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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. I didn't mean as a tank, but as a water-type Pokémon. I try to avoid type redundancy unless I'm going for a "all share one type" team or a "just the ones I want to try out regardless of viability as a team" run, and Bibarel is inevitable because it can be caught early on and can hold 4 HMs.
  2. I didn't say she is outright useless; in fact early in part 1 had her at some of her most useful moments by being the 1st one to figure out how to climb up the tree and in figuring out the answers to the written test. I'm just saying I'd have her keep up more earlier on in an attempt to account for the compressed nature of a film adaptation. It wouldn't have the episodes and episodes and it would have to pick and choose moments to keep, so I thought cutting some of the smaller moments where she outright isn't keeping up with Naruto and Sasuke would help. As for the hair-cutting thing, I agree with what you said about what it means for her character and said I would keep the moment; I'd just reframe it so that it amounted to something during the fight. The moment's good in terms of her character, but in terms of the fight itself, if I recall correctly (it's been a while since I saw the fight and I'd have to re-watch it), she cuts her hair to free herself from the sound genin lady's grip, but then she just proceeds to get knocked down. The paragraph was originally written with the idea of part 1 being all one film. I hadn't considered changing the Sound Genin fight itself, since it's the fight where Sasuke's curse mark activates and Sakura has that hair-cutting moment, and you bring up a good idea about changing the forest of death to better fit the movie format (my original thought was just to compress it), and thanks for reminding me about the Sakura vs Ino fight. Who said intentional? I didn't say intentional; I just said that their rivalry dynamic was antagonistic and that he starts off as a jerk because he's too concerned with his pursuit of vengeance to notice how he's treating everyone around him. At the risk of oversimplifying, what I was trying to say was that he learns camaraderie during the Land of Waves arc and then gives it up when he backslides and leaves the village, and (again this was a result of the original idea being part 1 as one film) compressing everything down to 3 hours at most would most likely mean either an extremely rushed development and equally rushed backslide, or having to keep one but not the other, and I have to keep the backslide, so my idea was to adjust how Sasuke starts so I could keep how he ends. Does that make sense? If there's a list of reasons to make part 1 two films rather than just one, making it so I don't have to cut one would definitely be near the top of it. By the way, regarding Sakura and Sasuke, what do you think of the idea of cutting Naruto's unrequited crush on Sakura?
  3. Thank you; I should've just said "moves" rather than grass-type moves.
  4. The weirdest part is that gen 4 introduced the physical/special split depending on the specific attack rather than the type, which makes Torterra especially weird. Sceptile at least was a victim of updates, with all his grass-type moves suddenly becoming physical attacks in gen 4 after all grass-type moves had been special attacks in gen 3. I was talking about main campaign viability as well. It has more good physical than that, though not much: wood hammer is powerful (but has recoil), earthquake of course, crunch can be situationally useful, and there's stone edge for dealing with fire, flying, and bug types (with the move for ice types being switch Pokémon) but is only available via TM and I can't remember when/how you get the stone edge TM in D/P/Pl. Yeah; Roserade is better for grass utility and Empoleon is better as a tank. But, I almost always went with Torterra, simply because I liked using Torterra, and also because I thought Empoleon is hindered by redundancy via Bibarel inevitably being part of your team.
  5. I wasn't treating a bit of lore in one game as a fact in other games; I was just pointing out an exception to something Dandy Druid had seemingly stated as a general rule. That's even why I specified, "In Marth's games".
  6. Almost nothing outside of the bits that Naruto referenced like the rinnegan. I assumed that Kishimoto simply drew ideas like the rinnegan and six-paths from it the same way he drew the Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru characters from a 19th-Century ballad, that he drew the Kaguya character from The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter and that he drew half the tailed beasts from various yokai: taking basic concepts and elements from them while reworking them into his own thing that fit his fictional world of shinobi. I see. As you can assume, that was definitely not my intent. As I said above, I figured he was simply drawing elements while leaving the context behind like he did with the various ballads and folklore from which he also drew ideas. My thought process was essentially, "Naruto juggled a lot of different ideas over its long run, and even then, the last part of Naruto suddenly threw in a lot of stuff almost at the last minute; if making a 3-4 film series, a fair amount of stuff would have to be cut otherwise the films would be overstuffed, unfocused and disjointed, and what's essentially the climax of the film series is going to be overstuffed with new info when things should be wrapping up. So, what were some things at the end that looked like they could be cut without creating problems. Well, there's that reincarnation stuff that was thrown in almost at the last minute around the same time as Kaguya was… maybe that?" Any suggestions instead for what could/should be cut or trimmed from the last part? At this rate, I'm thinking that the Violet Evergarden film idea would be far easier
  7. Oh, right; the first games used elemental styles. I still have yet to play the first games. I really should. Yeah; I agree about chips as main offence.
  8. You're correct overall, but I just thought I should point out that, in Marth's games, wyverns are a tribe of degenerated dragons.
  9. I loved Megaman Battle Network, though sadly, I didn't start playing them until Battle Network 5 (Team Colonel). I still need to finish Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar, now that I think about it. My question is, which to go with for attacks: battlechips or soul/cross fusion (and to be clear, this is an inclusive or, not and either or)? I could see battlechips be used for standard attacks, and then selecting a soul/cross fusion could work like Shulk's monado arts, but in addition to changing stats, they also change the other special moves or something like that.
  10. I know; the worst part is that only one is even a decent idea: giving one moldorm a weakpoint and then giving Link the Giant's Mask to defeat the other, rather than both being taken out by using the Giant's Mask. Even then, having to then judo-throw the second moldorm so the giant eye dangling out the back takes damage is just dumb, and that eye makes the red moldorm look like its mother was Armogohma. The freely swimming costing mana thing and the change to the ice arrows is also dumb; the latter is basically spoonfeeding the player where to shoot the arrow instead of letting them figure it out, and the former... you're a Zora; you should be able to naturally swim like a Zora without having to look for jars containing magic. I genuinely think the reason for the stark difference in how the two remakes was entirely due to how the two games are known both outside and within Nintendo: Ocarina of Time is the goose that laid the golden eggs; it's the big one that was influential on game design for years and the one most looked back on. Ocarina of Time remake changed as little as possible because the mentality behind it was almost-certainly that of, "Let's bring back the classic; don't mess this up." Majora's Mask, however, is the black sheep; the odd little quirky one of the franchise that's different from the rest; the one born from nightmares, daydreams and rush. The mentality behind that one's remake was probably, "Going through this strange little game again after all this time, what can we fix?"
  11. The owl statues don't even have the temporary quicksave feature in the original Japanese version; it was only implemented in the international version which lost a save slot to accommodate it, so you are correct about memory and hardware limitations. I think, however, that while it was born from the hardware limitations, they did turn it into something that fit the game; a new loop, a new start. It's annoying, but it fits. As for why it was so heavily altered in the 3DS Remake, the 3DS Remake changed a lot of stuff in an attempt to make things more convenient for players as well as bring the game more inline with the rest of the series. It certainly seems like a change born from the same mentality as giving all the bosses eye weakpoints when Majora's Mask was previously the only Zelda game where none of the bosses had weakpoints, and that mentality seems to have been "make it closer to the rest of the series to make it more accessible." While I haven't played the remake (nor have I completed the original since the last time I played it was when I was six), I have seen reviews of it and I've seen people play it and I think a lot of the changes are a mixed bag. I personally would've kept the time-travel save system and added the less restrictive save system as an option recommended for new players; that way you'd have the advantages of both.
  12. @Glennstavos Regarding Majora's Mask, remember that the game was rushed out in a year because the original plan was an expansion of Ocarina of Time before they decided instead to make a new game, and, as a result, Majora's Mask was a game quite literally born from the developers' nightmares and daydreams and I'm not even kidding: the scene where Link is cursed into a Deku Scrub came from one of Aonuma's nightmares that he had from the stress of the game's deadline, and the idea of the moon crashing into the earth came from Yoshiaki Koizumi's daydreams that he had during the game's planning stage. As for the save system, I imagine that the idea of tying it to going back to the dawn of the 1st day was for a bit of gameplay-and-story-integration: a new loop, a new attempt, with the owl statues acting as a similar system to the suspend system in a lot of FE games.
  13. I figured you were making that joke; I just wanted to make sure on the extremely off-chance it was a real idea so I wouldn't unwittingly call someone's legit idea a joke or something like that. By any chance, to you have a more genuine answer to the thread's question (as in what you would adapt and how)?
  14. @Maof06 I'm guessing that you're making a joke about Hollywood.
  15. It's okay. I realize that communication is not a strong point of mine and usually something in my head will clearly mean one thing and then come across as meaning something else entirely when other people hear or read it. Yeah; that's the problem I immediately saw with trying to adapt a long-running shonen battle anime into a movie format. My original idea was to split Part 1 into two movies, but I couldn't figure out where to cut it in half, and even though this is all hypothetical, pitching something that would require 4+ movies to get through would require such massive guts that they wouldn't fit inside the largest human, so I figured then to try to make it one film. After that, my idea was to maybe cut the Land of Waves arc entirely, but going straight from becoming genin to the chunin exams didn't make much sense. I suppose having everything up to the end of the Land of Waves arc could work be the first film and then Chunin Exams-to-Sasuke Retrieval be the second half could work, but then the first two films would have a really slow pace compared to the Shippuden films and it would be kind-of weird spending so much time in the first film on a conflict that doesn't tie in to the others when all the subsequent main villains and their conflicts do tie in to each other. As for Shippuden, the length of the war is one reason I'd have it that the first Shippuden film would cover everything up to the Invasion of Pain arc and then the next film would be 5-Kage Summit onwards, as that way the bulk of the second one would be the Shinobi War. What do you think would be a good way to deal with the nesting-doll-of-villains that the war arc has? Oh; to be clear, I was in favour of keeping the whole "lessons of the past" angle and everything; I was just suggesting that the reincarnation not be literal, but more of a metaphor of "let's not have the mistakes of history repeat themselves." Have the characters say, "What happened with the two brothers happened with 1st Hokage & Madara, and now is happening again with Naruto & Sasuke; let's try to break the cycle" or something like that. This was mainly something I was suggesting so that the film audience isn't getting too much suddenly thrown at them in the last film. By the way, was there anything you agreed with or any other suggestions you have?
  16. You misunderstand what I was trying to say; I'm in complete agreement with you about the point of the series; I was saying in the very paragraph you quoted that I dislike how people criticizing the show focus on "hard work vs talent" when I believe the protagonist being untalented was only written to be an obstacle, with the true focus of the story being Naruto overcoming his loneliness, and how I think stuff like the "self-made hypocrite" argument is completely idiotic and misses the point. I was just trying to say that I would, when going over the stuff happening in part 1, make it even more clear what the story is really about. Does that make sense now? I'll try to rephrase my paragraph to make it even more clear what I meant. Does how I've rephrased my paragraph make it more clear what I meant?
  17. @kradeelav I haven't seen that particular anime, but that idea for adapting it sounds interesting. Hm... I'm not sure what I'd do. I'll admit right away that I haven't seen much anime (see the spoiler tag below for the list): I can't think of a single one from that list that would be straightforward to adapt into, but I can think of two ideas. For space, I'm putting the idea for how I would adapt the anime in a spoiler tag under the anime: Violet Evergarden: Naruto: Part 1: Shippuden:
  18. Oh, I see. That makes sense. That could have worked, though Torterra did have options for rock-type moves via TMs: rock tomb, rock slide and stone edge (I'm just listing the rock type moves it had available, not how viable they are). Stone Edge in particular is pretty powerful, though 80 accuracy is definitely a concern. I'm pretty sure I even taught my starter Torterra one of them. I think Torterra's main problem in gen 4 was almost all its powerful grass type moves being special moves when it's a physical attacker (a reverse of Sceptile's problem in gen 4). You either had to obtain seed bomb via breeding or use wood hammer, which is a grass type version of flare blitz/brave bird (i.e. good accuracy and lots of power, but also lots of recoil).
  19. So, it is generally agreed-on that western-made live-action film adaptations of anime tend to stink, with the two most notable exceptions being Alita: Battle Angel and Speed Racer, the former having been fairly well-received by viewers but still underperformed at the box office due to a combination of bad timing and bad marketing, and latter having been critically-panned on release but has gained a reputation as one of the most underrated movies of the 2000s. So, suppose you were to make a live-action film adaptation of a notable anime: Which anime would you pick, and why? How would you adapt the story? Go for a broad-strokes approach like the Speed Racer film, more directly adapt the early arcs like Alita: Battle Angel, or some other method? What would you alter/cut/adjust/add in order to fit the film format? How would you handle casting, costuming, setting, effects, etc.; essentially, how "anime" the film looks?
  20. I see. That would certainly be more useful than Holy Knight, though one should probably consider what the class is then meant to be able to do with its mobility. Ah; that makes sense. Yeah; there's no established standard, but because the name "fairy" has becomes synonymous with those stupid tiny butterfly-winged creatures the Victorian English created that then got popularized by Disney with Tinkerbell, most people use something like, "faerie", "fay", or "fae" when talking about the fairies of Celtic Myth and Folklore to make it clear which one they're talking about. The problem is that even that's starting to not work anymore, as now some people are starting to use those to describe the stupid tinkerbell creatures.
  21. Interesting idea, but what do unicorns have to do with faeries? …Oh, right; Scotland. Never mind; that makes perfect sense. So, gameplay-wise, it's Holy Knight, but better at traversal and requiring both riding and flying?
  22. So... underwater stealth? That actually sounds interesting with a lot of potential; having to consider depth, air supply, visibility, radar, etc. Gameplay-wise essentially being Metal Gear meets Subnautica; it could work. So... Mario Tennis with a Pokémon skin over it?
  23. We know that the original Dolhr Empire (as in the one in Anri's time) went so far as to make humans into slaves: the story of Macedon's founding was that it was originally just a place where human slaves of the Dolhr Empire were sent to work, with Iote having been one such slave, and he led the slaves in revolt by taming wyverns and using them as mounts in battle. Also, I don't think the manaketes are completely sterile. I mean; many of them probably are since we know the first sign of the degeneration was that their birth rate plummeted, but we know that the wyverns at least, even after succumbing to degeneration, are at least somewhat capable of reproduction (otherwise you'd think Macedon would treat them like a non-renewable and irreplaceable resource), and Naga somehow still had a kid while all this was happening. If it makes you feel any better, Anri certainly wasn't chosen by bloodline since he was just a random peasant. Plus, it is a little funny that Marth and them are believed to be worthy-because-bloodline, when they're descendants of Anri's brother.
  24. It makes perfect sense even if Dolhr's goal is manakete supremacy: Jiol's an idiot and a coward who in that moment is being left behind to be butchered. He believes the Dolhr allies will be protected in war time and will at least get to live once it's over; he's motivated purely by not wanting to end up on a corpse pile outside a battlefield. The quote I provided shows his lack of understanding of how he's just a pawn that's outlived his usefulness. Medeus' goal is manakete supremacy; whether that goal goes as far as genocide, I don't know, but given how Dolhr operates, it definitely involves humans being reduced to second-class citizens at least.
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