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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. I've been following this incident unfold on Twitter, so I had some idea of the severity. But yowch, when you put everything into perspective ^^;;; Hopefully we can work together to solve this problem! Regrettably I'm unable to donate a large amount, since I'm rather poor. But I donated a little to start with and I may able to donate again further down the line, if it's still necessary at that point.
  2. Hi, you are referring to this screenshot, right? The Crest Market is a place to make Crests, which are additional "skills" for characters. They can increase the length of a combo chain, lengthen the availability of the stun gauge, unlock the ability to promote, etc. You do not physically see Crests on your character. The Archer's Breastplate is one of many Materials dropped by enemies after you've defeated them. Materials are consumable items used to make crests.
  3. When auto-battling, you should always use the most durable units you have. It's too bad you don't have Xander or Camus, but even semi-durable units should be OK to use. It also helps if you run a healer with Renewal and/or Wings of Mercy (even 2 works). I use Sakura since she has OK defences, enough to tank Hard 5. However you absolutely should avoid squishy units (Like Bridal Lyn, most Brave weapon and tome users) since the AI will not bother preserving themselves. I do agree that TT gets incredibly repetitive without auto-battling. But it's clear they want you to use it or they wouldn't have added the option to auto-battle through multiple maps and the ability to turn off animations while auto-battling.
  4. Ever since the triple bonus was added, I always get to 99,999. Besides the bonus, the biggest sanity saver was learning how to auto battle Hard 5. It's not hard with mostly F2P units. Xander and Camus are basically half the team, then you add a healer (although not needed if you have Renewal etc.) and bonus unit.
  5. Annoyingly, TSS is pretty much the one game that is nigh impossible to directly connect with the others. So I personally would love Magvel to be connected to Elibe or any land for that matter, but there's simply so little information to go off. Still, I would not be surprised if it was intended for them to be in the same setting. For one, both have Manaketes in very small (almost extinct) quantities, so they could be in the same general time-frame at the least. There's also the fact Magvel shares the same colour as Elibe in the Cipher card game, like how Echoes has the same colour as the Marth games. That said, this could've been done for convenience (because giving one small game its own colour would mess up the balance).
  6. Yeah, it's just a tiny thing at the end of the day. If they changed some costumes, it would be a really big deal. I imagine they removed the "king" reference since nobody is going to know the context (Cipher) and they might get confused with the timeline. Like, did Xander murder Garon to become king or something? : P
  7. Since this got bumped, with Warriors coming out in English soon and Marth and friends being playable characters, it's possible we may get a few more official names/terms. According to the WIP translation in the game, "(the) War of Shadows" is the official term for Marth's first battle. Which makes sense I guess, given how there's few other ways you could've named it. (I suppose there's "Shadow War" etc. but it doesn't quite sound right.)
  8. As some of you may know, all characters can promote in this game, even if they start off already promoted. One thing I found really neat was that Ryoma and Xander's promoted outfits are actually based off their Series 6 and 7 Cipher cards. Cipher: http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/File:B07-051.png Cipher: http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/File:B06-051.png For those unaware, those two particular Cipher cards are based on Ryoma and Xander after the events of Fates, once they've become the kings of Hoshido and Nohr, as reflected by their classes Hoshidan King and Nohrian King. That is also what their promoted classes in Warriors are called. I haven't been able to check, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of the other "new" outfits have similar inspirations. For one, I'd like to know if Caeda's promoted outfit is based off her promoted form from the old TCG... Now there's a tiny bit of potentially bad news. For better or worse, the (WIP) English translation of Warriors has opted to call their promoted classes High Prince and Crown Prince. Which, while fitting in character, completely removes the reference to Cipher. Of course, very very few English-speaking players would've understood the reference in the first place, but it's still a bit "eh".
  9. Does this look right? I particularly love the 2nd achievement, which is blatant nod to the "Hundred Song of Heroes" karuta (card game). 英雄百歌 in the Japanese version.
  10. Just a few thoughts on the "extended information". Part 1 To be fair, Mark back in Blazing Sword isn't a name you'd commonly associate with females, to my knowledge. That said, we already had Dracul (ドラクル) as rare enemies in Echoes. So I'm hesitant to believe they'd reuse the same reference so quickly. I don't get why the Avatar is a Vassal if he/she is royalty. That's like Corrin's class being Nohr Servant. Even if they're going for a "cool" class name, it has to make some sense from a story/gameplay standpoint. I see Alain apparently has a Japanese name (アラン), which is the same as Arran from the Archanea games. Now, FE is known to recycle names, even for plot important characters (see Gaiden/Echoes's Kamui and Fates's Kamui/Corrin), but I'm not sure if this is a good idea. Part 2 I like the sound of "Moonshifter", but the Japanese name doesn't seem to make sense. 月桂冠 literally means "crown of the laurel tree". Yeah, the Tellius games had their weird names (Scaly Dragon Tribe for the Dragon tribe, etc.), but this takes the biscuit. Regardless, there have been weirder leaks before. Especially for Path of Radiance. I'm incredibly sad that I lost a leak from the 3D modelling team that, from what I vaguely remember, spoiled a few plot points that few people could've guessed. In this case though, I'm still on Team Fake : P
  11. Awesome. I know why I got confused now. I accidentally skipped files 1500-1509 when counting the supports ^^;; Here they are, between 14FF and 150A.
  12. Thanks. Huh, that beginning looks really familiar. I am pretty sure I have the file, but I may have mislabelled the characters. I'll take a look when I'm back on my PC tomorrow.
  13. Do you have a screenshot or any text from this conversation? I can try searching text strings.
  14. With so much ground to cover, I do think there should be one pinned topic that has a bunch of semi-important links inside. Anyway, I'll try and do some cleaning up later. Feel free to continue suggesting ideas ^^
  15. Yes, same as the two Niles supports. All other files have Japanese, English, French, etc. These three have English copy and pasted 7 or so times.
  16. Makes sense. There isn't any Japanese text for this support.
  17. Yeah, I think that's it. It may have been a misidentification. But if anyone knows more, do let me know.
  18. Finished the remaining Celica supports. http://serenesforest.net/download/few/Tiki-Celica.txt http://serenesforest.net/download/few/Anna-Celica.txt
  19. Check this post. I'm making progress with Celica's supports. I've added 4 of the 6 here. I'll probably finish them after lunch.
  20. The new sprites were probably designed by Koei Tecmo. The Rowan and Lianna sprites are even more horrid IMO. Anyway, regardless of anything, I hope the next FE is really crazy. I miss the days where people were losing their minds at the Laguz.
  21. @Nanima That's fair enough. Since you mentioned it, I imagine it's not easy trying to carve a niche for yourself. I personally love finding out what the original Japanese text was like, but most people are probably indifferent--and of course, there are always going to be some who take an antagonistic standpoint. Anyway, I think it was good to get our views out. Haven't started on Celica yet, but I did do something that's hopefully a bit useful. Here's the order of supports and what's in what file for the support dump I uploaded: Notes: The empty files may or may not be indicative of anything. It could be supports to be added or more boringly just the extractor finding what it thinks are files, but aren't. Also, usual disclaimer, I tried to label the files carefully, but I could've made mistakes. Some observations. There is clearly a core set of characters, then Cordelia, Anna, Celica and Lyn were added later. Lyn appears to have been added last. Assuming the empty files are actually supports, there may be 22 new supports, of which 5 of them are Robin/Corrin supports (looking at the gender-swapped supports at the very end). The latter could be achieved with, for example, Robin x Niles/Oboro/Navarre and Corrin x Owain/Navarre. The other 17 could easily be Niles/Oboro/Owain/Navarre supports. I mean, there are 2 Niles supports in the list already in the same approximate region.
  22. Let me clear a few things up. Yes, there is no objective right or wrong when it comes to translations. I also did not say you couldn't dislike Treehouse's localisation. Merely that I think you're starting to go overboard, especially with the examples you provided. Like I said, if you had cited really flippant and bizarre changes or omissions, I could totally understand. But you are basically saying the localisations aren't doing their jobs properly (by saying they are "unprofessional") because of minor changes--that while important in their right--they have every right to change, if they feel like it. You just said there's no objective right or wrong, but you are contradicting yourself and making assumptions based on how you operate. I know you are a translator and have your standards, but it's entirely possible the people on the localisation team have their own thought processes and standards. Yes, they could have left in the flower tie and nobody would've batted an eyelid. On the other hand, it's not like they totally butchered it; they at least replaced it with something plausible. As I'm sure somebody else suggested, most likely they wanted to play up Lissa's playful side and emphasise the gag. Evidently you don't agree with the thought process--and that is A-OK in my book--but when you start saying, it shouldn't have been changed, basically "I'M RIGHT!" it irks me to no end. And I am a fan translator as well. Sometimes I think you need to keep a more open mind. I love my New Mystery of the Emblem translation, but I wouldn't go knocking on NOA's doors and telling them they're wrong for changing Maris to Malice, purposely leaving out a reference, etc. I would just be like "oh, they did it different. Cool, I guess." These are all suggestions, you don't have to accept them. Look, I care about the small details as well (Radiant Dawn omitted so many neat details that it's legitimately scary), but I'm not going to raise a pitchfork because they've been changed. These things are nice to know, but presumably the localisers didn't think they were important enough to keep (and for some instances, there may have been space issues). For 99% of people, this appears to be true, since I've never found anybody who's mentioned these changes. Also, the people on the localisation team are human as well, so mistakes are bound to slip in on occasions. I honestly wouldn't use that as an argument to highlight how unprofessional they are. The rest I won't argue about, because that goes into a deep rabbit hole of creative vision and whatnot. At the end of the day, we've had some writers look at English translated versions of their works and have actually been surprised in a good way. Even if the original writers weren't given the final product to look through (which can be impossible if they don't understand English), who's to say they're not fine with it? Either way, we're both making assumptions here. Anyway, the bottom line is that I am most certainly NOT the Treehouse defence force, but I feel like somebody has to step up for them every now and then. Otherwise we'll always get people IMHO needlessly hating on them. (--And for the record, I am also not saying they haven't done things that warrant hate.) Back to the main topic on hand, I'll try and work on cleaning up Celica (minus her Lyn conversation, I think?), unless somebody else has already volunteered?
  23. In their defence, Treehouse is literally Nintendo, right? Either way, I am sure Nintendo's translators have received the blessings of the developers, so they are free to make their own judgements. I mean, I can understand people annoyed with fan translators suddenly adding in memes or changing Belf to Vergil. But to call official translators unprofessional for a relatively minor and perhaps properly thought out change is a bit far. Now if you had talked about making Saizo x Beruka C a joke support or skipping Radiant Dawn's extended script, I could relate. EDIT Adapting dialogue or adding flair is all part of the parcel of localisation. In most circumstances, you NEVER translate 1:1. In this case, they must have thought to a Western audience, flowers being offensive wasn't as obvious as having "jerk" written on it.
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