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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. Not sure if I posted already, but my main team is... Bride Cordelia: ORKOs pretty much everything except some annoyingly bulky things. Mae: Celica slayer and occasional chip damage. Also doubles as a Spur Atk bot for Cordelia. Olivia and Azura: Helps Cordelia massacre foes by buffing, dancing/singing or via chip damage. Very rarely do I need to fall on my back up teams. (I say that, but when I'm sleepy or tired I do mess up frequently with positioning...)
  2. As promised by the official Twitter. https://mobile.twitter.com/FireEmblemMusou/status/887612938109845504 From the sound of things, Marth and Chrom are complimenting each other. Marth is comparing Chrom's bravery with King Anri's.
  3. Phew, that was a toughie. I ended up using Delthea, Bride Cordelia and two dancers for Lunatic/Infernal. First I placed Delthea and a Hone Spd Dancer (Azura) in the north-east corner, then I had Cordelia and a Hone Atk Dancer (Olivia) idle towards the south. This divided Berkut's group into two equal halves, which were fairly easy to handle via buffs and sniping/dancing.
  4. Yes, it's a different class. BTW, male and female variants of the same class are also treated as different classes. Likewise, the Revenants, Entombed and Tomb Lords with status effects are all different classes too (i.e. normal Revenant, poison Revenant and stun Revenant).
  5. I'll just leave this here. An alternate ending for the Alm and Celica fight.
  6. Straight from the horse's mouth: From the wording, I assume it's talking about the newly revealed Awakening characters from last week. Perhaps there will be (official) details about their play style? I don't think it's talking about new characters (the "follow up report" is telling, unless I'm interpreting it wrong)--and we're probably too early for another set of reveals anyway. Opinions from Japanese speakers would be welcome ^^
  7. Ninian, Olivia and Azura. I can handle most threats with preparation and prediction, but the dancers love to mess up my plans. Especially when there are multiple.
  8. Thanks, I've been using this to quickly change classes and stats for general mucking about.
  9. Episode 7 Features a guest appearance from the chancellor himself.
  10. Yeah, I love the designs of some of the structures. I really do hope we'll get a Fire Emblem RPG one day. Or at least the ability to roam around castles and villages, etc. About the "invisibility", I think what happens is that Alm/Celica fall off the map. So they're probably still running around at the very bottom of the map, where the camera can't track them. Hmm... Maybe I should hack the camera one day, so you can get some better angles, like a birds-eye view.
  11. Episode 6 Oops, almost forgot to post this. Got another video coming later today, featuring a "special guest".
  12. That's not Conrad, that's the Masked Knight ; ) I was thinking of giving Duma the Animus Ring, but I figured the map would be too hard. Giving it to the Creation would make the map literally unbeatable, I think. I suppose you could suicide all your units, but you'd still never do enough damage. Sadly, you don't get anything special. But that's a good idea for next time...
  13. I found it easy on Normal while playing normally. But when I did minimal skirmishes, I struggled a lot. Only just managed to beat the last battle today. Hard also seems pretty hard to me. Not super Lunatic hard, but enough to keep you on your toes. It's a crime that there's no actual Lunatic though.
  14. Ahahaha, I will have to try that first one. However, I suspect it will simply load a generic horseback Clive; I know there's an "event Clive" in the database. They work to some degree, but they don't have a proper running animation and they cannot swing their sword. This is all from memory, but supports are saved per file and there's no completion indicator.
  15. Did you talk to the young man who appears in the room with the Cheese Lover?
  16. It's a kind of silly reason, I think. Way back, when the website was starting to grow, I realised I would need to spend a LOT more time writing content. To make the work easier on my eyes, I thought I'd change to a more relaxing colour and green seemed like the most obvious choice. Before that, the site was kinda bright blue... The other thing weighing on my mind was the website's name, which had absolutely nothing to do with Fire Emblem, since I wasn't initially planning on it to be a Fire Emblem-centric site. So I decided to kill two birds with one stone by slapping a new name alongside the layout change. You can pretty much guess the rest from here. As mentioned, the Tellius saga was the talk of the town and I always had soft spot for the Serenes herons.
  17. We hit 3000 retweets so the top 3 conversations will be revealed around the later half of July. Marth x Chrom Ryoma x Chrom Corrin x Xander
  18. Thanks! I ended up figuring out my problem via trial and error, but the info for Jedah will be very helpful. I think I see a pair of suspicious 06s in the Swamps of Duma file.
  19. Finally beat Infernal; for a moment I wasn't sure how to do it. Team was Nino (+Spd, Fury 2, Spur Atk 3), Bride Cordelia (+Atk, Life and Death 2, Brave Bow+), Azura (Wings of Mercy 2) and Olivia (4*). The final battle was a bit of a blur, so I don't remember all my steps. First turn I broke the wall and put Nino in range of the two mages. She KO'd the blue one on enemy phase. Green one survived and was healed by the flier. Second turn I danced Cordelia to KO the green mage, flier and thankfully the cavalier. After this, I mainly waltzed around Alm and Celica using Sing/Dance and Draw Back. With Sapphire Lance, Azura could tank a few hits of Celica. Cordelia did most of the work, surviving one Ragnarok. After that, she had just enough Atk with Nino's Spur Atk to finish off Celica with Draconic Aura.
  20. As mentioned, Companions is a bundle that contains Legends I and II. You save a lot more by buying Companions, assuming you wanted both. In the UK, the discount seems even higher, for some strange reason. Not that I'm complainin'
  21. Sadly, although the exterior is pretty cool. When I have time, I may record it just for you. Not gonna make it a "proper" episode since I'm lazy, haha.
  22. Hey, it took less than one afternoon to make! Anyway, despite everything, I'd be pretty happy to see Sakura and Elise sneaking into the roster. Who knows, they could have some fun interactions with Lissa and I guess Liana if she wasn't an older sister.
  23. Forgot to reply, but I hacked that in. TBH, I don't know what's the difference between Deicide and bypass Occulus, so I slapped both on. Not content with the level of challenge provided in the main game, I decided to create my own high level challenge based off the fight with the Creation in the Thabes Labyrinth. If you're interested and have Homebrew/CFW and/or some technical knowledge, you can attempt the challenge yourself using these files: https://serenesforest.net/download/topsecret/Boss_Rematch.zip Notes: All player units are un-hacked. High stats are due to Dread Fighter loops, Pitchforks, Star Jacinths, Sacred Springs, stat-boosters etc. All enemies are Level 99 with natural max/near-maxed stats. Some enemies have better equipment. Duma has Duma Moss because I was bored. The battlefield music is from Duma's Ordeals, the Alm amiibo dungeon. Strategy: The biggest headache is the Creation who one-shots everyone no matter what. You will need to attack it outside of its range. The Mogalls and Witches summoned by Jedah/Duma and Rinea are Level 99 and pretty dang annoying. Focus on defeating these summoners ASAP. Killing Duma kills all Mogalls, until Jedah summons more. Rinea's Entrap has huge range and can potentially drag you into the Creation's attack range. Not only is this fatal, it will cause the Creation to start moving. Good luck.
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