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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. Very good point. That's what I get for not getting enough sleep XD Still, I always found it really suspicious how they share the same titles. I feel like they're trying to tell us something, but I dunno what. I do hope a future game provides more info on the First Exalt, like how Echoes revealed more info on Grima ^^
  2. @Runan Thanks for noting down all the differences. I've read up to Map 20 or so and it's interesting to see how things were changed. When I have some more time, I'll be sure to read the rest ^^ Although I just skipped ahead a bit and I'm a tad surprised that a lot of the final maps remained unchanged. I guess the developers were pretty happy with those? I wonder if they started working on the final maps first (and/or they had a good idea of what they wanted)?
  3. Personally I think the Valentian Accordion did it best--essentially, the journey through the Thabes Labyrinth is canon if you choose it to be. However, I do believe the contents of the labyrinth are canon at the very least, otherwise they wouldn't have put so much effort to describe everything. All the stuff with the First Exalt is so vague, anything could have happened. In fact, one could even make an argument for Alm being the First Exalt, since his title (Saint-King in Echoes and Exalted King in Awakening) is synonymous with "exalt".
  4. I don't play a lot of Hard modes, but my favourite was Lunatic on New Mystery of the Emblem. At first, I thought it was impossible, but I somehow managed to get through it. I also learned to play more offensively as well, since I usually turtle and stall--and that's a recipe for disaster with all the reinforcements and stuff. My least favourite is probably Binding Blade's. The early-game is waaay too hard--and I'm convinced it's a bug, not actual game design. Then the mid-game is easy and I don't remember endgame being particularly hard either. That said, it was the first game I played, so maybe I just sucked. Since apparently quite a few people seem to like it here XD
  5. You made a good observation, but it can be easily explained ^^ In the Japanese version, it says Seth served the new King and the princess. Likewise, Eirika's "Restoration Queen" title in the ending should have been "Restoration Lady", like in Heroes. (Although it's literally "Kind Princess of the Azure Wind") I don't know if they mistranslated princess as queen (since they have the exact kanji but swapped around--oujo versus joou) or if they were trying to make her sound cooler.
  6. I do like the artwork here. The characters are generally well-drawn and the faces are pleasing, and the shading is nice and detailed too. That said--and this definitely isn't a jab at the artist--I don't think it's fair to compare with official artwork, since the recent mainline games have set the bar really high. Both in terms of style/presentation and detail. If it was a few years back, it could probably pass for official artwork though. Heck, Genealogy's actual official artwork is quite... something.
  7. I'm largely indifferent to the service. Although online has previously been free on Nintendo consoles, historically it's been a paid service for Playstation and Xbox, unless I'm mistaken. So I don't mind that the fact that it's paid. Still, I was never interested in the other company's paid online services, so I'm not too interested with Nintendo's. Likewise, I'm not fussed about the NES games, since I don't have much nostalgia for them. Also, I really hope Nintendo's virtual console isn't tied to online... That said, if there's one thing that might change my mind: it's Pokemon online trading. I have no clue if that'll require Nintendo's paid service or not. If it does, I might have to shell out...
  8. Oh yeah, sorry for the inconvenience. If I wasn't so tired, I should have told you to explicitly mention that I gave permission ^^;; Anyway, your game looks pretty cute and quirky. Hopefully it gets more attention.
  9. Yar, the video for reference: Looking back, I did use Astra a few times. Also, at Level 99, Grima overkills everybody AFAIK so only Bow Knights and Oliphantiers can safely take it on. When facing the normal version, even on Hard, at least you have a lot more options XD
  10. I have Astra and it's pretty OP. It's been a long time, but I think I used it for the Thabes Labyrinth and maybe the hacked Level 99 boss rush I made. I do want the other 2 for completion's sake, but I haven't had time to grind lately.
  11. I haven't checked elsewhere, but here you go: http://serenesforest.net/download/few/portraits/
  12. I can't really provide any specific pointers, but really, the concept is very similar. The main difference is that, post GBA, it's possible to extract the game file (ROM, ISO, whatever) into all of its constituent files. In general, you never directly edit the game file like you do with GBA hacking. Instead, you edit the separate files, then recompile the game file. As such, the first thing you need is a tool to extract the game file. For 3DS, you want to extract the RomFS (which is kinda like a GBA ROM). You can find a RomFS Extractor/Builder made by SciresM. Next, after extracting the files, you'll find that many files are compressed and/or encrypted to save space and make editing harder. FEAT, also by SciresM, can decompress/decrypt most common file types in 3DS FE games. After decompressing/decrypting the file(s) of interest, then you use a hex editor or Nightmare etc. on the file. Finally, after editing the file, you need to do everything in reverse. So you need to use FEAT to compress/encrypt the file and RomFS Extractor/Builder to recompile the RomFS. OR if you have CFW on your 3DS, there should be a plug in or CFW that lets you load individual modified files without needing to recompile the RomFS.
  13. As mentioned, it's never happening, at least not in this universe. 1. Nintendo/Intelligent Systems does not own the rights to TearRing Saga. 2. I severely doubt Nintendo wants the rights to TearRing Saga (and that Enterbrain will happily hand over the rights) given all the legal drama that happened.
  14. I have a feeling it's more of a FE thing. It's not just online, I've found that people are happy to talk about waifus and husbandos at conventions and stuff. Which I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing. Not to say Pokemon isn't completely free of this; there are waifus like Serena and more recently Lillie. But you just don't usually see discussion of it since the main focus is usually on the Pokemon and the mechanics. Plus (so far), you can't romance any of the characters ^^;
  15. Oops, almost forgot to make this. E3 (June 2018) During Nintendo's E3 Nintendo Direct, the first trailer for Fire Emblem: Three Houses was shown. My analysis Screenshots In brief: New continent Fódlan, which is ruled by the Church of Seiros. During battle, units are now supported by troops. Skills and Combat Arts are back. You can freely roam around a castle. Additionally, Nintendo revealed that the game will feature three important characters: Edelgard von Hresvelg, who was shown to wield swords and axes. Her class is Aristocrat. Dimitri Alexander Blaiddyd, who was shown to wield lances (at least). Claude von Riegan, who was shown to wield bows (at least). A fourth character, Byleth (a sword wielder), appeared frequently in a trailer. From the look of things, he seems to be the main protagonist--and may even be the Avatar of the game. Feel free to PM me if you notice any mistakes or have any new information to report (but please wait a while if it's brand new, just in case I'm working on it).
  16. There's no definitive evidence that it's not Tiki, but the reverse is also true. I think the major point of contest is people assuming that it's definitely Tiki, when it's at best a "maybe" right now. True, there are 2000 years unaccounted for, but since Tiki was in Valm/Valentia during Awakening, it's likely she didn't venture too far away. Whereas Fodlan looks to be a new continent and perhaps even a new world. I suppose she could've passed through an Outrealm Gate or simply traveled, but we'll just have to wait and see ^^ I won't disagree that the resemblance is almost definitely intentional. You don't just go showing off a sleeping green-haired Manakete girl without good reason. Personally I'm wondering if it's not Tiki, but her mother Naga instead. Before she was famous for saving the world. That's a big "what if" though!
  17. It was a good analysis, ignoring the Claude mishaps. The main thing I learned from the video was the queen having dirt on her while holding the sword. Well, it is obvious at a glance but I didn't consider the implications. So it's likely her after the battle and after she's obtained the sword from the old guy. I feel like the video could've been 50% longer, but presumably they are busy covering the other games from E3.
  18. I think a link to Nintendo's website should be safe : P Yeah, I can see some similarities, although I'm personally not sure how intentional it is. Actually, the more I look at Fodlan, the more it looks like Western Europe. Albine(?) in the north-west corner is a dead ringer for the United Kingdom.
  19. @Ressueah Good catch! For 2, it is definitely a Combat Arts toggle. In the Japanese trailer, "None" is "No Combat Art" instead.
  20. Yeah, for those wondering, I would not get your hopes up. The game is several month's away from release and it's extremely likely they don't have a version of the game ready to demo. Showing a pre-recorded trailer (like the one we saw in the E3 Direct) is a completely different beast (as in, it's much, much easier).
  21. To celebrate the full reveal of Fire Emblem: Three Houses at this year's E3, I've added three new member badges for the three key characters. You should find them at the very top of the list, under "Three Houses". In addition, by request, I've added a Smash allegiance. The following characters will have an alternative badge image when this allegiance is selected: Marth, Roy, Ike, Lucina, Robin (M) and Corrin (M). If you're wondering why Robin (F) and Corrin (F) are missing, I used the Smash 5 renders and I don't have their Smash 5 renders on hand. As usual, any feedback, as well as suggestions for new badges, just let me know! I can't promise to accommodate every request, but I'll keep them in mind.
  22. We waited 1 and a half years for yesterday's trailer. We can keep waiting, I think ^^;;; Hopefully we will get some more news sooner than later (especially closer to release), but just don't expect anything soon. I doubt it's anything to do with Heroes. Don't forget this is the very first HD Fire Emblem, so the developers will need to work much harder. If you think about it, the last big console Fire Emblem was Radiant Dawn on the Wii a decade ago.
  23. For the record, Three Houses probably won't appear in the Treehouse show. In the list of games that will be shown at E3, Three Houses isn't featured. Presumably the game is still too early to be demonstrated in public.
  24. At this point, I feel like we need to dig really deep to look for scrapped ideas that they're gonna recycle in Three Houses or the next FE games XD I mentioned this in my analysis, but Edelgard's Aristocrat class originated back in Blazing Blade, as Elbert and (I think) Eleanora's unused class (where it was known as "Peer" in the English version). Wait, they got rid of kissing scenes in Awakening... Maybe we'll get a VR dating spin off one day *___* Anyway, it's cool they finally used this idea again. One of the problems with FE, especially as the games got more realistic, was the sense of scale during battles--or lack of.
  25. Yeah, I agree, it's more likely they'll add the characters to Heroes after Three Houses is released. They did the same with Echoes. In fact, from memory, Smash is the only situation where a character has been added before appearing in their debut game (with Roy and Corrin for the Western release). Even the Cipher card game generally sticks to releasing cards months after a game is out. It's not just to avoid spoilers, it's to allow time for fans to get used to the characters, so they will buy into the merchandise. For Heroes, I imagine people are much more likely to try and pull for a Three Houses character after they get to know them--rather than before, out of intrigue.
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