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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. (note I haven't watched everything but...) why don't you just hack everyone to have 100% growths? It saves a ton of time and I don't think there's any point in not doing it if you're just gonna rig a perfect level for everyone everytime anyway. I get some people like things that can be done within the scope of the base game but this really isn't that realistic. plus you get to buff karel to 200% worth it
  2. Yeah I probably should have reclassed HInata when I had the chance so he could do, uh, something. I'm done for today, but i'll probably finish up tomorrow, I don't see Kaze and Ass sama having too much trouble ending the next few maps and they'll be able to clone themselves (along with their kids) for a button of units which probably won't actually help a whole lot but WORTH IT. I think banning Jakob and Corrin from reclassing (until a certain chapter anyway) should probably be standard, Jakob completely invalidates all early units except in the Desert chapter to some extent. Forging probably needs to go, although honestly i've only forged one iron shuriken and used it all game, but it's more it's not really required and it just makes good units better, your bad units aren't going to be using the forges. I think the rest of the rules are pretty sound though. Chapter 4/5 would be pretty annoying without free units. Got a better feel for what units are actually useful too. Hana was ok but not second round material, Hinata was AWFUL and USELESS (idk why I didn't pick Reina) and Ass Sama was hilariously pretty good, and the apothecary skill that buffs tonics is pretty neat. Izana's been surprisingly useful too what with the rainbowsage tower and having decent enough 1-2 range
  3. Is there somewhere where it lists the reinforcement triggers somewhere? Or do you just have it memorized now. Decided not to do Midori's chapter. Izana showed up though! Yay. CHAPTER 19 - 5/95 TURNS Kaze, Azura, Sakura and Ass Sama went up the left side, and with one rescue use, managed to kill the general and annoyingly tanky spear dude by turn 5. Izana solo'd the right side with Jakob support. CHAPTER 20 - 2/97 TURNS Boss doesn't have Shurikenbreaker! Fear the Ass Sama. Got the spy's shuriken, maybe it'll do something. CHAPTER 21 - 2/99 TURNS Reclassed Sakura to Falcoknight and gave her two arms scrolls for the Bolt Naginata. With some rescue and Sheltering from Jakob Azura could dance and be safe. Sakura nearly ORKO'd the boss, but a dual guard was set up to protect her. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK CORN PALADIN 17/08.43 44 25 08 24 27 21 17 11 B SWORD E LANCE JAKOB GREAT KNIGHT ??/22.21 37 27 06 19 18 22 20 11 C AXE E SWORD E LANCE KAZE MECHANIST 18/11.00 41 26 00 32 33 15 14 25 A SHURIKEN E BOWS AZURA SINGER 14.70 LAZY SAKURA FALCOKNIGHT 14/04.79 28 13 18 15 24 22 19 21 B STAVES C LANCE HANA SWORDMASTER 16/04.27 29 21 05 21 27 11 11 18 B SWORDS ASS SAMA MECHANIST 15/08.31 38 29 08 22 25 18 19 14 D BOWS D SHURIKEN HINATA MASTER OF ARMS 19/05.19 39 20 00 19 20 18 19 03 B SWORD E SWORD E AXE IZANA ONMYOJI ??/07.21 32 08 24 27 19 19 17 26 B TOMES C STAVES CHAPTER 22 - 2/101 TURNS wew, barely enough units to do this. Kaze went north out of range of the berserkers. He killed all the maids on the enemy phase, then killed Shura. Ass sama went left and killed the axe dudes and bow dude there with the dual shuriken, Hana kill all the axe dudes with the Axe Splitter on the right, then killed the bow dude that attacked, and Sakura paired up with Hinata, got danced and killed the enemies on the right side alley. Corn and Jakob killed the turret dudes, and Calamity Gate!Izana solo'd the bottom. CHAPTER 23 - 5/106 TURNS I blame Selena/Beruka for being paired up. Mayyyybe could have 4 turned otherwise. Reclassed Shura to Mechanist. Kaze needs one more level to be able to clone himself.
  4. Honestly no idea, it's just something i've heard about and not done myself. You still have to be pretty lucky and actually land some hits and not die. An ideal build (for fighting Ryoma anyway, ignoring everything else) would be a wyvern secondary class with Savage Blow from Malig Knight and Swordbreaker from Wyvern Lord. You'll probably get doubled unless you're like, speed boon speed capped or something, but you probably won't die and kill him pretty quickly. Or you could reclass to a faster class.
  5. If your corn has one of the evil -20% hp skills like savage blow or poison strike you can actually handle Ryoma pretty well, you don't even have to hit and he takes 20% damage. The right side shouldn't be too bad if you Freeze/Entrap one of the Spy Shuriken goons and kill the other. I took me forever to realize there were breakable walls in that chapter. It was the WORST.
  6. Yeah, the worst part is they won't even attack if you wait next to them, stupid chumps. CHAPTER 11 6/62 TURNS Promoted Kaze mid chapter to Mechanist so he'd have the movement to reach some enemies. Hana took out the northeast, Hinata the southeast, and Kaze + Jakob more or less did the rest. CHAPTER 12 - 6/68 TURNS This chapter is PRETTY DUMB without a flier, more inscentive for the chapter 4 units to not be free, imo. Although I guess you could theoretically have a flier if you don't seal Jakob, it's just not worth it in the long run. Kaze ran Sakura to the dragon vein on turn 3 and I set it up so she'd have a dual guard so she'd only eat one attack. Xander came over and was scary and almost killed Hinata. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK CORN PRINCESS 16.14 34 16 09 19 18 13 14 03 C SWORD D DRAGON JAKOB GREAT KNIGHT ??/13.67 32 21 05 14 13 15 17 11 D AXE E SWORD E LANCE KAZE NINJA 18/01.82 33 19 00 23 25 09 10 19 B SHURIKEN E BOWS AZURA SINGER 09.20 19 09 03 14 16 15 06 15 E LANCE SAKURA SHRINE MAIDEN 08.72 21 06 10 07 11 14 07 11 D STAVES HANA SAMURAI 14.91 26 15 02 17 19 09 08 13 C SWORDS ASS SAMA MONK 13.00 28 14 10 12 13 17 11 11 D STAVES HINATA SAMURAI 14.15 28 12 00 13 14 13 14 04 C SWORD CHAPTER 13 - 6/74 TURNS Used the Heart Seal on turn 1 to change Corn to a Cavalier. Jakob and Ass Sama went right to get villages/kill chumps down there, and eventually went north to Hammer the general up there. Corn lured Camilla and eventually helped Jakob kill Hans and the thwomp squad to the northeast. Hinata, Hana and Kaze got the last thwomp squad, with help from the dragon vein, Azura, and the armourslayer. CHAPTER 14 - 4/78 TURNS I've decuded Ryoma definately doesn't need to be free, lol. Ass sama reclassed to stoner archer, Corn promoted to Paladin. Kaze ate an energy drop so he'd ORKO Paladins. Sakura rescued Jakob + Hana ahead to kill a thwomp, and Azura danced Kaze + Corn ahead so they were in javelin range on Benny (needed to kill the bow dude because he'd attack Azura and she was already attacked by a cavalier). Jakob killed Charlotte on turn 2, allowing Kaze to run through and eventually switch to Corn for the bosskill on turn 4. Jakob killed the paladins with the droppable weapons, and everyone else fought random dudes that chased after them. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK CORN PALADIN 17/01.92 37 18 07 23 20 16 16 08 C SWORD E LANCE JAKOB GREAT KNIGHT ??/19.99 35 25 05 17 17 20 19 11 C AXE E SWORD E LANCE KAZE MECHANIST 18/03.47 35 22 00 25 26 11 11 21 B SHURIKEN E BOWS AZURA SINGER 10.86 19 10 04 15 17 16 06 15 E LANCE SAKURA SHRINE MAIDEN 11.43 22 06 12 09 13 17 10 13 D STAVES HANA SAMURAI 16.11 27 16 02 18 21 10 09 15 C SWORDS ASS SAMA APOTHECARY 14.91 31 20 07 11 13 15 16 10 E BOWS HINATA SAMURAI 15.98 29 12 00 14 14 13 14 04 C SWORD CHAPTER 15 - 3/81 TURNS RIP wolfskin Sakura made it rain and then they got OHKO'd by Corn, lol. Ass Sama promoted to Mechanist and used an arms scroll. Hana promoted to swordmaster. CHAPTER 16 - 5/86 TURNS Just kind of ran in and killed everything. Got the Goddess Icon Chest with Hana because I could, I guess. CHAPTER 17 - 3/89 TURNS ^ Got the village too. CHAPTER 18 - 1/90 TURNS Sucks to be Leo. Gonna do Midori's Paralogue now I think.
  7. PROLOGUE - 2/2 TURNS ... yeah Corn is a +HP/-res Cavalier CHAPTER 1 - 4/6 TURNS Beat up Xander without the healing tile, thanks +HP (although I think +def works too?) CHAPTER 2 - 3/9 TURNS Went up the right side, Gunter whacked Kaze and Jakob finished, Corn killed a chump. Jakob killed a couple samurais on EP and weakened Rinkah, and Corn finished Rinkah while Jakob killed the last Oni Savage. CHAPTER 3 - 5/14 TURNS man, this boss sucks. Used Gunter's Aura to help with hitrates a bit. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK CORN PRINCESS 04.97 24 10 06 09 09 06 07 01 E SWORD JAKOB BUTLER ??/03.80 22 08 07 12 11 11 07 08 D SHURIKEN D STAFF CHAPTER 4 - 7/21 TURNS Moved Kaze/Rinkah ahead with Kaze's + move pairup and Kaze beat up a bunch of dudes on turn 2/3. Used DragonVein on turn 4, gave Kaze to Corn so she'd double (some) of the Faceless. The boss attacked Rinkah, and was killed by Kaze on turn 5. Dropped Kaze in range of the stupid guy on the mountain on turn 7 and him + Corn attack stance did the trick. CHAPTER 5 - 4/25 TURNS Had to forfeit the bosskill because Ryoma was a chump and missed too much. Kaze needed to hang back in Sakura's Aura because he died to the Wyrmslayer + Thunder but such is life. Corn killed the two mercs on the right, and Kaze was danced on t2 to kill the wyrmslayer/thunder guy while luring the next two mages. Corn fought the boss on turn 4 and he suicided on Ryoma, who helped out by killing a mage on the last turn. CHAPTER 6 - 1/26 TURNS Killed Leo with Takumi + Kaze, Rinkah + Jakob + Corn killed the fighter, and Hinoka + Corn killed the cavalier. Ryoma obviously killed Xander. Bought a Heart Seal and swapped Jakob to Great Knight. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK CORN PRINCESS 07.47 25 12 06 12 10 09 09 01 E SWORD JAKOB GREAT KNIGHT ??/03.91 25 14 01 09 09 10 12 08 E SWORD E AXE E LANCE KAZE NINJA 07.91 22 09 00 13 15 05 05 13 D SHURIKEN AZURA SINGER 01.85 16 05 02 08 08 10 04 07 E LANCE SAKURA SHRINE MAIDEN 01.80 16 03 06 05 07 09 05 07 E STAVES CHAPTER 7 - 8/34 TURNS Man, the cavalier's AI is so dumb, could have 6 turned if they actually aggro'd. They don't even attack if you stand next to them. Also reclassing Jakob should probably be banned, he's totally ridiculous. Hana paired up with Jakob and they attack the dude choking the point, while everyone else moved ahead. Kaze cleared the archer out of the way, and got Danced and Corn killed the other archer allowing Jakob to run through and deal with the other paired up enemies. Jakob/Hana went to the boss, Kaze went for the chest and Corn killed the rando Outlaw that spawned. Sakura healed and stuff. PAROLOGUE 1 - 5/39 TURNS Jakob and Hana went left, and Kaze and Corn went south. Sakura and Azura followed the south group and did their thing. Bought a rescue staff because Sakura was in the Rod shop. Thanks discount. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK CORN PRINCESS 09.98 27 13 08 13 12 10 10 02 D SWORD D DRAGON JAKOB GREAT KNIGHT ??/08.86 28 17 04 11 11 12 16 09 E SWORD E AXE E LANCE KAZE NINJA 10.44 25 10 00 15 18 07 05 14 C SHURIKEN AZURA SINGER 03.84 16 07 03 09 10 11 05 10 E LANCE SAKURA SHRINE MAIDEN 03.38 18 03 07 06 07 11 06 09 E STAVES HANA SAMURAI 06.52 21 11 01 12 13 06 06 09 D SWORDS CHAPTER 8 - 5/44 TURNS Sakura used the dragon veins on turn 1 and 2 being kept safe by Hana and Corn. Kaze + Jakob ran north and got danced further ahead, where he killed almost everything with the steel shuriken. He got the boss while Hana and Corn got the dudes on the left. Somehow Hana and Sakura got the MVP's? Wut. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK CORN PRINCESS 10.76 28 13 08 14 12 10 10 02 D SWORD D DRAGON JAKOB GREAT KNIGHT ??/09.50 29 18 04 11 12 13 16 09 E SWORD E AXE E LANCE KAZE NINJA 12.58 27 12 00 16 20 07 06 14 C SHURIKEN AZURA SINGER 04.64 16 07 03 10 11 11 05 11 E LANCE SAKURA SHRINE MAIDEN 03.95 18 03 07 06 07 11 06 09 E STAVES HANA SAMURAI 08.48 21 12 01 14 15 08 06 12 D SWORDS ASS SAMA MONK 07.67 24 09 07 09 10 12 10 08 D STAVES CHAPTER 9 - 6/50 TURNS Kaze ran north and killed everything with Jakob support, they branched off on turn 4 so Jakob could kill an outlaw. Hana and MU stayed around the start, Hana ORKO'd cavaliers which was nice. Ass sama and Sakura healed I guess. CHAPTER 10 - 6/56 TURNS Kaze and Jakob went north, then Ass Sama rescued Azura ahead to dance them so Jakob could OHKO the priest near the boss and allow Kaze to kill the boss. Hinata, Hana and Corn did well in routing the bottom half of the map before reinforcements showed up. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK CORN PRINCESS 13.36 31 16 09 17 17 12 11 02 C SWORD D DRAGON JAKOB GREAT KNIGHT ??/12.01 31 20 05 13 13 14 17 10 D AXE E SWORD E LANCE KAZE NINJA 15.29 29 14 00 19 23 07 06 15 C SHURIKEN AZURA SINGER 07.11 17 07 03 12 14 13 05 14 E LANCE SAKURA SHRINE MAIDEN 06.82 20 05 09 07 09 13 07 09 E STAVES HANA SAMURAI 12.65 24 14 02 15 18 09 08 13 C SWORDS ASS SAMA MONK 10.44 26 12 09 10 11 14 11 11 D STAVES HINATA SAMURAI 11.70 27 11 00 11 14 10 12 04 C SWORD Hana just died to a double 14% team attack, ragequit.
  8. That leaves me with Izana and BBM with Yukimura
  9. Sure, we'll go with that. Jedi -> Gwimp -> Me -> BBM
  10. This is Reina's join chapter right? She shows up and pretty much kills anything you need her to on the map, and you just got Takumi too. I don't find it that bad. I found chapter 10 worse because ninjas are the WORST.
  11. sakura, i'm sure dragon vein will be WORTH IT
  12. Hinata and his chump. EDIT: just picked him without looking at his growths, I immediaely regret my descision
  13. Yeah that point on forging brings up a pretty good point actually. I can see Jakob being banned from reclassing in the future but I mean, everyone has him. I'm not a fan of the forced = free because there are some units that contribute a LOT in their join chapters (I imagine chapter 7 without Hana/Subaki or even Niles is a lot tougher, and they shouldn't be hard to keep out of combat. The only forced unit I think needs to be free is Chapter 15 Gunter. Nah bows are good for Conquest I agree there. I'm leaning more towards banning forging now with the above points though.
  14. The same principal for forging still applies with Conquest. An early forge in the right weapon is a godsend compared to someone having say, tome forges without having Nyx or Odin on their team (and even then it can't be that useful...)
  15. the ltc ubermensch is telling me to take silas but i'll take Kaze for 1-2 range power in routs instead
  16. Yeah I think people definately need Camilla in the midgame on Hardmode. Jakob is pretty solid as a GK but Triple E ranks hurt him quite a bit. I made the forging only one per chapter in the Birthright draft I put up last night. I just think that allowing the visiting of other castles just to get ore so someone doesn't get super lucky and is able to forge shurikens for Kaze early on or something while someone is stuck with the near pointless bow forges (for Birthright anyway). Once the arena exists you can eventually do Ore swapping but having a potential advantage for early players purely up to luck seems kind of silly. Honestly I spread exp way too widely in my run of Conquest so a lot of my units were pretty underlevelled come lategame so my reliance on Xander was probably overstated, especially since draft teams will be pretty small. I think leaving him as a draftable unit should be fine until proven unneeded. Silas seems really really good but I think we'll leave him in until he's for sure considered a broken pick. He does seem kind of like Franz in a draft setting though.
  17. I'll take your word for it since you've played a few already. Everyone is now free up until Chapter 7! bbm's up!
  18. Just trying to find a comfort zone with rules and such. I'm going to be horrible at low turning this game for a while, haha. I'll probably run a conquest one in the next few days (or someone else can too!) Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players 2. Corrin, Gunter, Felicia/Jakob*, and Azura are free for all 3. The game will played on Hard Classic mode 4. Children units come with their fathers. (ex: Midori comes together with Kaze) Exceptions: 1. Only the servant that joins you in chapter 2 is a free unit. The other is a draftable unit that joins in Chapter 15. 2. All units are free until Chapter 7. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may: pair up with undrafted units and trade with undrafted/drafted units (but must not be in range of a drafted unit when battling) 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to: pairing up with drafted units, entering batte, meatshielding, providing auras, activating dragon veins, healing and supporting with drafted units. 3. NPC units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Paralogues excluding 1 are optional and are free up to 20 turns. Paralogue 1 must be completed immediately after Chapter 7. 5. Challenge battles are banned, as are any invasion battles. 6. Use of DLC and Spotpass (including Free Content) is strictly prohibited. My Castle Rules: 1. You may build, upgrade, and use any of the following: Armoury, Rod Store, Smithy, Arena, Lilith's Temple, and Hot Springs. Using any other building is prohibited. This means you cannot use the capture command with Orochi, since a Prison should not exist. 2. You may upgrade and use your Garthering Spots (ore and veggies). 3. You may build and upgrade any puppet for the purpose of recruiting Yukimura. 4. You may not use weapons given to you by allies in my castle. 5. You may visit other castles to receive ore for forging certain weapon types. You may only forge one weapon per chapter, however. 6. You may only spend one Dragon Vein point per chapter (and paralogue). Corn: 1. Avatar may choose any Gender, Boon/Bane, and Talent. Penalties: 1. Use of an undrafted unit is a 10 turn penalty. Players: BBM: Hinoka, Takumi + Kiragi, Oboro. Kaden + Selkie, Kagero, Hayato + Rhajat, Yukimura General Horace: Kaze + Midori, Hana, Hinata + Hisame, Sakura, Azama + Mitama, Shura, Izana Gwimpage: Silas + Sophie, Saizo + Asugi. Reina, Scarlet, Rinkah, Shigure, Mozu Jedi: Ryoma + Shiro, Subaki + Caeldori, Orochi, Setsuna, Kana, Felicia/Jakob (Chapter 15), Dwyer
  19. I imagine that will be even better once revelation is out too, I'm gonna toss up a birthright draft for now since it's probably easier to work out the kinks for that.
  20. Yeah, we could allow the visiting of other castles for gems for forging, but don't you get dragon vein points for doing so? I'd be ok if people restricted to one per chapter. I agree with capture though, too many units that are pretty much as good as weaker draftable units.
  21. Ryoma is really really good, but he's also a later joining unit. I dunno if he's worth blowing a first pick over. Something to test out! Yeah, he carried me really hard. I think most drafts will be on normal for Nohr. Camilla and Xander will be free for Hardmode drafts I think. Yeah, Camilla would probably overcentralize the game and make a good number of chapters more or less the same regardless of team because she's that good. I agree on the avatar deal too, I think Awankaning and FE12 drafts started off with him unrestricted but I don't think it matters quite as much in this game. I'll set 20 turns as a sidequest limit. I wanna run a draft with draftable Ryoma before we decide if he's too ridiculous or not. He's either a draftable unit or a banned one though, I agree. Opinions on Forging and Capture? Capture can net you quite a few units, which might be really good in a draft, but I honestly haven't played around with it enough to determine if its worth it, and you have to spend money/get lucky to recruit them from what i've seen. Forging is kind of luck based what mineral you get but you can compensate with arena useage after oreswapping so i'm inclined to keep it in.
  22. Now that i've finished both Birthright and Conquest I think I have SOME idea what a ruleset should look like for each game. I'm still a bit fuzzy on chapter numbers, so bear with me if I get some wrong and feel free to correct me. If you haven't beaten both games/cheated and looked at the story I guess there are technically some very, very, very, minor spoilers so if you're OCD about that you've been warned. I've bolded stuff that I'm unsure of. [spoiler=Birthright tenative rules?:] Drafting: 1. This draft is for 3?/4?/5? players 2. Corrin, Gunter, Felicia/Jakob*, and Azura are free for all 3. The game will played on Hard Classic mode? Rules: 1. Undrafted units may: pair up with undrafted units and trade with undrafted/drafted units (but must not be in range of a drafted unit when battling) 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to: pairing up with drafted units, entering batte, meatshielding, healing and supporting with drafted units. 3. NPC units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Paralogues excluding 1x are optional and are free up to 20 turns. 5. Challenge battles are banned, as are any invasion battles. 6. Use of DLC and Spotpass (including Free Content) is strictly prohibited. My Castle Rules?: 1. You may build, upgrade, and use any of the following: Armoury, Rod Store, Smithy, Arena, Prison, Lilith's Temple, and Hot Springs. Using any other building is prohibited. 2. You may upgrade and use your Garthering Spots (ore and veggies). 3. You may build and upgrade any puppet for the purpose of recruiting Yukimura. 4. You may not use weapons given to you by allies in my castle. Extra: 1. Avatar may choose any Gender, Boon/Bane, and Talent. Penalties: 1. Use of an undrafted unit is a 10 turn penalty. Exceptions: 1. I'm a fan of a few free units as possible, most free units join early and contribute a lot early on, I've seen people make everyone free up to Chapter 7, but I think it'd be cool to have them draftable as Kaze and Rinkah aren't superstars (at turn saving anyway) all game long and saving a couple turns earlygame helps player compete with others that get someone like Hinoka or Ryoma later on. What are people's thoughts here? Chapter 4 is kind of worrysome, But Ryoma's around to blow up dudes for you. 2. Only the servant that joins you in chapter 2 is free. The servant that joins in Chapter 15 is a draftable unit. I've made the servant free for all, leaving us with 28 draftable units, 7 apiece. Good? Azura's, Corn's and Jakob's kid are draftable. Uh, go Female Corn if you pick Dwyer! (or just draft ch15 jakob) [spoiler=units remaining] Kaze + Midori Rinkah Hana Sakura Subaki + Caeldori Silas + Sophie Saizo + Asugi Orochi Mozu Hinoka Azama + Mitama Setsuna Hayato + Rhajat Oboro Hinata + Hisame Takumi + Kiragi Kagero Reina Kaden + Selkie Ryoma + Shiro Scarlet Felicia/Jakob (Chapter 15) Izana Shura Yukimura Kana Shigure Dwyer [spoiler=Conquest Tenative Rules?:] Drafting: 1. This draft is for 3?/4?/5? players 2. Corrin, Gunter*, Felicia/Jakob**, Rinkah, and Azura are free for all 3. The game will played on Hard Classic mode? Conquest Hard Mode is pretty tough (especially in a draft), I haven't played normal mode, is it a big step down? The draft hosted here earlier had up to the route split played on Hard then switched to Normal. I think Xander will need to be free on Hard Mode, he's too clutch lategame in my opinion. He should be ok to be notfree on normal though. Camilla ban or free? Rules: 1. Undrafted units may: pair up with undrafted units and trade with undrafted/drafted units (but must not be in range of a drafted unit when battling) 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to: pairing up with drafted units, entering batte, meatshielding, healing and supporting with drafted units. 3. NPC units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Paralogues excluding 1x are optional and are free **Note I haven't played all the children paralogues yet, if there's a reason to set a turncount limit on them, please let me know!** 5. Challenge battles are banned, as are any invasion battles. 6. Use of DLC and Spotpass (including Free Content) is strictly prohibited. 7. Camilla is banned with the exception of use in Chapter 10. My Castle Rules?: 1. You may build, upgrade, and use any of the following: Armoury, Rod Store, Smithy, Arena, Prison, Lilith's Temple, and Hot Springs. Using any other building is prohibited. 2. You may upgrade and use your Garthering Spots (ore and veggies). 3. You may build and upgrade any Siege weapon for the purpose of recruiting Flora. 4. You may not use weapons given to you by allies in my castle. Extra: 1. Avatar may choose any Gender, Boon/Bane, and Talent. Penalties: 1. Use of an undrafted unit is a 10 turn penalty. Exceptions: 1. I'm a fan of a few free units as possible, most free units join early and contribute a lot early on, I've seen people make everyone free up to Chapter 7, but I think it'd be cool to have them draftable as Kaze isn't a superstar (at turn saving anyway) all game long and saving a couple turns earlygame helps player compete with others that get someone like Arthur's Chin later on. This is less worrysome since Rinkah is actually free here. Maybe I should make her free on Birthright too? 2. Only the servant that joins in chapter 2 is free. The other is a draftable unit recruited at the end of Chapter 15. 3. Gunter is only free for chapter 2 and 3. He's a draftable unit starting in chapter 16. 4. Gunter is free for Chapter 15. 5. You can choose two undrafted units to use in Chapter 10, along with Camilla. [spoiler=units remaining] Silas + Sophie Elise Effie Arthur + Percy Mozu Odin + Ophelia Niles + Nina Nyx Selena Beruka Kaze + Midori Laslow + Soleil Peri Benny + Ignatius Charlotte Leo + Forrest Keaton + Velouria Gunter Felicia/Jakob (Chapter 15) Xander + Siegbert Shura Flora Izana Kana Shigure Dwyer
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