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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. Zweihander: it's a two-handed sword nearly the length of the wielder, and it was mainly used by bodyguards, but also for breaking pike formations by charging in and using the sword to push away the pikes: …Oh; cool or badass words, not cool or badass swords. Never mind. Though I would say that the term Zweihander still sounds cool.
  2. Good to see some non-Fire Emblem pairings winning. I wonder how long they'll last.
  3. Fire Emblem: the typical story. I saw Marth and Roy in Smash Bros. Melee, looked at their trophies and was like, "Fire Emblem? What's that? Why does it say 'Japan Only' in brackets?" And that eventually led to my family getting Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.
  4. I think that, by, "getting to be too much", he probably meant in terms of intimacy or feelings. As for him not wanting to be used for making babies, well, just that: he doesn't want to be used for making babies. That's not the same as him sleeping around (though I'm certain the possibility that a girl could be pregnant would terrify him to no end). People can make illogical decisions when it follows their personal logic and they don't think it through, and I suspect that Sylvain doesn't think it through.
  5. One of Sylvain's advice box questions has him mention that he brings girls into his dorm room at night, and one of the possible responses is to have Byleth (who lives in the dorm under Sylvain) complain about the noise he makes whenever he does so. I'm not saying that that's conclusive evidence, but it does make it easy to see why some interpret Sylvain as sleeping around.
  6. 1. Cloud and Tifa, easily, and I say this as someone who never played the original FF7 and am only on chapter 9 of the remake. 2. No idea; I just voted for the one that didn't already have a vote. 3. Link and Zelda, easily. Link and Zelda are absolutely adorable in Spirit Tracks.
  7. I agree with you all that this idea would not really work. The reason I brought it up was that I wanted to see ideas for how the story would have to change and stuff like that; that's the reason I titled this thread "What If: The Flame Emperor". Does that make sense?
  8. True; that was even one of my theories as to what it may have been. So, while waiting for the technical difficulties to get sorted out, could someone please tell me enough about Raven, Lucius, Lyn and Mark to have some idea who to vote for? I only played FE7 once for five seconds since it was a visiting distant relative's copy of the game. EDIT: Nevermind; I'll probably just select randomly in that case.
  9. The bow in Skyward Sword didn't actually use the pointer at all; it used the gyroscope somewhat similarly to how it was done for Wii Sports Resort archery. I actually found it very weird that it did that, considering the bow controls in the Wii version of Twilight Princess, which did use the motion controls, were pretty much perfect.
  10. Her only paired ending with another girl that's explicitly romantic is with F!Byleth; she doesn't even have a romantic paired ending with Dorothea (who is all but confirmed to be bi). It is a case of her liking guys with F!Byleth being the exception. I would like to see a playable character in FE that almost-explicitly has high-functioning autism, and it is actually written well. I myself have autism, and I really like when autism is shown accurately in media, especially since it often isn't.
  11. If that doesn't happen here, perhaps you can make a forum game that has people vote between them.
  12. a custom character that is both fully custom and is purely a supporting character: The character can fully customize them right down to their starting class. They have limited-to-no importance to the plot, and the story is very much the lord character's story. Basically, think along the lines of Rook from Xenoblade Chronicles X.
  13. I'm surprised that F!Byleth and Edelgard is doing this badly; I suppose it's probably more a statement about their opponent; that or people like me figuring that they'll have another chance to vote for Byleth and Edelgard when M!Byleth and Edelgard rolls around.
  14. Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations is by far the worst game ever made.
  15. So, for the first two, I have never played Kingdom Hearts or Trails, so I just went by whether or not I liked the other pairing. For the last one, as much as I like Byleth and Edelgard in general, I also like Laura and Aran, and I have another chance to vote for Byleth and Edelgard when the M!Byleth and Edelgard vote appears.
  16. Okay. To be honest, I'm surprised it took so long for those two to get nominated Are there any other pairings you wish to nominate? The rules say to nominate 2 pairings.
  17. You're welcome. You have to pick a pairing from a video game if you want it to be nominated. It could be any video game.
  18. Guys, I know this is a fire emblem forum, but I'm pretty sure more than two thirds of the nominations at this point have been Fire Emblem pairings. Surely there are others that you like?
  19. He makes a lot of really good videos that I would recommend. They're funny and he makes some really good points. That doesn't really change how disproportionate the numbers are.
  20. Characters; no question about it, and the Black Eagles especially have been my favourites so far (I say "so far" because I have yet to do a Blue Lions playthrough). I also really liked the "being a teacher" aspect of the game, weirdly enough. I could make a lot of criticisms about the monastery, Byleth, etc., but it does such a good job of making it feel like you really are guiding the student characters that I almost don't care about that stuff.
  21. You're welcome. Do I get a third nomination for pointing it out? (Just joking; I don't even know who I would nominate)
  22. Thanks. Well then, I guess replace my Ike and Elincia nomination (since that one was already nominated) with... M!Byleth and Edelgard, I guess, since that one comes to mind and isn't on the list. By the way, one of the nominations isn't from a video game and the title of this thread says "video game ship". Just wondering: why is it being accepted as a nomination if it's not from a video game?
  23. I don't really "ship", so I guess these are just the video game pairings I like the most: Ike and Elincia (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, NA Localization) Link and Zelda (The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks) Wait, how exactly does this work? Do we have to pick from the list, or are we adding to the list? Speaking of which, one of the examples in the list isn't even from a video game (nor is it good; it was put in at the very last minute for hype without actually wanting to put in the work writing it)
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