why do people create viruses to infect the average household computer?
  19. Everybody seems to be all over the place, though I think it'd be pretty obvious to say that men and women have slight differences, otherwise we wouldn't be classified into genders.
  20. I'm a pervert, so apparently women > men I can say that I don't know enough about this topic to actually challenge any ideas posted here, so I'll just state how I treat this subject: It all depends on what type of activity you're talking about, and most of the time, gender won't matter. I know girls with more testosterone than men and visa verse. If it comes to producing children, women > men...unless you can somehow argue that ejaculating took more effort than pushing out a baby.
  21. Don't post the link please. I accidentally clicked it while scrolling down... >_>
  22. By the way, the proper spelling is "convent", if it matters. XD
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