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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. Okay. Um... you didn't state your opinion on the video. Did that link not work either?
  2. Interesting mockery of pizza commercials, though I've seen a lot of these jokes before in other fake commercials... that is until the second half, where it got very weird. Anyway, since the previous Black Clover video I posted couldn't get an opinion/review, here's this one. It was the very first ending of the show:
  3. I just checked the link, and I don't know why you're having problems; the link works perfectly for me, and I've posted at least 2 dozen videos from this particular YouTube channel (Crunchyroll Collections) onto this forum at some point or another and you're only the 2nd case of someone finding that the link isn't working for them. Does your wi-fi/VPN/whatever you're using not have access to that specific YouTube channel or something?
  4. Very, very weird/10. I couldn't tell if this was parodying something or trying to brainwash me. Well, I did three videos in a row that had nothing to do with Black Clover, but now that Black Clover has its last episode (for the time being, as it's going on a hiatus), I may as well post another Black Clover video:
  5. @Sooks Yeah; Dorothea hated Ferdinand because of an unfortunate misunderstanding when they were kids. @drattakbowser A lot of the ones on that list don't hate each other: Caspar and Petra definitely don't hate each other; Caspar wrongly assumes that Petra would hate him because their families fought each other in the wars between Adrestia and Brigid, and she has to point out to him that he is not his father. Claude doesn't hate Lorenz; he actually has some respect for Lorenz, as much he's annoyed by him and initially fears he could be a threat to his plans to open up Fodlan. Lorenz doesn't hate Claude, but he is suspicious of this mysterious heir that appeared out of nowhere. I guess maybe you could say that Lorenz and Leonie hate each other, but I'd hardly call it that. It's more that Lorenz is classist due to how he was brought up and Leonie doesn't think fondly of classist nobles. Linhardt and Lysithea don't hate each other. Lysithea doesn't like that he's insensitively pestering her about her two Crests, but Linhardt finds her intriguing and their B and A supports shows that he's trying to be considerate in his own way. Seteth and Flayn certainly don't hate each other; Flayn's just annoyed by how overprotective Seteth can be.
  6. Never seen the anime or heard this song before... it's... interesting. I'm guessing that the way the song fits is that the characters are constantly risking their life, both when within the mecha suits and outside them? Some say that you can't have a movie/TV sword fight be built around historical sword techniques because it either would be boring or hard to follow along. This video proves them wrong:
  7. Ah; it's a reference to the limited-release games; got it. I can't believe it took me this long to realize it.
  8. You posted this today of all days; why do I suspect that that link actually directs to the video used for rick-rolling?
  9. Okay. I just wanted to make sure that it wasn't a necro. Yeah; I'll agree about the game not really saying why.
  10. That would be because Lorenz isn't trying to seduce them; he's trying to find a suitable bride because he believes that, as the heir to his family's lands and titles, he must do everything he can as a noble to maintain and improve his family's status, and that includes finding a bride that could increase his family's land, wealth, political standing, etc. In short, Sylvain is thinking with his reproductive organ, while Lorenz is thinking like an heir to a noble family.
  11. I already pointed this out to whase and he understood. You didn't need to point this out. Also, was this topic still on page 1 of the forum when you replied to it?
  12. The person can copy any movement made by a person within their line of sight, no matter how complicated the movement is. This even extends to mimicking the other person's voice, but only if they repeat exactly what the person said. Math Magic
  13. I just bought that new Monster Hunter game: Monster Hunter Rise. I'm pretty much brand new to the series (though I did try the first demo for this game), so the experience is... interesting. I bought the game because it looked interesting and because I heard that the series has a bit of a steep learning curve, so I thought I'd get this game as a way of challenging myself. Today, I basically walked around the village to learn where everything is, did the tutorial mission, then did some free roaming of the Shrine Ruins (the first hunting location available). I decided to go for Sword & Shield because I heard it was versatile and beginner-friendly. I'm guessing that "beginner-friendly" is a relative statement, as it certainly was beginner-friendly compared to stuff like the longsword and the bowguns. I even practiced in the training area for a bit before going on the first mission, and the combat was still very awkward for me. I suspect that as I get better and I learn what's the best thing to do in each situation (and after I watch a ton of beginner's guide videos on using Sword & Shield), it will start to click. But hey; I still somehow managed to beat an Arzuros (the bear monster) on my first try during the free roaming. The wirebugs and the palamute really make exploring a lot of fun, and I like how you want to go off the beaten path to find items that can help with the quest, but at the same time, you are on a time limit unless you're free-roaming, so there's risk-reward involved. Because I knew I was going to go for Sword & Shield, my first idea for my custom character was to make him Link from The Legend of Zelda... then I decided against it. That said, I still made my Palamute (the dog/wolf thing) Wolf Link and my Palaco (the cat creature) Midna. The game's main hub is a surprisingly charming place; all the characters are rather quirky, but definitely in a good way, and even just engaging in chitchat with them is a bit fun. There's also something amusing about the way the player character puts an entire set of three dango in their mouth all at once and just scarfs it down. Incidentally, the opening of the game has the player character be awoken by the twins that give out the quests, and the game having the protagonist have to be woken up, as well as them being a big eater, really made me almost regret not sticking with my idea of making my character Link.
  14. I have no idea who that is. Hinoa (Monster Hunter Rise).
  15. I think I've only ever experienced this once or twice, as I usually try to avoid situations where the enemies piling on the unit can result in the unit's death, and when it does happen, it's usually because one of the enemy units got a lucky crit, and the pileup normally wouldn't have killed the unit. I've honestly heard about it more than I've actually experienced it. I always thought one decent remedy to this would be to create a class that specializes in this sort of scenario by being stronger and better at evasion when outnumbered; something like Landsknecht or Vanguard.
  16. Wow; even for a video of the game (which I have never even played), my eyes immediately go to the mini-map on the bottom-left corner of the screen; that thing really is as distracting as all the critics said it was.
  17. Sounds good. I personally would've recommended playing them in order simply for better understanding the story and characters. Oh yeah; black holes. Yeah; the post-game did do that. I never was able to get to the final post-game boss in any of the three games because I could never get past the last gate that's usually unlocked by obtaining every battle card. Honestly, I've never been a fan of "ancient alien" stories, so I'm glad that Star Force 2 stuck to ancient humans... & dinosairs. Hilarious. That said, wasn't Awakening originally going to involve outer space before they realized it could've been the last FE game and decided instead to make it a "Fire Emblem Greatest Hits"? I wonder if Jake and Anna actually would've been aliens in that version.
  18. I haven't played all the routes yet, and of the two that I have played, I played Crimson Flower on normal difficulty and I played Verdant Wind on hard difficulty, so I can't really agree or disagree. I can say, however, that even though I dislike that Crimson Flower has fewer chapters, I've enjoyed its chapters more than Verdant Wind's, and I like chapters that provide a fun challenge, so make of that what you will. For a good comparison, look at chapter 12: in non-Crimson Flower routes, it's rather bog-standard, to be honest, and it really doesn't offer much in challenge. It's rather boring, especially for what essentially is a defend chapter in all but name. In Crimson Flower, however, it's amazing. The enemy units are always throwing new tricks at you as you progress further forward; giving the siege on Garreg Mach an almost rhythmic back-and-forth. You send your units down the middle? Boom: enemies in the bushes. You send your units along the sides? Boom: Seteth goes on the offensive if you defeat Flayn. Get past Seteth: not only are there ballistae and magic towers, but giant golems appear, and you still have to bring down Catherine and Rhea. And I'm sure I've forgotten some of the cool things they do with this map. It's actually tense and challenging because it's able to throw you off and make you have to adapt, but not in any way that feels unfair, and this in particular is a pattern for most of the unique Crimson Flower chapters.
  19. I see. I haven't seen any of Bleach; it's not my cup of tea. I do know what you mean though about the "they're married in the epilogue" thing, as that's what Kishimoto did for all the couples in Naruto because he felt he wasn't good at writing romance. That said, he did at least provide enough romantic interactions to make most of the couples plausible, and The Last: Naruto the Movie (the only canon Naruto movie, which shows how Naruto and Hinata got together) was good. That's a good question, and I honestly don't know the answer. It's still weird that it went from explicit in the original Japanese to ambiguous in the localization.
  20. @Glennstavos The Switch doesn't have a pointer; the IR thing you're talking about is a depth-tracking sensor that's used for reading objects and motions in front of the remote. Any gameplay mechanic that used the pointer for the Wii is done using the gyro on the Switch, and both joy-cons have a gyro and an accelerometer. In other words, every part of the motion controls from Skyward Sword could easily get mapped to either joy-con. It also means that there was no excuse for Super Mario Galaxy to only allow the use of the right joy-con's gyro for the pointer controls. EDIT: Sorry; this should've been an edit, not a second post. Can someone please delete this second post?
  21. They could just pull a Toon Link/Spirit Train and have Hubert be there instead whenever Edelgard's on stage as a fighter.
  22. Ah. I played through all three and I really enjoyed them all despite their faults. The second one's often considered the weak one of the three, but I honestly really liked it. Yeah, sure; it never involves outer space despite the series being called Megaman Starforce, but I honestly thought it was a neat way to differentiate itself from the first. Besides, with stuff from outer space as a threat to Earth, your options are basically aliens and meteors, and both of those each were used by the other two games.
  23. I haven't heard much controversy either, but one thing I know about is that Byleth and Edelgard's paired ending explicitly states they got married in the original Japanese but the localization mistranslated it in a way that makes it ambiguous and unclear for some odd reason.
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