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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. Ah. Thanks. I've never seen Hunter x Hunter. All I know about it is that apparently it keeps going on hiatus or something like that.
  2. Thanks. Yeah; Bakugo and Kirishima shippers would've been a better example; I went with the Deku and Bakugo example simply because of how vocal their shippers are. I really didn't think through what I had said and I really should have. Who are Gon and Killua (what story are they from)? It's true that Ike pretty much is a shonen protagonist, and him being oblivious to love would make a lot of sense. Is the mini-epilogue thing a reference to anything in particular? I agree; what matters is that the two characters have an interesting relationship forged through meaningful interactions. I like Ike and Elincia in the NA localization of Path of Radiance because of the meaningful interactions between them, and using a reference to shonen anime since we were talking about that, I like Naruto and Hinata because, though they didn't have many interactions, they were very meaningful. To be clear though; I don't ship characters, I just watch the story play out.
  3. I think it's funny that, before even thinking, "Clever pun", I thought, "I know who that is: that guy's one of the bosses in the first Megaman Starforce game". So... Robin would be her type then?
  4. Reminding me of... actually, I never saw Henry IV in any of my classes. Bad fight choreography and costuming, but good acting. This one is five minutes long; you can either watch all of it (note that the song ends at around 4:34), or since it's the "full" version (as in the entire song), you can instead watch the version that was used as the show's opening, which is just a minute and 30 seconds and which I'll post below it as a link. Just please let me know which version you watched when stating your opinion on it: Violet Evergarden Opening HD | Sincerely | - YouTube
  5. I see. That's very strange. I wonder why that is, especially since I can see it just fine. I'll try again by editing my reply and changing it from the video to just the link. If it still doesn't work, please let me know and I'll replace it with a different video.
  6. I would say Edelgard, but Byleth stole her axe, so I guess Black Knight even though I see him as more of a boss or an assist trophy than a fighter.
  7. Was it meddling? Given what I had heard from all the interviews with the developers and such, I thought it was overambition.
  8. True. Perhaps a closer comparison would be Revelation with Azura giving the throne of Valla (which admittedly is a fallen kingdom with... how many survivors exactly?). Corrin actually asks why, and Azura says that she doesn't want it. Revelation did something better than SoV. Revelation did something better than another FE game; how is that possible? There was a huge double-standard in the Medieval World; men could sire all the illegitimate children that they wanted and face nothing for it, but if a married woman among the nobility sired a child that clearly wasn't her husband's, then she and the child's father would be severely punished (and the child would likely be killed as well to prevent it from growing up to want revenge for its parents). Now, a fantasy game like FE doesn't have to reflect this, but given what we learn about Lima's court, it's very likely that this double-standard held.
  9. It says something that Radiant Dawn handled something similar to this far better in the form of Lord Renning being alive with just the subtext within one base conversation; Renning's a knight, not a ruler, and he can see clearly that Crimea is in good hands with his niece Elincia as queen. You don't need much to explain it; even just, "Nah; I don't want it" would've sufficed. …Now that I think about it, Fates: Revelation handled it better by having Corrin ask Azura why she handed the throne over to them and her answering that she doesn't want it. Revelation handled something better than another FE game! That is a sentence I never thought I would say without any sarcasm!
  10. If it weren't, people would've found out. There's actually a mathematical formula that can estimate how long a conspiracy can last before it completely unravels based on how many know about it and stuff like that. Using it, people have determined that, for just one example, if the moon landing had been faked, it would've become common knowledge over a decade ago.
  11. I see. Interesting. That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. I figured it was a case of all-the-eggs-in-another-basket because, well, Boruto and Black Clover released within a year of each other, and Boruto got a ton of funding and a lot more animators than Black Clover and its animation was relatively consistent from the start. It's rather easy to see that and come to the conclusion of, "Okay, we're making two shows. Which one is more marketable?" Incidentally, the Boruto and Black Clover fandoms used to be very friendly until the Black Clover fandom began to suspect Studio Perriot was showing favoritism to Boruto. Now, it's not nearly as bad as, say, relations between the MHA fandom and literally every other anime fandom, but things did apparently get a bit tense. By the way, since Record of Grancrest War (the other anime I had posted a video for) was made by A-1 Pictures, I'm curious: does A-1 Pictures have any particular issues? As for the video, I can honestly say I've never watched Digimon. The music instead made me think of stuff like the classic Megaman games. Sasuke vs Kinshiki | Boruto: Naruto Next Generations - YouTube
  12. I'm pretty sure Hasechi was actually talking about the video I posted of Record of Grancrest War, which was animated by A-1 Pictures. Yeah; even I'll admit that Black Clover's animation wasn't the most consistent when it began, but that was less because of Studio Perriot in-of-itself and more because of Studio Perriot putting all its eggs in the much more marketable Boruto basket and leaving the Black Clover animation team overworked, understaffed and seriously underfunded. You know those those dumb, "When the animators are paid/fed" jokes that people make about anime fight scenes? Well, sadly, those jokes had a ring of truth to them in the case of Black Clover for a fair bit of time. Fortunately, it hasn't stopped them from churning out some amazing works of animation, and the most recent arc in particular has been able to churn out consistently good animation thanks to an increase in funding and animators, many of whom incidentally started off as fans of Black Clover. That fight scene that I posted, in addition to being animated by the main Black Clover animation team, was largely animated by Black Clover fans, with it having been their first time in professional animating. The show's also soon going to be going on hiatus for a while to keep from overtaking the manga. Anyway, onto reviewing the video above mine: reminds me of watching this movie in high school English class. Here's a Black Clover fight scene that you won't see in the manga because it's from an anime-canon episode (not filler, anime-canon):
  13. Okay. Before you quit though, could you please look over what I said about Kris, Robin, Corrin and Byleth? I see. That makes sense.
  14. …How did a topic about avatars end up talking about Shadows of Valentia? And could someone please reply to what I said about Kris, Robin, Corrin and Byleth? Is this really headcanon? I figured it was just something you were supposed to infer given, as you pointed out, the boost when the student is being trained in a subject that Byleth's higher-ranked in, especially since the other professors have no real-world combat experience and they teach their students just fine.
  15. It's a really good show; it's seriously underrated in the sense that not many watched it when it first released, but it has a pretty good story and interesting characters and such. Plus it's one of very few anime where the protagonist and the leading lady are actually open and honest about their feelings and get together relatively early on in the show (so none of those dumb clichés like the protagonist being extremely dense or anything like that). Anyway, since I'm replying to you, I may as well review the video you posted. Good music, I don't really understand what's going on since I've never played Street Fighter, but now I think I know where the Iron Fist Netflix show got the inspiration for the black-ink-&-smoke effect in its opening. I mean; besides wanting to do something similar to the red fluid in the Daredevil opening obviously. Now for the moment you've all been waiting for me to post; please bear in mind that this is only one small piece of a several-minute-long epic fight:
  16. The only Markiplier videos I've seen before were him playing various Mario Maker levels, so this was interesting... /10 Even though a truly epic fight just happened in the most recent of Black Clover and I'd love to show you all some of the truly incredible animation, the last couple videos I've posted have been about Black Clover, so I think I'll post something else this time:
  17. I'd say it all depends on what we're talking about. All 4 avatars (I'm excluding Mark and Kiran for two reasons: they has no gameplay involvement and we never see them) have shared some major flaws: the biggest one being that they're built like something halfway between a fixed protagonist and a custom protagonist and having the worst of both as a result. Ultimately, it ends up being a case of pick-your-poison: Kris is easily the most "custom" of the avatars, at least in terms of gameplay: no unique classes or unique weapons and they the most flexible base-stat & growth-rate modifier system. However, not only do they have the same problem as Robin & Corrin of you have no say in the things they say or do beyond the other characters (outside of stat-checks and putting on headgear), Kris quite literally steals moments from other characters and manages to be rather obstructive in general. Ultimately, in terms of gameplay, they're the closest thing I'd want to a custom protagonist as far as gameplay customization is concerned, but their character and plot needs a lot of work. Robin's main advantage is that they're the least obtrusive of the four characters, to the point where it can be easy to forget that they even are supposed to be custom characters; instead, they come across more as just bland fixed characters. You customize their appearance and gameplay at the start, and then you can just forget that they even are an avatar. Even their plot-involvement is mainly as a supporting protagonist & strategist, and when they do have their own plot importance, it comes across as that of a fixed character with a stake in events, rather than "Oh, your OC is so special and important! And are you feeling serviced yet, fans?" But, as a result, they'd almost be better off simply being a fixed character. You'd lose some things from that change, but not as many as you'd think, and I think the pros would outweigh the cons. Though I doubt it would get rid of the blandness considering, well, just look at Chrom… Corrin probably has it the worst; they're too unique to work as a custom character in either gameplay or story, yet the plot wraps itself around that in a way that very much comes off as, "You, the player, are the center of everything that matters! Everyone loves you except for people with problems, and you're vital to the state of the world!" It's all so OC do-not-steal despite not even being a fanfiction. Corrin's one advantage is a rather shallow one: it's something TV Tropes calls Instant Awesome: Just Add Dragons. And even that was badly underutilized. Byleth is very weird. You'd look at the limited customization, their uniqueness, and their plot relevance, and think that they're a fixed protagonist that you're simply guiding, like Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher games or Link from the later 3D Zelda games. Even their dialogue options would make them no more custom than Geralt. But then they still have the choice of name and birthday and such, they still have the blandness, and where Geralt and Link's dialogue options were all still in-character in their respective games, Byleth's dialogue options seem written more with a custom character in mind than a fixed character that we're guiding. As a result, Byleth manages to be more obstructive than Robin (though not nearly as much as Robin). That said, I can't deny the sheer amount of immersive opportunities Byleth is able to provide simply from being professor. You're actually there, interacting with these units, guiding them and helping them grow. I think, by process of elimination, Kris is the best at actually being a custom character, while Robin is the best at being an non-obstructive character, and Byleth has the most immersive potential. So it all depends on which pros you like the most, and which cons you dislike the least. What do you guys think of this?
  18. I feel like I'd answer, "What was the context?" But part of that's probably my autism.
  19. You'll probably really enjoy Noelle from Black Clover then, now that I think about it. She's actually a really well-written example, now that I think about it. I personally find some of her Tsundere antics more annoying than anything else, but I can't deny that her nature as a Tsundere is tied to her character development and there are some small moments that do manage to get a chuckle out of me. Plus, she's just a really well-written character in general and, unlike at least a few female leads in shonen anime, she actually keeps up with the male leads in terms of power and skill, to the point where one of the meme nicknames for her is "The Anti-Sakura."
  20. …So Kris would basically be elevated to the dizzying heights of having nothing about them that's worse than the other FE avatars?
  21. I see. Thanks. I was concerned that I might've phrased some things poorly or something like that. Yeah; I can see that. I think Obito's speech still would've been effective via all the shinobi dying around Naruto via the Ten Tails, so you're right that either character's death could've worked. I guess another reason I prefer the idea of Hiashi being the one to die would be that it would've also tied into another idea that Naruto Shippuden was exploring: what you leave behind for the next generation. Going back to Naruto vs Neji compared to Alm vs Berkut and whether or not you can escape what society decides you're worth, while Naruto vs Neji is definitely the superior one and just a really good example, I think the best version that I've seen in terms of just sheer level of conflict, struggle and especially social-class defiance would be Asta from Black Clover: Granted, he didn't grow up alone like Naruto did; he was raised in a church and had five foster-siblings and two sort-of parental figures, but his place in his society, being a peasant orphan and the only human in their world with no magic whatsoever, is that he's the biggest loser in the Clover Kingdom and that he's pretty much worthless. Only his foster-brother Yuno actually believed in him. If Neji ranted off at Asta about being unable to fight fate, Asta would probably just mention that he's heard it all before from almost everyone around him. His reason for wanting to become the Wizard King? To prove that it's even possible for someone like him and hopefully tear down the elitism in the Clover Kingdom by proving that the downtrodden are worth more than people realize. "I'm someone who was born without any magic. But even so, I'm going to become the Wizard King, and I'm alive... to prove it!" His never giving up? Almost everyone he encounters assumes that it's out of naiveté, when the truth is actually the opposite: he knows full-well what the bleak reality is, and he presses on regardless simply because it's better than giving up. All his shouting like a typical shonen protagonist, for ones like Naruto, it's to present a boisterous façade, but for Asta, it's for himself; it's to pump himself up to keep going. He even made a promise to himself that the one time he almost gave up; the time he found out he had no magic at all, would be the last time he ever lets himself get depressed. He literally forces himself to be optimistic and anti-nihilistic in the face of sheer pressure to become nihilist. His powers? He gets a grimoire with 3 swords and anti-magic, none of which negate him being born without magic; they only enable him to stand a chance in the ring and potentially level the playing field. He still can't sense magic like those with magic can (but the converse is also true: they can't sense him through magic-sensing), and he can only use the anti-magic because he has no magic, all it does is simply enable him to nullify magic, and he has to use it through the swords. As for the swords, there is a history behind them and they were once used by a great hero, but the reasons only Asta can use them are that he spent years training his muscles and one of the swords passively absorbs magic around it, including the wielder's. As one character says, "There is nothing special about you at all... but that's exactly what makes you special." His parents? Surely when his parents are revealed, they'll turn out to be royalty! Okay; what about his mentors? Well, he has two: Fanzell Kruger and Captain Yami. Fanzell Kruger is a former Diamond Kingdom solder & military instructor who defected and is in hiding in the Clover Kingdom. In other words, he's an outcast and not really anyone special. Captain Yami of the Black Bulls was ostracized for being a foreign castaway who ended up in the Clover Kingdom because his fishing boat got caught in a storm. So, Asta's a peasant trained by outcasts. Hm... There isn't really an antagonist that stands out in presenting a conflict of whether or not you can fight the bounds society places on you, as pretty much all of them tell him he can't succeed, so there isn't rely a Neji for this comparison... I suppose the two closest thing would be Langris in the Royal Knights exam arc, but I can't say anything about that without spoilers. I realize that this is a bit of a tangent, but I just thought it worth mentioning as sort-of another example for comparison.
  22. True. I was only conceding that BrightBow's still right about it contradicting Naruto previously not being privileged power-wise, and even then I pointed out that he only gets the power during the Madara fight and he loses the power afterward as he's lost the sage orbs and he blew up the healing arm when fighting Sasuke. By the way, what did you think of the other points that I brought up (both the ones to add to your argument and the ones that were in response to BrightBow)? True, but on the other hand, you could look at it as a comparison between a video game remake (in other words, something that had another chance to refine its narrative) against a manga/anime arc from the early 2000s. Indeed; that's kind-of the point: Alm contradicts himself in a way that Naruto doesn't (despite what some like BrightBow and the guy who made the Naruto: the Self-Made Hypocrite video on YouTube that somehow has a ton of views, would try to argue). Interesting view on that. I will just say that the narrative seemed to be building towards Hiashi (Hinata's dad and Neji's uncle) being the one who would die, given how the characters were developing, him choosing Neji to lead the Hyuga Clan in the war effort, and moments like Hiashi fighting the zombie of his brother and telling him that things are beginning to change for the better for the Hyuga Clan. It really seemed to be building towards Hiashi dying and leaving the fate of the clan to Neji, who would then reform it, and that would've still carried that revisiting of the destiny idea with Hiashi dying while protecting his branch-family nephew and Neji being the one to change things for the Hyuga Clan. Honestly, I probably would've preferred Hiashi being the one to die (from a narrative standpoint) and Neji being the one to live. But, as I said, either would've carried this revisit of that idea of destiny.
  23. I could actually see a Black Clover Warriors game in that I at least can see a lot of the different characters as different fighters (some of these examples involve spoilers): But, there is one thing I'm having trouble seeing, and that's the hundreds upon hundreds of faceless goons for the fighters to bring down like it's nothing. Black Clover doesn't really have any mobs of enemies that would really fit; the Eye of the Midnight Sun are the main villains of the first main saga and they have only 54 members: 50 humans, the Third Eye, and Licht. I suppose there's the Diamond Kingdom and the Spade Kingdom forces, but the manga isn't even done the arc where they fight the Spade Kingdom yet, so that just leaves the Diamond Kingdom. But the Diamond Kingdom, while a recurring foe, were never really the biggest threat. Only two of their appearances would be large-scale enough for a Warriors game, and both happen in the same arc.
  24. I can honestly say, when I first saw the title of this, my first thought was, "What? How exactly are Alm & Naruto and Berkut & Neji comparable exactly?" Now it makes sense. Honestly, the only similarity I could think of between Neji and Berkut was both of them feeling betrayed by their uncles. Some interesting points I just thought I'd add: 1. One more difference is that the shy blue-haired girl is on Naruto's side in Naruto whereas she's on Berkut's side in SoV. Not really important, but I just thought it worth pointing out because it's funny. 2. One thing to add to this: Hinata also noticed his hypocrisy and called him out on it during their fight; thus getting the last word in, and it's her picking up on this and pointing it out to him that drives him to almost kill her. 3. Eh... that's something the dub has Naruto say: "I failed the academy test three times; always on the shadow clone jutsu", but it's incorrect: the jutsu that the academy kept testing them on was the basic clone jutsu; shadow clone jutsu was the jutsu he learned from the scroll of forbidden jutsu. It still applies though as the only reason he stole the scroll in the first place was that Mizuki used his loneliness and failure at the test to trick him into stealing it. I'd say that problem applies for Alm vs Berkut, but not in the case of Naruto vs Neji. Naruto is still a societal outcast at the point in the story where he fights Neji; he's hated by almost all the adults, and he's looked down on as a loser by almost all the kids. The Nine-Tails is the very thing that made him an outcast in the first place, so him using its power to win doesn't interfere with the case he's making but in fact supports it. Also, unlike with Alm being viewed as a peasant, Naruto being a social outcast isn't changed by him being the son of the 4th Hokage; he's still the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki: he's still a living Nuclear Bomb Metaphor and prison for a creature that nearly destroyed the village, and those are the things that made him downtrodden within society. Furthermore, the reveal that Alm is Rudolf's son additionally comes loaded with the reveal that he's literally been groomed for carrying out a long-term plan to free Valentia of Duma & Mila's influence, rendering all of Alm's achievements moot as they're the achievements of a destined crown prince who's been unwittingly groomed to be one, whereas Naruto had no such grooming. Sure, he does get trained by two people who knew his parents (Kakashi being Minato's former pupil and Jiraiya being Minato's former sensei), but they aren't grooming him to succeed Minato or anything like that; they're just looking after the son of someone who was dear to them personally. Plus, almost none of what they've taught him actually comes into play in the Neji fight; best summed up by Naruto himself before the fight when he hears people talking about Neji's skills and he thinks to himself, "But it's okay because now I can summon a frog." As for that second paragraph, uh... what? Minato didn't come from any blessed bloodlines; Minato was just a guy. He became the 4th Hokage through hard work and creativity: combining his knife-throwing skills and his wife's sealing jutsu techniques with an old teleportation jutsu to become the fastest shinobi alive, and the only things Naruto inherited from his dad were blonde hair and unorthodox creativity; Naruto didn't even inherit Minato's intellect; everyone who knew Naruto's parents note that he's a lot more like Kushina than Minato. Speaking of Kushina, yes; you could argue that Naruto is somewhat "privileged" abilities-wise in inheriting the vast chakra reserves of someone of the Uzumaki clan. The thing is, most of that chakra goes towards maintaining the seal on the Nine-Tails, so he can't even use a majority of it. Plus, the Uzumaki clan were a small clan that got nearly wiped out, with its survivors scattered across different nations, and Kushina herself was something of a social outcast as she was forcibly brought into the village specifically to be the next Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. So, we have Naruto: an outcast who is the son of both an outcast and an ordinary guy who became of high-rank through skill and ingenuity. And as for, "and by extension the bloodlines of all previous hokage" what? Naruto isn't blood-related to any of the previous Hokages except Minato. The only descendant of the first two Hokages is Tsunade and the only descendant of the Third is Konohamaru. Okay; the reincarnation thing was dumb and I'll give you that one, but he didn't gain any powers or standing from it until the Sage of Six Paths gave him some of his power during the fight with Madara.
  25. Yeah; it is sad. I didn't mind it too much in the case of OR/AS, but that's probably because I never played Emerald. The most significant divergence in Platinum's story compared to Diamond/Pearl is that Cyrus uses the Red Chain to control both Dialga and Palkia, so the Lake Legendaries aren't able to counteract the Red Chain. Cyrus' attempt to remake the world, however, causes enough distortions to tear open a hole to the Torn World, out of which Giratina emerges, disrupts the evil plan and drags Cyrus in. However, the hole remains, and that will destroy the world if it isn't sealed, so you and Cynthia jump into the hole. You fight Cyrus one more time, fight and capture/defeat Giratina, and you restore things back to normal before being teleported to the entrance of the weird cave where you find Giratina in Diamond/Pearl. Thanks. The fact that I'm remembering Platinum more than Diamond despite having more nostalgia for Diamond should say enough. That could work, though if they do that, could they add snowshoes to make walking through the snow less annoying?
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